Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 930: The first large-scale network-wide commercial operation of Douyin UGC

Yang Jiangang's pinnacle visual effects will be promoted in Europe and North America in the future, as a global ugc animation platform, and the same goes for Zhao Jie's "Gobi Network". No one asks North American players not to compile Oriental-style rpg games. If there is, then it will provide one or several versions of European-American style art resources.


   Compared with the five golden characters of "Global Platform", a little resource cost is not worth mentioning, and even the money needed to invest in the distribution of movies in North America is the same. It can help North American players realize that this ip is more important than a little cost.


   So Chu Yuanxi still had to pay attention to this matter. Fortunately, the Pakistani people can now be considered as the line between Disney and DreamWorks. Although the Disney line has been let out, the relationship can be maintained.


In addition, at critical moments, maybe Elizabeth can provide a little help, even if it is an important reminder or guidance, so although it can’t cooperate with the on-hook mobile game to make a movie and game linkage, it still has great operational value and is worth working hard. Fan.


   But the person who needs to find is not Elizabeth but Lu Yu.


   "There are two main things to find you." Chu Yuanxi said to Lu Yu: "The first thing is that "Wu Dao Tunjun" has plans to make a movie directly after the short video drama ends."


   "What do you need me to do?" Lu Yu has a lot of work at hand, but in the face of Chu Yuanxi's new needs, he always asks what needs to be done first. This is a very good work quality.


"Your people must follow up on the production of short video dramas. The entire crew consists of both you and Zhu Yan, as well as contract actors, directors, and Wuzhi recruited through the crew. What you need to pay attention to is that the first One, you can’t cut out pictures. This short video series should never be made by cutting out pictures.”


   "Huh? What about the green screen?" Lu Yuxin said that there are still uncut pictures these days? How to make the cutouts not reward yourself?


   "Green screen? Can a green screen count as a cutout? Of course."


   Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and the green screen was acceptable.


Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "The style of this play must be hard-core, martial arts is martial arts, and it must not be a circus and special effects. On the one hand, your person is responsible for helping the crew shoot content that meets the requirements of the short video. The script is realized as a product. On the other hand, it is equivalent to a producer. What is shot must not be what the director has in mind, but content that meets our requirements.


  Of course, if the director’s feelings meet our needs, you can communicate with Monica specifically. She mentions the demand, but you can control it. In short, it tends to be hard-core and real kung fu. When the sword is drawn against the person, it must be held firmly and not swayed. It's absolutely impossible to get up and do it like radio gymnastics. "


"Okay, okay, I understand." Lu Yuxin said that this requirement is very simple, that is, he is afraid that these contract directors, photographers, etc. are used to making serious film and television dramas, and do not understand the rhythm of short videos, and then they clearly see short videos. The script must be filmed by Jaguar according to my own understanding, so I need to correct it.


   Jin Ba people have worked with many people for such a long time. He sees more of this situation, and he is very experienced in how to "persuade". As for hard-core martial arts, as long as the actors have good skills, it is not difficult. It's just that no one has done this for more than a decade, and they are all taking the "beautiful" or "funny" route.


"Then the second thing." Chu Yuanxi thought while talking. Lu Yu is really capable. To some extent, he is better than Zhao Jie and Yang Jiangang. Especially in terms of execution, he has a strong ability to withstand pressure and faces Qianjun. Wanma's ability to stay in chaos is much better than Yang Jiangang's "I will chaos if the enemy doesn't move."


   So in fact, Lu Yu should also get an incubation plan, but I don’t know how he will be when he is a real engine. Of course, this thing can't be rushed, because with Lu Yu's urinary sex, once Chu Yuanxi expresses this idea, seven or eight out of ten will become Lu Yu's **** horse? Can I fly solo? Immediately set up an e-commerce live broadcast for Chu Yuanxi to bring the goods out.


