Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 273: I am the horse

Although I don’t know the true thoughts inside the Toutiao department, I have already pushed people. If Chu Yuanxi sits in Zhang Ming’s seat, a project must first be put into operation to open the situation, and it should be done something for this. of.

Before Chu Yuanxi teased Zhang Ming, he felt that he had some places that he could touch accurately and some places that he could not. Can grasp the Toutiao Department’s desire for a successful case, and wonder whether the Toutiao Department has realized the seriousness of the problem of "original music".

This is the time to test his vision and judgment, and this judgment will determine whether Chu Yuanxi can get a huge dividend. He knew that his request was actually very excessive, and he hoped that Toutiao would use his own resources to promote the IP of "Truthless Times" for him. This is a golden fleece, but if this IP is not shared with the headline department, most people will not let him go.

In a big sense, seeing that the music plan is not only a matter for Douyin, but also a major event for the entire group. A successful case includes a high-quality musician, the submission of a high-quality music, and a series of successful operations, allowing Toutiao to show that this group is not only professional in APP, but also more professional in operating and promoting music copyright. Not only can authorized music become popular, it can also do the operations that the copyright transferee should do, and bring more benefits to musicians.

In short, you must be able to show the ability to make the cake bigger. If a high-quality original music can realize a total value of one million in the hands of the musician, and it can realize 10 million in the hands of Douyin, it is equivalent to the value-added of Douyin to original music, so even if Douyin Taking away half of the musicians is also blood.

Demonstration with such a case will touch well-known musicians at the top, and attract grassroots musicians to hand over authorization.

In other words, he guessed that Toutiao should not at least at this stage have the idea of ​​embezzling the copyright of musicians. The so-called "shared wealth and wealth" is something after success and fame, and now we need to "share the difficulties and easy", not the time to shed the troubles and kill the donkey.

Therefore, he thinks he doesn't need to consider things like Tik Tok swallowing the copyright of the musician or breaking into the cold palace. After all, there is an option for the artist to withdraw the authorization in the Tik Tok agreement.

In fact, in his opinion, this withdrawal option is simply stupid, and it is a huge landmine.

But Chu Yuanxi feels that the difference between her understanding and Zhang Ming's understanding lies in the understanding of the importance of "original music". If Chu Yuanxi sits in Zhang Ming's seat, then it doesn't matter whether the case is not the case, he will really change the agreement in a low voice, and change it to only require the Toutiao platform to use the original music, and it is irrevocable. This kind of use right can be regarded as the consideration provided by Douyin for the extra promotion of original music.

Because this is a fundamental issue. He mentioned this to investors when he was giving a lecture that day that Douyin can theoretically die, because most of the music is copyrighted, and Douyin's behavior is actually a massive infringement. Then the extreme case is that Douyin has no songs available, at least no latest popular hot songs are available. This is not just talking, but the inevitable result of not being in your own hands.

Once this happens, it marks the decline of the platform.

However, the headlines seem to be struggling with the small issues of whether resources should be paid, how much resources should be paid, and who should be paid. Maybe they take their own compulsion too high? Or do you consider others' compulsion too low and the problem too serious? Anyway, someone has a problem.

Of course, Chu Yuanxi didn't dare to take his **** and say that he has a strong perspective on the prospects of the entire short video industry and the future competition, because he only lives in this market, but he does not need to worry about being an emperor. , Maybe they are more professional.

Therefore, when Zhang Ming talked about the company’s culture, Chu Yuanxi’s mind turned quickly, and felt that he was almost able to find out what he was doing. Feel accurate.

Then, directly accept the Internet cafe and provide him with the case that Zhang Ming needs so much!

Chu Yuanxi didn't plan to communicate with Zhang Ming what the headline department should do is correct.

After all, it is wrong to talk shallow and deep, and he doesn't think his face is that big, so he has any qualifications to guide Zhang Ming how to do it. After all, even in the original world, Zhang Ming was more successful than him. Wouldn't it be annoying to rashly tell Zhang Ming how to operate? So as long as your golden fleece arrives.

When Zhang Ming talked about the company culture, Chu Yuanxi wrote timely: According to the company culture of Toutiao, is there room for PY transactions?

Zhang Ming replied with a smile on the Internet: What kind of PY transaction?

Chu Yuanxi: I upload high-quality music to the original library, you give me the best resources, according to the standard of seeing music awards. In addition, Pakistan's statistics are fine when they enter the finals according to the standards. As for the nominal number in the finals, I don't care.

Zhang Ming replied: Don't you think this PY transaction is not enough for friends?

He flipped through the chat records, and the words "A World in Trouble" were very eye-catching.

Chu Yuanxi: I was risking the copyright being locked. How could it be possible without any benefit? Can't you feel the deep trust in you?

Zhang Ming: That authorization can be withdrawn. You can't miss it, right?

Chu Yuanxi: Brother, the withdrawal requires a written notice 90 days in advance. The written notice may also fail the delivery. I can't afford the delay of my small door small household small IP!

However, both parties understand that this statement is just a scene. What should I do if Chu Yuanxi's song is really blocked by copyright and affects IP operation? Let Uncle Sheng write a new song...

Zhang Ming is not a fell silent for a moment. For a long time, he asked: So you think you are a good horse?

Chu Yuanxi waited for a while before replying: at least it was a nice horse bone.

Zhang Ming thought of many things at once, including the insidiousness of Chu Yuanxi when he reported his death, the positive energy video of his dimensionality reduction and the attack, the connotation of his memorial live broadcast, and even the scene when he was torn up with people yesterday. .

Nobody can't help Zhang Ming not notice the grand tearing on Weibo, even when he himself had just been on a huge battlefield.

He noticed that not only was the reason for the tearing because of the super-popular works that appeared on Douyin, but also because it was a tearing that was not on the hot search but was very influential. With warm-ups, assists, tactics, and huge traffic, being watched by countless eyes is the most sudden and important tearing force in the history of short video.

In the end, Chu Yuanxi not only turned the crisis into peace, but also victorious, kicked his opponent from the throne of the moral emperor and replaced him. Salted fish's self-help strategy

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