Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 944: Busy December

Latest website: December 5th is Thursday. Chu Yuanxi, who was busy working for Xiaokang, had to take time to allocate to the Ba people, because Mr. Yu Suzuki is coming, and with him is an entire R&D team. After streamlining, there are more than a dozen people.

Yu Wenhui has been busy with the island country team entering the project team these days. After finalizing the cooperation model, he prepared for a week, and finally prepared the relevant affairs in life. Even so, he was still worried, because there were too many things that needed to be run-in at work. Chu Yuanxi's request was that he must put his own programmer in, and learn the other party's work process and technology.

Therefore, Yu Wenhui basically failed to go home this week, and the job of recruiting new recruits is advancing at a speed that even Zhao Jie next door can't imagine.

In this economic winter, there are countless unemployed code farmers, many of whom are masters, but Chu Yuanxi asked him to recruit those who are malleable, willing to learn, and enthusiastic about learning. The general work intensity of the master code farmers in the celestial dynasty is above 996. It is normal to work 70 hours a week. It is not easy to be tired after get off work. It is not easy to force yourself to keep updating knowledge, and to maintain a willingness to learn. Enthusiasm is rare.

Therefore, Yu Wenhui had to follow Chu Yuanxi's suggestion, and pulled out all the programmers under his hands and turned them into interviewers, and went into colleges to recruit interns. Therefore, Mu Lian, the human resources supervisor of the Pakistani people, was almost exhausted and vomited blood during this period. The originally very easy day was broken by the delivery Pakistani game. Before he could catch his breath, he suddenly embarked on a high-intensity recruitment project. Almost followed Yu Wenhui with anxious eyes.

Fortunately, the work in this area does not need to be completed immediately when the Suzuki Yu team arrives. People must be recruited, but they can also be completed a few days later. Anyway, after coming in, I will insert the island team to study. I really want an intern. It must be too much to output a lot of work.

As a result, Grandpa Suzuki had no plans to rest after he got in place. He got off the plane in the morning and started discussing work in the evening, mainly to bring people to discuss the plan.

Chu Yuanxi couldn't participate in this kind of discussion, and there was no time to participate. He played the mobile game "SmDunk", which was newly launched today, but was officially banned. Then, Hao Yi, a payment expert recommended by Chen Junsheng, arrived. It took less than 24 hours and it was amazing.

Of course, the entry process must go a bit. Chu Yuanxila, Yuan Mu and Guo Jiangyong met with Hao Yi. The reason why Yuan Mu was pulled was because they had also drunk foreign ink. The situation, and the overall situation in the United States, must be more familiar than Chu Yuanxi and Guo Jiangyong.

Speaking of the well-to-do side, there are now many backbones who have returned from the United States, but Hao Yi still surprised Chu Yuanxi. The main reason is that he thought that the other party was Chen Junsheng’s friend. Chen Junsheng was in his 50s in his 40s. As a result, Hao Yi was in his early thirties at first glance, combing a mid-point release, similar to Chu Yuanxi. Great, in other words, studying in the U.S., entering the university right after graduating from university, only this period of work experience.

Even so, Chen Junsheng has clearly seen the world. When Chu Yuanxi expressed his ambitions for mobile payment, he was neither shocked nor disapproving, nor preconceived that he would definitely not succeed. Instead, he calmly analyzed the product. situation.

Therefore, when Chu Yuanxi proposed mobile payment and big data to generate commercial credit as a feature of his payment product, Hao Yi only quickly judged the huge workload, but he actually agreed with his ideas, and even said that it is not possible in the domestic mobile payment field. Hit your own characteristics.

Alipay is characterized by wealth management and overdraft, while WeChat Pay is characterized by red envelopes, which are derived from their respective commercial and social attributes. In order for Xiaokang to have its own mobile payment characteristics, it must be focused, but it is definitely not wise to rely on money, and there is no other extraordinary interest rate of Yu'e Bao back then, let alone the route of capital trading, that is to die. The way.

