Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 963: "Jixia Academy" Celebration Party

Chu Yuanxi didn't know how long it would take for this matter to pass. It was certain that it had a short-term impact on the well-off. This was psychologically prepared after Chu Yuanxi heard Cao Xiang's complete discussion. But since you are not allowed to stay out of the matter, you must fulfill your obligations. The rest can only hope that as few people as possible will be affected as little as possible.

   Relatively speaking, Cao Xiang was more affected because he needed to provide a lot of technical assistance. Fortunately, he hasn't been busy lately. He just hopes to end as soon as possible and not affect Milestone 6.

   Chu Yuanxi put his energy into the accounting of the well-off at the end of the year. This time, he must make a good set, because before he went to Eastern Guangdong Province, he felt that something went wrong in the enterprise chain, which made him feel a little awkward.

   This kind of awkwardness is very emotional and cannot be explained by intuitive numbers, but Chu Yuanxi intuitively feels that there should be some problems in the report that is well-off, and it is worth taking it seriously.

   Two more days passed, and the night was Christmas Eve, but a tragedy happened during the day when I ate the apple.

   Chu Yuanxi suddenly noticed that there was a sudden increase in the number of comments on her Weibo. He is still a bit famous now, so he has more than 100,000 natural followers on his Weibo, which is incomparable with the big influencers. As a startup star, he is in the eve of the outbreak. If his reputation goes up again, it will attract A lot of attention.

   As a result, his Weibo suddenly broke out today. When Chu Yuanxi opened Weibo, she thought she had the wrong number, and she became a Pakistani entertainment company. She said I didn’t kick Lu Yu recently? Why are there so many red dots?

  He logged onto Weibo because tomorrow is the day when the first season of "Ji Xia Xue Gong" will be released, so today he must personally contact some people on Weibo, so that he can come and turn around to help his reputation. Although the so-called 10,000 V turning at the same time may not be really useful, at least it looks good. Some of them can be assisted by Lu Yu, and some of them must come from President Chu of the Pakistani group.

As soon as I logged in, not to mention the number of comments on Weibo, and thousands of @@, I almost made Chu Yuanxi vomit blood when he read the private message, and if he didn't name it, he thought it was the wrong person. ?

   "I shouldn't scold you, Mr. Chu, I apologize. Now my tears are falling out of the surgical exam questions."

"I don’t understand why I’m tired of studying medicine and staying up late to cope with the exam. Brother Chu, what do you think I have studied for so many years?? You can’t even save your life. You can kill any scum you want to kill. What to learn? What's wrong with this society?"

   Chu Yuanxi wondered for a moment, then searched it casually and found that a tragedy had happened. The reason why he was stunned was that he did not see this news on hot searches on all platforms.

   This is the effect of the information cocoon room. Once the circle of obtaining information is fixed, anyone who does not take the initiative to open up information channels will encounter this embarrassing absence.

   Of course he knows why so many people @他了, because he returned to his alma mater at the end of October to give a lecture. How happy the people who scolded him at the beginning, and how miserable the people who lined up to apologize today, how miserable the Weibo comments.

   If Chu Yuanxi wants to add followers to his account, he can just post a related one at this time. Now anyone who ran to his Weibo to leave a message, the words are left in the previous one, completely irrelevant. But he didn't, because he was in a heavy mood. After all, there is no doctor, everyone has to hang on, he just told the students how unutilitarian doctors are, not disrespectful to the doctors.

   I flipped through it and saw someone like this @ over: Every time it turns into a big thing and a small thing, there is not even a hot search. Let @楚垣夕 comment, is such a big thing inferior to a star's eyelid cut?

Chu Yuanxi smoothly @回去: This requires asking where the public knows where they are all dead... But it is normal for the heat to drop. I understand the psychology of the parties concerned that they do not want large-scale spread, and if bad things spread, they can easily lead to other things. Bad people imitate, even worse.

After    finished writing, he was not in the mood to read Weibo anymore, and went offline after sending out a batch of invitations. At the end of the year, there were a lot of things in the Pakistani group. Not only "Ji Xia Xue Gong" was going to be released, the effects of the previous activities of "Wu Dao Hun Jun" were also very effective. The total number of broadcasts under related topics exceeded 3 billion times. In less than two weeks, the heat is already quite strong, and the participants have a lot of traffic.

   Zhao Jie took advantage of the situation to train the army on the mobile game.

