Shinto Dantei

Chapter 3010 Savior

"I didn't expect that the evil spirit would be so powerful!"

"This is just the evil master of a city! This martial arts domain is full of similar evil demons. Do we really have the power to deal with these guys?"

"The Martial Merchant Heaven is over. Now that we have come to the Martial Merchant Heaven, we are going to die!"


Behind Teng Muqing, a group of beings from the True Fairyland looked at what was happening in front of them, and they felt even more desperate.

Teng Muqing, the king of Moon Shadow Kingdom, is the strongest person in Moon Shadow Empire.

But in the hands of the evil demon in front of him, he had no power to resist at all, let alone them.

If they really fought together, the power of this evil spirit would be enough to kill them completely on the spot!

"Everyone, thank you for coming here to die. Looking at your formations, they should be big forces from other heavens, right? After destroying you, I will take over your forces and use them as a foundation to completely occupy your world. area!"

The formation flags that rushed out of Hang Xiao Demon God's body had already torn the demon-slaying formation into pieces.

The Demon-Slaying Formation was directly destroyed without any chance of resisting.

In front of Demon God Hangxiao, the Demon-Slaying Formation is completely vulnerable!

"You are dreaming!"

Teng Muqing glared at the Hang Xiao Demon God in front of him. Although he was no match for the Hang Xiao Demon God, he was still willing to fight to the death!

As soon as the words fell, Teng Muqing had already activated all his power, preparing to launch a devastating attack on Teng Muqing.

Incomparably terrifying power emerged from his body, including the Dao of Destruction, the Dao of Thunder, the Dao of Sharpness, etc. All kinds of Dao powers were summoned by Teng Muqing at this moment, which had already reached the extreme level of these Dao powers. .

He wanted to carry out a devastating attack on the Hangxiao Demon God. Incomparable terrifying power emerged from his body, and with his determination, he wanted to destroy the formation flags rushing in all directions.

But at this moment, a black formation flag shrouded him directly.

In an instant, Teng Muqing felt that the space around him was blocked. Before he could react, the desire for destruction filled with the formation flags directly lingered in his heart. ..

At this moment, he only felt that he had arrived in a strange space.

Here is a world of resentful souls and resentful ghosts, filled with the desire for destruction.

In this world, he was being hunted by those vengeful ghosts. Every vengeful ghost wanted to devour his flesh and blood. They rushed towards him regardless of their own safety, forcing him to use all his strength to deal with this. A disaster!

His attack power was concentrated to the extreme at this moment, and extremely violent power burst out from his body. Every blow could always destroy groups of resentful ghosts.

But their number seems endless.

No matter how Teng Muqing attacks, it is still difficult to completely eliminate these resentful souls!

Things have evolved to this point, and Teng Muqing is completely desperate.

He knows that these evil spirits are very strong, and it is completely unrealistic to destroy them all with his own power!

Take what is happening now as an example. Just one Hang Xiao Demon God took action and completely suppressed him.

This time he came to the Martial Arts Domain with the original intention of destroying all the evil spirits in the Martial Arts Domain.

However, he suddenly realized that his idea was still too naive.

With my own strength, I can't destroy these evil spirits at all!

The shadow of death lingered in Teng Muqing's heart at this moment. He said with grief and anger: "If we can communicate with the fairy world, how can we let you evil spirits do whatever you want!"


Why is there a world barrier between the eternal world and the fairy world?

The once eternal world was also a part of the fairy world!

Teng Muqing's grief and anger were clearly heard by Demon God Hangxiao.

Hearing these words, Demon God Hangxiao showed a sarcastic smile on his face, and he mocked: "Haha, you don't have to worry about this. When we completely occupy this eternal world, we will directly launch an attack on the fairy world. At that time, the fairy world will also become a part of my demon world!”

When Teng Muqing heard this, he said angrily: "Do you really think you can do whatever you want? The power of the immortal world is beyond your imagination!"

When Demon God Hangxiao heard this, he sarcastically said: "If your fairy world was really powerful, you wouldn't have separated the eternal world from the fairy world in the first place."

These words frightened Teng Muqing.

The Immortal Realm was once part of the Immortal Realm.

Later, I don't know what happened, which completely severed the connection between the eternal world and the fairy world.

With this evil invasion, they finally deduced some clues.

It is estimated that a large part of the reason why the eternal world is separated from the fairy world is because of these evil spirits!

Now he is trapped in a small space by this evil spirit. This place is full of resentful ghosts. If there is no miracle, he will be dead.

Just when Teng Muqing thought that he was about to die, a cold voice suddenly reached everyone's ears.

"Evil heretics dare to invade the eternal world? You really don't know how to live or die!"

This sound fell into Teng Muqing's ears, as if it were the sound of nature.

A moment ago, he had imagined that a miracle would happen and save him.

The next moment, a miracle happened!

"Haha... someone stronger is coming!"

"I knew that the eternal world is not as simple as it seems on the surface. There must be strong men sleeping in the eternal world!"

"This should be a strong man who just woke up from his slumber, right? They are taking action, and the evil spirits will have nowhere to escape!"


The cultivators who followed Teng Muqing to this place were overjoyed when they heard that voice!

Demon God Hang Xiao was so powerful that he completely suppressed them all by himself.

Under such circumstances, they have no way to fight!

And now, foreign aid is coming.

If the other party appears here, he may be able to directly destroy all the evil spirits in this extreme city!

Just when everyone was surprised, Demon God Hangxiao said suspiciously: "Demon God Pang Yuan? Why are you here?"

He instinctively ignored what Demon God Pang Yuan had said before, and he immediately said: "Demon God Pang Yuan, you are here just in time. There is a batch of fresh blood food here. I am preparing to take them down and give them to you to enjoy."

The words of Demon God Hang Xiao made everyone who had just been relieved feel their hearts in their throats again!

What did they hear?

The evil demon at the fourth level of the True Immortal Realm in front of him actually called the ‘savior’ who had just arrived here as Pang Yuan Demon God!

The person who came turned out to be Demon God Pang Yuan?

How is this possible!

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