Then learning Huazhi's credit gameplay has become a more realistic choice.

Chu Yuanxi discovered that someone hit it off with him, which was a very rare scene in this venture, so he called Xue Jianhua over. Although he has been very busy recently, he has basically completed the learning of Xiaokang's online content and health coins. Chu Yuanxi needs him to allocate precious time to study how to build this product with Hao Yi.

"I'm not the shopkeeper, Xue Jianhua. This is a comprehensive test of your learning achievements. I want to check the homework." After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, he immediately began to introduce Hao Yi's OKR mode to Xiaokang. The existence of this model can actually solve many of the Mavericks' entry options.

Like Hao Yi, he paid special attention to the relevant rules. He strongly asked to join a promising start-up company just to share the company's growth, so how much can he share? It is dynamic in Xiaokang, sharing according to work.

This method usually makes the Mavericks more satisfied, because the work on each product line on the well-off side is basically very full, the options that can be earned are not low, and there is no talent but no room for development.

As for the last question, it is actually how Hao Yi and Guo Jiangyong coexist, but when Chen Junsheng put it forward last night, Chu Yuanxi had a draft: "I think this is the case. Guo Jiangyong is the department head and the title is the project manager. Hao Yi did. Product manager."

Hao Yi's eyebrows were knotted at that time, and there seemed to be a line written on his face: Just product manager?

"Hey, don't you know, the product manager of this company is just called the product manager. In fact, it is very powerful because I used to be a product manager. Xiaokang has a similar flat management structure, and both the product manager and the project manager are director titles. Guo Jiangyong Maybe I understand better. When I worked at Pengfei Technology before starting my business, my relationship with Zhao Jie was a product manager and a project manager."

Guo Jiangyong nodded dullly: "I understand that I actually need to report to Hao Yi, and Hao Yi to Xue Jianhua, right?"

"No, I am directly in charge of the three layers of R&D. I actually directly interrogate the business of the vice president, senior director and director."

Guo Jiangyong was transferred from Ba by Chu Yuanxi, and he was not as familiar with well-off as Xue Jianhua.

For Xue Jianhua, none of this is a problem, because many of the well-off R&D teams do not report to any deputy general. They directly obey Chu Yuanxi, which is somewhat similar to Chang Kaishen’s jurisdiction over Huangpu officers at all levels of the army under his jurisdiction. the way. Instead, it was the expatriate team. Storefronts, ground pushes, logistics, etc. were all picked up by the vice presidents of various fronts, a bit similar to the warlords of the year.

Hao Yi has never seen this novel management model in the United States for ten years. Xin said that there seems to be a lot of things that need to be re-understood. But in fact, Xue Jianhua has vomited so many times, he has not absorbed the lesson of Chang Kaishen's demise of the party and the country.

After getting Hao Yi's side, Chu Yuanxi still couldn't go home because he still had to meet Lu Yin and Yang Heng. This is a busy December.

The TS sent to them in the afternoon must be chatted at least once. The two have been waiting for him. Regarding the investment terms, it is impossible for Chu Yuanxi to say what he said. It would be best if they did not disagree. If they did, Chu Yuanxi had to convince them not.

The conditions that he offered for the joint venture of the two are that the new company is valued at 100 million yuan, 50% of which are invested by Pakistani people, and the two people each hold 20 million shares of the option, which is still redeemed in five-year periods and the remaining 10 million. The options are reserved for employee stock ownership plans. Then give three levels of incentives. After all the goals are achieved, the two can each receive an incentive to add 20 million shares.

In terms of financing conditions, this TS actually borrowed from Chu Yuanxi's conditions to Elizabeth Holmes to some extent. The first stage was closed and the second stage was open. It was just that because it was a joint venture, the total options released accounted for more a bit more.

The two people's concerns are the same as Elizabeth's, and they also focus on the trigger conditions for open financing. The so-called open financing conditions mean that in this form of entrepreneurship, it is not that entrepreneurs can finance money, but that the startup company must meet certain conditions or generate certain special needs before allowing the introduction of external funds, otherwise reasonable To supplement working capital, the Pakistani people should pay.

