Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 947: Thanks to peers

The latest website: The content of station B has a huge gap with short videos such as Douyin Kuaishou. Relying on the mobile game "Troubled Times", the Pakistani people can open an official website account to access Station B for video interaction, but the Pakistani people make their own Even if it’s all about dancing, it’s very different from the dance at Station B, so it’s always tepid. Lu Yu opened a few accounts and didn’t get up. He sucked like a wild bull on Douyin. Fan speed is completely a sky and an underground.

Chu Yuanxi said that station B could not be attacked? Isn't it just because you can't make it into station B that I used this crooked brain? Is this going to enter without seeing it?

Chu Yuanxi asked in return: What size do you want? The reason is to spend this money on Zhou Minxi, you know. Give her a clean account, suitable for live broadcast, numb, I'm going to do something. Later, Zhou Minxi will start the broadcast, so watch it and don’t have any problems.

Lu Yu obviously didn't understand, but some of the reserved accounts were quickly settled by Zhou Minxi. After the Pakistani information was operated by him, the most indispensable thing was the account. Chu Yuanxi could find out if he wanted 1,000 accounts.

On the other side, Chu Yuanxi pulled a small group of three to give them a face-to-face instruction: Let's do this, do this, do this again, you pay attention and cooperate.

Zhou Minxi replied in seconds: Liger, is this bad? I will be hated!

Chu Yuanxi: What's wrong with this? The hatred of the weak is the nourishment of the strong, and what are you afraid of? Besides, they adjusted the card drawing probability to this, did I instruct it? Isn't it? Allow them not to treat the players as human beings, and not allow us to gather some traffic?

Zhou Minxi: In case, I mean in case, Liger, your previous 5 orders of 648, are small probability events, what should I do? What should I do when I draw the card?

Lu Yu: Think of it as an ordinary game live broadcast, it's nothing more than a waste of money. I understand Mr. Chu's meaning, anyway, it's all about sucking fans, it's nothing more than the efficiency of sucking.

Zhou Minxi: Well, I listen to you all. What is the name of the live broadcast room?

Chu Yuanxi: You first change the user nickname to Zhan Shuang girl Zhou Minxi, and then I think about it.

Immediately after he swiped a big pen without hesitation, the live broadcast room was called-"Zhan Shuang" local tyrant beauty live broadcast 1000 consecutive draws! What you want is that simple and straightforward, so long as you draw high.

Zhou Minxi has actually been doing live broadcasts for more than a year, and he has tried various categories, as well as game live broadcasts a few times, and the effect is average. It takes 20 shots of pesticides every day, and chickens always make the most sophisticated plan and suffer the most venomous beatings. But today I can at least give myself a refreshing krypton, so I readily agreed to work overtime.

But Lu Yu’s problem came again: Boss, our account doesn’t have any fans. Even if Zhou Minxi goes up to start the broadcast, no one will watch it. If you want to slowly gather the heat, I guess I will have to draw three hours in a row, and 100 times 10 draws are not enough. .

Chu Yuanxi: It won't start cold, you look down on me too much.

Then he silently found out the long-lost player group on WeChat.

To talk about the flow of people, Chu Yuanxi considers herself an expert, and every move is very delicate. Because of the long-term warm-up of the game, the B station of "War Double" has done a lot of soliciting video submissions and so on, plus a series of operational incidents such as the official apology and so on. With hundreds of thousands of fans, it is very worthwhile to visit at station B.

But in this matter, you must not use the Pakistani account to promote the drainage of "Zhan Shuang", otherwise, wouldn't it be a big loss of advertising expenses? And it is easy to cause disputes between friends and businessmen. But operating through the WeChat community is no problem.

For the blessing of Topengfei Technology, Chu Yuanxi has added so many player groups, there are divine trench groups and non-R groups, and some are still group owners. When the two mobile games "Animal Company" and "Troubled Times" were launched, they were not in operation. Going in for a while and then taking the rhythm has attracted a lot of popularity. It’s just that this year is basically a long-term diving, the kind of @都@ can’t come out, this time it comes in handy again.

At this time, I entered the game name as a keyword in the WeChat search, and suddenly saw dozens of groups discussing it, so Chu Yuanxi followed the simple and rude principle and wrote: My female apprentice is live broadcasting "Zhan Shuang" at station B 》Draw a card, speed to watch!

