Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 88: Dashun Hero

How can all warriors, especially masters, have no weapons of their own?

Some people go to every corner of Dashun for a sword of their own.

Chao Xi is a stranger. There are two reasons why she doesn't use weapons. First, she doesn't really like fighting, and prefers to live in peace. The best martial arts are not needed.

Second, I feel that my silver needle is completely sufficient. It rarely happens like on the battlefield. There are people everywhere. Spilling the silver needle will accidentally hurt my own people.

It turned out that there were too few people in contact with both sides of the valley and the village, and the silver needles were indeed enough. Now the environment has changed, especially when I hurried out last night, because there is no weapon to lose, and I understand the importance of a weapon in hand.

Therefore, Chao Xi did not refuse Shen Fei's curiosity, but seriously looked for a suitable one in the huge tent.

I looked around and found that it didn't.

"Isn't there a stick?" I got used to using sticks and felt uncomfortable with other sticks.

Shen Fei shook his head, "It's best to choose a weapon that can kill you in one blow."

After all, it was used to fight, Chao Xi understood, but the tent was not a mace, it was a knife or a sword, so ugly, I didn't like it.

"Shen Fei, you can choose for me." I remember that Shen Fei also loves beauty. Chao Xi doesn't expect to choose a very beautiful one.

The weapons here are all made for men. They are rough and ugly, without the lines that they should have.

Shen Fei nodded, raised his feet and walked inward, his eyes scanned one by one on the suspended weapons, and finally stopped on the high bow in the middle.

The bow has a texture, as if it is old.

"A long, long time ago, there was a general who was so powerful that he didn't know how many bows he broke. Until one day, the emperor knew about it and asked someone to build one for him." Shen Fei raised his hand and held the bow and arrow. Take it down, "The general died for many years. Before he died, he said he would give a bow to the hero. As long as someone can pull it, he will give it to someone. Unfortunately, no one can pull it for so many years."

Shen Fei looked at her, "Do you want to try?"

Chao Xi was eager to try, "Okay."

The general is so powerful, she is about the same, eating so much every day is not for nothing. He has raised a hundred catties of bears, and Shen Fei and his wheelchair are also lifted, unbelieving that he can't pull a bow.

And this bow Shen Fei can handle it, and it doesn't look that heavy. How could it be impossible to pull it, it should be difficult to handle.

Chao Xi picked up the bow with one hand. Shen Fei lost his hand and the bow suddenly heavy. Chao Xi was not prepared and almost smashed his foot.

She glanced at Shen Fei bitterly, "Why don't you tell me?"

Shen Fei put his hands into his sleeves, his expression was indifferent, only the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "I told you that many people can't pull the bow, it's your own impropriety."

The explanation is very heavy. It is true that Chao Xi ignored it. However, Chao Xi is not careless in one day or two days. Normally, Shen Fei will deliberately remind her that he did not bluntly say that the bow is very heavy today. It is clear that he still complains about the morning. .

Regardless of his wishes, Chao Xi pressed the person into the quilt and bit the place where she was not allowed to bite last time, and bit it symmetrically.

Shen Fei was dissatisfied, so teasing her?

Chao Xi found out that he would retaliate secretly, and started talking about it when she was in the valley. As long as she forced Shen Fei to do something he didn't like, Shen Fei would be very uncooperative, such as taking a bath, deliberately making herself very dirty and increasing Chao Xi's cleaning difficulty.

It's the same with cooking. If you don't eat this, don't eat that, Chao Xi will try to cook more delicately. Of course, she hadn't seen Shen Fei at that time, and only found out when she became more and more familiar.

He has no trace of what he did. It took a long time for the dull Chao Xi to realize that he had been retaliated against?

This can be regarded as Shen Fei's little temper. After all, after holding him back all morning, can't he let him vent?

Chao Xi didn't care much. He raised the bow with some strength, and pulled the string with the other hand. The string was very heavy and it was very stressful. At least half of the effort was required.

No wonder everyone did not choose this bow. Most of her strength is so strenuous. Ordinary people estimate that if they can't pull two bows, they will be exhausted. This is very unfavorable on the battlefield. After all, it is not a contest of courtesy. That's it.

Whoever admits defeat to you on the battlefield will die if you can't pull it.

Chao Xi let go of the string, pulled it up again, let it go again, and repeated ten times, "It's okay."

It is not a problem for her to pull twenty or thirty strokes with this bow. After twenty or thirty strokes, she can simply hold it as a wooden stick. The two sides of the longbow are iron and it hurts to hit people.

