Six is ​​also dead.

With the addition of No. 9, two cremators died at the crematorium last night.

Nine screamed when it died, so it was discovered immediately.

No. 6 died without a sound, until he opened the door and found his headless body lying on the ground, bleeding all over the floor.

The corpse that was supposed to be reduced to ashes broke through the roof and fled, but disappeared, including No. 6's head.

The smoky faces of the sixteen surviving cremators did not show any expression, fear, joy or other expressions.

No one spoke. The cremator was a lowly profession that traded his life for steamed buns. His status and situation were even worse than that of Ye Xiangfu in the city. Most of them were from refugees.

What the refugees saw the most was the dead body.

Already numb.

Not long after, three factory workers in flying fish suits came to No. 6 crematorium to track down the escaped corpse.

But this has nothing to do with the cremators like Qin He.

No matter whether the escaped corpse is caught or not, it will never return to the crematorium.

Including the corpses captured by the duty officer in Room 9, they will also be sent to other places for processing.

The cremators lined up to hand over the ashes, and each received fifteen copper coins, which was a day's food money.

Those whose ashes belonged to their owners were taken away by their families, and those who had no owners were poured into the canal.

The scholar's identity is known to no one except Qin He, so naturally no one will take it. Qin He thought for a while, and said to the officer on duty: "My lord, can this barrel of ashes be handed over to the young man?"

Xu Changshou gave Qin He a strange look, and waved his hand impatiently in agreement.

He didn't care about what Qin He did with this useless bucket of ashes, since it didn't belong to anyone anyway, and he was feeling depressed.

Two cremators died last night, and one turned into a corpse.

The cremator can be recruited again after he dies, but if the transformed corpse causes any trouble, the cremator will definitely be punished.

Half a year ago, a transformed corpse ran away, and attacked a caravan the next night. None of the thirteen people in the caravan survived. It's fine if it's an ordinary merchant, but the one that was attacked was King Wei's caravan.

Who is the king of Wei? Dali is now nine thousand years old, with one person under one person and above ten thousand people in the imperial court, and he is the most important right-hand man of the emperor's son.

No one knows how angry King Wei was. Anyway, after a single strike, Dongcheng soldiers and horses were beaten in half from top to bottom, and the four officials on duty were thrown into prison, and there was no more news.

It was because of that incident that he was able to enter the crematorium to seek such a job.

Who would have thought that the same thing happened when I was on duty in only half a year.

"Don't let anything happen to you." Xu Changshou prayed secretly.


Qin He carried the scholar's ashes all the way out of the city, and came to a remote place where he dug a pit and buried the ashes.

I peeled off a tree branch and used it as a tombstone, and engraved the words: Tomb of Liu Chengji, a scholar of Longchuan.

Since you were drowned in the water, don't put the ashes in the water again.

Scribbled, the dignified county magistrate's son was buried like this.

Buried together are his wealth, his love and hatred, and his title on the gold list.

There is one person missing in the world, but it seems that nothing is missing.


Back near the crematorium, the sun has risen.

The Water Transport Wharf, which had been silent all night, became lively.

The Grand Canal meanders from the sky, connecting the heart of the Dali Dynasty and the rich land of fish and rice in the south, full of food, military pay, taxes, silk, cotton, porcelain, coal, wood and countless tourists. The goods went north, supporting the precarious rule of the Da Li Dynasty over the north.

Moving on foot like ants moving house, one piece of goods is unloaded and loaded onto the ship.

They shouted the password, stepped on the bridge that bounced up and down, and the cargo bent their waists, but they still walked like flying, like walking on flat ground.

There are countless merchants on the shore bargaining, and there is a lot of people talking, which is very lively.

A group of refugees flocked to the foot bank to wait for selection, wanting to sell their strength in exchange for stuttering food. The foot man covered his nose with disgust on his face, pointed to the two hundred catties big stone lock next to him and said: "Lift the stone lock and you will be able to save money." Get down, those who can’t lift it up, go away.”

The refugees looked at the stone lock and shook their heads one after another. They were so skinny, how could they have the strength to lift the two hundred catties stone lock.

Some people refused to give up, and they were beaten up immediately. There were four or five thugs standing behind the head.

Seeing this, the refugees had to leave one after another.

"A bunch of firewood, none of them are useful, bah." The little man spit on his head, turned around and was about to leave, when a voice sounded: "I'll try."

Turning around, I saw a young man about twenty years old, wearing coarse linen clothes, standing next to the stone lock at some point, bent down and raised the stone lock above his head with a "hoo".

The little guy's eyes lit up, and finally something important came.

Yesterday, a bridge log was overturned when the cargo was unloaded, and two workers died, and there is a shortage of manpower.

"Not bad, stay."

"How much is the salary?" asked the young man.

"Five coins a day, some in the morning and some in the afternoon."

"Too little, don't do it."

"It's still too little, so I don't want to inquire about it. Two meals a day and five cents are paid. Who else can travel besides me? How much do you want?"

"Fifteen texts."

The young man grinned, and before the stunned boy could react, he dropped the stone lock and ran away.

The angry little head jumped behind and cursed.


Qin He is very satisfied with his changes.

If he had this strength before, he wouldn't have become a cremator.

But now, even if it is for an official, he will not move his place.

I spent all my fifteen renminbi, and brought back eight Zamian steamed buns and two sesame cakes from the morning market stall.

Not to mention the taste, Zamian steamed buns are black and hard, but there are some wheat bran, grain bark, bark and grass roots inside, and the taste is bitter.

But fortunately, I can eat enough.

I went back to the crematorium and slept for a day. After eating the remaining steamed buns at night, the gong sounded, and the officer on duty finished distributing the corpses, closed and locked the door, and the cremator workers began their day's work.

What was distributed to Qin He was a dead body. The heart had been stabbed in half, the arm had been cut off, and it was covered in mud.

There are three hot words on the chest: Sanjiang Gang

From the looks of it, it should be a thug from the Cao Gang, who crawled out of the soil after death, whether out of resentment or obsession.

The Grand Canal is the golden waterway for money, food and goods in the world. The entire Dali Dynasty focused on the profits brought by the water transportation. There were cliques and bureaucrats rampant, each with its own minions and forces.

The pedestrian gang, the Cao gang, the chariot gang, and the dental gang are all kings, and fighting is commonplace.

In the beginning, it is often what you are looking at, what you are doing, and then you start to make gestures, gradually escalate, and finally become a collective fight between two gangs. He took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket.

Ouch, this knife is awesome!

Alas, kicking the bottom is not a man!

That who, you work hard!

After all these things, they will go to collect a corpse after they are satisfied with their eyes, and the matter will be over, and they will continue in two days.

After checking that there were no other problems, Qin He put on sackcloth and filial piety cloth, got fresh water, and began to wash the corpse.

The cremator has the rules of the cremator. Before burning the corpse, he must wear sackcloth and filial piety. Clean up the corpse. Don't blame yourself, lest insects kill you, the little craftsman will change your clothes for you to go on the road, and you will lie down on the Sanqing Terrace, so that the time will not pass.

The meaning of the words is that I will cleanse your body in sackcloth and filial piety, please do not harm me, otherwise you will miss the time of reincarnation, and you will be gone after the blissful rebirth.

I don't know if it's useful or not, but that's the rule anyway.

Qin He washed the corpse first, then sewed the front and rear holes and the arms of the corpse with needles and threads. After dressing neatly, he transferred the corpse to the crematorium.

The kerosene ignites the coal pile, and then blows in the air, and soon it will burn blazingly.

The pungent sulfur smell mixed with the stench of corpses was very unpleasant.

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