Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 991: Various arrangements

On February 1, Chu Yuanxi first made some work arrangements, and then waited for the agreed time to start a connection with Tian Xian’s actual controller Duan Lu Ting.

During this period of time, the form changes very quickly, so there are many work arrangements that need to be adjusted. For example, the social needs of the community are just about to change. Many people realize that there is no social application in the country or the world that is specifically aimed at the nature of the community, and is specifically aimed at the gap between acquaintances and strangers.

This makes the current complex dual form, the social needs of the community as a unit are extremely strong, and the requirements for information exchange are extremely high, but there is no app with a wide audience and unique functions to meet this demand, making many need to be notified in time The message cannot be made.

With the strong ability of domestic Internet companies to get jobs, Chu Yuanxi believes that if certain factories really do, an APP can be produced in a month. So far, there has been no similar news in the arena, probably because no one has made this determination for the time being.

First, the research and development of vaccines during the SARS period was also an urgent need, but the vaccine has not yet been developed, and SARS was successfully eliminated by the state. This is a very realistic problem.

Second, Chu Yuanxi's suspicion is that although the social needs of the community have emerged, the real value is still not recognized by the big factory. Internet social networking has a history and cognition of as long as 20 years. The purpose of developing social networking is not to develop social networking itself, but to traffic. Although traffic does not necessarily come from social media, social media carries the highest quality traffic, which is not comparable to any traffic celebrities.

But what is the traffic of community social networking? Is it to post a notice like Weibo? Or act as a news release group like WeChat community group? Or is it used by community e-commerce companies to promote products? These can not be said to not produce value, but they are all functional information output. The scenes are all specific. Strictly speaking, there is "community" but no "communication", which is not a chained social mode at all.

The true social interaction is communicative and extensible. It requires not only the output of information, but also the distribution, circulation, dismantling, deterioration, interpretation and feedback of information, which can truly reach the recipients of the information. , Extend the social chain, drive more people, make the social chain thicker and longer.

This is something that functional social networking does not have in certain scenarios. This is also the reason why many family groups have become dead groups. No one really typed them all year round, and the messages that appeared were reposted articles. It is better to use the article titles to chat.

This scene is very similar to the management and grassroots employees in some companies, sitting face to face and scolding each other, and they can't hear what the other party is scolding.

Therefore, this kind of social interaction is of little significance in the eyes of a real big company. If the value is not understood, the meaning of the project can not be explained clearly. The big company is unwilling to make a move. Although the development cost is low, the promotion cost is high. Schrodinger status. To give an inappropriate example, Penguin's Tim is still lying down. It is called normal maintenance. For such a large project, after the development of the chain, Hengjiang cannot go up and down. This is a pot of unclear project establishment.

However, the looming social needs of the community still made Chu Yuanxi a little anxious, because the big factories did not make the move, but there were so many people in China who were superstitious in socializing, and it was not certain whether the small workshops would make the move.

What if a small workshop makes a mistake and knocks out the social value of the community? What if you are caught by a big factory after you hit it out? Should we adjust the social functions of Xiaokang's own community? Do you want to increase the current status of function adaptation on the original basis? How long will this change affect the construction period? Is it feasible? Are there any logical problems? How long can it be as soon as possible?

These are all issues that must be addressed immediately.

And the people who need to be brought to discuss are grassroots members, project managers, product managers, Xue Jianhua and Zhou Mingjun. The staff are scattered everywhere, and the cost of communication has increased dramatically.

Difficult, very difficult! But no matter how difficult it is, we have to talk about it. The world is changing too fast, and it is usually a good wish to respond to changes without change. Well-off mobile payment can fail, online content can fail, but social networking must not fail.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi himself is unwilling to adjust, because Xiaokang's social interaction was originally strongly tied to convenience stores. Good social interaction can be found where there are stores. In the original world, where there were no well-off stores, there was no community social interaction. This kind of strong relevance is a great positive promotion for the well-off stores, and it has an intuitive improvement to the operation, and even promotes the ability of the well-off store to open, reduce the difficulty, and even promote the franchise.