Chao Xi waved twice, wanting to see Shen Fei embarrassed, and specifically at him, Shen Fei lightly avoided, standing a little farther away from her.

"Are you sure you choose this one?"

Chao Xi nodded, "Well, that's it."

Head Shen Fei, leading her to the outside, asked Chao Xi on the way, "Shen Fei, is it going to fight?"

She heard from other people that she had defended the barracks and killed a young general on the other side. She should be chased by victory. At this time, the soldiers were in high spirits, as if encouraged, it was feasible to overcome difficulties.

"Yeah." Shen Fei didn't hide her from her.

"I want to go too." Chao Xi stopped him, "You must take me."

Shen Fei glanced at her lightly, "Did I say not to take you?"

Chao Xi was overjoyed, "I can protect you."

Shen Fei did not veto, but only gave a soft ‘um’.

Xu was talking about the war, Shen Fei's face became solemn, like a fog that couldn't be removed, his brows furrowed, and the same was true for the next few days.

Chao Xi found that he had become anxious, which was different from the anxiety of others. He was relatively calm and could hardly see it. He just kept washing his hands, and then washing his hands, the hands were still washed when they were broken.

I didn't pay attention, but one day sitting quietly beside him, he found this man writing something, and suddenly called sister Jinghua to bring in water, because her hands were stained with ink, and the washing was normal.

Then, within an hour, Shen Fei called Jinghua's sister again, and Chao Xi realized that it was not only her that was nervous, but Shen Fei was also a little nervous.

The lives of hundreds of thousands of people are all tied to him. Tension seems to be understandable, but Chao Xi has always felt that this person is doing great things. Whether the sky falls or the ground sinks, he can talk and laugh.

On the surface, Chao Xi always loves to say that he is weak and needs someone to protect him. In fact, she approves of him in her heart. It is like she heard that there is going to be a war, and her heart jumps suddenly, always feeling uneasy, but as long as she is in Shen Fei's side, looking at this person as usual, quietly reviewing the memorial, so there was no panic at all.

Because the flustered feeling was too uncomfortable, Chao Xi simply stayed beside Shen Fei, practicing arrows near his tent.

This bow is really powerful. It can shoot far away with just a random pull. It has never been honestly shot on an arrow target. Usually, it can shoot a hole in the target with just one shot.

Soon other people who practiced arrows came over and accused her, can one person use more than two hundred archery targets?

Facts have proved that Chao Xi uses more than two hundred archery targets every day. She is practicing arrows constantly, so that she can use it on the battlefield. This is a task that Shen Fei arranged for her.

If she can't do it, she won't take her to the battlefield.

Chao Xi wanted to go, but it was rare to persevere. He practiced all the time, changing from thirty to forty times a day to one or two hundred times in a few days.

My arms were sore every night, worried about being delayed on the battlefield, feeling a little anxious, Shen Fei comforted her, saying that her position was very important, and everyone would have to wait for her. Without her, this battle might not be won.

With such remarks, Chao Xi was under great pressure, and she started practicing arrows harder.

For some reason, Shen Fei massaged her every night and brought it to her three times a day. She never laughed at her for eating. The meals she brought every day were large.

Chao Xi ate well and practiced arrows more vigorously. She didn't have to worry about getting fat at her age and physical activity. It was good if she was not thin.

Soon Chao Xi found that the muscles on her arm were hard, as long as she clenched her fist, it immediately appeared and became the most annoying muscular girl.

She was sad for a long time, and one morning she simply couldn't get up in the quilt. When Shen Fei found her at the training ground, she turned around and found that this person was stuffed in the quilt.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

Chao Xi just didn't say anything.

Shen Fei stood up and wanted to go. His hand was suddenly grabbed. The hand holding his wrist was so strong that he almost dragged him onto the bed.

Chao Xi showed his head, his expression aggrieved, "Shen Fei, I have a big muscle."

Without waiting for Shen Fei to speak, she continued with tears in her eyes, "I have become the most annoying muscular girl..."

Shen Fei adjusted his posture and sat on the side of the bed again, "You open your sleeves and let me see."

Chao Xi sat up, did not open his sleeves according to Shen Fei's statement, and directly took out a hand from his clothes, revealing most of his rounded shoulders, making a fist slightly, as expected, the muscles of the whole body.

Shen Fei couldn't laugh or cry, "Isn't it that way?"

Chao Xi narrowed her mouth, "It turns out it's not so hard and not so big."

Shen Fei shook his head, "Can't see the difference."