   Gobi Network left Zhao Jie and IP in the process of the Pakistani game, but the grassroots employees who did the mobile game "Wu Dao Faunjun" did not stay. The current Gobi network people are all new recruits later. Although the Pakistani Group has already started recruiting people for the new company before the signing of the M&A contract, and is prepared to do a lot of work, is the new team combined or pieced together? Need actual test.

In other words, Zhao Jie now has two teams in parallel, one is studying traditional RPG game development, and the editor will be converted into a UGC platform in the future, and the other is a serious mobile game development team that continues to update the line of the "Wu Dao Hun Jun" mobile game. Last version.

   This Douyin Hunjun activity is the time node for the team to update the version. Zhao Jie, who is in Qiqing, has no food for a few days, for fear that the version update will go wrong and Chu Yuanxi will hang up to worship the sky.

   Actually, he doesn't need it anymore. Today is different. Chu Yuanxi can no longer take him to sacrifice to the heavens, because he no longer writes code in his usual work and is doing serious leadership work. At this time, Zhao Jie's correct way to play is to find other responsible persons to sacrifice to heaven.

   Later, the version update was no problem. Zhao Jie also woke up bored, and immediately utterly said that Lao Tzu is already the CEO, who can take me to sacrifice to the heavens, huh!

With the update of a wave of new gameplay, mainly adding some numerical gameplay and corresponding payment points, this game has soared, and a large number of new players have poured in. DAU has been sprinting to 30 million after nearly two weeks of fermentation. . The double good news keeps Zhao Jie from ear to ear every day, constantly calculating how much his company's valuation should rise.

   But when Zhao Jie saw Chu Yuanxi recently, he found that he was frowning, as if he had lost much money.

"What's not money? You're already self-financing? Have you started to buy in North America? How is Susan Bell's work status after joining? What happened to others during Christmas yesterday, have you cared? Don't say take the initiative Reporting!"

   Even though Chu Yuanxi was slanderous, there was still some godlessness, and he suddenly said: "Tonight, Zhu Yan organized a celebration. The celebration of "Ji Xia Xue Gong" was shown on Taishan Stage. You are watching the show while K song. Come here too?"

   "You said it earlier, we will also build a team tonight..." Zhao Jie suddenly became aggrieved. Shouldn't this kind of thing be reserved three days in advance?

   "Oh, sorry, sorry, I have been confused recently, mainly because there are more beautiful women here today. Next time I will advance..."

  Chu Yuanxi was talking, just watch Zhao Jieguang speed open WeChat, and said in voice: "Guy brother, you organize the team building tonight. I can't go there temporarily, let the brothers play high."

   After finishing speaking, Zhao Jie stared at Chu Yuanxi with his back to Chu Yuanxi, and then said in a relaxed tone: "Don't go next time, you always get ahead of time next time, how many times have you next time?"

Your brother is the CTO recruited by Zhao Jie for Gobi. He has great engine technology, but he is more blunt in terms of human feelings. People who don’t know him will think he is arrogant and mean. In fact, he didn’t have much contact with him, mainly because of his appearance. This impression.

   As a result, when I waited until the evening, this KTV surprised Zhao Jie. It was so luxurious. As soon as you enter the door, it is very cool. Numerous neon lights flashing in the dark corridor, and the stairs are all loud, because the piano steps are stepped on.

   He came a little bit late, and entered the door and reported his name, and the front desk actually transferred him a way guide robot to ask him to follow. Zhao Jie walked cautiously and found that there was a playground next to it, with light and shadow billiards on one side, and people walking in a dark scene. The billiard table was made into a blue ocean, with deep and shallow and flowing, and the billiard **** were like water balls. Super belt feeling. On the other side is a live-action claw machine, controlled by one person, while the other is hung up and fished in the doll pool.

   When he was led to the private room by the guide robot, he found that even the glass door had a spider-web-like light. Pressing his hand on the back of the spider in the middle, the door was separated from the left and right, and the inside was a forest environment.

   The private room is super large, with 55-inch large screens on both walls, and a large LED screen with a height of 5 meters on the front, forming a true three-dimensional surround, and no one is afraid of anyone blocking the teleprompter. In front of the floor-to-ceiling screen is a professional concert stage, with a follow-up light, Yu Wenhui is karaoke face to face with an unknown beauty.

   What did Zhao Jie listen to? This is Yu Wenhui's voice? impossible! Isn't this set of speakers with instant tuning? However, his attention was immediately attracted by the food buffet tree on the other side of the forest, super rich.

