Chapter 120 Two: Things in the Pool

The head gradually emerged from the water, with dry hair, dull eyes, and pale skin as if it had never seen the sun.

Although the man didn't make a sound, the moment he stretched out his hand from under the pool, two sword lights cut down from his body.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi originally wanted to cut off the criminal, but when they saw the man's face clearly, they all froze, and the sword barely stopped above the man's head.

Honey-colored hair, handsome facial features, but the familiar and cheerful face is expressionless at the moment, as dull as a doll.

Xie Yi withdrew his sword and asked in surprise, "It's the same?"

It was Le Wuyi who leaned out of the pool.It's just that at this moment, his expression was cold, as if he hadn't heard Xie Yi's call, but his eyes were looking straight at the two people in front of him.

Shen Ye also withdrew his weapon, looked at the stiff disciple and grandson, and frowned secretly.

Xie Yi called out again: "No difference?"

Le Wuyi finally responded, his blood-colored lips wanted to twitch, but his muscles were too stiff, his face twitched, and his left and right cheeks kept sunken and protruded.Several sarcoids bulged under his white skin, and there was a burst of twisting and climbing visible to the naked eye, and all worms gathered around his mouth.Then the twitching corner of the mouth seemed to be filled with something, and finally revealed an extremely distorted smile.

It's a pity that Le Wuyi's big piercing eyes had turned into a pair of small dull eyes at this moment.

There is an inexplicable feeling that Le Wuyi has been dismantled and reorganized.

Xie Yi who kept watching: "..."

Shen Ye who kept watching: "..."

Xie Yi supported his forehead, fortunately, Wuyi was not here, not to mention the sudden change of face, this forced a sudden sense of facial paralysis and cheerfulness, it really... makes people speechless.

Shen Ye is more straightforward, he will not be soft on false things.Therefore, when "Le Wuyi" opened his mouth, revealing his gray teeth and black decayed gums, Shen Ye swung his sword down.

With a sound of "噗嗤——", "Le Wuyi"'s head was separated from his body, and crimson blood splashed out.The distorted head rolled to the feet of the two, while the half-raised body sank directly back into the water.

Come quietly, come back quietly.

While Shen Ye was on guard, he kicked the head with great interest.The gurgling blood came out, dyeing the ground next to the head bright red.Having said that, the blood itself has no bloody smell, nor does it appear sticky, but it can be seen at a glance that it is the water in the pool.

"Replacing blood with water... It's a strange creature." Shen Ye turned the head back and forth, "Xie Yi, how do you think this rotten body has the appearance of that idiot?"

Xie Yi watched Shen Ye fiddle with the head repeatedly, and remained silent for a long time before saying, "I want to know if there are all these things in this pool."

Unexpectedly, the calm pool water moved in response to the sound, and the original ripples appeared one after another, and under each ripple, a human face gradually appeared.

Xie Yi: "..."

As the words come true, it seems that there are quite a few monsters in this pool.

But what's even more coincidental is that all of these monsters are familiar faces, and they are all the faces of Le Wuyi and Xia Yize.

After Shen Ye and Xie Yi saw it, they were speechless again.

How did those two people manage to let this pool remember their appearance?Or should it be said that this pool is stubborn enough, and I believe that if you bring up this bunch of monsters with the same appearance, they will think that there is really Le Wuyi and Xia Yi in it, and they will be soft?

The head at Shen Ye's feet seemed to lose moisture, but it rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye in a short while.The skin sagged and sagged, and the flesh melted drop by drop as if it had been corroded by sulfuric acid, converging into pus and dripping down directly, but in a short while, there were no bones left.

If Le Wuyi saw it himself, how would he feel?Shen Ye snorted, a guy who didn't do enough.

Seeing the changes in the rotting heads, Shen Ye and Xie Yi picked up the sword again, and slashed at the monsters that grew like mushrooms.

With a decayed body and the appearance of Le Wuyi and Xia Yize, what is it but a monster?

