Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 961: I was serious

"Wait for me." Chu Yuanxi first gave Feng Lin a warm hug, and then said in her ear: "Let me go back to WeChat first. A group of big-name investors are cueing me."

  The reason why a group of investment bosses cue him is because of the recent news of good news in the market. At the beginning of the month, when the investment circle annual meeting was held, Chu Yuanxi slapped Li Jingfei in public, named-the future will be better.

At that time, he was because Li Jingfei mocked the difficulty of the game industry and told him to roll back to play his games to entrap teenagers, so he vowed in front of a group of investors-I want to inflate, regardless of the game or the entire economic field, Of course, it also includes investment and financing. The state will definitely introduce favorable policies one after another to ease the huge pressure on various industries; it will definitely introduce positive new management regulations, or loosen the binding, which cannot always be bad news.

   This multi-view angle is quite likable, so he overpowered Li Jingfei and became the most beautiful boy in the audience. In fact, this idea has always been what Chu Yuanxi believed in the first place, and later inspired Lu Yin and Yang Heng with the same reason.

   As a result, this prediction was fulfilled during Chu Yuanxi's southward journey at the speed of light, a total of one week later.

No.   , the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced the pilot regulations for the spin-off of listed companies' subsidiaries for domestic listing.

   It is important to know that the participation of PE giants in the spin-off of listed companies' subsidiaries is almost a profitable transaction. Domestic institutions also have very successful cases overseas, so they are very enthusiastic. This loose rule is simply to let all the way into my big A-share market to pick up wallets, and even at that time, there were investment tycoons who expressed their excitement: "This is a huge benefit for the stockholders of the parent company to reduce their holdings and realize it, and If there is a lot of room for the spin-off of the business itself, it might be another good project."

  In the words, it seemed that the plate was full of fat.

  Assuming that Pakistani Group is now a listed company, this clause corresponds to the spin-off and listing of Gobi Networks, Mediterranean Games, Panama and Pinnacle Visual Effects. If the Pakistani group is willing to make the Pakistani media independent, the Pakistani media can also be split.

   The operating space is a bit big, although the above-mentioned subsidiaries and Pakistani Group have not been in compliance with the most basic listing regulations due to the shortcomings of the establishment of time.

   In the past, the comparable model in our large A shares was "holistic listing." For example, if the Pakistani Group is not listed, the Gobi Network will be launched first, and then the Pakistani Group will all hold the equity of Mediterranean Games, Peak Visual Effects, Pakistani Media, Panama and other subsidiaries into asset packages. The additional issuance is injected into the listed company, and then the listed company is renamed Baren Group. This process is called the realization of overall listing.

   It is obvious that capital has more room for maneuver under the new terms.

   Immediately after the second day, the Imperial City Committee actually proposed the general goal of building the Imperial Capital into an international online game capital, and officially issued relevant policy documents!

When the document titled "Several Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Imperial City Game Industry" was transmitted to Yangcheng, Chu Yuanxi was shocked, and then she slapped her thigh vigorously, crying: "Selling Temoba games It's cheaper! My day—"

   Under this "one city and five centers" policy, wouldn't Ali want to go crazy? Of course, the Pakistani group cannot be said to be a loss, because after all, the "Enemies of Rome" and "Wu Dao Faunjun" were left in the delivery process, and the fire of the revolution was retained.

   This set of policies is cool to loosen up. In the future, game companies in the capital will be able to enjoy over-standard treatment. The chain on the neck is unlocked, and there is no need to worry about the discrimination and differential treatment of the game industry in various senses by the relevant departments.

   Especially in terms of version number, the "Opinions" put forward specific measures in key aspects of game development, publication, distribution, and so on, and it clearly promises to give strong support to the publishing, distribution, and promotion of innovative games. The imperial capital took the lead. Is that uncle still a problem? Since last year, what has been the most dreamy thing for domestic game companies? Edition number!

