Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 725: Slaughter the dog

Yuan Mu felt very bad, because even though Chu Yuanxi said well on Xiaokang's social theory, he had not demonstrated his understanding of social interaction.

In other words, if Xu Xin talked about some specific questions about this material after reading Chu Yuanxi’s material, Chu Yuanxi should be able to answer them like this. At least Yuan Mu could not ask Chu Yuanxi himself, so she pulled Liu Lu and It was not once for Yuan Jing that the three of them besieged Chu Yuanxi to do wargames. The angle was not tricky, and Chu Yuanxi was defeated without exception.

But if it is traditional social networking, this is really hard to say, especially the Alipay social circle that is called the problem of the century by high-end circles.

You must know that Alipay has been discouraged when doing social networking. I do it habitually every year. It seems that I don’t know what to do. The design is blank and the completion is blank. Anyway, I don’t know the right direction. Jaguar does it.

As a result, Alipay has all the features of WeChat with a big hand, and the features that WeChat doesn’t have are also very rich. Shenma chat, group chat, circle of friends, official accounts, small programs, small games, etc. are all younger brothers. Alipay is simply The user is broken. The various secondary, tertiary, four, and five-level interfaces are full of social treasures. Let alone new users, old users who have used it for ten years may not be clear.

However, no one uses it as social software.

So this question is just as Xu Xin said. There are many answers, and all of them seem reasonable, but they don’t solve Ali’s problem, so Xu Xin said it is an open question.

Is it a bit of a hooligan to test Chu Yuanxi with this?

But Yuan Jing was still straight, and the old **** was silent, as if this problem had nothing to do with him, but in fact, there hasn't been a dime. In fact, he was very curious about how Chu Yuanxi planned to do gong.

Chu Yuanxi was more relaxed, because there was no answer to this question. Even if there was a correct answer, the people in Ali had to see it and do it again to verify it. So Xu Xin’s question is actually very easy to deal with, not because of the answer, but whether Xu Xin approves of the answer. This kind of recognition can be achieved through insight, or just a little psychological skill can achieve the effect of slaying dragons.

For Chu Yuanxi, slaughtering a dog is a little harder, but slaughtering a dragon is easier. It's just that there has been no chance to try the knife for more than a year. This knife is about to rust, so I have to do it twice. This is the reason why his mood is always relaxed. It is really hard to convince so many investors, but it is not too easy to convince Xu Xin!

"Sister Xu, let me brag. You know, the first company I started, Pakistani Entertainment, was grown on social networks. Since the media wants to grow bigger, I rely on social networking, so I must be social networking. The material. Otherwise, if you want to build a successful self-media matrix like Pakistani Entertainment, it is impossible not to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, and I am an empty glove white wolf, and only invested 4 million, and it is all labor costs. .

However, I do social networking in the way of pgc. It is a user perspective, and it is not a line with development and operation. This may be the reason. You still doubt whether I do social networking. However, I used to work in the industry, and the product manager is the junction of operation and R&D, hand-in-hand development and hand-in-hand operation. Do you know my background? "

"I know now." Xu Xin nodded slightly, expressing his approval of Chu Yuanxi's boast.

Chu Yuanxi thought this was a very good start. As early as the 1960s, the social psychologist Friedman recognized an interactive phenomenon called the "acceptance" effect. For example, on this occasion, Chu Yuanxi only asked Xu Xin to recognize his first point of view. , Then it is equivalent to starting to upgrade the other party's cognition, the other party will subconsciously increase the chance of recognizing his next argument, and it is easier to agree to his request.

The reason lies in the two characters.

"Personal design" is a huge factor that affects the psychology. No matter how small a thing, in the subconscious, anyone has the desire to maintain the coherence of the human design before the same object. Therefore, in order to avoid contradictions in the human setting, when one person expresses approval to another person, the psychological scale will usually be enlarged or even opened up, instead of being reversed 180 degrees immediately.

So taking advantage of this scene, the most suitable thing is to get an inch.

