Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 90 The third level of the soul magic ‘Slavery’!

"Two high-level demons and twenty-one intermediate demons?"

All the torture hall members present looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

What happened yesterday was so tragic.

Who doesn’t have lingering fears?

If they had drawn a mid-level demon yesterday, they would all be corpses on the ground now!

But think of this.

Everyone looked at Zhao Xin again, as weird as he wanted.

after all--

Anyone who draws a mid-level monster will die.

But the one who drew a high-level demon yesterday was completely intact.

even though--

Yesterday was a special situation, and it must have been the conspiracy of the four evil organizations.

But mid-level monsters can break free from the shackles of the torture chamber, but high-level monsters cannot break free from the shackles of the torture chamber?

How could this not make everyone feel weird.


They could only complain in their hearts that Zhao Xin's luck was too strong.

The high-level demon was obviously not arranged by the four evil organizations, so he was successfully killed.

There is no doubt that Zhao Xin is some kind of hidden strong man.

How could the trainee Star Envoy who had just opened the Star Realm more than a month ago be some kind of hidden powerhouse?

Even the master of the red skirt hall thinks so.

"in addition."

Zhao Man looked at the hesitant crowd and decided to take another powerful shot:

"I have applied to the boss. If you kill a mid-level demon, you will get an extra five pounds of 'hazard pay' in your salary. If you kill a high-level demon, you will get an extra twenty pounds of 'hazard pay'."

"Does any of you take the initiative to apply to kill high-level demons or mid-level demons?"

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

As soon as this statement came out.

The eyes of many people present suddenly lit up.

Although they are Royal Star Envoys.

Working in the criminal hall is also a high-paying group.

The monthly salary reaches four to five pounds, which among ordinary people is unmatched by many executives of large companies.

But as the Royal Star Envoy——

The cost is also high.

Unless the development on the road of Royal Star Envoy is completely stopped.


Not to mention the special materials needed for promotion. Normally cultivating astral creatures also requires a steady stream of large sums of money.


The growth of astral creatures is fast!

In the Royal Star Building, there are many items that can speed up the growth of astral creatures.

No money?

Then we can only take it slowly step by step, and gradually lose sight of everyone.


Money is too important to the Star Envoy.

Why are there so many Royal Star Envoys outside the city?

Do you really think that the Royal Star Envoys are all selfless, eradicating demons for the people and the country?

How can this be.

The only thing that can drive a large number of Royal Star Envoys out of the city to hunt monsters, regardless of life and death, is money.

Now the execution hall has offered such a price——

Naturally it makes people excited.

The hazard pay for killing a mid-level demon is equivalent to their monthly salary!

Killing a high-level demon is worth four months' salary!

And didn’t the hall master just say that?

The torture chambers have been upgraded, so there is no need to worry about safety.

Since you don’t have to worry about safety, who doesn’t want to make more money?

"Hall Master! I apply to kill the mid-level demon!"

"Hall Master, I also apply to kill the mid-level demon!"

"Hall Master, I apply..."

"Hall Master..."

Most of the sixty or seventy members of the execution hall present immediately spoke up, their eyes bright.


But no one applied to kill high-level demons.

after all--

Even if something like yesterday doesn't happen.

Killing high-level monsters is also extremely dangerous. According to usual statistics, there is a mortality rate of nearly one fifth.

Who dares to reach this death rate?

It's okay to take some risks for money.

But if it's too dangerous, forget it.

And they also have their own plans in mind.

By applying to slay the mid-level monsters, wouldn't it mean that you don't have to take out tasks anymore, and you can perfectly avoid the tasks of high-level monsters!

"Hall Master, I apply to kill high-level demons."

"If no one else applies, give me both ends."

Zhao Xin suddenly spoke.

The huge office fell silent at this moment.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, their eyes full of shock.

Did they hear it correctly?

Zhao Xin is going to take on two missions to kill high-level demons?


Was it because he had killed high-level monsters several times without incident, giving him the confidence to be fascinated?

"Zhao Xin..."

Zhou Xi tugged on Zhao Xin's sleeves anxiously.

"You want to take on the task of killing two high-level demons?"

Hall leader Zhao Man frowned and looked at Zhao Xin.

"These two tasks always need someone to complete them."

"Since I am a member of the torture hall, I cannot be afraid of difficulties."

"If you don't go, I don't go, everyone doesn't go, who will complete the task of the execution hall?"

“As for ideological awareness, I think it’s still okay.”

"And I have completed several high-level demon missions. With experience, I will definitely be safer."

"Besides, this is to help Mr. Hall Master solve his problems, and I am bound to do so."

Zhao Xin's face was full of seriousness and he stood upright, looking quite impassioned.

Many people feel a little ashamed.

Zhao Man's body trembled slightly, and she stared deeply at Zhao Xin.

She didn't pay much attention to other words.

But Zhao Xin's last sentence, "It is my duty to help the master of the hall solve his problems," made her so moved that she wanted to cry.

Zhao Xin actually did it for her.

Regardless of the danger, he was willing to accept two missions to kill high-level demons.

Zhao Xin is just a trainee Star Envoy.

For her sake, he was not even afraid of high-level demons.

