Shinto Dantei

Chapter 1323 The existence of the fourth level


As soon as he entered the cauldron, Ye Chen noticed a terrifying wave of air coming towards him.

Among them, it is accompanied by an exaggerated power of shock, as if the entire world within the cauldron will be forcibly torn apart by this force, shaking everywhere, conveying unimaginable exaggerated power.

Ye Chen swayed and was pushed tens of meters away by the breath.

He finally stood still and glanced away, looking at Xiang Emperor, Ghost Hand Medicine Emperor, Riachuan Ice Lion and others. He couldn't help but be confused and said, "What's going on? Why is such a terrifying news suddenly transmitted here?" Waves of air!”

The Prime Minister smiled bitterly, pointed in the distance and said, "The fourth child is restless and insists on coming out for some air. She doesn't allow him, so the fourth child is messing around inside! We are all used to it these days!"

The fourth child in his mouth naturally refers to the prisoners in the fourth level of seal!

"Even under the seal, he can cause such a big commotion. He is probably much stronger than me."

Ye Chen was thinking about this in his heart.

He actually understood in his heart why the mysterious woman did not release the prisoners in the fourth level of seal.

After they get out of the seal, every minute and second they exist will consume the power of the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron, unless the likes of Ghost Hand Medicine Emperor, Riachuan Ice Lion, and Xiang Emperor completely lift the seals on them.

The point is, it's been so long, and seeing that other people can come out for air, but he can't, he feels naturally annoyed.

As for the mysterious woman, she was lying lazily on the throne, closing her eyes and concentrating.

The terrifying wave of energy that burst out could not affect her at all.

"Boy, let me out, I'm really going to choke!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out, and the voice shouted, "As long as I come out, I can help you solve all the difficulties you encounter. Just treat it as a deal between you and me! You are the master of the Heaven and Earth Creation Cauldron." , you can do anything with your thoughts, quickly, let me out!"

Ye Chen shook his head, "You are so strong, how dare I let you out!"

In fact, it's not that he didn't dare, it's just that the mysterious woman didn't say anything. Who knows whether this guy will be a good thing or a bad thing after he comes out?

If something bad happens, then you will be unlucky!

"After I come out, all the difficulties you encounter will be solved!"

The voice was obviously unwilling, "I can help you do a lot of things! If you have any enemies, I'll kill one first to show you, to prove my own strength!"

"Forget it, wait until I can control you before I let you out."

Ye Chen waved his hand, speaking of it, the mysterious woman was much more familiar with the Heaven and Earth Fortune Cauldron than he was.

When she can let go, she will speak.

At this point, it’s better not to make any decisions.

Ye Chen took out the black pagoda from the ring and studied it carefully.

This black tower seems to be not the only one. On the left and right sides, there is a groove that can be sunken into. Simply judging from the shape, there should be something connecting to the left and right sides of the black tower.

"In other words, this pagoda is just one part of a complete body and is not complete in itself."

Ye Chen was thoughtful. He couldn't sense much aura from above. The only thing he could detect was the sense of vicissitudes brought by history.

After all, no one knows how many years have passed since the treasures were brought out from the deep world.

Tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years... it's all possible.

After some research, he found nothing special, so Ye Chen put it back without thinking too much.

"Master, why haven't you found the magic sword energy for me to swallow recently..."

The little black guy walked up and said with an embarrassed smile, "I have been promoted recently and my demand for magic sword energy is much greater than before. If possible, I hope the master can help me find some. "

Ye Chen glanced at Xiao Hei, who immediately became silent, "Of course, I am just giving a suggestion to the master. If the master is really not free, it doesn't matter."

"When I have time, I will help you keep an eye on it."

Ye Chen waved his hand, the Demonic Sword Qi itself was rare, and it would take years and months to find all of them simply by looking for them.

If he really needed it, he might have to go to the gathering place of demons to spend money to buy demon sword energy.

Of course, the value of the magic sword energy itself is also very terrifying. It is obviously impossible to buy it without paying a sufficient price.

After chatting with Demon Sword Qi, Ye Chen walked towards his external clone again.

"Your understanding of swordsmanship and alchemy has benefited me a lot. Next, I am preparing to hit a higher realm, so you can absorb the spiritual energy. When I break through to five immortals, you can go there again. Practice medicine!”

"Yes, Master!"

When cultivating the external clone, he was even more diligent than Ye Chen's main body.

He is like a perfect tool man!

There was no way, who let Ye Chen control his life now?

As long as Ye Chen is willing, one thought can make him return to the west!

If he wants to be free, he can only practice hard. When Ye Chen reaches a higher level, he will be let go.

"Sir, what's wrong, a sudden change occurred in an area in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms!"

Just when Ye Chen was about to cross his legs to practice, Ning Anran's anxious voice suddenly came from outside the cauldron.

Ye Chen's pupils shrank, and his figure flew out like lightning.

Ning Anran looked very anxious. She ran in and said, "I heard someone report before that in one of the Lands of Hundred Kingdoms, near the Zhantianqiu, there suddenly began to be a surge of light, with a powerful aura, and the usual second and third times of immortality. It’s actually impossible to get close!”

"You can't even get close to the second and third times of immortality?"

Ye Chen felt a shock in his heart, and immediately his figure flew outside.

Originally, as a sky thief and realm lord, he could easily keep all the unusual changes in his heart.

It's just that he was practicing before and didn't spare any extra thought to explore other things.

A few breaths later, he arrived at Zhantianqi.

A group of strong men from the Ye family have gathered near Zhantianqiu.

They all had helpless expressions on their faces, and they only dared to surround him but not get close.

From the sky-cutting chasm, terrifying aura continued to bloom, blooming out in waves, like an earthquake shaking.

Boom boom boom!

The Earth's crust is spinning like crazy.

Not to mention being close, even from thousands of meters away, you can still detect the shock coming from the bottom of your heart.

This power is so strong that a three-time immortal warrior can barely get close.

However, the twice-immortal strong man is really difficult to approach!

I was afraid that I would be blown away by this concussive force before I even got close.

"Little Lord!"

"Little Lord!"

Seeing Ye Chen coming, everyone showed respect.

It’s like fearing gods!

Deep down, I was secretly relieved.

When the young master comes, everything will be solved!

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