In fact, when preparing to create a brand, Chu Yuanxi fully considered how the artifact company would develop under ideal circumstances. Mainly focusing on basic models and relying on explosives to win is king. The most typical is Uniqlo. The global sales volume of a HEATTECH series exceeds 1 billion.

According to the survey, the basic items in the daily sales of clothing stores account for at least 30% of the total sales. Considering the relatively low price of basic items, the quantity is more than 30%. And some consumers will chase the popular styles of the season, but these popular styles require different basic styles to wear.

Therefore, the basic model can meet the rigid needs of IT nerds, and can adapt to the tastes of users who are pursuing clothing. In the final analysis, it is to use products to drive everything.

However, there are actually very high requirements to make basic models. Many people in the basic models are not aware of this, especially those that are cross-border. For example, Vancl is the kind with a very large head. Fortunately, countless people have waded this way, leaving behind various **** experiences.

Although Chu Yuanxi didn't do clothing business in the original world, Xiaokang could be regarded as half a retail business anyway. It was very close, and there were many principles in common. Therefore, he does not lack opportunities for communication with practitioners in the clothing industry.

The two major international brands ZARA and H&M, as he said on stage, are the opposite of the basic models. They focus on moving the popular elements on the runway to the retail store, and the speed is fast, so they can't predict the sales volume, and must do more and less.

And make the basic models and the other way around, the key is to have a small number of models. For example, Uniqlo has 1,000 styles every year, which is less than one-tenth of those of the two above. Therefore, it can reduce SKUs on a large scale, so as to dig deeper into the standardized categories of basic models.

Why is Fanke’s big head? Because Vancl shouts to learn Uniqlo every day, but Vancl's SKU has reached 90,000 days. SKU can be simply understood as inventory. Such eye-catching data does not know which eye Fanke learned from.

Also because of this business idea, Uniqlo can reduce the number of foundries to less than one hundred, while other clothing giants start with 1,000. This makes Uniqlo have fewer chances of making mistakes than others, and the hidden costs are greatly reduced.

Of course, in the final analysis, the reason why Uniqlo can make money is to make the luxury of cheap products out, which is its selling point.

What Chu Yuanxi has to do is to establish a basic production and marketing strategy with Pakistani entertainment characteristics, to make depth in a limited layout, to dig deep in details such as colors, fabrics, and craftsmanship to ensure the sales of single products and rely on fans from the media. Value to build a brand, take a shortcut that others have not taken.

It is important to know that those successful brands either rely on long-term reputation and high design and publicity costs to build their brands, or they have to rely on high technology, which also requires a lot of investment. Artifact companies skip these directly and rely on fan value. Although the foundation is not strong, it is cost-effective!

So in this sense, Cao Shan called a group of suppliers. The latter said that the person in charge of the foundry is right. They can provide diversified crafts and choices. Hanging on a tree by Yang Ma may not be the long-term blessing.

Product R&D and sales must be combined, and R&D depends on planning. This face-to-face communication helps reduce communication barriers. Standing on the stage, Chu Yuanxi slammed his mouth cannons and shocked the people below.

Before they came to Pakistani Entertainment, they had investigated more or less. They never thought that the boss of a self-media company would be a clever person when talking about the clothing industry. If you didn't know that Chu Yuanxi was an IT product manager before, you must think that he is an old driver in the clothing industry.

This is for the production side. For the construction of flagship stores, Chu Yuanxi’s principle is "not radical". With the establishment of brand reputation and popularity, the first batch of flagship stores will be built first. The existence of these seed stores is solely for brand establishment and service. Expand the number of flagship stores after the brand is established.

This plan is exactly the same as Chu Yuanxi's Xiaokang plan to be promoted next year. The birth of a well-off in the original world is even more extreme. The first step to open a store in the Imperial City is to select only the North Fifth Ring Road and Zhongguancun to open stores. This makes the well-off store form a scale effect in these two areas with strong IT genes, so that shared bicycles can be spread smoothly. Open, and then spread to the whole city.

Listening to him talking on the stage, some of the people below nodded and some thought, but Zhu Yan was restless.

It's not because the artifact company will not be able to generate dividends for a long time according to this strategy. She doesn't care about this amount of money now, especially when she sees Chu Yuanxi writing a knowledge sharing and let the company make money. In the case of ten million.

She was restless because she felt that Chu Yuanxi was too tossing! Is such a tossing really good? In fact, it is more difficult for her to adapt to Pakistani Entertainment's large-scale entry into the clothing industry than the foundries and store managers present Yuanxi's mind is too big, right?

Therefore, she also ate absent-mindedly at the noon banquet, and wanted to ask Yang Yuanmei, and found that Yang Yuanmei accepted the matter with pleasure without any bad feelings. So she simply went to Chu Yuanxi directly and asked, "Aren't we comfortable making money? Why is it suddenly so big?"

Chu Yuanxi had already known that Zhu Yan would ask this question. If she didn't even ask, then Chu Yuanxi would be surprised. This is because it is obvious that the Pakistani people will recruit many new people at once, and it is not necessary to recruit them. Those who are not suitable have to be eliminated. It is foreseeable that there will be a large number of people coming and going, and a lot of expenses will be increased.

Then, the original artifact company can provide stable cash flow. Now that the artifact company can only be self-sufficient after formulating the expansion plan, it is good to be able to stop asking for money from Pakistani people. The cash flow of Naba people immediately becomes large. problem.

Excluding the mobile game team developed by the fruit, the total number of employees in Pakistani Entertainment is now more than 30. The monthly salary and five social insurance and one housing fund are more than 700,000. A large-scale recruitment plan requires more than 20 People, especially the micro-film team and AI team, add 600,000 new salary expenditures, totaling more than 1.3 million. This is only the monthly labor cost. Even if the other expenses are amortized, it will be 1.5 million. This is Going crazy?

If according to the previous situation, the monthly labor expenditure of 700,000 yuan can be covered by the income of the artifact company, the company has other income, and the cash flow is positive. Isn't it a good thing? Now if the live broadcast does not ask for rewards, the cash flow is directly negative 1.5 million, and the money on the account can only support one year...

If Chu Yuanxi could sell it once a month to share knowledge, it would be fine, but this is impossible. Isn't the leek cut this way?

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