It's just that the two of them were relaxed at the beginning, but later it became a little troublesome.

Countless enemies are already tricky, not to mention these guys have the faces of people they are close to.

This small pool is only four meters square, and "Le Wuyi" and "Xia Yi Ze" are constantly emerging from it.Their appearance is the same as the deity, but the clothes they wear are different.Looking closely, it is exactly the same as the clothing carved by the previous stone statue.

More and more expressionless bodies emerged from the water, all of them stretched out their hands to grab the wall of the pool, standing in the distance and looking at it, they could only see countless pale arms waving outward, one on top of the other, in a disorderly manner I'm afraid Centipede doesn't have this posture.

There are only two Shen Ye and Xie Yi, but there are countless people in this pool.

Finally, a few monsters managed to climb out of the pool, but strangely, they did not rush to attack Shen Ye and Xie Yi.The farther they were from the pool, the more natural their movements became. They changed from climbing to standing upright. When they raised their heads again, they all showed a smile, and the next moment, they scattered and rushed towards the woods.

Xie Yi and Shen Ye were taken aback for a moment, and then several monsters also climbed out of the pool, and ran away in different directions.

It would definitely not be a good thing to let these monsters escape, but Shen Ye and Xie Yi were no match for four hands. Even though they killed several fleeing monsters, there would always be fish that slipped through the net.

What's more, there is a monster maker beside them.

Seeing more and more monsters fleeing, the things in the pool became more noisy.They couldn't make a sound, and their faces were extremely stiff, but watching them become more and more fierce, so that they directly tore the people around them, we could see the urgency in their hearts.

Xie Yi was still about to say something, but saw a "Le Wuyi" kicked over the "Le Wuyi" who was holding his leg, turned over and climbed out of the pool, raised his head and smiled at him.It was an incomparably bright smile, so sincere, so comforting, with a pair of smart eyes full of smiles, as if it was Le Wuyi himself standing in front of him.

"No... different?"

Unknowingly, Xie Yi put down the sword.

"Xie Yi!" Shen Ye roared, and Xie Yi, who was dazed, woke up suddenly, and saw that "Le Wuyi" was close to him at some point, with a wide open mouth full of sharp fangs.

It's a pity that "Le Wuyi" didn't have time to get excited, the next moment, he was split in two by Shen Ye.

Shen Ye pulled Xie Yi, who was still a little dazed, behind him, and let the monster fall to the ground and dissipate into pus: "What happened just now?"

Xie Yi blinked: "I..." After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't recall some things.

Seeing Xie Yi's appearance, Shen Ye couldn't help frowning.These ghost things are not good in the pool, but once they are out of the pool, it seems that they are not so easy to deal with.

Seeing that the "companion" was killed, the remaining monsters naturally stopped coming up to make trouble.The warm smiles on their faces remained unchanged, but their bodies were vigilant, and they quickly retreated into the forest.

When the last monster that climbed out of the pool went away, the humanoid monster that was still struggling in the water finally roared silently.Their expressions changed, and the flat faces seemed to be torn off one by one, becoming uneven.The eyes of these monsters are full of resentment and unwillingness, and below them, there seems to be a vortex forming, dragging these monsters that have finally emerged to the bottom of the water.

The monster in the center of the pool dragged the people around him, even if it forcibly pressed the opponent's head into the bottom of the water, it was useless; while the monster at the side of the pool ruthlessly inserted its fingernails into the altar.It's a pity that their fingers softened slowly, leaving only red finger marks on the altar, and they were dragged back inch by inch.

But after a while, the water vapor dissipated, and there was nothing left by the pool.

The last monster had its arms ripped off, though it still slapped the water in the center of the vortex.It's a pity that there was no splash, but instead accelerated his sinking speed.The monster's face was completely ruined, but that black face without skin might be his real face.His pupils almost filled the entire eye sockets, and what was reflected in his eyes were the figures of Shen Ye and Xie Yi standing peacefully by the pool.

