Han Haoran finally showed a satisfied smile.

He is confident enough that anyone who joins his company will never leave again.

Even Lei Jun is the same!!

A day later, Haoran Internet added another vice president.

Compared with Lei Jun, Zhang Xiaolong, an engineer who led the team to develop an email address in Tengxun, easily agreed to join Han Haoran’s “Haoran Internet”

After all, the position of vice president is two levels higher than Zhang Xiaolong’s current position in Tengxun.

And the treatment has more than doubled!

In addition, Han Haoran is now the richest man in H, although “Haoran Internet” is a new company in the Internet industry.

But anyone will be optimistic about the future development space of “Haoran Internet~.

Zhang Xiaolong not only joined the “Haoran Internet” by himself, but also brought a top-level team-team to Han Haoran.

For Han Haoran, who is about to launch the second round of recruitment and expansion, excellent talents are naturally comers-not refused.

In this way, Han Haoran can temporarily put aside the things of the “Haoran Internet”.

With the assistance of Wang Xing, Zhang Yiming and Lei Jun, several figures who are at the top of the H rich list in later generations.

Plus Zhang Xiaolong’s entire WeChat development team joined.

Han Haoran’s entire deployment in the Internet industry will be carried out in an orderly manner.

Time has passed quickly in the past few days, and Han Haoran still returned to the “Love Hut” as usual after work

Of course, now this villa is no longer called “Love Cottage”, it belongs to Han Haoran’s home.

Without cameras and an eyesore program group, the interaction between the girls and Han Haoran has become more and more intimate.

Especially Re Xiaodi and Qi Yuhan.

Han Haoran spent the past two days in their room.

As for the other girls, Han Haoran knew that it would be very easy for him to eat them.

All that is needed is an opportunity.

Soon, it’s the weekend again.

On Saturday night, Han Haoran has already arranged for the third episode of “Meet the Real Rich and the Poor” to be broadcast.

And at 0:00 a.m. on Sunday, Han Haoran’s “orchestra network” will be launched.

Of course, in addition to the product placement advertisement of “Meet the Real Rich and the Poor Egg”, the “Orchestra Network” is also overwhelmingly promoted through many channels.

For example, in order to curry favor with Han Haoran, the fruit station can send Han Haoran’s prime time advertising time.

There are also paper media, billboards in the center of first-tier cities, and other publicity methods have not been left behind.

Even, Han Haoran also posted an advertisement with his Weibo account, which has the largest number of fans on the Internet.

And Han Haoran’s friends in the circle, such as Zhang Hanxiao, also reposted this Weibo to help Han Haoran publicize.

It can be said that although the “orchestra network” has not been launched, it has attracted the curiosity of countless people because of Han Haoran’s popularity.

Han Haoran’s fans naturally expressed their support for Han Hao. Whether you can use it or not, you have to try the new form of consumption of “group buying”.

And many bigwigs in the industry, especially the bigwigs of the Internet, are also very curious.

How much impact will Han Haoran’s “group buying” network have on H’s Internet industry? ?

Especially the e-commerce industry, which is a bit of a tie-up with “group buying”.

Boss Ma Yunma is most concerned about the “orchestra network” this week

Although, the model of Han Haoran’s “orchestra network” is completely different from that of a certain treasure.

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But Boss Ma Yunma, who has a keen sense of business, always feels that Han Haoran will come to grab his job early and late.

I have to say that Ma Yun’s intuition is quite accurate.


The third episode of “Meet the Real Rich and the Poor” was broadcast as scheduled.

The clip of Han Haoran and Song Xinran dating suddenly made the audience shout “sweet to snoring”

And the scene where Han Haoran unexpectedly ran away with Song Xinran also surprised everyone.

And the most surprising and the most talked about is Han Haoran’s “product placement”

For this product placement, Han Haoran also took the film team of the program team and Song Xinran to the amusement park again to record this clip.

At the moment when Han Haoran and Song Xinran reached the highest point in the Ferris wheel, Song Xinran and Han Haoran’s hands were tightly interlocked.

Song Xinran asked, “Han Haoran, this dress of yours is so handsome, and it is worthy of you, where did you buy it?”

Han Haoran replied solemnly: “Of course, it’s the ‘orchestra network’. ”

“The Giorgio Armani shirt with an original price of 4200 soft girl coins is only 2800!! guaranteed to be authentic!!”

······· Asking for flowers…

“Invite friends to buy together, and you can get more discounts!!”

“On the first day of the orchestra’s online launch, registered users can also receive a big red envelope for free! ”

Song Xinran looked at Han Haoran with admiration: “I also want my friends to go to the ‘orchestra network’ group purchase together.” ”

Although this routine is very old-fashioned in later generations, it may even cause discomfort to some people!

However, this is indeed the “product placement” of the world’s first variety show

Compared with the previous ones that missed a logo, missed a mobile phone, or stared at the car for a few seconds and took a few seconds of not very obvious implantation.

This product placement is so hardcore!


At first glance, you can tell that it is implanted, but it can make people laugh.

Especially when they saw Han Haoran and Song Xinran solemnly at the top of the Ferris wheel, at the most romantic moment, abruptly saying these advertising lines.

In everyone’s mind, they can no longer forget the words “orchestra network”!!

Many fans of Han Haoran’s fans immediately said on Weibo that for this implantation, even if they can’t wear it themselves, they have to spend 2800 to buy a Giorgio Armani shirt of the same style as Han Haoran!!

In the next show, Han Haoran and Xu Siyu’s date is warm and touching.

In short, although the third issue of “Meet the Real Rich and the Poor Egg” does not have the same explosive point as the “Moonlight Sonata” in the second issue.

But the ratings continue to rise.

And word of mouth is getting better and better!!

And the perfect, handsome, and considerate Han Haoran in the show.

In reality, the richest man in H Xia, who is young and golden, has naturally become the object that thousands of girls want to marry.

Early Sunday morning.

As soon as Han Haoran arrived at the office, he saw Wang Xing, who was already waiting at the door to report.

At this time, Wang Xing’s face was full of smiles.

When Han Haoran saw Wang Xing’s expression, he knew that although the group purchase on the first day of the “orchestra network” had not yet ended.

But sales should be good.

Sure enough, Wang Xing sat down and happily reported: “Boss, good news!!”

“The five group buying products we launched on the first day were all sold out”

“The orchestra.com is doing a miracle!”

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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