  Baren and Xiaokang now each have a person who can't let go. Xue Jianhua in Xiaokang is also a weird thing. He often has whimsical ideas and suffers from lack of resources to cash out his brain. You must use a bit to stop it, otherwise it will definitely overturn.


   Therefore, Chu Yuanxi suppressed the thoughts in his mind and said: "The second thing is that the mobile game "Wu Dao Hun Jun" needs a large-scale fission promotion, which is comparable to the original h5 of "A World in Trouble."


   "Does this need me?"


"Need, now WeChat kill sharing is too cruel, even Penguin News is killed when it's cruel, Goudong and Pinduoduo's external links have been hacked. We were also named by Daddy Long and ordered me not to do it. Think about it, we can't do signature codes and other things to turn our faces with Daddy Long, so we can't use WeChat to spread this way."


   Lu Yu thoughtfully, "You mean, do it through Douyin or offline? What's the problem? I have to think about it."


   "I have thought about it. The idea now is to create a Douyin activity. Let's say it is called #無君系统, so that it stimulates users to take pictures of their mediocre behavior and upload Douyin, and then tag our activity.


   We give feedback based on user’s likes and according to the gameplay rules of the Hunjun system that we have developed. For example, we use a large number to bring traffic to the other party, or use Weibo, official account or even internal reposting in the game.


  Even, we created some music and songs for this event. These short video dramas are also needed, just like the song written by Uncle Sheng in "A Troubled World", what do you think? "


Lu Yu was stunned for a while, and he quickly considered the pros and cons in his mind, including how the entire game should be divided into several nodes; where to gather momentum and where to detonate; in what form to push the activity information to fans; the first batch of seed users were compared from Weibo Okay, let's start directly with Douyin; how far the final effect will be, etc. After holding back for a long time, I asked: "Will it be better to organize this activity through Douyin officials than we do ourselves?"


   The official event can be a separate function, and the event page can be matched, which is impossible for ugc.


"Yes." Chu Yuanxi replied simply, "It's just that I want us to do it ourselves. This matter is done through the official Douyin, the lower limit is very high, but is Toutiao willing? Our product just happened to pk their game, before There are people who have a rhythm, saying that we have iterated other people's things. Although from the development cycle, the insiders will certainly not have such mentally handicapped ideas, but it is difficult to guarantee that there are outsiders in the headline system. What do people think? You have to take this into consideration. .


  Of course, this factor can be overcome, but it's really not good. I don't want to face it, so I will visit Zhang Ming in person. But more importantly, there are so many activities on Douyin, and no one has ever had the idea of ​​replacing the official function and launching a large-scale event on the whole network. Therefore, even you, subconsciously feel that the official should come forward to do it.


Therefore, if we can realize the first large-scale network-wide commercial operation of Douyin ugc in the true sense, it will be a promotion not only for us, but also for all the large-scale m in the whole network, which reflects the power of large-scale. And it's completely within the framework of Douyin's rules. You are so good, what will happen if everything goes well? "


   Lu Yu's eyes lit up: "Not only will the other large-sized TVs not demolish our station, but will they be happy to see it?"


"Not only happy to see, you can dance with long sleeves, and other big players will stimulate them to go off the court and join us directly. Then, it is best to have celebrities participate, especially to win some stars who are not directly related to our Pakistani people, and participate. I In my impression, our Pakistani people have never seen a special need for celebrities all the way, but it should be needed this time. The costs are listed separately, and we have money now.


   You have to write a detailed plan this time. After you finish writing it, consider it carefully and complete the details. This event itself is fission-like, and the heat is boosted by the first-level rockets. Every link can not be wrong. The stars will end first, or the big players will end first, or the seed users will end first? Such issues must be considered clearly. This should be a milestone activity that can be recorded in the history of the development of the Chinese media, but if the homework is not done properly, any link will be broken. "


   Lu Yu has been excited many times since he entered Ba Ren, but only this time he felt a unique exciting experience. Because, President Chu had already made the strategic instructions so clear, either he had messed up his legacy, or he had made a good reputation. Moreover, without thinking about it, once this event is completed, it can be recorded in history as a milestone and case. What an honor it is!


