Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 442: Do not avoid relatives

This made Yuan Rong turn his head and attracted everyone present. This guy is too straightforward!

Just listen to Chen Bingye’s spout: "What I am more dissatisfied with this conference is that the author is taken out. This model is impossible to create new users. Passersby look at the big screen, a row of names, a row of titles, basically I don’t know what it is. In other words, this conference has been made to give people in the circle self-confidence. Is there any real value besides speculating on IP prices? In the cold winter of capital, speculating on prices is precisely the least urgent thing. The most urgent thing is to expand the impact. Power, to attract the approval of passersby fans, to attract those fans of Marvel and island comics to our camp, this is in line with the trend of this era."

This was so embarrassing that the host couldn't take it, and Chu Yuanxi silently gave Chen Bingye a thumbs-up, which was a qualified spray!

When the host saw that it was going to be cold, he quickly picked up the microphone and asked: "Then what do you think is a good way?"

"I think the current format is too lofty. I have done several author rankings, making it look like the bandit leaders in the cottage, and still feel like they are in the last era. Our IP conference, especially the two-dimensional IP, has an image. There is a fan base, why not use IP characters as targets? The characters' images are exaggerated, prominent, and full of visual impact. Even if they are put on press releases, it is not very good to attract fans?

Besides, in the mobile Internet era, who pays attention to who is the author? What attracts users is the product, it is the cartoon character, why not learn from Manzhan? What is the use of focusing on authors in the IP industry? Is the image of the author comparable to the image of the character? Passersby fans are more willing to see Guan Gong fight Qin Qiong? Or would you like to see an author ranking? "

Chu Yuanxi said that you are so fierce, the problem is that you will be retributed if you tell the truth...

Sure enough, the host didn't dare to give him the microphone anymore.

Soon the forum session was over, and it was time for the awards to be presented below. Ma Jie sat down, and the host announced the tea break.

Sitting in the back row, Fang Shiling looked at Chu Yuanxi and then at the judges' bench, opened WeChat and wrote a paragraph to Chu Yuanxi, then stood up and walked towards the judges' bench.

On the other side, Chu Yuanxi was complimenting Chen Bingye, don't look at his words, the last paragraph is really special, there is some truth. Just listen to Chen Bingye’s question: “Those judges over there are said to be practitioners of downstream companies. There are toy factories, TV drama adaptations, and game companies. Do you need to know? I can introduce them to you.”

"Do you know them?"

"It's a local snake after all." Chen Bingye smiled triumphantly, "If I am not embarrassed, I will also be a judge."

Chu Yuanxi’s mobile phone alert rang. When she picked it up, Fang Shiling and Yuan Rong each posted one. Let’s look at Fang Shiling’s first: There has been a slight change in the award, I’ll squat, and I’ll wait. Come here if you ask.

Then Yuan Rong's: Why are you here, President Chu? Haha, it’s so interesting. Someone took a copy of your IP and came to the contest, called "Fang Ge Fang Jie". I guess I don’t know you or know you are here?

Chu Yuanxi did not respond in a hurry, but grabbed Chen Bingye and asked, "What is the next link?"

"In what form?"

"Isn't it a game? How do you compare?"

"Hey, this, let's take a form, and put a short video on each IP to introduce it, which is equivalent to a small roadshow, project plan, team introduction, content introduction, data, etc., and then awards, in fact, I heard that it has long been..."

"Fuck, flexible enough." Chu Yuan Xixin said, isn't this the same as the football match in the fake A era in the past? Kicked halfway and squatted on the sidelines pretending to drink water to tie his shoelaces, and contact the dealer with a micro phone to confirm whether the game changed.

At this time, Ma Jie and Yuan Du both got up and left. Chu Yuanxi said that Fang Shiling was just a trash. Why didn't she look for Madam Yang when she was looking for someone in a shady? Doesn't she know that Yang Ma is her own? However, she may not be the only one who seems to be confused about the situation. The renaming of "Brother Fang" to "Sister Fang" should be able to confuse many people.

He probably guessed what was going on. He walked a few steps closer to the judges' bench, and stood beside Ma Jie Yuan Du and asked: "What you call a'justice' judge, is it your father?"

Ma Jie was very proud, "What's the matter? You can't avoid relatives in the internal exercises, can't you?" After speaking, he pulled Yuan Rong away, as if the outcome was determined.

Chu Yuanxi sneered, and sent a message to Yang's WeChat account.

Not far away, Fang Shiling was struggling to die, but it was difficult to attract the attention of the judges.

Although "Late Night Gallery" is somewhat well-known, it is only a second-tier self-media, and at the West Lake IP Venture Capital Conference, who are the people who appear on the show? "The Couple of Condor Heroes", "Tomb Robber Notes", "The Name of the People", "Fights Break the Sphere"...

Not to mention the second-line self-media, even if the first-line head comes with a large size, it will not show up. Of course, that was in the main venue. There are not such big IPs to join in the fun in this IP derivatives sub-venue, but the bigwigs of these downstream manufacturers are not vegetarian.

