Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 138 Identity exposed! The hall master was stunned (two-in-one)

The sun elves at this time were extremely brilliant.

It was like a real sun god suspended in mid-air, looking down at the world.


You can see an endless bright and blazing sun appear behind the opponent, burning with endless divine fire, and everything is collapsing.

It was an unimaginable terrifying power.

It is also an extremely terrifying divine power.

It is enough to make any living being feel an unstoppable urge to worship.

"From now on, your name is Meredith."

Zhao Xin looked at the sun elf in front of him and felt satisfied.

Another extremely powerful astral creature!

"Meredith, meet my lord!"

The sun elf Meredith retracted her wings, landed on the ground vigorously, and bowed in salute.

The war bow in her hand was already slung behind her back, and the bright arrows disappeared. She looked like a female archery goddess from ancient times, very sharp and insightful.

His eyes were pure gold, and few creatures would dare to look into them.

Zhao Xin nodded.

His eyes flickered to check the information about the transformed sun elf Meredith.

[Name: Sun Elf]

[Attribute: Solar System]

[Level: Unknown]

[Level: Seventh level upper level]

[Combat power: 14.9]

[Ability: Control the Sun, Lord of the Sun, Domain of the Sun, Sun Arrow, Sun Fire, Condensate Fire into Arrows, Song of the Sun God, Solar Storm, Sun Confession Arrow, Sun Arrow Rain, Condensate the Sun into Arrows (not mastered) , King of the Starry Sky (not mastered)...]

"14.9 combat power."

"The pinnacle of the four-star king level."

Zhao Xin looked satisfied.


He only has one Little Skeleton under his command, and his combat power has reached the five-star king level.

The rest of the astral creatures are at the four-star king level.

And the sun elf Meredith had just appeared, and she was no weaker than other astral creatures, which naturally satisfied him.

He guessed——

It should be related to their level before they merged with the godhead.

The higher the level before the fusion of the godhead, the higher the level after the fusion.

"Ten astral creatures."

He whispered in his heart.

And this is not his limit.

He can also give birth to an astral creature!

Meredith, the sun elf, belongs to his seventh-level Star Envoy quota.

And now he is already an eighth-level Star Envoy.

"But it will take several days for the star realm to be pregnant again."

he whispered.

Although I can't feel it.

But he could guess——

The astral realm must be consumed to breed astral creatures.

As for what energy it consumes, he doesn't know.

Even in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, there is no information about this.

This information is an extremely high-level secret.

This energy cannot be touched or seen.

Only when it is necessary to breed astral creatures, will they appear in various attributes.

And just now a sun elf was born.

This special creation energy must consume a lot of money.

If you want to give birth to astral creatures, this special energy of creation must be restored.


These are not just random thoughts on his part.

But in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, I got the exact information.

There are countless powerful people in the starry sky.

There are countless monsters of all kinds.

Even in the starry sky, some monsters give birth to astral creatures for the first time, which are king-level creatures!

A trainee star envoy, a star creature with king-level potential!

This kind of thing is absolutely unimaginable on the dust planet.

And those monsters.

Breaking through two realms in a short period of time is not incredible.

There are records in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races——

There was once a peerless evildoer in the human race who was directly promoted from the third-level Star Envoy to the fifth-level Star Envoy in three days.

Give birth to two astral creatures in a row within one day.

The first astral creature is the middle king level and very terrifying.

But the second astral creature was surprising. It was only a mid-range astral creature.

This kind of thing.

It doesn't just happen to humans.

It has happened to other ethnic groups.

Ninety percent of monsters are born in succession, and the second astral creature will be miserable.


Even if it is a peerless monster, no one can give birth to astral creatures continuously in just a few days.


Naturally, he will not be stubborn.

"The starry sky is endless and there are countless monsters."

"If there is astonishing wealth, this kind of monster can make the astral creatures reach the limit of their potential in a short period of time, and have terrifying combat power, just like the current members of Silver Lieyang."


"Tianmai Mountain, the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, will never allow such a thing."

"Any astral creature promoted by external force will be deprived of the strength increased by external force after entering Tianmai Mountain."

"If not."

"In this starry sky, I don't know how many fourth-level and fifth-level star guardians have king-level starry sky creatures in their hands."

"If Tianmai Mountain didn't have such restrictions, then the records of each vein would have reached a terrifying level long ago."

He murmured in his mind.

Instead of relying on external forces for promotion?

An astral creature with king-level potential grows naturally, but it takes many years to reach king-level.

