Lilith, the ancestor of vampires, has descended upon Elena, and in Renjia Town!

Zhou Yihang was a little surprised.

He quickly asked,"Why is she still here? Hasn't she already transferred the container to the Zombie King?"

Jessica said,"This situation is very common, because Jessica is an abandoned container, but because she is not dead yet, the Book of Darkness in her hand cannot be automatically transferred to the body of the next container!"


"Lilith came here this time not for any other reason, but to kill Elena!"

"Only in this way!"

"Her container plan will go forward!"

Damn it!

You stinky bitch want to take action against my wife!

Zhou Yihang said angrily:"How strong is this Lilith when she descends at this time?"


"Jessica, you can sense her, can she sense you?"

Jessica said:"The strength of the gods when they descend depends on the strength of the container!

And now Elena is extremely weak.

As an abandoned container, it is full of loopholes, just like a bamboo basket.

Therefore, even if Lilith descends, her combat effectiveness will definitely not be very strong!"

Zhou Yihang sneered, and felt relieved a little. Jessica continued:"Lilith should not be able to sense me, except that I am in your consciousness space, and in the crystal coffin that you have transformed.


I absorbed your essence and blood before, and my body has undergone great changes.

Therefore, even if she senses the existence of the blood clan, she will never know that I am her previous spiritual clone."

Speaking of this.

Jessica's mind moved, and golden runes appeared on her skin like solidified fat.

This is good!

While she is sick, I will trick her and save my wife at the same time.

Thinking of this,

Zhou Yihang sneered, and his soul returned to his body


"You're awake!"

Seeing Zhou Yihang on the rattan chair open his eyes, Uncle Jiu came over with a smile.

He knew that his ancestor must have made another breakthrough.

Because just when he opened his eyes, Uncle Jiu, Taoist Simu, and Madonna all felt a mysterious suppression.

Seeing Uncle Jiu's expression,

Zhou Yihang also guessed it, because Uncle Jiu and the others had all received his blood essence.

And there was a secret technique of absolute control of this spirit. It was normal for them to feel pressure in the dark.

"Uncle Nine!"

"I'm going to do something, don't wait for me!" Zhou Yihang stood up, smiled and walked out.

It was already afternoon.

Zhou Yihang meant that he would not accompany everyone for dinner in the evening.


"I have something to report to you!"

Uncle Jiu hurriedly caught up, and Taoist Simu and Madonna also followed.

Zhou Yihang asked:"What's the matter?"

Uncle Jiu hurriedly said:"Grandmaster, I am going to perform a ritual tonight and summon the judge to inquire about the changes in the underworld. Therefore, I beg you to escort me by my side!"

The Naihe Bridge is broken and Mengpo is missing.

This is definitely a big deal.

Uncle Jiu has always been cautious in doing things, so when he performs the ritual, he hopes Zhou Yihang will be there to support him to avoid any accidents.


"I'll be back before dark!"

Zhou Yihang nodded and said, and with a thought, he disappeared. After leaving the charity cemetery,

Zhou Yihang instructed Xiao Jin to quickly operate the Six Treasury Immortal Thief to purify the blood. He walked towards the old house that was sold by his predecessor.


The underworld!

In the infinite depths, a dark, cold, violent, and crazy place.

High in the sky, a pair of eyes suddenly lit up.

"that person!"

""Haven't you summoned the judge yet?"

The voice fell.

The darkness was slightly dispelled, revealing a body floating in the air.

Who else could it be but the judge that Uncle Jiu had summoned before!

"my Lord!"

"This Uncle Jiu has always been a righteous man, and he takes the people of the world as his responsibility. After he learned about the changes in the underworld last night, he will definitely summon the judge tonight to find out the news!"

"And with Uncle Jiu’s caution!"

"He would definitely ask that person to stand by and guard the area in case anything unexpected happens!"

"Don't worry!"

"Tonight is the time to catch that mysterious man!"

"By the time!"

"We will kill him by surprise. Even if there is a Heaven Beyond Heaven, they will never find out anything!" As the voice fell, two huge and majestic shadows appeared beside the body of the judge.

One black and one white. The white man was tall and thin, with a pale face and a long tongue. On the shackles in his hands, mysterious magic circles flickered continuously, exuding a fierce aura. The black man's face was like black charcoal, he was much shorter, and his figure was slightly fat.

He had a fierce look on his face.

The mourning stick in his hand made a humming sound, making the surrounding black air even crazier and colder.

These two people were none other than the famous Black and White Impermanence in the world.

Unfortunately, no one in the world could have imagined that the Black and White Impermanence, who were supposed to exorcise ghosts and catch souls, had already rebelled against the underworld and followed the so-called mysterious master


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