   Even if it is messed up, it may be recorded on the pillar of shame...


   "Guaranteed to complete the task!" Lu Yuxin said that once this activity starts, the actions are super big, for the Ba people and for themselves, it is indeed necessary to guarantee the completion.


   "No, no, it doesn't matter if you get confused, let's think of other ways, you don't have too much pressure. It is good for this kind of thing to become a thing, it doesn't matter if it fails, it doesn't matter if you work hard, if you don't succeed, just look ahead."


  Chu Yuanxi wanted to leave after speaking, because this activity did not directly bring users to the mobile game "Wu Dao Hun Jun", but the meaning of the game's existence is to boost IP. Now push the activity directly, and then convert the activity traffic into the game, and solidify it into ip fans. In this regard, the Pakistani group has been familiar with the road many times, and it is one of the evil groups that are good at washing fans.


   Unexpectedly, Lu Yu muttered to himself: "The first star, look for Leehom?"


   "Huh? Why?" Chu Yuanxi didn't know how Lu Yu's brain hole was opened. In his own mind, the better candidate was Luo Zhixiang. He just helped the wild wolf disco explode all over the net, with short video genes.


   "Huh? Don't you know?" Lu Yu quickly forwarded a piece of news to Chu Yuanxi.


   Chu Yuanxi took a look and immediately spoke highly of Lu Yu's ability to get hot spots. The news was about the termination of a beverage brand that Leehom had endorsed for 20 years.


In the past two decades, prices have doubled and housing prices have skyrocketed, but the endorsement fee has not risen by a penny. It is said that it was difficult to be transparent when I was not a star, and then I got the first endorsement. Thank you very much for knowing. For the sake of.


   As a result, the second-generation princess of this beverage company immediately took off the powder and stepped back!


Originally, termination is also a commercial activity, and it is not worthy of being a hot spot. When asked about the reasons, first praise the two sides for 20 years of emphasizing love and justice, praise the other party's help to the company, and even give a lifelong reputation corporate title, and finally said Enterprises need to reform and need to move forward, so it is very mellow to change the situation.


   As a result, when the princess was asked the reason in the formal interview, she replied: "Can I speak? It hurts too much."


   Then she knew it was too hurtful or she didn’t vomit: "Because he is old, I don’t like it."


   What kind of hatred is this?


   "Okay, you have a very good idea!" Chu Yuanxi praised Lu Yu while not forgetting to remind: "But what you are looking for is a Uranus superstar, an immortal legend, and a valuable character. You have to pay attention to how you speak."


"I understand. I immediately wrote a hot article and wiped it off. It's not easy to write, I'm sorry for the popularity!" Lu Yu said, gearing up, and then asked: "Chu, what do you think? I can learn from it."


   "I'm quite speechless, but considering the other person's growth environment, I understand."


"What does it mean?"


   "It means that I will have sons and daughters in the future, and I must never allow my offspring to grow up in ‘perfect prosperity’. My youth is too smooth and mentally unsound, and it’s difficult to learn to think about problems in a utilitarian way."


   Lu Yuxin said that you want children, you must not get married first? Don’t have a girlfriend before you get married?


   I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "When changing the spokesperson, just a little utilitarian consideration is simply a gold mine. This kind of grace to let the other party not increase the endorsement fee for 20 years, shouldn't you make a commercial movie?


   Just use real people and real things to process. The unhappy little transparency is the starting point for the story. In the dilemma, he was fancyed by a company's wise eyes and gold. Then through endorsements and a series of other incidents, he became a star with a lot of ignition, right?