So Chu Yuanxi said: "For your exam questions, many people's answers are based on the product itself. For example, users who are e-commerce users, their perception of apps is e-commerce, not suitable for social networking, so they can’t do it. . For example, if there are too many functions and too complicated, it’s not enough. You should do a lot of subtraction, etc. These are all right. It can be said that the Alipay app has many problems as a social network, and it is not a problem that can be used to start social networking.

However, I would like to explain from the perspective of the product manager that their operation method is wrong. "

Yuan Mu was taken aback: "Operation? Alipay still needs to operate?"

Xu Xin is also the same problem. Generally speaking, national-level apps do not need to be operated, such as WeChat qq Alipay. Why are Toutiao and Douyin close to each other? Because they still need to operate, they also need to spend money.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "Yes, it needs to be operated, because the way they put social functions directly into the Alipay app is itself wrong."

Yuan Jing solemnly asked: "What does this mean?" Why is it solemn? Because he didn't understand either.

"It means that they should re-develop a brand-new app dedicated to social networking and operate independently." Chu Yuanxi said confidently: "In my opinion, Alipay's social networking has two significant problems. First, it has not been found. It can be clearly distinguished from the use scenarios of the two major social applications of Penguin. What are the use of its social functions? It is used for social acquaintances. Even if users have needs, they can add WeChat and then WeChat to solve them. In addition to transfer payments, there are few in Alipay. Solved.

Only by finding a scene that is not suitable for WeChat but suitable for it, and a scene with massive demand, can the corresponding social app have value. And don’t call it anything, don’t name it after an animal, you must make a clear cut from other services of Ali, social networking is pure social networking, and nothing else. The users left in this way are the real social users and become seeds. Faced with the needs that are not suitable for WeChat, they will pull other people on the social chain to this new app.

Why should I emphasize purity? You can think the other way around, does Penguin want to be an e-commerce company? I definitely want to, but there is no direct entry of the WeChat store in the first and second level of WeChat. WeChat stores are introduced indirectly based on the ecology of WeChat. Wechat is blocked by I would rather direct traffic to instead of to WeChat. Why? Because it destroys its purity.

Second, making all social functions in the Alipay app is not called social push at all. This seems to be a problem that Ali only realized in the last two years. Alipay’s traffic is super large, but if you use the function inside, the use of this traffic is insufficient. Users don’t even notice that there are so many social functions available. If you also use Alipay, you should be able to understand what I mean.

Alibaba has four national-level traffic, Alipay, Tmall, Youtu and Taobao apps. The correct way to open it is to use these huge traffic as advertisements, push a social app, and find the first one. The answer. Only in this way can it be pushed up instead of adding functions to Alipay.

Do you guys see how the headlines are pushed and flashed? If you change it to Ali's way of doing it, you will put Multi Flash in the vibrato. But Toutiao has the genes for being an app tractor. The idea of ​​pushing multi flash is not to embed it in Douyin, but use the traffic of Douyin to push multi flash.

I'm not sure if Ali is really aware of this problem in the past two years, but they have launched a "Ding Ding", which is this route, a specific scene, and an independent app. But DingTalk has its own problems. The application scenario is too narrow, and it is not a global social network, and the ceiling is too low. What's worse is that in the employment environment of Tianchao, many users are inherently resistant to this thing. Dingding is against social animals. It is the whip of capitalists. The more social and animal users use it, the more they hate it, so it's hard to win people's hearts.

Even so, DingTalk is more promising than the Alipay app, and it can capture some users in a specific market. The difficulty for Ali to break the game now is that it can't find a truly global social scene, and it can avoid the radiation of WeChat.

The above is my answer. "

Xu Xin didn't speak for a long time, blinking her eyes as if thinking about something, and then suddenly said, "I should call Xiao Min from Aliyun. I think he is particularly willing to vote for you."

Chu Yuanxi was confused by Xu Xin: "Who? Alibaba Cloud's... Chief Min? Isn't he the chief scientist of Alibaba Cloud? Isn't he an investor?"