But if it is adjusted, many universal functions must be added so that the people of the whole country can use it. Whether you like it or not, this will make this large functional module become socially dominant, the importance of the store will decline, and it will have an unpredictable impact on the overall strategy of Xiaokang.

But the terrible waves have come, choose to refuse to conform to the times? Or choose to seize the throat of the times? Chu Yuanxi said that it was a big deal when he updated the version in the future, just like Emperor Kangxi could open up the news and hear things, or ban them. Of course, it depends on what the project team says. He also faces the problem that the vaccine has not been developed and is not needed.

Fortunately, it is also a demand. The social needs of the community are temporarily overshadowed by the strong demand for telecommuting. It is visualized that after the opening of the market after the year, related concept stocks on the big A shares will blow out.

There is also variety shows that need to catch people for communication. Feng Lin's idea, Chu Yuanxi, has been compiled into a plan and sent to Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yan, and they have to give feedback for several days. There is also Baisha, which must be urged by Lao Chu Yuanxi himself. His book is the top priority of the second season of "Ji Xia Xue Gong".

However, the cultural people always follow suits when they delay. Actually, Chu Yuanxi knew that Baisha would definitely encounter the same problems as last year’s High Civilization. The knowledge reserves accumulated over the years have been fulfilled. Not encountered in the second season, but also encountered in the third season.

The background of high civilization is enough to write three episodes, and no matter how much you can only blindly edit Jaguar, Baisha’s background has written a complete eight episodes, so theoretically it has not reached the upper limit, but in fact there is still how much knowledge reserves available to realize What? So he really has to give him enough time, what should I do if he has no knowledge? Increase knowledge! This is the right way to solve the problem, so it is unlikely that you will see Taiwan before July.

Of course, the whip that should be drawn still has to be drawn, the bait that should be drawn still has to be taken, and the relevant benefits have to be given in place. This is the job of Uncle Sheng.

It’s just that Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yan both agreed that they are really busy, and this year’s tasks are particularly heavy. Why don’t we slow down? One said to wait for the next year, and the other said to wait until the next year, and the water will flow in an orderly manner.

Chu Yuanxi said what to wait for the next year? How about waiting for the Year of the Monkey? The year of the monkey is auspicious, and the month of the horse in the year of the monkey is more auspicious, and it will be 8 years!

"But, but we were already overloaded!"

Uncle Sheng seems to be in a good house at home. His face is red with naked eyes, and there is no sign of overload. Zhu Yan is more haggard than when he was at work, with dark circles under his eyes.

Chu Yuanxi didn't feel distressed at all, and said, "Can your second elder do? I am busy, shouldn't it be natural to think of recruiting the right people to share my pressure? Recruitment has always been a very important ability, especially For the boss, it is second only to cash flow control.

You two don’t have to control cash flow. You can’t always put the burden on yourself, OK? Especially you, Uncle, you are in the writer circle to gather some brain-hole assist players for Baisha, can you help him open his brain? It's really not possible. We can give money! You know so many codeword gods with Mario, isn't it difficult to find someone who has real materials to provide some wisdom? "

Uncle Sheng is stubborn, saying that it’s not suitable for a prostitute, but don’t you know that giving money will be regarded as a stupid adult?

However, Zhu Yan could not bear it!

"Chu Yuanxi, you are funny! Do you know how deep the variety show is? Do you know how complicated the variety show is? Do you know how difficult it is to do something? There are close to 20,000 variety show companies across the country, who do mobile games with you For a magnitude, any variety show must have the boss dispatched to negotiate behind the scenes. You forgot how hard you worked on "Jixia Academy"? How could you find someone else to share my pressure?"

"Sister, how much pressure can you have if you go out and talk to people about something, hello? I tell you, the same variety show, Yusheng Culture, will immediately go through the hearing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and look at the listing! Other companies don’t Big, it’s easy to do four variety shows a year..."