   But he suddenly found the atmosphere a bit strange.

   There are a lot of people here tonight. Not only Yu Wenhui is here, but also Grandpa Suzuki is here. Yang Jiangang will have fun, and of course Qi Yu will also be there. She flew here specially from Mango. In addition, there are some people that Zhao Jie does not know, not all from the Pakistani group.

  The focus of the field is of course Zhu Yun and Yang Yuanmei, because during the filming they were the ones who ran before and after. But Zhao Jie must have been habitually looking for Chu Yuanxi first after saying hello, and found that Chu Yuanxi nestled in a corner silently.

   This is the reason why Zhao Jie feels weird. The circle next to Chu Yuanxi seems to have been missed by the Silencer, and the voice is particularly low, especially in this rough K song environment. He sat with his fist propped his cheeks, although he was also talking to the left and right, and there was a smile on his face, but with the familiar relationship between Zhao Jie and Chu Yuanxi over the years, he could feel that he was incompatible with this happy field and laughed. Special formulation.

   Zhao Jie walked over and sat down next to Chu Yuanxi, "Hey, why don't you make a KTV with a grill? I remember that there are several KTVs in Baiziwan that are grilled."

   "You know how to eat, you are not in good shape. This is much more valuable than those, Zhu Yan is really willing to spend money."

   Chu Yuanxi felt absent-minded as he spoke, and his eyes were erratic. Zhao Jie turned to the stage and said, "Who is Yu Wenhui singing to?"

   "Fang Shiling."

   Zhao Jie suddenly changed color. He had heard the name of this sister more than once. The main reason is that there have been too many gossips with Chu Yuanxi, who is Chu Yuanxi? Beautiful women around me are like clouds. The woman who can control Chu Yuanxi has never been seen by hundreds of people in Ba Ren Xiaokang. Therefore, many people in the company regard her as a great god, but they have never matched her name, and they did not expect it to be her!

   Soon after singing a song on stage, Yu Wenhui just put down the microphone, Youtu's Guan Xin jumped up, "Give me back, it's me!"

   Fang Shiling Barley dominates those who come here, and they can do any song, although Xin's point is the Douyin Divine Comedy, Ulan Tuoya's "Flaming Saarilang", she can actually sing.

   Guan Xin was sure of Zhao Jie as soon as he opened his mouth. He had spoken to Guan Xin, and it was definitely not like this. This KTV is really not cheap, and it makes people sing like a recording studio.

Although he has nothing to do with the "Jixia Academy" project, he was also invited today because he also manages the network comprehensive show in Youtu. In the future, it is very likely that Pakistani Media will have to go online to do variety shows. Relationship.

   Zhao Jie listened to him sing for a while, and realized that this is not the time to show off his voice! Since I was a child, my five-tone is not complete. It is a long-time dream to have millions of sound repairers waiting to sing!

   But Chu Yuanxi's state is too wrong, right? Could it be that after being suppressed by Fang Shiling? This is incredible, this? This is definitely not Chu Yuanxi's style, no one can suppress Chu Yuanxi! Zhao Jie once thought that even if Jack and Pony appeared at the same time, Chu Yuanxi would not be counseled, how could it be such a ghost!

   He slowly circled Chu Yuanxi twice for observation, but Chu Yuanxi didn't notice him turning in circles?

   Besides, Chu Yuanxi made people feel this way, it was not counseling. Outsiders may not feel it, how many years has he been working with Chu Yuanxi, a project manager and a product manager? Yang Jiangang couldn't catch up. Although Yang Jiangang was familiar, he was not always in the same group.

  Chu Yuanxi This is obviously a product that failed the online data after devoting great enthusiasm to the product, and the retained amount of absorption is not acceptable. Pengfei Technology notified the status of the project. Twice, Zhao Jie had seen Chu Yuanxi at least twice, and this was the third time today! This is definitely not because of whose aura is suppressed, but because of heartbreak! There is a kind of sadness hidden in the deepest, and the things you love will be lost forever...

   He kicked Chu Yuanxi's calf with his foot, "Aren't you? The state is not right, you, what's the matter? Has something serious happened to me that I don't know?"

   "It's okay." Chu Yuanxi dealt with it, her heart said that she really did. I won't be surprised that the police car will come over and disturb the party later.

   "Why is Fang Shiling here?"

   Chu Yuanxi smiled bitterly: "Why don't I know? I wonder, too, it's too unreasonable. Why does she have a face at the Jixia Xuegong celebration party?"

