Ancient Sword II: The Tracking of the Fierce Mountain

Chapter 133: Different Dimension Space

Chapter 130 Three: Different Dimensions

Shen Ye's pupils shrank: "Xie Yi?" He rushed out the door, looked around, but there was no sign of that person, "Xie Yi——!"

A loud roar echoed in the empty corridor.

Le Wuyi, who was shaking the dust, was also stunned: "Master?" He was still beside them just now, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?

"What's going on here? Where's Master?" Le Wuyi panicked, and disappeared without a sound. Could it be that he was caught by those hidden things?

Xia Yi didn't think so: "I think, maybe Senior Xie found a hidden way out, but he didn't have time to tell us."

Le Wuyi looked at Xia Yize for proof, and saw the other party comfortingly smiled: "Thank you for your extraordinary skills, senior, everything will be fine."

But having said that, disappearing without a sound like this still has hidden worries in my heart.Therefore, it is better to find people back as soon as possible.

When Shen Ye turned around, his complexion could no longer be described as ugly: "Look for it."

With the word "find", anger is gushing out.

Le Wuyi and Xia Yi naturally followed suit.

Xie Yi disappeared behind them, although the scope narrowed, but when everyone was helpless, it would only increase their worry and anger.

Worry is for the clothes, and anger is for the hidden mechanism.

Where will it be?

Since the reunion, Shen Ye has never let Xie Yi stay away from him for half a step, but now that there is no trace of him, Shen Ye only feels that it is difficult to control his emotions, let alone think calmly.

Anger and murderous aura surged out unstoppably.

All of this is such an eyesore, it is better to destroy it!

Seeing Shen Ye's red eyes and fierce eyes, Le Wuyi was startled: "Grand Master? Calm down!"

Xia Yi was also surprised: "Senior Shen!"

Fortunately, Shen Ye was still rational, he slammed his teeth against the stone wall in a circle, and walked out with a stride.

There are so many unknown creatures behind the door, he doesn't believe that there will be no monsters coveting in the corridor.

But this time, Shen Ye miscalculated.

Maybe it was because he was too strong, the kind of anger that could burn everything, made monsters who were used to hiding behind the door shy away.

Le Wuyi really wanted to tell Shen Ye to calm down and master would be fine.But looking at the furious Shen Ye, he finally chose to follow that person step by step, and accepted Xia Yi's comforting look by the way.

How did Master disappear?

Where did he go?

All this is unknown.

Seeing that there were no results walking down from room to room, Xia Yi suddenly stopped in his tracks: "Senior Shen."

Shen Ye frowned: "What's the matter?"

"Why not, let's search separately." Xia Yi said.

"Are you serious?" Shen Ye was a little surprised.

In fact, there is no need to ask too much, but looking at Xia Yi's extremely determined eyes, one can tell that he has made up his mind.

With one person missing today, it's obviously not a good idea to split up.But it is undeniable that the enemies hidden in the dark may be waiting for them to be dizzy with anger and disperse.

It is obviously much less difficult to break through one by one.

From Xia Yi's point of view, it is not impossible to follow the plan.

As long as those things are indeed so expected.

What's more... Looking at Shen Ye, Xia Yi felt a little helpless in his heart. Senior Shen who was so angry was indeed dreadful.With him, the chances of being attacked are too small.

Shen Ye didn't hesitate for long, and after a little thought, he said, "Okay."

Le Wuyi disagreed: "What if we are also dispersed? The mobile phone has no signal here, Grand Master, if we find Master but can't contact you, what should we do?"

Shen Ye looked at Le Wuyi: "Do you think you can find Xie Yi before me?"

Le Wuyi is speechless, grand master, isn't this the focus of attention?

Xia Yi coughed: "It's no different, what does Senior Shen think?"

Scattering is not a problem, but if there is an accident and there is no way to call for help, it will be fatal.

Shen Ye pondered for a moment, but before he could answer, an accident happened the next moment.

Le Wuyi saw a flash of clothes in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, Shen Ye had rushed into a room not far away: "Grand Master?"

Xia Yi hurriedly said: "Let's keep up!"

But when they entered that room, Shen Ye disappeared.

Empty room, very quiet.

But for a moment, that person seemed to have never been here.

Now, it has really become a separate operation.

Although, one is voluntary, and they are now forced.

Le Wuyi looked at the empty room and muttered to himself: "Master, Grand Master..."

Xia Yi also looked ugly.

It seems that things are troublesome...


It was just a flash of godly effort, Shen Ye felt his eyes go dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he was greeted with a bloody mouth.

The sharp fangs were full of stench, and when Shen Ye came back to his senses, he swung the long sword upwards. The next moment, the mouth and the head were split into two, and fell to the ground with a "plop" of blood.

"Roar——" There was a muffled roar, and several figures rushed forward in the darkness.

Shen Ye's movements were unhurried, and there was a continuous sound of flesh and flesh where the long sword swept, but his furrowed brows showed his displeasure and anxiety.

"Roar!" The black shadow rushed forward one after another, but it was difficult to get close to Shen Ye.After realizing that this is a meaningless sacrifice, they finally howl and prepare to retreat.

Shen Ye used his sword to defend himself, and he could vaguely see the monsters surrounding him: some were prostrate on the ground, some were squatting, but they all looked like human beings.

The corpse that fell to the ground earlier made rustling noises, but was bitten and dragged back by his companions.