Then quickly forward, forward the live broadcast room that Zhou Minxi started broadcasting.

"Damn! What did I see? Chu Yuanxi is alive!"

"Chu Yuanxi is still alive? Come out, dad loves you!"

"Want to lie to us to pay attention to your video account? I tell you, unless you wear your own clothes, don't even think about it!"

"Wait? "Zhan Shuang" draw card? I have to see this."

"Oh, now think of us coming?"

Chu Yuanxi knew that she was indeed a bit unsound, and she was busy talking about it, and she was really busy, but the real reason for diving all the year round was to use people forward and not people backward. The reputation in these groups must be very problematic. Moreover, this is not a group of classmates, people are just pure players, whoever you are, Chu Yuanxi wants to have its own immune aura is still far away.

So he was very particular about making up a circle of red envelopes, and the word of mouth immediately reversed. The trend of the WeChat group is not good at this point. The local tyrants can easily control the comments in most cases. Chu Yuanxi usually hates this phenomenon, but today, let them spread it naturally.

This is the part of the hot start of the newly opened account, and Zhou Minxi's live broadcast room is very crowded. These players were the easiest people to reach in Chu Yuanxi's early days when he was involved in Ba people, so even if they weren't fans of Ba people, Zhou Minxi would always recognize them. At this time, most of the players who entered the live broadcast room were "War Double" players. When I saw that the main anchor personally ended up, and he played well? Interest suddenly increased.

Zhou Minxi's draw is not a foolish draw.

The card drawing in "Battle Pair" is called research and development, and the cost of developing a ten-game chain is 2500 black cards. Black cards are ¥ tokens. Generally, they are called diamonds in mobile games. She also knows that it only takes a few seconds to draw ten consecutive draws without watching the animation. It takes 30,000 yuan to draw more than one hundred shots, and the time period must be extended.

Especially in the early live broadcast room, there are few people, and it takes time to get together. Therefore, the rhythm of drawing two rounds and ten consecutive draws, while playing and explaining, shows the game skills mastered during the daytime at work. In the live broadcast room.

Since this new game has just been launched for a long time and has been maintained for a long time, all players are novices, whether they are high-play or adorable, and no one can claim to be an expert.

Moreover, the beginning of the game is rather brainless, and the monsters are basically stubborn, so no matter how good Zhou Minxi plays, no one mocks. On the contrary, the ever-increasing frequency of card draws made the onlookers very excited-half an hour has passed, and I have drawn 30 for ten consecutive draws, and as expected, all of them are guaranteed...

This result caused the barrage in the live broadcast room to fly wildly. Some gloated, some thanked the beauty for being a guinea pig, and some urged the anchor Ma Liu to draw the card. Stop copying the copy, and quickly finish the draw to see the result.

It was almost time for Chu Yuanxi to take a look. There were a lot of water friends here, and the live broadcast of the official apology from the other side was about to be released, so he first opened a governorship for his user in Zhou Minxi's room. The advantage of opening the governor is that the marquee will be displayed at the top of the interface of all the live broadcast rooms: the richest giant opened the governor in the live broadcast room of the girl Zhou Minxi in "Zhan Shuang" and triggered a lottery. Please come and watch.

The tycoon is the nickname of his account, and then Chu Yuanxi cut the room at the speed of light. Before the first marquee was over, he swiped a "crazy call" in the official live broadcast room of "Zhan Double". "one's gift. This gift only costs 50 yuan, but it has full-screen special effects, and the duration is not short, everyone can see it.

You should know that basically no one in this room offers rewards, even if there are melon seeds spicy strips, it means small amount or white prostitution. The paid feeding is mainly Bing Kuo Le. Suddenly someone offered a reward, it would definitely catch people's attention. Immediately after Chu Yuan Xixin said that she couldn't help but liao, she quickly selected the golden melon seeds to pay to speak, the priority is higher than the barrage, and then press the send button to go to you-next door is a live card draw, the local tyrant beauty 1000 consecutive draw.

When this barrage was sent out, the two anchors were visibly taken aback in front of the camera, and Chu Yuanxi had already switched back to Zhou Minxi's room to reward ten "little TV ships".