"——!" The monster opened its mouth unwillingly, and disappeared into the pool full of resentment.

The surface of the pool returned to calm again.

"Le Wuyi" and "Xia Yi Ze" in this pool were finally safe and sound. Although the time was very short, Shen Ye and Xie Yi were physically and mentally exhausted.

Shen Ye even doubted that if he really met Le Wuyi himself later, would he cut him down with a single sword.

Xie Yi was worried about something else: "A Ye, what is the purpose of these monsters running out?"

Their eyes seem to have the ability to confuse people's hearts, if they spread out...

Shen Ye rubbed the center of his brows, looked at the dark forest behind him with a worried expression, and said, "No matter what it is for, just kill it."

Xie Yi sighed: "That's true, it's just... why do they have the same appearance as Yi Ze?"

Shen Ye snorted: "Who knows." Those two people really acted carelessly, and they didn't know they were being used.

It's just a surprise that Le Wuyi is fine, but if he is as steady as Xia Yi, he won't notice?

"Did something happen?" Xie Yi couldn't help worrying.

Shen Ye thought for a while, but without answering, he turned around and slashed at the pool with his sword.

Before worrying about them, clear things up here.

The bright red pool was divided into two by Shen Ye in the middle, and it froze as expected.But under that gap, it was very clean, not full of corpses as the two of them thought.

There was also a stone statue in the pool, Shen Ye rolled it up carefully, but found that the water in the pool had changed from deep red to light red.

"Huh?" Xie Yi also noticed this, and both he and Shen Ye looked at the white jade statue.I saw that this was a heroic woman, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and stern facial features. What she held in her hand was a blood-red long sword.The blood red color on the white jade is a bit glaring no matter how you look at it.

Shen Ye tried to sink the stone statue a little, and saw that the color of the pool water was a little darker, and when he almost completely immersed the stone statue back into the pool, the pool water regained its blood-like thickness before.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi looked at each other, and the problem was indeed with this stone statue.

Xie Yi also squatted down, looked at the stone statue with a cold face and said suddenly: "A Ye, if this is a goddess, what would she be in charge of?"

In fact, there is no need to delve into it. Just look at the sword in the stone statue's hand. If this is the goddess of a certain clan's belief, it must be the goddess of war.The gentle stone statue below may be the goddess of peace, or the goddess of life.

"Maybe." Shen Ye looked at the stone statue, and involuntarily stroked his fingers towards the red sword. The moment he touched it, his fingertips felt painful.

As soon as Shen Ye withdrew his hand, Xie Yi noticed it. He saw the blood oozing from the fingertips of the other party: "A Ye!"

Shen Ye said lightly: "It's okay." He stared at the stone statue, seeing the blood left on it disappear into the blade, making the red color even more weird and bright.

"It's better to say she's an evil god than a goddess." Throwing the stone statue back into the pool, Shen Ye stood up and said, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible."

Beside him is this pool that will mutate at some point, and in the forest, apart from the monsters with the faces of Le Wuyi and Xia Yize, there are also things that tracked them before.It's better not to run into these troubles.

Xie Yi naturally knew what Shen Ye said was reasonable, as for the enemies ambushing in the forest, he should deal with any of them when he encountered them.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi were about to leave when they heard another rumbling sound.They subconsciously looked up at the waterfall above, and then they all turned their heads to look behind—in that silent forest, the trees fell down layer by layer like dominoes.

Something is breaking through all barriers, and it's making a mighty comeback.

And who is it, just running away from the fallen trees is exhausting: "Meow! There is no end-!"

The author has something to say: the first volume has many, many corpses, the second volume has many, many spiders, the third volume has many, many snakes, and the fourth volume, let us have many, many Wuyi and Yi Ze Oh also (^o^)/



I know you want to shoot me ( ̄_, ̄)

PS: Guess whether this is true or not = ̄ω ̄=

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