Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 445: Zhao Zhujiang's Solicitation (Part 1)

Zhao Zhujiang found a remote corner of the coffee break, and Chen Bingye sat beside him looking at his phone in silence, as if he did not exist. Seeing Chu Yuanxi coming, Zhao Zhujiang beckoned, "Mr. Chu, I suddenly have an immature idea."

"Invest in this company?"

"No, no." Zhao Zhujiang leaned forward: "Ming people don't talk secretly, do you know Transsound Technology?"

"Ah..." Chu Yuanxi made a shocked expression that was just right: "I took a little look, and was startled." However, this expression was already at the pinnacle of Chu Yuanxi's expression management, and he felt that he was choking after the performance. After all, Chu Yuanxi knew that her superiority was not a great acting, she could indeed act, but it was too fake to let people see at a glance, especially a big guy like Zhao Zhujiang.

The answer was just right. Zhao Zhujiang was very satisfied. He asked: "It just so happened that I also learned about Pakistani Entertainment, which was also shocked. I would like to invite you to be the COO of our company. What do you think?"

This question really stunned Chu Yuanxi's question, and for a moment he even felt that he didn't know how to answer it? "You know me?"

"Oh, the so-called white head is as new as it is, I just checked your deeds and I don't know you yet, but I know that you are very good. I need a good person, or I can't beat them!"

"Do they mean Double Horse or Rebs?"

"Hahaha talking to a sensible person is a breeze. Of course it's Rebs and the others, and the two horses don't make mobile phones." Zhao Zhujiang suddenly became pierced and burst into a super vigor in an instant, like a fierce beast. Disguise: "Whether it is Xiaomi, Huawei or Samsung Apple, I will do better than them!"

Seeing Chu Yuanxi was shocked by himself, Zhao Zhujiang stood up abruptly and said condescendingly, "Do you think my ambition is too big? But I occupy the best area in the world. You don't know the potential of Africa. For twenty years, whoever has mastered Africa can move the world. I stand on the wind and stand on the best pole position. Why can’t I be more ambitious? Some people say that I’m doing the Nokia of China, go to him Damn Nokia, what I want to do is the world's sound technology!"

"But your R&D investment ratio is far lower than that of Huawei, right?" Chu Yuanxi asked timely. The 2017 data, if the two worlds are roughly the same, there is no need to check it. In his mind, Huawei’s R&D expenditure exceeds Apple, close to 100 billion, and it is directly chasing Samsung and Google, which are ranked tied for the top. It's a billion level, and it's a sibling with Xiaomi, the gap is too big to see.

You don’t necessarily get a cent for research and development, but you can never buy anything without paying. Apple’s R&D investment is two millets less than Huawei’s. It may not necessarily be less than Huawei’s R&D results. However, Xiaomi’s investment is not a fraction of Huawei’s.

"Little brother, do you know the controversy between trade, industry and technology and technology, industry and trade?" Zhao Zhujiang tapped his fingers on the table. "Everyone was calling for R&D, but Mr. Liu asserted that there is no certain foundation and market scale. R&D is just a castle in the sky. What I want to do is to spread the volume first, and then speed up to catch up. Money is just a number for me. To do it, I will be the best technology in the world."

This is a public case in the 1980s. Lenovo’s President Liu raised his arms at the time and ended the debate on whether the country should accumulate technology or develop trade first. With the vigorous development of reform and opening-up, President Liu did so. And stepped onto the altar.

Chu Yuanxi looked up: "The problem is, the COO of Voice Transmission is not suitable for my professional attributes."

"What are your professional attributes?"

"Keyboardman + Fudge King?" Chu Yuanxi saw Zhao Zhujiang's face turning to cloudy, and immediately laughed: "Just kidding, my strength is to build a business plan and win by model innovation. In this regard, I have confidence in comparison. Zhou returned to the country to be strong."

"Where is the strong?" Zhao Zhujiang said, isn't that still the King of Flicker? Going back to China next week is already a strong man in this area, okay?

"Strong, um, focus on feasibility, my model and plan are more feasibility than ‘ecological anti’."

Zhao Zhujiang nodded. He had witnessed the tragic return to China next week, but after talking about it, he felt that he actually didn't understand, and he didn't understand why he would finally collapse under such a good form when he returned to China next week. Under curiosity, he sat back on the stool and asked, "Then tell me why your feasibility is higher than him? Know that his original form was not so good."

"I know where the limits of my abilities are, and the designated plans are achievable within my abilities. The vision and ideas of his later business plans are correct, but one of them is counted as one, and they are all beyond their limits. It works? For example, a smart phone. You are a mobile phone. You know the difficulty of making a smart phone."

When Chu Yuanxi said this, it is actually quite a pity to return to China next week, because when returning to China next week, he wanted to have contacts and money, and a relatively solid corporate framework was also very ~Also led a wave of industrial upgrading. The starting point for the real rise of domestic online dramas is "The Promotion of the Princess", which is their handwriting.

As an entrepreneur, I am sorry for not doing a big thing in this way. Chu Yuanxi especially understands it because he himself had some similar emotions. However, if the steps are too big, it will definitely be a problem. When you return to China next week and step into the abyss, you will never start from making your own mobile phone. Then it became a bottomless pit step by step. The previous pit was not full, and it was covered up by blowing a new bull to dig a bigger pit, and finally into an endless loop. Does he want this? Obviously I don't want to, but strength does not allow it!

If he really has the ability to make a smart phone, he does not need to be like Huawei or Xiaomi, even if it is made into a blue-green factory, it is really possible for him to make it ecologically. However, smart phones can't be done by just slap their heads. Crosstalk is not good, nor is it good for rogue software. I will not be alone when I return to China next week. The key to this lies in the importance of smart phones as a traffic portal. This is where Zhao Zhujiang’s confidence lies, and it is also the entry point for Chu Yuanxi’s sales anxiety.

Zhao Zhujiang looked at Chu Yuanxi's pupils. It is said that looking at the pupils of the other person when talking to someone will make the other person feel kind. He agrees with what Chu Yuanxi analyzed, because no one knows the difficulty of making smartphones better than him. Not only do they have to make devices with high quality and performance, but also have appropriate pricing strategies, sales strategies, and markets. Capacity, channel capacity.

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