Even the little skeleton has relied on external forces.

However, most of the strength comes from 'hard training' with the help of the river of time.

Therefore, when entering Tianmai Mountain before, this point was not shown much on the little skull.

Shaked his head.

He left the astral world.

The bright moon hangs high and the stars are spread out.

The lights in Red Moon City are brightly lit, like a city that never sleeps.

This is the absolute center of the Red Moon Kingdom.

The center of power, the center of commerce, the center of the Royal Star Envoy!

at this time.

In the north of this huge city, within the royal palace.

In the simple study room, there are a large number of books neatly placed on the bookshelves.

The sandalwood rose, filling the whole study with a soothing aroma.

Zhao Man stood in the study room, looking at the Red Moon Empress sitting in front of her, reviewing documents, and curled her lips.


She thought the Red Moon Empress wanted to meet her in Haicheng.

However, outside Haicheng, a terrifying war suddenly ended. The Red Moon Empress had no time to meet her and had already hurried back to Red Moon City.


She could only rush to Red Moon City to meet this sister.


She really didn't want to go.

But the commander of the Red Moon Army followed her, what could she do?

She was also helpless.

And she also knows this sister's character very well.

Since she asked the commander of the Red Moon Army to take her back to Red Moon City, there was no way she could shirk it.

"What on earth do you have to tell me? Can you please hurry up?"

Seeing that Zhao Hongyue still ignored her, she became a little irritated and said directly.

She has never had a good impression of this sister.

I usually keep a respectful distance.

I would rather live in the sea city than in the palace that symbolizes the highest power of the Red Moon Kingdom.

"There's something I don't know how to tell you."

"After all, after my eldest sister disappeared, you are my last relative."

"You still have to know about this."

Zhao Hongyue put down the documents and pen in her hands, sat up straight and looked at Zhao Man.

"What's up?"

Zhao Man said impatiently.

But there was also some curiosity in my heart.

This sister, what else can I say to her?

"I have a fiancé."

Zhao Hongyue said lightly.




Zhao Man's eyes suddenly widened, looking at Zhao Hongyue in great shock and disbelief.

She wondered if she was hallucinating.

Zhao Hongyue actually has a fiancé? ! !

who is it?

Who can actually become Zhao Hongyue’s fiancé!

She knew it very well.

Zhao Hongyue is so arrogant and arrogant, and her talent is so terrifying.

He is only one year younger than her.

But the strength is much higher than her.

In the past when she was bored.

Naturally, I have also thought about what kind of person is needed to become the husband of my sister.

She felt——

He must be an unparalleled monster, or an invincible strong man.

Otherwise, how could Zhao Hongyue like it?

And she looked down upon it.

Who can force her to marry?

But now——

Zhao Hongyue told her.

She already has a fiancé!

How can she dare to believe this?

after all--

She doesn’t even have a fiancé yet…

"You know this person too."

Zhao Hongyue looked at Zhao Man and said again.

"I know?"

Zhao Man was a little confused.

She also only knows some so-called young heroes in the Red Moon Kingdom.

But those young heroes——

She dared to pat her big breasts and guarantee that no one would be attracted by Zhao Hongyue.

Is it possible——

There was a sudden thought in her heart, and she looked at Zhao Hongyue with some horror:

"You...are you going to marry some old man?!"

"Is there an old man I know who is hiding deep in the kingdom?!"

Three black lines suddenly appeared on Zhao Hongyue's forehead.

She looked at Zhao Man speechlessly.

Old man?

She is the majestic Red Moon Empress, but she has wronged herself?

"It's a young man, three years younger than me."

"Not only do you know him, but you have also met him many times in the past two months."

Zhao Hongyue reminded again.

She naturally knows exactly what Zhao Xin is doing.

It's just that she occasionally laments the impermanence of fate.

When she first heard that Zhao Xin could actually work under Zhao Man, she was shocked for a while.

"Three years younger than you?"

"Is that eighteen years old?"

"I've seen you many times in the past two months?"

"I have been in Haicheng for the past two months. Is there anyone in Haicheng that you can like?"

Zhao Man's eyes widened, looking even more shocked.

There were quite a few people running through her mind.

Finally, it settled on two figures.

One is the eldest son of the Lord of Haicheng, Keqiuer Ross, who is known as the Light of Haicheng.

The other party awakened this year and directly awakened a sixth-order high-level astral creature. He was one of the most powerful geniuses in the kingdom this year.

The second one is Gu Ze who followed the patrol envoy Gu Mingxue. He is Gu Mingxue's eldest son and he only opened the star realm this year.