   In fact, Fang Shiling's appearance really caught him off guard. Meeting again is already a vicissitude of life. Chu Yuanxixin said that Fang Shiling came to demonstrate because he knew that his gang had been reported by him?

   If there is no such thing as Zhongchuangtonghui, Chu Yuanxi would definitely have to ask, three yuan for each key and three for ten yuan?

   But there is this, and the contradictions like "Ji Xia Xue Gong" are trivial things. Now Chu Yuanxi just wants to forget about each other in the rivers and lakes, but the mountains are not here, and he does not want to go up the mountains.

   At this time Guan Xin and Fang Shiling finished singing duet, Guan Xin came over still, and Fang Shiling followed suit, putting down the microphone and following.

   Today’s Fang Shiling is all red, Chu Yuanxi doesn’t know if she is the beauty of K-song, or if Zhongchuangtonghui has made money with her? In short, the state is full. I hope it's the former, the latter is not 15 years old.

At this time, Uncle Sheng and Bai Sha happened to also come over. Bai Sha was the most beautiful person in today’s party, because he is a screenwriter + director. During the filming process, it can be said that the scene was the same, and he returned his name. .

   Ke Qiao Baisha recognized Fang Shiling, because Chu Yuanxi had to hide Baisha in his operations at the beginning, and no one would know that there was such a person, so he had to explain things to Baisha. Therefore, he fully understands the whole process of Fang Shiling's grab project, but it is only limited to the process, but does not understand the relationship behind it.

   Take a look at this time, huh? Fang Shiling? He was even more daunting than Chu Yuanxi, and then switched his eyes several times before Fang Shiling and Chu Yuanxi, and finally asked quite bluntly: "Ms. Chu, the lady you invited?"

   Chu Yuanxi couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm also puzzled."

   Fang Shiling seems to have completely recovered from the loss of "Late Night Gallery", and there is no complaint, and he said vigorously: "Hey, hey, I have also paid for "Jixia Academy"!

   Bai Sha sneered silently, Chu Yuanxi said that it was a high civilization that had not come, otherwise he would have to fight Bai Sha. Fang Shiling disagrees, because Baisha is already nobody to her. She came here today with other goals, so she smiled and said, "How about inviting me to come here? You usually want to hear me singing but you can't hear it."

"Yes, yes, you are absolutely professional in singing, but you have to admit that Uncle Sheng sings better than you." Chu Yuan Xixin said that you sing well and you sing during live broadcasts. The rewards must be smashing. , But I never sing, and I don’t know what I think.

   After he finished speaking, his uncle gave a wink, meaning that he went up to show off to the ladies, and it would be better to lead Fang Shiling away to PK. Now he has a lot of things to say, but for fear that he accidentally said something wrong, he would poke Louzi.

   Zhao Jie watched all the way. At this time, he looked at and said he couldn't. The two wheat tyrants picked up the wheat and God knew when to put it down. He hurriedly stepped onto the stage, and the ghost cried wolf howling and found that it feels really good. Although this automatic sound repairing device is not as exquisite as manual repair, it is fast, and it also has complements, which perfectly meets his needs.

   When he satisfies his selfish desires, he finds that Chu Yuanxi has gone on with Guan Xin Kan, and it is Rui Xing that he is talking about.

I saw that Chu Yuanxi's state seemed to have recovered a little, and she was pointing to Jiangshan: "You must be rational when considering investment, and must be restrained! Although Ruixing Q3 revenue has doubled five times, its cash flow has only increased by 300%. Many, do you understand? Cash flow divided by GMV will fall. This is called a magic horse? There is a cash flow if you burn money.

   And a large part of their cash flow is obtained from the capital market, not from the transaction. If you remove this part, you will not know how much it has fallen. Their new retail is definitely not your new retail. "

"Mr. Chu, let me tell you that you underestimate Luckin. The coffee beans have won the most golden prize in the world for two consecutive years. The Nobel in coffee has 30 blind evaluations. Very powerful."

"Oh, what's the use of that? No matter how good your coffee beans are, don’t they need to be roasted deeply to lose their original taste? Are they going to be combined with other beans? The American coffee you buy is just It’s not made from an American drip pot, it’s all espresso from a coffee machine and then mixed with water. It’s all the same."

   While the two were debating, Zhu Yun suddenly walked over like a ghost, looked at Chu Yuanxi deeply with worry, and made a follow me gesture after attracting his attention.

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