The small TV spaceship is the most expensive gift at station B. It costs more than one thousand yuan, which is equivalent to rockets and airplanes in other live broadcast platforms. Suddenly, the marquee lights on all the rooms were activated again-the richest giants voted: "Zhan Shuang" girl Zhou Minxi's ten small TV spaceships, click to go to TA's room to draw!

These two marquees made Zhou Minxi’s live broadcast room count up. Zhou Minxi was always paying attention to his popularity. When he saw that his popularity began to rise, he knew that Chu Yuanxi had done his work again, and immediately stopped the copy and started to draw. Card, and then sell cute in the live broadcast room: "Will you go all the way to the end?"

She already understood Chu Yuanxi's thoughts very well through the results of the previous full-guaranteed card drawing. This broken game was so utterly blind that she had poured such a high expectation value into it, and she actually stinged at the card drawing!

Soon, a large number of barrage broke out in the live broadcast room, because Zhou Minxi drew out dozens of rounds and ten consecutive shots. This time, the card is drawn continuously, which is very intuitive. I don’t know if it’s really a black hand or the mechanism of drawing a card drop. It will never produce additional high-end cards. It strictly maintains a full guarantee. All onlookers The masses are all agitated!

At the moment when she made the ten consecutive guarantees from the left and the right, suddenly Chu Yuanxi heard Lu Yu's cell phone ringing from the live broadcast...

Because it was an assault mission, Lu Yu had been guarding Zhou Minxi all the time, but he didn't appear in the mirror and didn't make a sound. Shuiyou couldn't feel his presence.

As soon as the bell rang, Chu Yuanxi felt very weird, because Lu Yu has always been reliable, and since he was supervising the live broadcast, he would definitely mute it. Even if he stepped back 10,000 steps, if he forgot to mute the sound, his phone rang eight hundred times early. The business of President Lu of Pakistan Media is much busier than that of Chu Yuanxi. He is very busy, and it is the peak at night.

So, is Lu Yu messing around?

Not knowing what happened over there, Chu Yuanxi subconsciously turned up the volume of the phone, but Zhou Minxi stopped talking at the same time, and turned his hand to mute.

Of course, this can't be eloquent, because the live broadcast has a short delay, which means that what Chu Yuanxi saw and heard on the screen was just what happened, not instant. Chu Yuanxi was taken aback for a moment, and asked what was the situation? All of a sudden, it was quiet in the live broadcast room, only to see the full screen barrage flying, the water friend in the live broadcast room had not responded yet, Lu Yu had already connected the phone, and turned on the handsfree.

Suddenly, the voices of Lu Yu and the phone were transmitted to all the water friends from the live broadcast. Only Lu Yu said calmly and calmly: "Hello, this is Pakistani media Lu Yu."

On the other side, he sprayed: "I know you are Pakistani media! Who allowed you to broadcast our game card draw? Still advertising in our live broadcast room. It’s amazing to publish from the media? What are you doing? We are disgusting. Hurry up and close it for me!"

"Hey, you are unreasonable? The diamonds used to draw the card are all charged by us and not for you. The live broadcast of your game gave you free promotion, and you have recharged it. You can't die? If you didn't hack your server, you feel disgusting. That is because you are disgusting!"

Lu Yu said in a particularly unfamiliar tone of Chu Yuanxi, very aggressive, very different from his usual humble and cautious image, so that Chu Yuanxi didn't know whether it was because of the other's bad tone that made him irritated or should he get to know him again!

I just listened to the opposite party furiously: "Fuck! Believe it or not, I'll sue you! I tell you, the game is copyrighted! I let you broadcast you to broadcast! I won't let you broadcast you. This is called piracy! Someone piracy broadcasts "Dream Journey to the West was sued to accompany twenty million--"

At this time, the other party suddenly stopped. It may be that the delay time is up. The other party is also watching the live broadcast, and then suddenly heard his own voice on the live broadcast screen...

Just listen to Lu Yu's questioning tone: "Isn't it your own Weibo soliciting contributions from station B? Who are you sue? According to your Weibo, you should come to our live broadcast room to reward the small TV spacecraft now. "

Immediately after a busy tone came from the mobile phone, Chu Yuanxi said that this time the offending person had been offended, and it was absolutely because Lu Yu had beaten the ambush in advance!