   The movie was launched when the spokesperson was changed. Not only would the fans not blame it but tears in their eyes, give a grand farewell, no one, right? Isn't this sales skyrocketing? This movie may be a big box office, with stars, sensational, or adaptation of real people. "


   Chu Yuanxi became more and more happier when he spoke, but after speaking, he suddenly thought that few people have the awareness of advertising through movies, and his sense of operation is too advanced. If the other party has this level, they won't be able to say that kind of balanced IQ.


   Lu Yu used the intuition of a self-media person to feel a very strong popularity factor, and he said that the opponent's level is compared with Chu. It shows that the star is old, but the company and the star have been **** for 20 years. Doesn't that mean the company is also very old?


   Although the rivers and lakes were not calm and peaceful, it did not have much impact on Chu Yuanxi. He even took advantage of the opportunity of the prison factory to double up on the hot search to give a round of threatening speeches inside Xiaokang.


  The content of the speech is mainly aimed at the various links where corruption may occur, as well as the employees in the corresponding positions. Then it was taken out of the prison factory and used as a positive example.


   People can develop until now that the United States has mobilized the power of the whole country. It depends on the fierce response to the phenomenon of corruption. If you dare to be greedy, you must be mentally prepared to be sent to Longgang. Otherwise, a large factory with nearly 200,000 people will lie down if the interior is not clean and the United States needs to take action.


   As for the right and wrong of the incident itself, on the contrary, I can't say more. If I say too much, I should get a 404. I can't afford it. But in fact, the joke of prison factory is surprisingly profound, and it is a kind of gene-like existence. For example, the current logo of the jail factory is widely known, like cutting an apple into 8 petals, but few young people know that their logo was cut into 15 petals, representing 15 founders. Later, 7 people entered.


   Of course, you can't be too targeted when giving examples. You can't just cite the prison factory. Chu Yuanxi also cite another drone unicorn that is strongly targeted by the United States. The products produced by others made Mifang even purchase for the sake of fighting with the White House, indicating that they are really easy to use.


  Ran Goose is this company. At the end of last year, internal corruption, moths in the supply chain and management, caused unplanned losses of more than one billion yuan, and employees' year-end bonuses were greatly affected.


   In fact, internal control and anti-corruption are very important for both giants and start-ups. Giants such as Ali and Penguin will still appear. Ali has a lot of executives. Is Ali's corporate culture worse than Penguin? No, it's because Penguins can be compared to Ba people, there are more online and less offline, but Ali is analogous to being well-off, there are so many offline links that can be corrupt!


   This speech was very popular with investors. Yuan Mu made a video of the whole process and then sent it to Investors sent encouragement. Apart from other things, at least well-off leaders are mentally prepared for the problem of corruption, and they also have a coping attitude and a clear mind, which makes it relatively easy to overcome various problems that may arise.


   Only Yuan Mu vomited privately: Chu Yuanxi is very clear about how to corrupt, is this a good thing or a bad thing?


   But these empty checks are of no use to Chu Yuanxi, because no one even asked him when the next round of financing would start.


   This "don't ask" is also an attitude, and it's not a good attitude.


   The most sober thing about Chu Yuanxi is that he knows that this time he is engaged in a well-off life. Even if there are Ba people underpinning, there is an inherently weak starting time and track conditions that cannot be compensated compared to the original world.


  The original world well-off is running on an extremely empty track. Others, including investors, have not yet discovered the quality of this track. So time is extremely abundant, and there is a lot of room for trial and error, even if you make a mistake, you can pull it back.


But now it’s different. By the time Chu Yuanxi made the Pakistani people capable of producing milk, the convenience store track was already shining. Not to mention entrepreneurs taking the golden light, they are very attractive to investors. , So it is neither empty nor strategic buffer zone.


   This situation is something that Chu Yuanxi can't change anyway, so he regards not being kidnapped by capital as his first pursuit. This pursuit is also very good. How many companies that could have been able to do well without additional clauses kneel down because the shackles are too heavy?



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