  Of course, this may also make many other game companies have the idea of ​​moving to the Imperial Capital, but no matter what, it is a huge benefit for the local game companies of the Imperial Capital.

   Therefore, a group of investors have already given Chu Yuanxi's foresight cues in the WeChat group a long time ago, and they all said that they must take care of Chu Yuanxi when he returns.

   Chu Yuanxi came back today, and I didn't expect that in the past few days, someone hadn't forgotten this.

   But looking at Feng Lin's enthusiastic gaze, Chu Yuanxi immediately found the reason for the house home on the grounds that she had just returned home and was exhausted, then she took off her hot clothes and began to teach "hands-by-hand".

   "Hey, hey, don't you need to teach this way?"

   "Otherwise, how do you call it a "hand-to-hand" teaching?"

   Feng Lin opened Chu Yuanxi's hand: "Then there is no need to teach on tatami mats. Why don't we work first and then be happy?"

   "You see that we do what we want, and learn the knowledge we should learn at the same time. Isn't this double happiness?"

   Feng Lin turned over and climbed up on the tatami, a second later, slipped and lay back. Although the decoration styles of the several rooms in the Leap Villa are different, they are all equipped with floor heating, and the temperature in the room is still warm, but the skin exposed in the winter is always a little cool in the air.

   "Chu Yuanxi, do you think I was joking in the presidential class? I mean it."

   "No, no, I know you are serious." Chu Yuanxi looked at Feng Lin a little bit, and had to stop the evil hand. Feng Lin recognized that it was not important whether it was serious or not. The key was not to make her feel despised. As for Feng Lin’s seriousness, Chu Yuanxi does not reject it, because if she can find a suitable and reliable entry point, she can also start a business. Isn’t she going to the CEO class to broaden her horizons and see what’s suitable? .

In this regard, Chu Yuanxi felt that he was responsible, because he could not bring Feng Lin into the well-off and Ba people, otherwise he would let Feng Lin walk around the enterprise in the way of managing trainees, and he would have enough in about two years. Feng Lin's confidence allowed Feng Lin to gain enough ability. And now even if she finds a suitable track, she will go straight up to estimate that the probability of failure is high.

   Although Chu Yuanxi felt that she was reported to her for a pheasant president class, the so-called certificate of completion was of little value, but it was quite professional, and the students needed to reply after graduation. This is why it is not enough to only get the BP and plan given by Chu Yuanxi. Feng Lin must fully understand his ideas in order to pass the defense smoothly.

"That's good, do you know how many books I have eaten these days?" Feng Lin also hugged Chu Yuanxi tightly. Chu Yuanxi's legs were cold, especially her knees, and her hairs were erected after the touch. .

   Hot and cold are relative, and Chu Yuanxi felt extremely warm, "You should shave, and when you shave, forget all the books you gnawed on."

   "What are you doing? Look down on me?"

   "I don't deny you, but you can see what kind of books you got back? Did you collect all the second-hand books that others don't want?"

   These books were piled up in the house, and Chu Yuanxi saw it when he entered the house. "Brand-If You Are the One", "Nine Rules of Corporate Excellence", "Personality Determined to Bring Self-Charm", "Strategic Victory-Chinese Managers", "Top Road-Buffett in Newspaper Delivery", "My Success Can Design "...

   Reading the title of the book is a strong taste of chicken soup, and it is the kind of nutritious chicken soup that Chu Yuanxi especially doesn't catch a cold. Usually drinking this kind of chicken soup reduces immunity.

   "Huh! Besides, I will make you happy!" Feng Lin grunted fiercely.

   As a result, it was equivalent to Yanan returning from fitness at 9 o'clock. What she saw was Chu Yuanxi and Feng Lin sitting side by side in front of the laptop explaining the business case.

   She has signed up for an advanced fitness class and is no longer satisfied with exercising at home. When she walked in, Chu Yuanxi was naked, and even the air conditioner was not turned on, so she quickly took a towel and walked over.