Apart from her sister, she was the first person in the world to be so kind to her.

Much better than that cold-blooded sister.


The look she looked at Zhao Xin, in addition to the previous trust, was also much gentler.


Zhao Xin blinked and looked at the hall master with some confusion.

How do you feel——

Is there something wrong with the way the hall master looks at me?

He didn't think much about it.

Soon everyone walked out of the office according to their own choices.

"Zhao Xin..."

"……You have to be careful."

Before going out.

Zhao Xin heard the hall master's concern, and her voice was particularly gentle, as if Zhao Yan was talking to her on weekdays...

This made him feel more and more.

This hall master.

Maybe it’s Zhao Yan’s twin sister!

"A number three and a number two."

Zhao Xin first came to torture room No. 3, opened the iron door and took a look.

Tied in the middle of the torture chamber was a blood-red bearman over five meters tall, with a ferocious face and kinked muscles.

Seeing his figure, he immediately started struggling violently, stretching the magic chains straight and making a 'clatter' sound.

"A low-level eight-level Iron-Blooded Bearman?"

Zhao Xin was happy.

He secretly praised the members of the war hall and hoped that the leader of the war hall would give them two extra chicken legs today.

After all, it is not an easy task to capture an eighth-level low-ranking Iron-blooded Bear alive.

The Bear Clan——

It has always been known for its infinite strength.

As for the Iron-Blooded Bearman, as a high-ranking demon, he is also a royal member of the Bearman clan and possesses the extremely terrifying ability of ‘Iron-Blooded Fury’.

The combat power is very terrifying.

"Roar! Ant!"

"Get out! Get out!!"

"If you want to kill me, let the strong ones from you humans do it!"

"My royal family of bearmen will never die at the hands of weak humans!!"

The Ursine roared.

His eyes were scarlet, as if they had been soaked in blood, and they were extremely scary.

If he were an ordinary member of the execution hall, his face would have turned pale and his legs would have trembled if he stared at him like this.

Zhao Xin's expression was dull.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the king-level sword he named 'Chen Xi' appeared in his hand.

Tap tap tap——

His body floated up, face to face with the Iron-Blooded Bear Man.

Although the wings of the eight-winged Meteor King suit did not appear.

But in fact, there is no need for wings. This suit from an ancient civilization also has a levitation function.

"you you……"

The roar in the Iron-Blooded Bear's mouth suddenly stopped, and he looked at Zhao Xin in horror.


The Dawn Sword lit up, and the void around him seemed to solidify after a wisp of king-level breath!

"King...King level!"


The eyes of the Iron-Blooded Bears were filled with disbelief.

Caught him and asked a king to kill him?

Could it be that there is some big secret hidden in him that even he himself doesn't know about?


How could a human use his king's rank to kill him?

The thought just crossed his mind.

The cold sword light had already passed across his neck, hot blood splashed out, and was then absorbed by the sealing circle.

Zhao Xin's face was expressionless.

Put away the Dawn Sword and fall back to the ground.

With his current strength.

Even if the iron-blooded bear-man wasn't bound by a magic chain, it would be difficult for him to block his sword.


A large number of soul light spots emerged from the Iron-Blooded Bear Man's corpse and poured into his body.

He was slightly in a trance.

Once again I saw the vast, endless river of time.

Two drops of river water leaped up, shattering the void and disappearing.

Zhao Xin immediately 'saw' himself practicing day and night, like a tool man, without taking a break for two months.

Faintly looming next to them, one can see Little Skull, Zhao Yan, Zhou Xuan, Thunder Titan, Silver Sky Snake, Phoenix, and Medusa also practicing continuously.

"The swordsmanship has reached the realm of five calamities."

"And the soul magic 'Slavery' has finally entered the third level."

"This is a qualitative transformation."

"You can directly enslave a creature of a lower realm, distort the other person's mind, and make the other party recognize you as their master from the bottom of their heart, crawl at your feet, and never betray."

"But it's a little strange."

"Given my current level of the fifth-level Star Envoy, which is one level lower, shouldn't I be the fourth-level Star Envoy?"

"But why do I feel that I can only enslave ordinary mortals..."

He looked thoughtful.

Is it possible——

In the dream world, whether it is a fourth-level Star Envoy or a fifth-level Star Envoy, do they all belong to the same realm?

Only mortals are in a lower realm?

"If so..."

"Doesn't it mean..."

"In the dream world, the eighth, ninth and fifth levels actually belong to the same realm?"

"If I promote 'enslavement' to the fourth level, I can enslave creatures in the same realm."

"Does it mean that with my current strength, I can enslave the ninth-level Star Royal Envoy?!"

His heart suddenly started beating wildly.

And this is only the fourth level!

The soul magic 'Slavery' has a fifth level...

The fifth floor——

You can enslave creatures that are a level higher than yourself!

"In the dream world, the king level is considered to be a higher realm..."

There was an astonishing light in his eyes.

If so.

When he promoted the soul magic 'Slavery' to the fifth level——

That is simply unimaginable!

With a glance, wouldn't the Red Moon Empress also be enslaved by him?

Just do whatever you want her to do...

Many special plots flashed through his mind...

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