Shen Ye frowned, his previous flashlights had disappeared at some point, but fortunately there were still a few left.

The humanoid monster beside him gave a low voice to warn Shen Ye, not allowing Shen Ye to take half a step forward.Shen Ye was also careful, and when he took out the flashlight, he heard a slight noise from above.

At this moment, Shen Ye leaned his back against the wall, he didn't have time to think about what was above him, he turned around and slashed, blood and flesh splattered as the sword passed.

"Ah!" The visitor let out a cry of pain that was no different from a human being, and then died.

The monsters surrounding Shen Ye became more and more fearful, but before they retreated completely, a beam of bright light inadvertently filled the stone room.


"Roar! Roar!"

A shrill roar sounded like an explosion, and the moment Shen Ye turned on the flashlight, he finally saw the intruder clearly.

It was a monster that was no different from a human body, with disheveled hair and long hair all over its body.Their pupils are gigantic, almost the size of ping pong balls, filling the entire eyeball.And when the light of the flashlight shone through, they all struggled and let out screams. It seemed that compared with Shen Ye's sword before, this light was their nemesis.

The monsters no longer had the unity they had before, and almost ran away, especially the monsters under the beam of light, they rolled directly on the ground, and once they got out of the range of the beam, they ran out desperately.

The stone chamber was filled with the sound of monsters roaring and running in disorder, but within a short while, they ran away completely.There were only corpses lying on the ground—they were going to take away before.

Shen Ye rubbed the space between his brows, he was finally able to take a good look at his surroundings.

This is a stone room, exactly the same as the house that Shen Ye visited several times before, unexpected but reasonable.There is a huge stone table and bed in the room, the murals are withered, the walls are thick and there are no windows, but the stone table is spotlessly clean.

Shen Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, then looked at the corpses on the ground.

Those are really monsters that are very similar to people, or in other words, they used to be people.

The pupils are too large to adapt to the dark, and the strong thighs are only preserved because they have lost their hands.

Shen Ye noticed that every corpse, plus the monsters running away in a panic, had empty arms.

Looking at the smooth cut surface of the corpse's arm, the skin has grown well, but it looks like a neat cut, which looks abrupt no matter how you look at it.

Shen Ye turned over the corpse with the tip of his sword, and finally turned the other side over.After seeing the corpse's chest clearly, he raised his eyebrows again.

The chest of the corpse is not flat, there is no hair there, but there are protrusions of different lengths.The moment Shen Ye stabbed the sword, those protrusions convulsed nervously, and their elongated body wrapped around the sword, swinging like the tentacles of a squid.In the middle of the tentacles' layers of protection, Shen Ye saw a gap that was very similar to a scar.The slit ran through most of the chest. If one hadn't seen a layer of white fangs inside, who would have thought that this would be a mouth?

Without arms, Shen Ye thought of the severed palms on the pillars and the hand bones in the clay pots.

There was a second mouth on the chest, and Shen Ye thought of the mummy on the third floor of the Ghost Mountain.

It's just... Although these monsters are deformed, they are extremely strong. It is too early to say whether those hand bones belong to them.

Shen Ye didn't want to stay any longer. The moment he drew his sword, those tentacles seemed a little unwilling. After a while of wriggling, they finally stuck to the corpse and stopped moving.

The light of the flashlight illuminated the dark corridor.

The moment Shen Ye stepped out of the stone room, he heard a rush of running.Countless black shadows flocked to the stone room with the wooden door half open. They were afraid and trembling, but their eyes were looking out through the crack in the door.

With just a quick sweep, Shen Ye could see pairs of hungry eyes behind every door.

Some monsters were still about to move, but they lowered their bodies in fear the moment the light hit them directly.

Shen Ye ignored it, the light at this moment drew a safe zone around him, and those monsters who were afraid of the light did not dare to take a step further.

Where will Xie Yi be?

This was what Shen Ye was most concerned about.

Shen Ye didn't know how he got to this space, he only knew that if Xie Yi used the same method, he must be here too.

Clear footsteps sounded in the corridor, like a warning.Shen Ye walked straight through the door full of eyes, and before he knew it, he had already arrived at the place that was originally the hall.

Looking up, the dome is still there, and there is still air circulation.But the air here is supposed to let those monsters breathe, not to blow away the pervasive smell of human flesh.Looking down, the floor is no longer there, but it is a bottomless black hole, surrounded by layers of ring-shaped rooms, densely packed and countless, overlapping and leading to the infinite depth.

But these are not the main points. When Shen Ye saw the dim light in one of the rooms, joy finally replaced anger.

There were no stairs leading down, so Shen Ye figured out a way to go down by himself, and ignored the monsters behind him.

Shen Ye moved quickly, so when he jumped to the first floor of the house, the unwilling roars of those monsters rang in his ears, and one of them was even pushed down by his companions.He has no arms, unable to climb, and can only scream and disappear into the depths of darkness.

Shen Ye didn't even look back, and went straight to the third floor.

The room here is no different, Shen Ye didn't want to take a closer look at the interior, but when he came to the room with lights, several violent coughs broke out.

Shen Ye was taken aback, this was not Xie Yi's voice.

He opened the door abruptly, and saw the person inside who was coughing and flushed was startled by him.

"Ahem..." The man was wearing a thick coat, his face was full of sweat, and he was surprised when he saw the person coming, "Ahem...too... Grand Master?"

The author has something to say: Sorry for the late update today (>_<)

A new chapter, feeling fat!

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