Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 190: Jiao Tu's Moth

So she ran up to Chu Yuanxi, learned Yang Yuanmei squatted, and asked: "Chu Yuanxi, why didn't we upload the jokes in bulk before?"

Chu Yuanxi had a nosebleed, because Yang Yuanmei was just tight pants, and He Nami was wearing a lot more than Yang Yuanmei! The floor of this office is still very clean. If he dares to look on the ground, he can even see the reflected abalone shape! Sister, don't you wear safety pants?

"Because, because it's inappropriate. The mode of the videos we made is not suitable for the story. We didn't make the suitable ones and didn't post them." Chu Yuanxi rubbed her nose while talking, covering her eyes.

He Nami smiled inwardly, "Then why not do it? We did so many videos before?"

"Yeah, why do you look down on our Duan friends?" Yang Yuanmei ran back as she listened, pinching her waist with both hands.

"When I did it before, I didn’t expect it to be like that later, so I did it the same way as before, just want to make Douyin Volcano Kuaishou. Who knew that the format changed later, so I scanned the entire platform. However, the video above It's more special, none of ours are suitable. I don't want to give up that energy when I see it..." Chu Yuanxi made up a set of reasons to make He Nami say nothing!

At this moment, Zhu Yan also came over, glanced at Chu Yuanxi's background data, and exclaimed: "Wow, isn't our Volcano going to fly?"

There were originally about 3 million fans in the volcano. It’s already a live broadcast. However, it also added 2 million fans yesterday. It has evolved from the sky-defying to invincible. This is because the traffic plummeted under the sudden stop of the volcano. As a result, of course, the surge in Douyin's fans is also synchronized with the plummeting traffic.

Zhu Wei felt that the number of people in the broadcast should exceed 10,000 every minute, and the live broadcast should be three hours, and the gift should be at least 20,000 to 30,000. This is still leisurely, not searching for fans' wallets.

Chu Yuanxi shook his head first, then nodded, and said, "I'm just about to tell you about this. In the live broadcast of the volcano these days, you have violently directed the traffic to the official account."

"Ah? Why? Wasn't that good before?"

The previous live broadcast of the volcano, especially during the Spring Festival, was the main battlefield of the animal company. The results of drainage of the official account were impressive, but they were all naturally attracted, because haste is not enough. If the compulsiveness is too obvious, even if you add more fans in a short time, the loss will also increase, which is not cost-effective.

"Because I heard that the volcano is going to change its firepower rules." Chu Yuanxi didn't mean to joke at all. "As soon as the volcano adjusts the wind direction, operations will return to normal, the traffic will rise, but users will soon find that the firepower rules have changed. Now. At that time, the volcano as a whole should start to go downhill, and many fans may have lost, do you understand? Don’t drain at this time, and there will be no chance to attract them in the future, so Douyin and Kuaishou remain the same, volcano..." he Reach out with a knife, which means harvest.

Zhu Yan opened her mouth for a long time and didn't close it. Out of the blind trust in Chu Yuanxi for a long time, she didn't doubt these words at all, but it was very uncomfortable. It made her feel disappointed, because it was the live broadcast of the volcano that let her She regained her long-lost happiness.

But this is the last wave of bonuses for the volcano. In fact, if there were no naked firepower rules to seduce the general public and seduce the neighbourhood aunt, the volcano would not have been so hot. It is too similar to learn quickly, so why don’t users use it quickly? you? Didn’t you think those bad money?

Losing the unique appeal, whether the existing users of the volcano can keep from losing is the big problem. As for the decline in activity, the lack of new additions, etc., that is nothing in comparison, Chu Yuanxi clearly knows The headline department will focus on Douyin next. Therefore, while the volcano is still hot, it is only serious to pour users onto the WeChat official account.

This round of dimensionality reduction attacks lasted until Thursday, and the major platforms resumed their products one after another. The review of the review and the recommendation of the recommendation are only obviously different from the past.

First, as Chu Yuanxi said, the firepower and sound waves of Volcano Douyin have disappeared. Users can only see their own firepower and sound waves, and will never see others. I am afraid that this is actually the focus of this supervision. Because Toutiao is a taboo for this naked money game.

Then, the anti-addiction function has been launched one after another. The time lock method is like anti-addiction in the game industry, which greatly hits the vibrato, because the vibrato cow is not because there are many users, nor is it high in daily activity, but magic sound The ears make people want to stop, and spend a lot of time on it.

The last is the place that users can’t see. The review function and smart recommendation have been greatly revised to satisfy relevant departments.

As a result, when I look back, I will find that in the dimensionality reduction strike, the headlines that should have been watching the fire from the shore are full of casualties. The connotation of the story is on the street, the volcano is on the verge of falling behind, and the watermelon video is self-castrated, completely squandering the huge amount of live answering before the Spring Festival. Popularity, only Douyin is still alive and strong, but the undead also got rid of the skin and began to plan new ideas.

However, he turned his head to see that Kuaishou and Microvision, the blockbuster products invested by Penguin, were as stable as Mount Tai.

This makes it hard to believe that this regulatory storm was driven by a group of fast-handed anchors. This round of valuation smashing action is like a full-scale and three-dimensional precision crit by the Penguin family against the headline system, especially the inner story, a hit ko, Stable, accurate and ruthless!

But this has little to do with Pakistani Entertainment. They first fattened themselves and then the platform traffic slowly declined, and there was a lot of gains if one was positive and one was negative. Don't forget, Pakistan's Kuaishou account has also gained more than 600,000 fans thanks to the positive energy videos before, and now it is also a large number with close to 1.8 million fans. This is another great benefit for attracting traffic to the official account. After all, fans of the official account in Chu Yuanxi's heart are called fans, and fans of short videos can only be counted as "follows."

Through the four days of inhalation, Chu Yuanxi reviewed the results and found that the number of Douyin fans rose to 13 million and 8 million, and the volcano 6 million. The key is that the public's large fans officially broke through one million, and because Zhu Yan began to desperately pull fans, the effect of volcanic diversion was very obvious. The fans of the public account Baren main account skyrocketed to 1.3 million. Yang Yuanmei was in charge. The pet number also added more than 200,000 fans, giving Chu Yuanxi great confidence.

As a result, when he was full of ambition, he did not expect that Jiao Tu, who had been immersed in the work, suddenly pulled him out, and he had something to say.

"I want to ask for leave." Jiao Tu's face was embarrassed and determined. Chu Yuanxi knew that he couldn't hold it back when he looked at his face, and asked: "Is it a holiday to go home? You haven't closed the Spring Festival holiday. What, something happened at home?"

"Well, I also need to take a few more days off." Jiao Tu's face was very unnatural, a little red, no, it was flushed, and after a long time, he was cruel and said, "It's not going home. , I want to go to the universe country?"

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