As Chu Yuanxi said, her voice suddenly lowered because she thought of her strong words. People are others, Zhu Yun is Zhu Yun, and others are old rivers and lakes. Zhu Yun has only entered this river and lake for less than a year, and his experience in the rivers and lakes is different. If you change to an experienced serial entrepreneur sitting in the position of Zhu Yan, even if you are a technology entrepreneur or an Internet entrepreneur who crosses the boundary, you can hold this river and lake, because talking with people is the basic skill of entrepreneurs, so Chu Yuanxi It's easy to do this yourself.

But that's not the case for content entrepreneurs. They don't rely on dealing with people to make troubles, they rely on craftsmanship and works.

At this time, Uncle Sheng suddenly said: "That's right. Speaking of Jianghu, now some people on the Jianghu have invited us to join the talent show and debut. I'm planning to talk to Zhu Yan."

Zhu Yan asked immediately: "Why are you teaming up?"

Chu Yuanxi asked immediately, "Is Zhu Yan successful?"

"Why do you still look down on me? Believe it or not, this fairy slapped you across the network cable?"

"It's not that I look down on you, really Zhu Yan, I said to my heart, the debut variety show is just like you said, the water behind it is too deep! If you go out and talk about things, you must be on the street."

This lesson was given to Chu Yuanxi by Zhou Minxi after Tuchuang 101 last year, which made him feel ashamed. The rivers and lakes behind his domestic head variety show let a cosmopolitan give a supplement. However, when you think about the debut variety show of Universe Country compared to the domestic one, it is the same as the Champions League compared to the fake A. Indigenous creation is the copyright of the people who bought it, so it doesn't feel ashamed.

During the local creation period, a domestic top player in the field of artist management sent two star artists who had already debuted in the universe country to come back to participate in the draft. They have a large number of fans and debut again. Of course, it is impossible to win. Therefore, as the overlord, President Du must first find someone to talk to.

However, there are a lot of participants in the local creative industry, and they all have backgrounds, and the right to film the show was handed over by Penguin to the talent godmother Long. Mr. Long has his own taste for artists, and Mr. Du's creed is to choose the best looking leeks and cut the toughest leeks. This is very problematic.

What’s even more frightening is that Tianyu, where Mr. Long once worked, is rooted in the mango department. The mango department was obsessed with introducing idol dramas from Wanwan. Therefore, he is an old friend with Kemi International. The talented player Yang who is preparing to debut this time Ironshoe is the top brand launched by Kefan International.

As a result, the second stage of the battle just happened, and Yang Tieti inexplicably squeezed Xuan Yi to Class B.

Can this be tolerated? Being pulled as a stepping stone, replaced by Chu Yuanxi as President Du, he couldn't bear it either!

So immediately after the second stage of the battle, the meal circle began to hit the full screen. Someone started to stab the hornet's nest. All kinds of black materials were exploded all over again. The outstanding trainees of various arts all liked to mention their nicknames. What ghost king, ugly C, iron hoof, regional black, etc. have become famous in the arena for a while, and all those who may pose a threat to the two returning female artists for their debut have been gathered.

Manipulating the rice circle to harm each other by the major brokerage companies belongs to the craft of eating, and no one can give in when others open fire. Therefore, Weibo instantly became a pot of porridge.

However, beyond sisters are different from them. Chaoyue sister really came to debut, just out of the village, there is no black material. The small broken company behind her is even more unknown, so there is no black material to dig.

Therefore, the only beneficiary of the spread of black material is beyond sister. When she was out of control, everyone suddenly realized that this was the real enemy! But it was too late, even Sister Ju fired from the front, showing that she could not break the undefeated golden body beyond her sister because it was so clean!

Black material is the big killer of the fan circle, surpassing my sister to lie down and ridicule, but there is no decent black material that can cause personal injury. This is the arena behind the draft.

Can she handle such a complicated relationship with Zhu Yan? Chu Yuanxi said that you should feel the goodwill of the world! "As a fledgling ordinary media company, let's participate in this intense competition later, right?"

