Han Haoran still smiled calmly.

He turned to the judge and raised his voice: “That’s the third point I’m going to state. ”

“The 33 payments that our defender Qi Yuhan gave to Fu Qinjian, totaling 47.85 million soft sister coins, are not dividends, but the principal and interest of Fu Qinjian’s loans. ”

Fu Qinjian: ????

Mr. Qin: ????

Which one is this???

Even Qi Yuhan couldn’t suppress the fluctuations in his heart.

However, Han Haoran told Qi Yuhan before the trial that no matter how surprised or unexpected he was, he had to be very calm on the surface.

Therefore, at this time, even if Qi Yuhan was turbulent in his heart, his expression was still the same on the surface.

Han Haoran ignored the other party’s surprise and continued: “Yes, 5 years ago, Fu Qinjian lent Qi Yuhan 197,000 soft sister coins. ”

In a few years, Qi Yuhan also gave Fu Qinjian a total of 47.85 million soft sister coins. ”

“Even if inflation is counted, less than 200,000 soft sister coins have been repaid 47.85 million in five years. ”

“This interest rate is higher than that of loan sharks, isn’t it??”

Lawyer Qin never expected this, he didn’t expect that the other party’s thinking was like this.

At this time, Lawyer Qin was already a little uncalm on the surface, and he found that the development of the incident was not going as he expected.

He could only use his voice to hide the panic in his heart: “Protest!! The content of the other party’s statement has nothing to do with this case!!

This time, however, the judge said, “The protest is invalid!” ”

Han Haoran said: “Actually, this case is very simple. ”

“It was five years ago that Fu Qinjian lent Qi Yuhan 197,000 soft sister coins as a business for ‘meeting happiness’. ”

However, because the two were sisters at that time, they did not leave any notes. ”

In the past five years, Qi Yuhan has relied on his own hard work to turn ‘meeting happiness’ into what it is today. ”

Qi Yuhan was grateful to Fu Qinjian for lending her more than start-up capital when she was in the most difficult time, so she gave Fu Qinjian a high interest in return. ”

“However, less than 200,000 yuan, 47.85 million soft sister coins have been repaid, this is interesting enough, and it is benevolent enough, right?”

“Therefore, my defender Qi Yuhan told Fu Qinjian that she has fully repaid the principal and interest of this loan, and she will not pay Fu Qinjian again in the future. ”

What Qi Yuhan didn’t expect was that Fu Qinjian was even more greedy than she imagined. ”

Fu Qinjian wanted more, and even wanted to take her shop. ”

“But Ms. Fu Qinjian, you don’t want to think about it, you don’t know every employee of ‘Meet Happiness’, and you don’t even know what products ‘Meet Happiness’ sells. ”

“How can you pretend to be the behind-the-scenes boss who ‘met happiness’ like this??”

“Ask which company has an incompetent boss like you. ”

Lawyer Qin continued to shout: “Protest!!The opposing lawyer is using inducing statements to mislead everyone’s judgment!!”

“Please ask the other party to come up with evidence, why do you say that the 197,000 soft sister coins are loans, not shares??”


At this time, Lawyer Qin’s words had already begun to panic, because he also found that the current situation had taken a sharp turn for the worse, which was not good for him!

Because he has already thought of a point, if the opposing lawyer attacks according to this point, everything will be reversed, and it will be very unfavorable for the prosecution!

Lawyer Qin’s head was already sweating.

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He thought that this lawsuit was an easy lawsuit, so he accepted Fu Qinjian’s commission.

However, what Lawyer Qin didn’t expect was that the opposing defense lawyer was so terrible!

The lawyer, who seemed to be very young, induced him step by step into the trap, and then launched a thunderous blow!!

Lawyer Qin realized that perhaps he had appeared in court 120 times without a single record of defeat, and he was going to be interrupted here!!

Sure enough, when Han Haoran spoke again, Lawyer Qin’s pupils dilated again.

“Prosecution lawyer, it’s so simple, you don’t know the common sense that even law students know, right??” Han Haoran said with a smile.

“You are the prosecution, in the civil lawsuit, you should be the one who presents evidence!”

“Yes, you need to prove that the 197,000 soft sister coins are shares, not loans. ”

“Instead of asking me to prove that this is a loan, right?”

“So, can you come up with the shareholding agreement signed by Fu Qinjian and Qi Yuhan at that time?”

Lawyer Qin’s mind was blank at this time.

His worst fears have happened!

He never expected that the other party’s lawyer would completely reverse the situation in just a few words.

He racked his brains, but found that he couldn’t answer this question!!

Lawyer Qin could only stand up and say to the judge, “Mr. Judge, I apply for a fifteen-minute adjournment. ”

The judge nodded: “Adjournment !!”

Seeing Lawyer Qin anxiously walking out with Fu Qinjian, Qi Yuhan was about to cry happily at this time.

Even if he doesn’t know the law very well, Qi Yuhan can find that the situation at this time has been reversed to his side.

Qi Yuhan took Han Haoran’s hand and confirmed, “Han Haoran, are we going to win!!”

“Can I still have my ‘Happiness’?”

Han Haoran nodded: “Of course, what I promised you a long time ago, naturally it will be done.” ”

“I expect that in the next time, Fu Qinjian will tell the verbal agreement between the two of you. ”

“She knows that she has completely lost the opportunity to encroach on ‘Meet Happiness’, so what she thinks about now is that everything is business as usual, and you and she still own 50% of the shares. ”

“All she might want to do is sign a supplemental agreement with you that stipulates the percentage of the two of you’s shares. ”

Qi Yuhan said with a smile: “Supplementary agreement?? This is fine.” ”

“With it, I no longer have to worry about ‘meeting happiness’ being taken away. ”

“However, after this incident, I was a little reluctant to let Fu Qinjian be my partner. ”

“Han Haoran, can I ask you one more thing??Can you help me buy the shares in Fu Qinjian’s hands??”

“Even if it costs more, I’m willing. ”

Han Haoran couldn’t help but smile: “Spend money??”

“How is that possible??”

“Now that the situation has already reversed, Fu Qinjian will beg you to sign a supplementary agreement, but you don’t need to sign it. ”

“Yuhan, you wait. ”

“If we don’t spend a penny, we can make Fu Qinjian not even get a dime or a percent of the shares. ”

“That’s where greed ends. ”

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