At this time, the live broadcast room has become a sea of ​​joy, and the full-screen barrage completely obscures the drawing of the card, so that Zhou Minxi has to continue to report the results of the card drawing in the form of live broadcast.

Chu Yuanxi watched Zhou Minxi's attention rise, and the matter was not over yet, after editing it into a video and hanging it up, there would definitely be a lot of onlookers behind. Do you want an assist on Weibo?

At this time, Lu Yu sent a message from WeChat, Chu Yuanxi entered first: We don’t care about this, and don’t continue to hype it later. I guess the natural fermentation will bring many fans in the next few days. You can operate this account. stand up.

Then he had time to read Lu Yu's report. Sure enough, because they were all peers, as soon as Chu Yuanxi was not a person, the opposite started to inquire about the contact information of the Ba people in the circle, but the person who was inquired turned his head and told Lu Yu. This is also human nature, but he did not expect Lu Yu to arrange such a hand, deliberately answering the phone in the live broadcast room.

Nice job! Chu Yuanxi said that Lu Yu had completely got the old man's intentions! This wool is estimated to attract 300,000 attention, and it has a strong two-dimensional attribute. It's a pity that "; Dunk" didn't do anything about drawing cards...

At this time, Lu Yu continued to send a message: I received it. I think we only need to make some materials for "Wu Dao Faunjun" later, and then introduce the company's previous products, "Troubled Times" or something, players will naturally have a comparison.

What does Chu Yuanxi think this is? Thank you for your peers? Do whatever Lu Yu does, as long as you do it.

The 300,000 two-dimensional fans at station B are still quite precious. In fact, the two-dimensional element has always been something that Pakistani people want to pay attention to, because in the domestic traffic classification, the two-dimensional element is becoming more and more important, representing a huge amount of traffic. Not to mention anything else, just look at the popularity of the second element channel of the .asxs. Chinese website.

But Chu Yuanxi had to admit that the Pakistani Group was a little behind in the two-dimensional field.

The real rise of the Ba people relied on "Rising from the Wind". No matter how different meanings are given to this comic, it is still a comic, and it still has to be included in the ranks of the second dimension. However, the second dimension is different from the second dimension. The second dimension under the house culture is the mainstream of the second dimension. However, "Troubled Times" only uses the carrier of the two-dimensional element and huge absorption capacity to cultivate its own IP. The two-dimensional item in the fan attribute is not particularly obvious.

Station B is a very inclusive platform. There are a large number of UP owners who do not eat two-dimensional content. They are very popular, such as handmade Gengdu. But for Ba people, the so-called thousands of miles to be an official is for officials, and thousands of miles are for wealth. Ba people go to station B to open up, it must be to attract real two-dimensional fans, otherwise, open a batch of non-two-dimensional fans at station B How significant is it to carry your own content and attract some non-two-dimensional fans?

So even if Lu Yu had an idea, it would be difficult to find a breakthrough in the two-dimensional gathering place for a The station is full of holes and valleys two-dimensional grandmothers, one by one can be used to fighting, content producers of the Biba people. We also have a two-dimensional gene. But if Zhou Minxi's account can be completed, it will be much more convenient to operate later.

He was sitting on a hardwood coffee table, thinking about business development. He arched forward and stared at the phone screen. Suddenly, two groups of warm heat sources came up behind him, with a strong touch... "Hey, you upset I have done business planning!"

"You can do it tomorrow..."

As a result, on the second day, Chu Yuanxi was shocked to discover that the official "Zhan Shuang" had modified the user agreement, and it was not allowed to record videos or live broadcasts. However, the activity of soliciting contributions on Weibo was not cancelled. This created a peculiar scene and attracted a lot of attention. The group mocked.

At the same time, Yuan Mu found him embarrassed and said, "Do you know that the heroes of the Ba people were very shameless last night? People found me here... Can you delete that video? Many friends? Don't hang on the road."

Chu Yuanxi said that of course I knew. Heroes are fierce, very fierce in domestic game companies, but what about? At this time, the video is withdrawn. What is the difference between deleting the post after posting on Weibo?

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