This is the right that the Pakistani Group should have as the initiator of entrepreneurial projects, and it is also Chu Yuanxi's so-called way of accepting diluted shares.

The reason for this is that as soon as the independent financing conditions are triggered, the company's form changes, from incubating entrepreneurship to normal entrepreneurship, and the shareholder structure becomes complicated. So there must be a few valves, and the conditions are more detailed than those given to Elizabeth.

Chu Yuanxi set up three valves. The first one is for the purchase and construction of heavy assets such as agricultural factories with the financing of the charter new company. Regardless of the time of this financing, the Pakistani people have 50% of the capital contribution and veto rights. If the price is reasonable, the time point is right, and the logic is okay, Pakistani people can choose to follow up or not to follow up, and if it is unreasonable, they will just reject it. For example, toB business should focus on processes and light on assets. You have to invest in heavy assets for the first two days, so let's forget it!

The second channel is used to introduce necessary resources. For example, to introduce Xu Xin's resources, Xu Xin said that we can't empty the White Wolf, so we have to open up financing to her, not only for her resources, but also for her money. This is an equivalent exchange, and it is reasonable. Any entrepreneur, even if he is not a Pakistani group, must obey the overall situation and dilute his equity in this case.

This is the most basic, but as a TS, it must be stated that the Qingba people still have the right to veto, so as to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles, and to prevent the resource provider from speaking to Lu Yin and Yang Heng Lion. Even if you want to open this mouth, you have to open it at the Pakistani group. At this time, the other party has to consider whether it can bite when the mouth is open. Chu Yuanxi set aside 20% of the share of resources that ordinary investors used to exchange resources, which was enough before fully opening up investment.

Such a veto power is more satisfactory to Yang Heng and Lu Yin, because it is not an unlimited one-vote veto, but is limited to the "agricultural factory" and "resource exchange" matters. Moreover, Chu Yuanxi verbally expressed their respective boundaries, paying attention to making money by being harmonious. In other words, the new company will not be violently beaten daily by various veto powers like Xiao Huang.

The third point is not a fixed number, but at the time when the number of well-off stores reaches 2,000, the new company can be transformed into a completely independent financing entity and fully open on the premise that it can meet the fresh supply of all stores. Financing.

The three people tacitly knew that before independent financing, that is, when the Pakistani people still have control, Xiaokang and the new company must sign a series of agreements to ensure the interests of Xiaokang.

In the end, Lu Yin took the lead in signing, because she remained pessimistic about her financing ability, so the "existence" of open financing is more meaningful. Although Yang Heng's reputation in financing is not so good, he is not as corrupt as Lu Yin. Professor Li pointed his nose and said, "This person is not worthy of financing", so he hesitated.

Mainly, the third goal has two difficulties in two dimensions. The first is that a well-off society must first reach the goal of 2,000 companies, which is very mysterious. The long-term goals of 724, Lawson and the whole family of the three island country powerhouses all claim to open 10,000 stores in the Celestial Dynasty, but they are currently two to three thousand. These three have their own geographical focus, some are entrenched in the magic capital, and some are all over the Pearl River Delta, but the total amount is almost the same, so they are called the island top three.

The question is how many years have they been working on the Tianchao market? How long will it take for a well-off society to reach the goal of 2000? Chu Yuanxi has two thousand stores with one mouth, but he has been suppressed.

The second is that Chu Yuanxi's financing conditions have very high requirements for their supply capacity, because Xiaokang is not a one-place business, but a whole country. If it was like the whole family concentrated all the firepower to attack the magic city, it would be simple.

Then the new company not only needs to integrate its suppliers across the country, but it also needs to have nationwide management and logistics capabilities. In terms of logistics, the well-off logistics can be integrated smoothly, but suppliers and management are also quite a test, and Yang Heng can't estimate his future workload.

