She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 720 Jinlan Sect (asking for monthly votes)

Jiang Yuebai's side relied on good luck and strength, and everything went smoothly. In less than half a day, the Xiong Clan of the Jiuhe Realm, the Tianxing Sect of the Jiuhe Realm, and the Fang Clan of the Loujin Realm were all eliminated.

The only thing that didn't go well was that the jade tablets in Fang's hands were different from theirs. They collected six jade tablets along the way, and they were all different.

This made Jiang Yuebai very helpless, and the luck brought by the antlers was not omnipotent.

Ge Yuchan and others who had been waiting outside saw Jiang Yuebai come out safe and sound. They were relieved and at the same time surprised by Jiang Yuebai's strength.

However, Jiang Yuebai was not an enemy, but the senior sister of their Tianyan Sect. Everyone was surprised and honored.

"Go home!"

Jiang Yuebai said hello, and the group smiled at each other, hid their figures, and returned together.


At the same time, on the outskirts of Qingyun Realm.

Originally, the Xiong family and the Tianxing Sect were counting on the Fang family to lead them to a comeback, but who would have thought that even the Fang family could not escape Jiang Yuebai's vicious hands.

The head of the Fang clan saw Fang Yongchang and Fang Jihe who had been teleported out. Their skin was shriveled, as if they had aged more than a hundred years in an instant. For a moment, their faces were ashen, and they could only curse them as trash!

These two people do not have a hundred years of kung fu, and coupled with a large number of miraculous elixirs to replenish qi and blood, it will be difficult for them to return to their peak period.

Now that all the Nascent Souls of the Fang clan who participated in the Qingyun Society have been destroyed, even though the Fang clan still has eight golden elixir disciples and three god-transformation monks, the patriarch of the Fang clan has no shame in staying any longer. The elder takes the first step.

The relationship between the Fang family and the Tianyan Sect has finally been established!

"Look, isn't that Pei Shengyue from the Jinlan Sect of the White Tiger Realm? He's fighting with another group of people from the Tianyan Sect. Huo, he's so strong!"

There were waves of exclamation in the crowd. Compared to Jiang Yuebai's success, Lu Nazhi's situation was slightly unlucky.

It was previously discovered that Chiri Zong Ye Tianlang and his party were settling on a floating island not far from them. After finally investigating, Tang Weimian and Mu Wushuang figured out the flaws in their formation, and then they left cautiously. .

I wanted to explore another thirty miles and then turn back, but unexpectedly I was ambushed by others and fell into the hands of Jinlan Sect.

When Lu Nazhi sensed the murderous intent, he saw a female cultivator in yellow suddenly coming from behind the crowd, waving her saber in her hand and slashing at the five of them fiercely.

At that moment, everyone heard the roar of a tiger that was earth-shattering, and saw the majestic sword like a tiger coming down the mountain, two tiger claws tearing the air, attacking fiercely.

Lu Nazhi looked stern and drew his sword to attack. Mu Wushuang and Tang Weimian each raised a formation flag.

Wen Jian stepped in front of the two of them, shouting "impenetrable" and resisting with his body. Shen Huaixi frantically twirled his fingers behind them, and green light bloomed on his fingertips.


The Zhanma Sword and the Ice Soul Sword collided ferociously, with an ear-piercing roar. The aftermath set off ripples that spread wildly from the place where the collision occurred. The floating island with no people on either side instantly fell into pieces, and smoke and dust flew into the sky.

Lu Nanzhi frowned, holding the sword with both hands to hold the incoming man's sword. The water mist around his body froze to defend himself, and crackled in the lingering power of the sword.

Under the sharp and unstoppable sword energy, the formation flags in the hands of Mu Wushuang and Tang Weimian were broken with a sound, and the remaining power was shocked, and they all spurted blood.

Golden light exploded from Wen Jian's body, tearing and bleeding everywhere, and the blue cloud totem suddenly appeared between her eyebrows. If she hadn't blocked them in front, Mu Wushuang and Tang Weimian would have been seriously injured.

Just when Wen Jian was about to be eliminated, the green light in Shen Huaixi's hand turned into ribbons and wrapped around Wen Jian's body.

Shen Huaixi frowned and tried his best to use medical skills to offset the damage suffered by Wen Jian, forcefully pressing down the blue cloud totem between Wen Jian's eyebrows bit by bit.

Seeing this, the female cultivator in yellow took a deep look at Lu Nanzhi under the knife, sheathed the knife and retreated, smiling arrogantly.

"If you can take my sword, you are considered powerful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two more male cultivators from the late Nascent Soul stage appeared, blocking everyone's retreat.

The three of them are all dressed in yellow, similar to the costumes of the Chiri Sect, with a white tiger totem on the back, representing the Jinlan Sect of the White Tiger Realm.