"Yes, it's him! Don't you know that? He plans to be independent from Ali, but not to start a business, but to set up a venture capital fund to invest in cloud computing and ai. At the latest in the first half of the year, can't you think of it?"

"Why does he like to vote for Xiaokang? Xiaokang only has cloud and ai businesses, and the most important thing is socializing?"

"But your analysis of Ali is inferior to three points. He must like to vote. To be honest, I wanted to call Jack just now. Jack and Pony both want to get into each other's hinterland in their dreams. So... I guess Jack also wants to vote. "Xu Xin was quite excited as he said, I don't know if it was because he was convinced of Chu Yuanxi's analysis, or because he had found advice to talk to Jack.

"Hey, Sister Xu, don't make this call." Yuan Jing couldn't sit still, because he didn't know if Xu Xin was coming for real. "If I were looking for Ali, I would have found someone."

"Yeah, in fact, someone at Ali recently asked me the price of the Pakistani people." Yuan Mu took advantage of the situation. She looked at Chu Yuanxi, and said to her heart that the price she offered was very sincere, much higher than your valuation of 27 billion, and it was an M&A intention, not an investment. Although it is a joke, if you tell Sister C, I wonder if Sister C will be crazy.

The investment contract they signed at the time clearly stated that they could not sell at any time, and could only seek resale at the financing node. In other words, if Chu Yuanxi did not do round b, whether Zheng De or Hao Mo would have a syndicate, he could only eat dividends. From a legal point of view, Chu Yuanxi can completely prevent them from realizing, but it is different if they are acquired.

So sister C might be crazy.

In order to prevent Sister C from going crazy, Yuan Mu pretended to be a joke. No one said anything except Yuan Jing and Chu Yuanxi, and there was no promotion.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi praised her extremely rarely for this decision, because when a large company of decent size was targeted by a Big Mac, she was afraid that she would not make an upright move, it was just a joke. .

The Pakistani people hold shares. If Ali dignifiedly announces its intention to acquire Pakistani entertainment, the Pakistani people will not experience any turmoil, but they will be excited. Because Ali is responsible for this declaration of intent, it is related to its corporate image. It cannot be reversed and cannot easily adjust the price. There is only yes or no to the Pakistani people. The turbulence exists at the level of Aunt Cynthia at most.

But joking is different, especially when the price is still very high. The joke of UU Reading spreads out. So many people in Pakistan hold stocks, and there will definitely be a variety of ideas about gains and losses, c Sister, this kind of external force will also exert an influence frantically, even if she begs hard, she will try to get Chu Yuanxi to agree.

This kind of trick is actually commonplace in business. There is a proper term called "low ball strategy", which belongs to the category of dog butchering. The so-called low ball is to first throw an obviously preferential price to sweeten the opponent's expectations and excitement, and then find an excuse to say that I was joking just now and quoted a normal or even slightly lower price.

At this time, the counterparty has already established a large number of transaction expectations, and may even arrange the plan after the transaction. They just want to complete the transaction as soon as possible, which is easy to get.

Of course, there are shameless people who just throw low **** without joking. For example, in the Pacific Ocean, some people changed the name of this psychological tactic to "extreme pressure", which is a very commonplace meal, making you panic, like something lying on your feet, not biting, but disgusting every day. The essence is actually the same. They are forced to shake the other party's psychology and then compromise by breaking the contract, accepting the second best solution or the third choice.

This method seems to have no cost, and you can get the desired results through high mouth, but in fact it consumes image and reputation. From a compelling perspective, even in the business world, it is very low at the company level.

But it is useful and it tests the wisdom of leaders. Fortunately, there are also ancient Eastern philosophies that correspond to each other here. If you ever change, I won't move.

It was the same when he was lowered to Chu Yuanxi's level, which tested his wisdom very much. Moreover, his energy is now on the side of the Ba people. If he suddenly ran to push the Ba people to be acquired, it would be okay if the other party was really sincere. Otherwise, wouldn't he be slaughtered as a dog?

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