Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 708: Weining's troubles

Wei Ning was tossed in the next week. Taili and the Imperial Capital flew back and forth twice, but the conditions were not agreed. The platform means that as long as the plate is on the platform, everything can be discussed. Chu Yuanxi showed a certain degree of positive feedback here, and the attitude is not bad, and he didn't give him much expression, nor was he indifferent.

Ran Goose, "There’s nothing to talk about. The plate must be with me, I pay, I contribute, I create creativity, I execute, and the plate is not where I am, why should I bother with it? Or let’s advance the project of "A World in Trouble" first Huh? Look at Zhang Dongdong, that has started to make scripts."

Chu Yuanxi didn't even say that I would look for another satellite TV, or that I could not use the satellite TV. It was already very reserved, but Wei Ning regretted that he became a sandwich cookie and said that I shouldn't look for this. trouble! I will definitely learn my lesson next time!

The main reason was that he told his direct leader of the station the same day about the matter, and also asked Chu Yuanxi for a document to take back. Originally he wanted a desk book, Chu Yuan Xixin said that I don’t have a desk book either. Fortunately, Uncle Sheng and Bai Sha have repeatedly studied the beginning, so they printed it out and showed him a few minutes. You can’t take it away. But it's okay to watch it again.

These few minutes have stopped Wei Ning. The design idea can be said to be extremely clever. It has solved the confusion he has not been embarrassed to ask, how can this show rely on the variety content. Its characteristic is that the great sages spray each other, which is very bright, but what is the commonality? In particular, the role-playing component of "Jixia Xuegong" is extremely heavy. It is not the same as the ancient costume cos of "Running Man". The cos of "Jixia Xuegong" are all historical celebrities, and their behavior must conform to the background and logic. Organizing the game, what kind of capacity does the host play?

The solution is given at the beginning of this article. Let a hostess play the role of the salt-free queen of Qi Guo, sort out the game links in the variety show, and propose various challenges and competitions. Although Wuyan is a famous ugly girl in history, there is no need for variety shows to follow historical facts so much, and it also solves the problem of male and female collocation.

As a result, when Wei Ning went back and said that disaster came immediately, because the big leader's interest suddenly became extremely high, unimaginably high, and the high profile even gave him some associations, and then gave him the order to die. Insist on staying in the station, the project must be negotiated.

Wei Ning's face turned green when he heard this. Although one of the key words of the leaders is "persistence" and the other is "must", there seems to be some leeway, but if he doesn't insist on it, how can he return to the station? How do big leaders think of themselves? Isn't this cheating?

The key is that the big leader's mouth put him up, and the whole station knew it instantly. For a moment, some people were jealous that he had achieved political success again; some felt that he would collapse if he jumped too aggressively, waiting to see his jokes; and some close friends advised him: you are the survival philosophy of private enterprises, suitable for mango Taiwan, here, it was a miserable fall.

Then Chu Yuanxi took a step back, saying that nominally he could leave the plate on Taishan Terrace, but in fact the Pakistani controlled the plate, and said that it was fine.

Weining was overjoyed and thought that this was a very good result, just like Wu Sangui was calculated when he cut the feudal clan in the TV series "Kang Mazi Dynasty". Wu Sangui said that it would be okay to cut the feudal clan, and I returned to Fengtian for retirement, and my brothers would also get it back. Therefore, I needed a settlement fund. Then the lion's mouth opened, and he smashed Kang Mazi and almost angered Kang Mazi.

As a result, Li Guang said that this is fine, and then gave Kang Mazi an idea. Let's fool Wu Sangui to leave Yunnan for a small amount of money. Then when he leaves Yunnan, we can't help him. How to arrange them then, how much money will they give, and what waves can they make when they leave the sea? Come?

The same is true for Pakistani Entertainment, first agree to your terms, and after you start it, you can't help it. At that time, you have paid for the production costs, and the table has been reviewed repeatedly, and everything is transparent. The word "transparency" in the United States is not simple. The antonym of "" in the country is "corrupt", while the antonym of "" in the United States is "transparency."

As a result, his abacus was quite loud, and he didn't expect that Chu Yuanxi had also watched "Kang Mazi Dynasty", and then smiled and brought out a draft contract.

Wei Ning took a closer look and invented the concept of a pledged money on it, and then wrote a 300 million yuan. He needs to transfer the money to the Pakistani account and then start working...

"Mr. Chu, you--"

"Hey, President Wei, but put out the wrath of the thunder and give up the power of the tiger and wolf. The Pakistani Group is rich. This 300 million is a pledge. It will never be greedy for you, and it will give you 10% interest on an annual basis. Not bad. Although the financing cost of film and television projects is generally 15% per year, don’t you have to engage in nominal control? 10% is The bank’s regular financial management is up to% It's four o'clock, and it's all within a limited period. You treat it as a very profitable deposit, right?"

Wei Ning said that what I lack is this interest? What I lack is the special principal! He suddenly realized that he was not a human being inside and outside, and he didn't expect it to be so hard to do something for the station with a passion! This splint feels like a person knows whether he drinks cold or warm water...

According to Chu Yuanxi’s idea, writing 1 billion is more appropriate, but on the one hand, Taishantai really broke the contract, and the Pakistani group has short arms and legs. Taishantai might really be able to get the money back through some way of pressing the top of the mountain. , On the other hand, if you write 1 billion, it will collapse, which is equivalent to decline. As for 300 million, although Taishantai will not pay the money, it is more reasonable to talk about it. It can be claimed to be calculated based on cost, and it is more sincere.

It's normal for Taishantai to not want to let go. From Chu Yuanxi's point of view, it really depends on who gets it right now. The last condition he gave was 150 million for the first three seasons, with priority renewal rights in the future, and promised that the ratings will break 1, and the ratings will not exceed 1 for any quarter to compensate Taishan Terrace. This condition is already very good. Taishan is not stable Compensation is equivalent to lying down and earning, without any effort.

Even at the end, Chu Yuanxi joked that if Taishan Station does not receive a Putian and infertility advertisement during the broadcast cycle of "Jixia Academy", Weining's plan can be considered because I have to consider the effect of advertising when doing variety shows. . When it comes to this, what reason does Taishantai have to take the plate away?

He could not think of it, and Wei Ning could not think of it, but the big leader demanded that. Wei Ning returned to Mount Tai and hit the wall again. The big leader's face sank and immediately saw the cat, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and return to the imperial capital.

But there is no possibility of meeting Chu Yuanxi just like this, Wei Ning knew this well.

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