He was gentle when he wanted to comfort people, "And what does the disgust of others have to do with you? I don't dislike it."

Chao Xi's eyes lit up, "Don't you dislike it?"

Shen Fei nodded, "I don't dislike it."

Chao Xi hugged him immediately, "You are so kind."

She buried her head in Shen Fei's arms, and suddenly raised her head after a while, "In fact, it is not without benefits..."

Shen Fei seemed to realize that it was not good, pushed her away and wanted to go, but was dragged back by Chao Xi, knelt on the bed on one knee, and lightly looked at Shen Fei's whole person, "Holding you is easier."

Shen Fei covered his eyes with a look of lovelessness.

Chao Xi laughed, his smile was extremely arrogant.

She had already beaten all the invincibles in the army. Since acquiring this bow, Shen Fei deliberately asked a few masters to teach her. Now the bow and arrows make it very easy to fight, and even hit the invincibles in the army. The master who taught her immediately called for a hundred flags, didn't draw the bow, just hit it so hard, still no one was her opponent.

Chao Xi was very happy and showed off to Shen Fei every day, "Shen Fei, I beat them to cry again."

She also painted some color herself, but this is not the point. The point is that Shen Fei found that she would patiently apply ice, apply medicine, and treat her wounds patiently. Chao Xi enjoyed the process very much, so she often didn't care about injuries.

Continually competing against others, Chao Xi has already found the feeling of training in Guigu. All the uncles and masters take turns to fight her, and the master, from time to time will find a martial arts master Jingu to compare with her.

It turned out to be silly and didn’t understand at all, but now I understand, it’s not easy for Master to find these people who can beat her to tears, and everyone hates Guigu, as long as they have a chance, they will kill. It was miserable. He was injured from time to time, and then he started to fight back, and then soared, defeating those people one by one, and constantly absorbing their experience, so that he could use it in his own moves.

Because Xu's leg was cut off, Master was afraid, so her martial arts were almost as strict as medical skills, and she was not allowed to relax.

Chao Xi usually continued to practice while crying, and she quit this habit only after finding that crying was useless. From crying to beating others, after more than 18 years, she finally achieved a positive result, even Shen Fei could not beat her. .

This is what makes Chao Xi most proud. Every time she shows off martial arts in front of Shen Fei, Shen Fei's expression is a little unnatural, and she often suffers from her in this regard.

Last time I was drunk and tasted the sweetness. Later, I drank with friends in the barracks and half-drunk, and then went to Shen Fei to mess around. Shen Fei could not beat her before, and she could not beat her even after she started practicing martial arts seriously. She didn't resist attentively, and was easily subdued by her every time, and she rolled the sheets in a cool manner.

Shen Fei is almost a little clear-hearted about this aspect. He has never taken the initiative, and has never been impulsive, so that Chao Xi has always thought that she is unattractive, but if you think about it carefully, if it is really unattractive, Shen Fei will not. Every time I half pushed and half followed her.

Certainly still have some ideas.

After Chao Xi found out, he made more progress and found an excuse to sleep with Shen Fei. Today, he defeated the number one warrior in the barracks, took his position and became the number one warrior, and wanted to be rewarded.

Three hundred bows were drawn in one day, and they wanted to be rewarded.

If you hit the bullseye within 100 meters, you must be rewarded.

One day I came back and saw Shen Fei taking the initiative to sit by the bed, as if waiting for her, Chao Xi hurried over and pushed Shen Fei unceremoniously. Shen Fei fell on the bed without speaking, just watching her quietly.

Chao Xi thought it was a hint, and consciously untied his belt with both hands. Shen Fei suddenly said, "Chao Xi."

"Huh?" Chao Xi looked up in her busy schedule.

"The bow you gave you killed many Yuanren. Every Yuanren knows it. You can change it."

Chao Xi shook his head, "I use this bow very smoothly now."

"Have you never heard the rumors in the army?" Shen Fei still didn't move, letting her open her clothes, revealing a white chest full of hickeys.

"I've heard it." Chao Xi didn't care much. "It is said that this bow has killed the Hull clan for three generations and became a shame to the invincible Hull clan. All the Hull clan want to be ashamed, but unfortunately there is no shame. Chances, if I take this bow, they will take the initiative to deal with me, right?"


"The Hull clan is extremely powerful. The general who is fighting with you now is the current patriarch of the Hull clan?"


"It's like using me to lure him away?"


"As long as I can kill him, this battle is half won, right?"


"So what do you mind?"

Chao Xi was very happy instead, "I want to be the hero of Dashun."

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