There was an uproar in the audience!

Although many people have expected this.

But when they heard it with their own ears, when Soros said it himself, they still couldn’t accept it!!

After all, even if excellent traders are gradually emerging now, Soros is still the best trader on Wall Street, all of Citigroup, and even in the world.

From this sniping of Asian currencies, Soros alone was able to call on all the top hedge funds in the United States to follow him, which can fully prove this!

Soros is still the wolf king of the pack!!

However, on this day, the wolf king is leaving!!

At the moment when the hedge fund industry in Citigroup was hit hardest!!

Soros is very calm in his heart at this time.

In the process of confronting Han Haoran, he was once angry and lost his mind.

The office and conference room were smashed several times!

But after the defeat, after losing to Han Haoran completely, Soros was unusually calm.

Even Soros now thinks back that from the very beginning of the confrontation, he had already lost!!

From beginning to end, starting from rebar, to Thai baht, to Hong Kong dollars, and finally to the battlefield of soft sister coins, even if the first few times there were profits, but in fact, they have been losing!!

Although Solo 223 didn’t want to admit it, he had to admit that Han Haoran was much more powerful than himself, and he was too terrifying!

Every step of his own was expected by Han Haoran.

And in the end, he took a large number of hedge fund friends behind him and crashed into the big net compiled for him by Han Haoran, and he couldn’t break free and suffered heavy losses!!

And the losses of himself and his friends have all become Han Haoran’s profits!!

With such an opponent, Soros can’t afford to compete with him again.

Soros looked at the audience with a smile, his eyes fixed on a reporter in the front row and said, “Henry Stanford, Fox TV, right??”

“I remember 20 years ago, you were interviewing me down there. ”

“Now I’m old. You’re getting old, too. ”

“As of today, I am retired. I also recommend that you spend more time with your family and live the life you want to live. ”

“In the journalist industry, you have also reached the age of retirement. ”

Henry Stanford was a little sad by Soros, and he shouted at the throat: “George, you can retire yourself!!”

“I’m still young!! I can still do (bheg) for ten years!!”

Soros smiled and looked at the other person: “Cromwell Benedict, Wall Street Journal.” ”

“To be honest, I hate The Wall. Because every time you pretend that you are the best media in the financial circle, you are arrogant!!”

“And I hate you too, because you’re always hacking me!! You say you’re good for nothing but a brilliant speculator. ”

“To say that I have no mercy, to say that I am hypocritical, to say that I am above economic interests, to say that I am grandstanding. ”

Cromwell-Benedict pouted, Rose was retiring, and he also thought that everything he had earned before was not wrong!

Soros is such a person!!

Soros continued: “Actually, you’re right!

“However, I think that good financial circles, good speculators, should not have any mercy. ”

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“There are flaws in human understanding, so the most practical thing I can do is to focus on the gaps and distortions of human understanding of everything. ”

“And then use it for your own benefit. ”

“Even when I’m retired, I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. ”

Cromwell-Benedict shouted, “I think I’ve said something I’ve missed!”


Soros pointed to a reporter in the distance and said, “Quleton Aldrich.” New york times. ”

“Why are you hiding behind so much today??Did you get up late??Or do you think that my Soros influence is not as good as before, so I don’t need to come to the queue early to grab a good position?”

“You’ve only been in the industry for a while, and I remember the first time I had an impression of you was a year ago. ”

“Still, you’re a journalist I admire so much, not because you say nice things about me, but in fact you’re one of my number one blacks, like Cromwell Benedict. ”

“However, I think your article is much better and more objective than that of Cromwell Benedict. ”

“I hope that after I retire, you can still write such good articles, and I hope you can still find someone to scold. ”

Quleton Aldridge laughed: “I will!!”

Soros glanced around again and said, “Edgeworth Rist, Horace Yveley, Carpenter Rupert, Susan Gerald.” ”

“Actually, after dealing with you for a long time, I naturally remember many people’s names. ”

“But today, it’s also the last time I’ll deal with you. ”

“Goodbye, old friends. ”

“From today onwards, I will leave the Quantum Fund forever and I will not keep any position in the Quantum Fund. ”

“Everything that remains with the Quantum Fund is in charge of Stanley Druckenmiller. ”

“I’m sure Druckenmiller is an old friend. ”

“In the future, he will continue to deal with everyone, Aldrich and Benedict, you can continue to scold him!!

“That’s pretty much all I have to say. ”

“Here’s the question time. ”

“But this time, and it was my last press conference, the rules for asking questions were a bit peculiar. ”

“Everyone whose name I have just reported, you have a chance to ask me one last question. ”

“Of course, you can also choose not to ask questions. ”

“The others are sorry. This last press conference was a chat between me and an old friend. ”

Fox TV’s Henry Stanford was the first to stand up.

“George, I will indeed be very reluctant to give you the rest of my life. ”

“My question is simple, what do you want to do when you retire?”

“And this time you retire, you’ve already made up your mind not to come back??”

Soros replied with a smile: “Old friend, I’m at this age, so naturally I’m not coming back.” ”

“I’m not Mike Jordan. ”

“As for what to do after retirement? I use my money to help many, many people in need. ”

In addition to being a wealthy and inhuman capital predator, Soros is also a philanthropist.

Of course, Citigroup’s wealthy are philanthropists, because doing charity can be a reasonable and legal way to avoid taxes.

However, Soros said that he would concentrate on charity after retirement, which really surprised many people. _

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