Although he only gave birth to a fourth-level astral creature, this person has been known as a child prodigy since he was a child, and he is extremely smart.

"Is it Ke Qiur or Gu Ze?"

"I think it should be Gu Ze."

"I never thought that Gu Ze would be your fiancé!"

With a look of shock on her face, she stared at Zhao Hongyue.


Zhao Hongyue opened her mouth and was completely speechless.

She cursed in her heart.

Zhao Xin, are you so ordinary?

Zhao Man actually didn't even think about you.

"It's Zhao Xin."

She didn't let Zhao Man speculate any more and said directly.


" are you talking about?!"

"Zhao...Zhao...Zhao Xin?!"

"The Zhao Xin I know?"

"That Zhao Xin under me?"

"The Zhao Xin who gave birth to the little skeleton for the first time?"

Zhao Man's eyes widened to their maximum size and she looked at Zhao Hongyue in great horror.

this moment.

She felt that either she was crazy or Zhao Hongyue was abnormal.

How could it be Zhao Xin?

She naturally understands Zhao Xin.

After all, he is her most trusted subordinate in the Demon Slayer Department.

So she checked Zhao Xin's detailed information.

We know Zhao Xin’s social background very well.

The background is not complicated, it's simple.

Moreover, the opponent himself was not very talented, and for the first time he only gave birth to little skeletons.

Now they are probably just apprentices to the Star Envoy.

Achievements in this life are limited.

But now——

Zhao Hongyue, the majestic empress of the Red Moon Kingdom, told her.

Such an ordinary Zhao Xin could actually be Zhao Hongyue's fiancé and her future brother-in-law? !

This made her feel as if ten thousand horses were galloping past, and she was filled with incredible and bizarre feelings.


Zhao Hongyue nodded.


"you you……"

Zhao Man took a deep breath, then took a deep breath again, and a third time, but still couldn't calm down.

"I came to you just because of his affairs..."

Zhao Hongyue ignored Zhao Man and continued.

Time flies like water, and the end of June is here in a blink of an eye.

Today is the last day of June.

"After today, it will be two months since I came into this world."

"After two months of hard training, I finally have the power to protect myself."

"My efforts are not in vain."

Zhao Xin sighed while driving to the execution hall for work.


Among the five powerful men in the world, there may not be a few who are stronger than him.

After all, these few days——

Holy Angel Julia and Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue have also reached the five-star king level combat power!

He has three five-star king-level combatants under his command.

And in the legend.

The five most powerful men in the world are all four-star king-level astral creatures.


He wouldn't believe this.

In his opinion.

Xu Daohong, the strongest man in the world, must have an astral creature at the king level!

As for the other four.

He wasn't sure.

But even the fifth strongest person in the world, ‘Zhou Yunshang’, should have more than just a four-star king-level star envoy.

The hover car soon arrived at the Demon Slayer Department.

The Demon Slayer Department remains the same as before, with a large number of Demon Slayers coming in and out.

Zhao Xin parked the car and entered the Demon Slayer Department.

But as soon as he walked into the dim torture hall, he saw the red-dressed hall master standing quietly with his back against the blood-colored wall and his arms folded.

A colleague from Mingxingtang looked at him curiously, saluted and left.

"The hall master is back, good morning."

Zhao Xin said hello.

Some time ago, the hall master had disappeared.

Now that he is finally back, this makes him a little curious, where has this hall master gone?


The master of the red skirt hall is standing here, who is he waiting for?

Who is so proud that he can actually enjoy the treatment he received when he first joined the torture hall?

"Zhao Xin, come with me. I have something to tell you."

Zhao Man saw Zhao Xin's figure appear, a very complicated look flashed in his eyes, and he said.

She had never thought of it.

Her sister——

Her Majesty the Empress of the Red Moon Kingdom—

Always domineering and ruthless, cold and stubborn——

But the result——

She is actually the fiancée of one of her ordinary members of the torture hall? !

This is incredible.

It also made her unable to figure it out no matter what.

How virtuous and capable is Zhao Xin to become Zhao Hongyue's fiancé?

Could it be because he is handsome?

But he is handsome, but he cannot be eaten.

And her sister probably... wouldn't be so superficial, right?

"wait for me?"

Zhao Xin was stunned for a moment.

When did I have such great dignity?

The master of the labor hall is actually waiting for me here?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

He became wary.

Could it be that this hall master learned fishing skills somewhere and wanted to catch him out?

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