The first paper is actually very simple. It is nothing more than to find a track with energy first, then find a successful target for benchmarking, determine what advantages you have, how to do it, and come up with feasible methods and paths. The path needs What resources. The purpose of a business plan is to tell investors how awesome they will be when they are completed. I have not yet done so, so I can only brag. After listening to my bragging, you can make money when you are happy.

   But because it was virtual, Chu Yuanxi skipped the "self-advantage" part, and just assumed that he had an advantage. This is also necessary. If you don't have any advantages to raise money, it would waste investors' money and it is unethical.

   As for e-cigarettes, although there are no visible dividends, and they may be suppressed, the energy of the track is not only a dividend, but the huge prospect of making money is also energy.

   Since JUUL developed the nicotine salt, a nuclear bomb in the electronic cigarette industry, the pod has become the industry standard. Then the successful copytoChina of JUUL in the United States is enough to use as an entrepreneurial concept, so this BP is very easy to write. What is difficult to write is the final requirement, to evaluate this entrepreneurial idea from the perspective of a third party.

  Chu Yuanxi’s self-evaluation is that this article BP has a strong entrepreneurial style, only talks about a bright future, and does not emphasize potential risks, such as the risk of the national team personally leaving.

   Stronger supervision and rules, restricting the ingredients that can be added to the cartridges, and even accepting direct pressure from the cigarette industry, are not actually risks, because even if they are regulated, the content of nicotine in the cartridges far exceeds that of cigarettes.

   E-cigarettes help smokers quit smoking is "quit cigarettes", because the nicotine content of a cigarette is only 1mg, which cannot be added. The content of a small e-cigarette can easily reach 50mg, which directly improves the nicotine tolerance of smokers. Of course, smoking a cigarette after smoking a strong e-cigarette is not addictive, so you have to smoke an e-cigarette.

   But the national team personally ended up doing this. The official endorsement + the amount of channels + brand value, any e-cigarette entrepreneurs are in comparison with small arms and legs. (Thanks to the potatoes are too delicious for this chapter)

   However, if BP does not include risk, it is considered as a potential industry regulation. Otherwise, what should investors do for due diligence?

   When Yanan came back, Chu Yuanxi was talking about the second chapter, which is based on the current market situation of Ruixing Coffee, as the president, how to plan the next corporate development.

So Yu Yanan also came over, and only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "Luckin's boasting to investors last year has been achieved. It has opened 4,500 stores, and its peak market value is close to 10 billion US dollars. Now there are more than 80. 100 million. So whether it goes up or down in the capital market, the credit is still good. Now that you bring yourself into the position of the money manager, you should first understand that you have a big advantage."

   "Can you get money?" Feng Lin heard Chu Yuanxi talk about Pinduoduo's financing of $1 billion convertible bonds from the U.S. market at zero interest rate more than once. If Luckin's credit is better, wouldn't it be easy to get money?

"No, being able to get money is performance. The deep advantage is that you are'flexible'. Being flexible means that you have a chance to achieve whatever you want to do next, without being too cramped. If you don't dare to do it, you don't dare to do it. I understand. In business, it is usually necessary to focus on the main business. If you want to do anything, you must consider the cost and cash flow, but Ruixing is very flexible in this regard. Even if Ruixing opens a convenience store in the future, come and PK I think all things are possible. You need to plan based on this advantage."

   After speaking, Chu Yuanxi made a please gesture to guide Feng Lin to think about planning. Unlike the first one, this article must use heuristics rather than duck-filling. His other hand also made a request to Yanan, letting her sit closer.

   Yu Yanan went by and found that Chu Yuanxi seemed to have less meat on her belly. It can be seen that she was tired from running south in the past few days. Across Chu Yuanxi, she saw Feng Lin look very serious and said, "Will Ruixing's convenience store become a capital story?"

  The so-called capital story is to tell the market about the future prospects, usually to open up a new business, cross-border, and seek higher profits in order to increase valuation.

