After talking about the company.

Li Chenxi looked at Han Haoran with a smile and said, “Boss, do you know about Chen Yuzhou?”

Han Haoran knew about Thunder Real Estate and Jiangnan Bank.

But how Chen Yuzhou is now, Han Haoran is not clear~ Chu.

Han Haoran only knew that Chen Yuzhou’s girlfriend had become his ex-girlfriend.

Han Haoran said with a smile: “I heard a little about Thunder Real Estate and Jiangnan Bank. ”

“What’s wrong with Chen Yuzhou??”

Li Chenxi said mysteriously: “I asked someone to inquire about the news through internal channels. ”

Chen Yuzhou was arrested before his father and uncle went in. ”

“And I heard that it was Chen Yuzhou who dragged down Chen Ting and Chen Xiao, without Chen Yuzhou, maybe their false accounts and illegal operations and bribery by using their power would not have been exposed so quickly. ”

Han Haoran asked curiously, “Oh??What did Chen Yuzhou do??”

The bastard things that Zhang Hua found out about Chen Yuzhou, Han Haoran naturally didn’t know.

In the previous life, although Chen Ting went in, although Chen Yuzhou was in the middle of the road, at least he was still outside and was not arrested.

Li Chenxi replied: “I don’t know the specifics. ”

“But what I do know is that Chen Yuzhou has committed a lot of crimes, and he may have to stay in prison for the rest of his life. ”

Han Haoran nodded: “I know, senior sister.” ”

“I don’t have anything else to do, you can help me call the fat man. ”

The company’s senior management knows that the fat man in Han Haoran’s mouth refers to Feng Yimin.

Han Haoran called everyone else very politely, only when he called Feng Yimin, he was “fat”, “fat”.

This fully shows that among so many people, Feng Yimin is still the most trusted person by Han Haoran.

Li Chenxi left the office.

Han Haoran sat alone in his chairman’s chair.

Chen Yuzhou, Chen Ting and Chen Xiao’s family were reunited in prison, and the mission was completed.

This period of grievance has passed.

For the previous life, Han Haoran only had two obsessions left.

One is the “Pujia” search engine, and the other is the “Longteng” operating system.

Feng Yimin quickly came upside down: “Boss, you’ve finished filming this variety show??”

Han Haoran nodded: “The last day of yesterday.” ”

Feng Yimin said with a smile: “I heard that it was Song Xinran who was waiting for you under the Ferris wheel of the amusement park yesterday??”

“Look at the way you ran sweaty yesterday, can you spoil it with me, Boss. ”

“Did you choose her in the end!!”

Han Haoran won’t spoil Feng Yimin!!

Feng Yimin’s big mouth, this kind of gossip, you must not tell him!!

So, Han Haoran smiled and said, “Fatty, you are stupid!!”

“Have you forgotten what kind of situation you just recorded two months ago??”

“I’m a ‘poor bastard’!!”

Feng Yimin has become accustomed to Han Haoran’s identity during this time.

For a while, Feng Yimin had forgotten that Han Haoran two months ago was still a poor student at Mizuki University, and he had just been expelled from McKinsey!!

sighed in his heart, Han Haoran was really amazing, Feng Dao: “Is this like this??”

“I almost forgot that the ‘poor bare’ can’t accept the female guest’s confession, and the task of the ‘poor bare’ is to deceive the female guest’s feelings. ”

“Boss, you’re ruthless. ”

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“There are so many excellent girls, you can’t bear to lie to them. ”

Han Haoran couldn’t help but glared at Feng Yimin: “Fatty, do you think I look like someone who will look forward to a girl’s affection?”

Feng Yimin nodded vigorously: “You are not like, you are.” ”

Han Haoran scolded: “I’m serious about every relationship, it’s really good!!”

Feng Yimin hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said, “Boss, don’t blame me for being wordy. ”

“You also have a main house called He Zhiyuan. ”


was reminded by Feng Yimin, Han Haoran remembered this matter!


Since the show was broadcast, although Han Haoran and He Zhiyuan did not have time to meet, they still talked on the phone normally.

Han Haoran has been too busy recently and hasn’t paid attention to the broadcast of the show at all, so didn’t He Zhiyuan know that he was on this show? ?

But He Zhiyuan did not mention this matter at all on the phone.

You must know that my interaction with Re Xiaodi in the first issue was very intimate.

······· Asking for flowers…

However, Han Haoran thought about it, and He Zhiyuan had seen Song Xinran before.

He Zhiyuan is such a sensitive person, she must be able to detect Song Xinran’s feelings for herself.

But He Zhiyuan never mentioned Song Xinran to herself.

Han Haoran thought for a while, maybe He Zhiyuan is such a person!

It’s not that He Zhiyuan has a big belly.

It’s just that He Zhiyuan will hold all the unhappy things in her heart, and will not choose to be angry, angry or questioned directly at herself.

But Han Haoran knew that if He Zhiyuan didn’t care at all, it was simply impossible.

Han Haoran decided that on the evening today, he really wanted to have an open and honest chat with He Zhiyuan.

The six female guests, because they are already familiar with each other, and the relationship has become very good.


So they get along relatively well.

Even, they are used to it, and they like more than one of them.

Even if they knew this, the six people still chose to continue to live in the “Love Hut”, and Han Haoran knew that the six people actually accepted many things subconsciously.

Accept that Han Haoran will not be loyal to her alone!

Accept that Han Haoran will have other women!!

However, Ho is different.

He Zhiyuan and the six people have no contact!

The most important thing is that He Zhiyuan thinks that she is her real girlfriend!

After all, He Zhiyuan has known each other for almost four years.

And the other female guests are only two months old!!

Feng Yimin knew that he most likely said the wrong thing. Looking at Han Haoran’s expression, something was wrong.

So, Feng Yimin quickly changed the topic: “Boss, in this way, you are a ‘poor egg’.” Wouldn’t I be able to see Ouyang Mi dancing a striptease??”

“Boss, you don’t know, I’ve always been a loyal fan of Ouyang Mi, and I’ve been paying attention to her since her debut. ”

“Although she doesn’t usually show her figure, she is really expected!!”

“Striptease???It’s a little exciting to think about. ”

“But she’s not going to pay her bills, is she??”

Looking at Feng Yimin’s appearance, Han Haoran sighed.

Why don’t you want to watch Ouyang Mi dance?

It’s all to blame for the chief director and the program team, who actually forcibly tampered with their identities!!!_

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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