Shen Huaixi glanced at the three people around him. The Jinlan Sect could be said to be one of the strongest forces in the Qingyun Association. There was really no need for a head-on confrontation at this time.

Moreover, Wen Jian, Mu Wushuang and Tang Weimian were all injured to varying degrees. If they were to fight, they might not lose, but both sides would definitely suffer.

Shen Huaixi immediately sent a message to Lu Nanzhi, "Senior Sister Lu, Senior Sister Jiang is still waiting for us to return."

Lu Nanzhi held the sword in her hand. When she encountered a strong enemy, it was difficult for her to suppress her fighting spirit. However, she was able to distinguish her priorities at this moment, and immediately gave Shen Huaixi a retreat signal secretly.

Shen Huaixi immediately activated the Blood Demon Bead that he had long held in his hand. This is one of the nine ghost weapons of the ghost clan in the earth spirit world. Most of them have disappeared. Only the Blood Demon Bead is left in Shen Huaixi's hand, and the Taiyin Fan is in Jiang Yuebai's hand. in hand.

As soon as the Blood Demon Pearl was activated, blood mist filled Shen Huaixi's body and filled the air crazily, wrapping several people in an instant.

When the two male cultivators at the rear saw this, they immediately rushed in. Only Pei Shengyue stood on the spot without moving. The golden light on his body was roaring, and the blood mist could not touch him at all.

When the two male cultivators dispersed the blood mist, there were not many people inside.

Pei Shengyue sheathed her sword, "No need to waste any effort. There is an acquired spiritual treasure hanging on the sword of that female swordsman. It will not do us any good to fight head on. This Ye Tianlang, please send me a message and ask me to attack and kill these people. But they didn’t say that they have acquired spiritual treasures in their hands, so they don’t have good intentions!”

Pei Shengyue led the two of them straight to the floating island where the Chiri Sect was stationed, preparing to raise an army to investigate the crime!


The journey back went smoothly. At the end of the third day of the Qingyun Club, the two teams of Lu Nazhi and Jiang Yuebai returned to Leiyun Fu Island where they were stationed.

When everyone met outside the island, Jiang Yuebai keenly noticed that Lu Nazhi and the others did not look very good, so he knew that they must have encountered some trouble.

She didn't ask any questions for the time being and stepped onto the floating island first.

After passing through the layers of formations and reaching the center of the floating island, the scene that caught their eyes shocked everyone.

I saw Li Shenzhi being nailed to the ground with a sword stuck in his chest and dying. Hongye was cut into eight pieces and his blood flowed into a river.

Jiang Yuebai's eyelids drooped, "Li Shenzhi, have you had enough fun?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everything around him disappeared like a phantom.

Li Shenzhi sat there peacefully, with a bunch of things from unknown sources beside him, and the red leaves were nicely coiled up, sleeping gracefully.

Li Shenzhi stood up and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, there are too many formations, and I forgot that there is another layer of phantom formations."

Seeing Li Shenzhi's relaxed look, everyone knew that nothing major happened at the station these two days. It was just puzzling where the pile of things around him came from.

While there was still time, everyone hurriedly sat down around and told others about the people and things they encountered.

What's interesting is that Shen Huaixi put the jade tablets collected by everyone together. There were eight sides in total, but he couldn't even make a pair. They were all different.

With this probability, I don’t know whether it’s because there are too many types of jade cards or they are just too unlucky.

In desperation, Shen Huaixi had no choice but to put the jade tablet aside, take out the Shanhe chessboard, and compile the information.

Lu Nanzhi told Jiang Yuebai about his encounter with Jin Lanzong. Jiang Yuebai took out the information jade slip given by Xie Jingshan and found the content about Pei Shengyue.

"Pei Shengyue, one hundred and forty-four years old, is close to the peak of the late Nascent Soul. His main training methods are Tianpin's "White Tiger True Art" and Tianpin's "Zhantian Sword Technique". His natal magic weapon is the Tianzhuang Jue that matches the sword technique. The sword is above the level of a first-grade spiritual weapon. In addition, he also has a first-grade spiritual weapon, the Star-Shattering Bow, and a first-grade spiritual weapon, the Golden Gang Shield."

"Is there any acquired spiritual treasure? Xie Jingshan makes a note here. There is Bodu Immortal Lord behind Jinlan Sect. There is a high probability that he will give her one for self-defense. I don't know what it is. It is from Chiri Sect, Wuyue Immortal Sect and Zhenwu Immortal Sect. All the monks of the same level have been defeated by her."

After listening to Jiang Yuebai's words, Lu Nanzhi lowered his eyes and curled his lips, "He is a strong enemy, we can fight!"

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