Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1947 This exploration has both good and bad consequences

"Listen, this is our last chance. We lost so much luck before. When we go back, we will definitely be held accountable!"

"So this time, we must work hard to get some luck back. We can only win, not lose!"

"That's what I say, but no one knows what the next game will contain!"

"Everyone, don't worry, your emotions must be calm. We haven't lost much luck. Even if we don't lose too much luck in the last game, even if we can't win, we won't lose!"

"Brothers, it's time for a last-ditch battle. If we can't win this battle, we won't have the shame to go back!"


There were hundreds of strong men in the field, and everyone was in a serious mood.

They looked at each other, determination flashing in their eyes!

No one wants to go back empty-handed!

In fact, as long as you come, you will never gain anything.

The winners are a handful of people, and everyone else is a loser!

It’s just that some people lose miserably, and some people lose less miserably, that’s all.

But regardless of whether we lose miserably or not, don’t we all lose?

Everyone is eagerly awaiting the content of the third game!

Because some games have a lot of luck involved, such as the exploration in the first level. As long as you are lucky enough, you can actually explore a lot of good things, and then they will appear tenfold in the starry sky where you are.

However, some games are just pure deathmatch!

Similar to the previous second level!

A completely shameless person like Shi Jingtian is not included in this list!

"The third game is called Team Battle. Each universe will automatically select two cultivators with the lowest level and enter a world. You will explore and fight in it! Remember, be careful at any time. It is possible to encounter an opponent!”

The voice said calmly, "The rules are similar to the first level. You can explore as much as you like, but the difference from the first level is that you can explore good things, and naturally you may also explore some bad things!"

"And, since this world is not big, you will encounter each other soon!"

"Next, let the game begin, I wish you good luck!"

After saying that, the voice disappeared again.

"In every universe, the two people with the lowest realm will be selected?"

Ye Chen and Xiao Xuan looked at each other, and then he pointed at himself, "One is me, the other is Su Muyue!"


Su Muyue nodded. She had transformed three times, which was the lowest in the audience.

As for Ye Chen, although he has been promoted from four transformations to five transformations, due to the reason why he was just promoted, he is still slightly inferior to Shi Jingtian, so there is no doubt that it is the two of them!

"I didn't expect that we would fight side by side again."

Ye Chen smiled and was looking forward to it.

"Hopefully, we won't be at the bottom."

Su Muyue sighed. She also knew that her fighting power was nothing among such strong men. All she could do was fight hard and try not to delay Ye Chen's retreat.

You may say this in words, but in reality, it will definitely have an impact!




Some light bloomed, and people were constantly being coerced and sent into the game.

"Ye Chen, come on!"

Xiao Xuan raised his hand and gently patted Ye Chen's shoulder.

In fact, he was a little emotional!

Unexpectedly, in three consecutive games, I didn’t have any share.

However, coming here this time is not in vain!

At the very least, I have seen so many strong men from other universes, and I have also realized the deep gap between them and them. After returning to the Sirius Starry Sky, I will definitely continue to hit the realm!

Now that the memory of the past life has been awakened, the subsequent cultivation path will be smooth!

In Xiao Xuan's previous life, he was also in the powerful reincarnation realm.

Reincarnation and rebuilding will never be worse than the previous life!

"Ye Chen, what happens next is up to you!"

Seeing Ye Chen's body swallowed by light, Xiao Xuan also prayed for him from the bottom of his heart.

When it comes to realm, the combination of Ye Chen and Su Muyue is definitely the one with the lowest realm in the audience.

In fact, no one looks down upon them very much!

The first time was because of luck, the second time was still because of luck, and this third time, it can’t be luck again, right?

Destiny cannot favor you again and again!

This time, it’s time for real action!


Ye Chen and Su Muyue held hands and were swallowed up by the light at the same time.

When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves standing on a mountain range.

The mountains are rolling and rolling, the sky and the earth are vast, and there are lightning and thunder in the void, which is very bleak.

Not only that, there is a damp smell floating everywhere!

If you smell it carefully, it turns out to be the smell of blood!

"The smell seems to be coming from behind us, on the other side of the cliff!"

Su Muyue lowered his voice and said to Ye Chen, "Should we go over and take a look?"


Ye Chen shook his head directly, "Have you forgotten the rules? In addition to being able to explore some luck and treasures, there are also many bad things added to this level. If you discover them, they will appear in reality tenfold. Wouldn’t that mean memorizing words?”

"That's right."

Su Muyue nodded. The smell of blood gave people a sticky, fishy smell.

It shouldn't be a good thing!

In fact, just behind the two of them, under the cliff less than a hundred meters away, there was a huge river made entirely of blood and bones. This river passed directly through the middle of the mountain range, emitting all kinds of pungent smells.

In the blood river, there were many eerie bones struggling in it. Some of them held broken bones in their hands, and some held rusty swords and knives, trying their best to climb up the mountain from the blood river!

However, there seemed to be a force above their heads that could not break the obstacles at all.

As a result, they could not climb up!

But as long as someone came over to take a look, it would be equivalent to touching the taboo.

This blood river and the white skeletons in the blood river will be presented in the universe where they are in ten times!

Ye Chen resisted the urge to look and walked forward with Su Muyue.

"This third level is different from the first level. No matter what we explore, we must be cautious! In other words, I would rather encounter others than explore some bad scenes!" Ye Chen sighed. For the current Tianlang Star Sky, the most important thing is not the cultivator, but the cultivation environment! As long as the cultivation environment is still there, countless powerful cultivators can be cultivated. Once the cultivation environment is destroyed, the number of powerful cultivators will also decrease. Just when the two of them went down the mountain, someone came to find the trail. The two walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down curiously! This one look is incredible

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