Uncle Sheng sighed straight after hearing this: "Hey, people think that our Weibo and Douyin are so powerful, and participating in debut shows can beat the audience."

"Uncle, let me tell you, we don't have a problem with indicators." Chu Yuanxi guessed about Uncle Sheng's psychological activities, and quickly gave him reassurance: "We are Han Xin, the better, the better. If we really have the ability to participate in the debut draft, let's also You can participate, regardless of how many other projects you do or not. There is no one who can do it. The characteristics of Zaba people are actually very ordinary, that is, they are rich. If you have a good project, you don’t need to consider the cost. You only need to consider whether it is good or not. Make money or not, then expand directly, recruit people, and then start. Anyway, there are so many unemployed people in the entertainment industry, and it is easy to recruit people."

Chu Yuanxi told the truth, Uncle Sheng understood it at that time, and, although some people have recently felt that selling Pakistani games is cheap or something, but if you take a closer look, there are tens of billions in your hand, and you feel at ease, what you want to do. Just do something.

Zhu Yan seemed to be hurrying to check the information, and then took the initiative to speak: "Chu Yuanxi, the company you are talking about is actually very good, and they can guarantee that two or three variety shows are online every year."

"Indeed, but this is not a question, but an answer. Let me tell you two, don't just focus on the number of online, the key is the data. Yusheng's data is that the annual revenue is less than 300 million, the gross profit rate is 40%, and the net profit is around A fluctuation of 70 million, which is 25% or so, shows that the cost control is very good. Our Pakistani products can achieve this level, we can ensure that the work is online, and then we can split it into the market. Their strong variety shows are about one level. After we finish, we have contributed about 200 million in revenue in a few years. Can we do it?"

Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yan turned on the calculator and started pressing. Then I found that it seemed that my financial situation was better, because the Pakistani asked for control.

At the beginning, Chu Yuanxi almost didn't come to the third life with Tai Shantai in order to control the board but not the board, and finally got the right to control the board. Why should the two families fight for control if they broke their heads? In Chu Yuanxi's opinion, it was sparse, but there was a very important factor on the Taishan Terrace, which was whether to charge the accounts or not.

If Taishan Station controls the board, Taishan Station can charge the bill, and of course the financial control is the final say. Think about it this year for some film and television dramas, and even if the money for 2012 is not settled, you know that the right to charge accounts is precious. However, there is no issue of billing for the Palestinians in controlling the market. If they want to be charged, they are also betting on the account of Taishantai. Of course, this is a matter of reason.

Therefore, in fact, Yusheng's financial report is also the same as the cash flow collateralized, so it needs to go public for financing. However, the cash flow of operating activities is negative and the revenue accounts are huge. This is the normal state of variety show companies. It may not be possible to change to other industries. It is not a problem for variety show Finally, arrange Chu Yuanxi breathed a sigh of relief for what Uncle Haosheng and Zhu Yan should do, and then began to connect non-stop.

In fact, you can also chat with the counterparty using ordinary WeChat communication, but there is no sense of ritual or seriousness. What Chu Yuanxi is going to talk about belongs to mergers and acquisitions, and it is also a kind of investment, and investment is about face-to-face in-depth communication, otherwise there will be no story of Sun Dasheng investing in Ali in 6 minutes. Let Jack and Sun Dasheng call and send text messages to communicate. ?

In face-to-face chat, even through video, you must be more cautious in what you say. At the same time, Chu Yuanxi is a person who likes to observe words and expressions. It is very important to assist her on-the-spot judgment by observing the face of the opponent, and to choose what words to say inappropriately.

When the video was connected, Chu Yuanxi and the other party seemed to find that the person on the other side was younger than they thought. Of course, Duan Luting, who Tian Xian partnered with, was only 27 years old in the information given by Yuan Mu. He knew it, but he seemed to be not much bigger than Duan. It felt very young. The video felt like It is advisable for the staff in your company to give face-to-face instruction.


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