It is precisely because this branch venue is not that important and there are not many heavyweight products that Fang Shiling has the idea to try. After all, the rewards are real. The policy part of this award is quite tasteless for the head of the media, but it is very attractive to the second line. Chu Yuanxi will not come to West Lake to open a branch base, but she is not too troublesome and cannot get policy concessions. To be famous, but also to knock down downstream, kill three birds with one stone?

However, the level of trouble is beyond imagination! The judge who backed her was temporarily unable to come, which simply made her wonder how to explain to Chu Yuanxi. The substitute judge had been entrusted by the original person, but it was not very helpful! The most ruthless thing is that it is the son of a judge who came to top her carrot pit.

At this moment, Chu Yuanxi suddenly squeezed in and said to Yuan Rong: ""Fang Ge and Fang Jie" is my comic. It has been renamed. I want to absorb some female fans and give it to "Middle Night Gallery" to run Chengda IP. I thought you knew."

He deliberately didn’t look at Fang Shiling when he was talking, but Yang Ma saw him and immediately jumped over and said, “Hey, Chu Yuanxi, you’re not interesting enough! If you have a toy, don’t find me. Yuan Rong, are you blind?"

Yuan Rong did not do it at that time, because Yuan Du was more of a chicken thieves at the time. Before TCG went online, the contract was signed in the form of pre-signing. For fear of TCG going on the street, both parties could break the contract.

"Hey, hey, we passed fair bidding, you forgot?"

What he said was a little frustrating, because he had studied the tender for Madam Yang for so long and hadn't studied it thoroughly.

Chu Yuan Xixin said that Auntie, you acted too much! But the effect is achieved, because the attention is instantly concentrated, almost all the judges are watching him.

Among them, Yuan Rong’s expression was the most unpredictable, and he murmured for a long time: "That's really you, hahaha, I thought it was...Oh, oh..." He was studying for a long time, but he didn’t find his son. They all surrounded Chu Yuanxi, what about Yang Ma introducing?

Yuan Rong really wanted to sew Madam Yang's mouth!

Baren Entertainment is still not the first line in China from the perspective of the media, and it is not even significantly better than "Late Night Gallery". But from the perspective of IP and IP derivatives, it’s different. People’s t-shirts have already begun to make money, OK? What's more, there are super gods selling cute rabbit hats. By the way, this stuff is made by the factory of Yang's family, **** it!

Under Yang Ma's blessing, Chu Yuanxi became the focus in an instant, and all of a sudden, even the financing of Baren Entertainment's valuation of 1.5 billion was spread quickly. Don’t forget that there are game makers here. Baren Entertainment’s one-million-DAU TCG mobile game has been in operation for a month and has already shocked a lot of research and development and agency. Although the income is not good, everyone knows the potential of such a mobile game company. Exuberant, so there is no need for Yang Ma to say, this is not a cow who is a cow?

Their identity is downstream, what is downstream? Those who directly face the income are called downstream, no one does not make money like Yang Ma, and no one does not envy Yuan Rong, so all of them are extremely sensitive to Chu Yuanxi who can generate income.

In the past, I couldn't find Chu Yuanxi where I was holding a pig's head. Now, "Animal Company" has been represented by Yuan Rong? Haha, what does that matter? Add a circle first> "Oh, I am the business VP of Zhiqiang Game. The number of users of the mobile game "Animal Company" in one month has exceeded our company's ownership. It is too powerful. Come to Mr. Chu and add> "Mr. Chu , Is the "Animal Company" toy signed with Lao Yuan alone? what? I? I’m from Yangcheng Lake Toys Factory. Please add it first>"Hello, I am the director of the film and television content of Xiangyang Culture. If you don’t say anything, add WeChat first. I have been chasing after "The Troubled Times", your coffee should be Go to the main venue hahahaha."

Chu Yuanxi had to open her WeChat QR code and let them add just like being gang-raped. It was so sad that it would reach the limit of 5,000 people.

And this Xiangyang culture is too close, do you want to take the right to adapt the film and television drama "Out of the Wind"? He thinks too much about this. Those who can get the right to adapt the film and television adaptation of "A World of Disorder" are either domestic first-class film and television drama companies or domestic first-class resources, such as the direct affiliates of David TV or several established film studios.

However, his question was very good. Chu Yuanxi immediately said loudly: "I can't go to the main venue. You are too polite. There will be one of my IPs in the competition unit later."


There was a moment of silence around Chu Yuanxi. Before they could ask, Chu Yuanxi hurriedly said: "Baren Entertainment has three IPs, "Troubled Times", "Animal Company", and "Brother Fang", which has just been sublicensed. It's running for "Late Night Gallery", and this is the one who participated in the competition." After finishing talking, she pointed to Fang Shiling outside the pile of people.

Fang Shiling breathed a sigh of relief, saying that her elder sister shouldn't suffer this foreign crime, and she would settle Chu Yuanxi out early!

.. m.

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