Chu Yuanxi thought about it for a moment, and said that it was too complicated to tell Feng Lin, so he said, "It depends on whether Ruixing can get rid of the poison of coupons. You think of it as a fresh ToC, once you don't issue coupons. , GMV fell immediately. If Luckin is the same in the future, it is likely to tell the capital story. But now you don’t need to think about this issue, you don’t need to do cross-border categories when planning."

Feng Lin has looked through the information she has researched. At present, Luckin has a lot of non-coffee categories, including its own brand of juice nuts and other products, third-party fast-moving consumer goods, and Xiaolu tea. If you join, you can connect online and offline, so what do you do now? There is actually a misunderstanding here. In fact, Luckin can not do any new products and concentrate entirely on the consolidation and digestion of existing businesses, and she feels that this is the right answer.

   But now I am working on a paper, so I definitely can't submit it like this, so Chu Yuanxi needs to raise some points. Chu Yuanxi's way of mentioning something is: "Think big, think about upgrading one's own dimensions, and don't just focus on the present when planning."

  Yu Yanan snickered with her, asking Feng Lin to upgrade her dimension? You can pull it down!

   Unexpectedly, Feng Lin suddenly exclaimed: "Do you think I can do this? I will transplant it to Ruixing according to the development model of Pakistani and Xiaokang?"

   I saw Chu Yuanxi with a surprised look: "What development model?"

"Traffic mode, our professor said that if there is a product with a traffic, you can build a platform. Now that Luckin products have a product, and if there is traffic, can it develop into a platform? I remember you said many times, make a platform Better than selling products."

   Yu Yanan said that Feng Lin is a treacherous fellow! There is no trace of Chu Yuanxi's flattery! Why can't I think of such a good form?

   "What else did your professor teach?" Chu Yuanxi was quite curious, does this professor have something. Some professors are not new, but those who understand traffic usage are scarce.

   "I have also taught..." Feng Lin's eyes rolled: "I have also taught copy to know how to copy and who is most important to copy."

"Give me the contact information of your professor." Chu Yuan Xixin said that he was let go as soon as he hired Yang Heng as a consultant. Now the consultant has become a vacant again. This professor looks very pragmatic and worth talking about. Let’s talk, letting a professor be a business consultant is a very reasonable choice.

   "As for your planned strategy, it is very good, but strategy alone is not enough. What about specific tactics? Where does the traffic come from, what model of platform is built, and how can we better serve users?"

   "This is too difficult for you to do for me? How come the traffic? Luckin has 40 million paying users, isn't this all traffic?"

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that this is really too because few people can clearly realize what traffic is. To explain in one sentence, it is not that there are users who have traffic, traffic must be "flowed" to be called traffic, there must be content, and content is used to drive users, users can become traffic, otherwise it is "not flow" .

   As for what is "content", what kind of content is suitable for Luckin to be a platform? That's something super super super super class.

   As far as Luckin's current status is concerned, only the 15 million users on their official account can barely touch the "traffic". However, for Feng Lin, it may not be possible to clearly distinguish the respective characteristics of online traffic and offline traffic. Therefore, it is too much to discuss the nature and motivation of traffic with her. Chu Yuanxi decided to give the answer directly.

   "If I come to make a simple plan, I can do it like this... Well, I will start a round of subsidizing coffee machine layout. Have you heard of self-service coffee machine entrepreneurship?"

   Feng Lin nodded. Although Yu Yanan had never heard of it, he nodded like a piece of chicken Duomi.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This entrepreneurial track is not particularly prosperous, but there are indeed a few players who are OK, such as Morningside Coffee. It is more appropriate for Ruixing to do this. Although it will definitely lose money, but no one Know more about losses than Luckin, and the tonality is quite matched. Moreover, Luckin's logistics and SKU are very strong, and it should be better than small players.

   The most important thing is that the cost of self-service coffee machines is much lower than the cost of acquiring customers in stores. If they still apply their previous coupon policy, they should be able to get more offline traffic, nothing more than a question of how much money is burned. "

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