Prior to this, the required funds had to be continuously provided by Pakistani people, so the question became acute. At what valuation is this capital injection injected? Can their incentive growth keep up with the rate of capital injection? These are not written formulas or fixed values ​​in the TS, but depend on the valuation.

The question is how to value it? On the stage, Professor Li criticized Sang and Huai sprayed Luyin's speech. Afterwards, he already knew about it. Nothing else. One paragraph of it said very well. For toB companies, how to obtain a valuation model is a technical problem. The entire investment circle is now confused about the valuation of toB. Among them, Professor Li cited two common mistakes.

Therefore, although "depending on valuation" is a universal practice in venture capital, he himself has doubts.

More subtle is the mentality. Lu Yin's mentality is very Buddhist, but after she passed what she saw and heard with Yang Heng, Yang Heng had a strong idea-how good is it to follow a normal entrepreneurial model from the beginning?

Of course it is impossible to be completely normal, and he also knows that. To be completely normal, Xiaokang’s sales channel must belong to Yang Heng, and he can bring his own resources to discuss what is “normal” with his father.

But with Xu Xin's interest, this is a great incentive for Yang Heng. Xu Xin is the top investment tycoon, and he is obsessed with the fresh track. As the chest player on the fresh track, no matter the mode or the timing, he is almost not enough to raise funds from Xu Xin. Regretfully, now that we have a chance, shouldn't we fight for it?

After thinking for a moment, he asked: "Mr. Chu, I heard Lu Yin say that Mr. Xu Xin is very interested in this project, but you put it on hold? Are there any concerns?"

Chu Yuanxi lifted the heavy hammer: "I have great worries, mainly because I am afraid that some people will be confused."

Yang Hyung Yi Lin, what kind of people did "some people" mean?

In fact, Chu Yuanxi not only understood his doubts, but also guessed his careful thinking, so she patted him on the shoulder and said to him: "Lao Yang, the real bonus of the new company is not toB, but to Xiaokang, Xiaokang. The new company’s business will explode as much in the future. This is the core competitiveness of the new company. Step by step, you can see Lu Yin’s mentality is quite good. Do something really valuable first, and then Consider something else.

In addition, I chatted with Sister Xu again during the day. I would like to ask her to send a CFO to work with you to form an iron triangle. Lu Yin, how do you two look at this form? "

Yang Heng couldn't help being at a loss, what did he mean by that? President Chu is too advanced!

Lu Yin's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but whispered: "Wonderful!"

During the day, Chu Yuanxi said something similar to Xu Xin: "Sister Xu, I think so, do you have a suitable CFO candidate? Lu Yin and Yang Heng work together, and just one CFO is missing."

Xu Xin didn't seem to be sleepy anymore, and her voice rose by one and a half degrees: "Hey, why are you so caring this time? This proposal fits my mind quite well."

Chu Yuanxi’s proposal is relatively but it is not a detour in the venture capital scene, because in many cases entrepreneurs have to accept investors to send CFOs. In this case, Lu Yin and Yang Heng’s entrepreneurial venture was solely invested by Pakistani people, and Xiaokang was only the undertaking party. In theory, the Pakistani people should send the CFO.

Moreover, in accordance with the rules of the arena, in this case, Pakistani shareholders also have the opportunity to take this ride to invest money, but other people want to get in the car and it is not in line with the rules. Xu Xin has never invested in Pakistani people. He has only voted for a well-off. In theory, there is no ready-made ticket. But since Chu Yuanxi asked her to send a CFO, it also meant agreeing to release her share.

"Oh, it's just a small project, you're quite concerned." Chu Yuanxi said haha, but in fact his feelings for Xu Xin or capital are still more complicated. In particular, there is an important point that is easily forgotten. He himself always remembers that Xiaokang has not released the board of directors seats to investors.

This is actually very special and very critical. Generally, like Xiaokang’s A round of financing of more than 600 million yuan, investors request a joint board of directors seat is justified, but Chu Yuanxi relied on the deterrence of the Ba people to pass.

So the question is, can the fresh food company introduce Xu Xin's investment now, can it turn the past?

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