Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 927: This is a matter of course

"Hello, I'm Qi Yu's mother, and my name is Li Xiulin." Qi Yu's mother strode to the front of Meteor and looked at Chu Yuanxi while she was speaking, and motioned for a few words with her eyes.

Where is this acting? Chu Yuanxi was confused, tilted his head and glanced at Qi Yu who was helpless, very strange. Li Xiulin is a short, a bit blessed, with a hairstyle like Ms. Xue Zhenzhu in "My First Half of Life", but his face is small, and his face is similar to Qi Yu. When he was young, he should be a beautiful woman. Now his hair is gray. But with red lips, a square dance style.

It seems that you want to talk to the old man alone?

Although it seemed that something went wrong, Qi Yu's mother must be an elder, and the most basic courtesy for this little request of the elder is obedience. Chu Yuanxi hurriedly walked inside, found a place where no one was on the set, and then waited to listen to the education of the elders.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiulin's first sentence was: "My child and her father are just a girl like Xiao Yu."


The word "ah" is neither a sigh nor a question, but a stubborn mistake, which means I am listening. Chu Yuanxi said that he felt that Qi Yu was working too hard? I can't take care of it well, so tired Qi Yu? Or did the news this morning stimulate the mother? However, although the first thing he did after he came was to arrange an ambulance, oxygen inhalation, and defibrillation three consecutive times, the shooting task of "Ji Xia Xue Gong" was definitely relatively loose in the various variety shows of the Celestial Dynasty.

It's really more relaxed, not slower than a variety show, not comparable to the on-site role-playing of "Chinese Restaurant", but if you want to increase the intensity, there must be a lot of room to tap. In other words, Qi Yu's workload is still not full. At least the degree of tension is incomparable with the projects that the first-line big stations personally control. The efficiency of the entire team can continue to play, and the most rigorous exercise has not yet been obtained.

If the filming team is Pakistan Media’s own, Chu Yuanxi might really ask for an increase. But it's not. This is a project in cooperation with Taishan Station. The filming team and the lighting and stage supporting facilities are all pulled up by Taishan Station, so Chu Yuanxi is not too much.

It's possible for celebrities to feel tired, especially for a few celebrities who don't often appear in variety shows. Qi Yu is professional and trained by the mango platform. If you feel tired, don't do it, right?

As everyone knows, what Li Xiulin wants to think about is—I said it's impossible! Just take a look. Sure enough, Chu Yuanxi has also come to the set. Is this busy with work? Hehe, caught on the spot!

In her concept, it is impossible for a daughter to have any connection with things like "selfless work". Who doesn't know who is spoiled for so many years? Not catching fish at work is the greatest restraint to employers. If you work overtime, there must be some hidden secret. As for going home in the middle of the night? nonexistent!

Li Xiulin made up his mind, and combined with Qi Feng's confession, he had already reached a conclusion. Now seeing the real person Chu Yuanxi, he feels pretty good. Not only is wealthy and powerful, but the key is that he is not old, and his appearance is also considered upright. The key is that there are few in the sky and nothing under the ground that Qi Feng praised. In this case, even if Chu Yuanxi deliberately sells her house when her daughter sells the house, isn't it unforgivable?

So she said: "My daughter is a single-celled creature, but my mother must protect her from harm. I will ask you one thing."

Chu Yuanxi wondered, no one hurt Qi Yu? Who in this group dares to hurt Qi Yu? Don't want to mix in this business?

"Auntie, don't worry, no one dares to hurt Qi Yu. If a star in the show group feels that he is a wrist, and his mind is not clear, I will make him sober. Nothing else in the Pakistani group, in the entertainment circle, you should have no connections. You have no qualifications, but it’s definitely okay to destroy someone. Now is the era when capital controls the entertainment industry. I may not be able to support people. Who can’t be honest, I let him confuse him and be abandoned by capital every minute. They dare not!"

Li Xiulin said that this is the latest version of the scumbag to shirk responsibility? "Wait, Chu Yuanxi, right? I'm talking about you and my daughter, when will you get married?"

Chu Yuanxi looked dumbfounded!

Recently, on Douyin, the so-called "reaching up a conversation must be done in one step" is popular, but the process shouldn't be a man asking the beautiful lady to get married? How can a mother-in-law ask her son-in-law? Besides, it's not the mother-in-law.

"Hey, what's your expression? I'm not forced to marry, I just care about you young people."

"No, why should I marry Qi Yu? Oh, it's not right, Qi Yu and I haven't developed a relationship at all—"

"Hey, what you said is wrong. You don't need to ask why." The image of Chu Yuanxi in Li Xiulin's eyes immediately plummeted. "You young people of this generation, I have to talk about it, and you like her too. , She likes you too, so what process does she have to follow?"

"Wait, you are misunderstood. I like Qi Yu a bit, but it's far from getting married." Chu Yuan Xixin said what's wrong with this world? Qi Yu can't even make the top five now, does Nong know how to cut? No, it is impossible to have a ranking, and it is impossible for her to accept her own view of love. How can it be possible to get married because of the disagreement of the three views, and the old man doesn't need to make a living together. The so-called a little like is just inertia.

In order to make Qi Yu's mother give up, he simply added: "And I have a girlfriend, and I have already started living together."

Seeing, Li Xiulin was swimming up with blood, his face flushed, and he was obviously sulking: "Hey, why do you change your face so fast? Oh, I know, you give me daughter'City Grace', and after catching Xiao Yu You are a cow and a horse, and you can make love to other women with a pass if you don’t need it now! Hey, if you want to do this, you can let my daughter go! If you obviously don’t love less than you, you will control her to give you your life. Your conscience? You are deceiving feelings!"

Chu Yuanxi even felt a little lucky, fortunately that Qi Yu hadn't really been scumbag.

There is no so-called "city grace", but the days when Qi Yu was sent to Mango Terrace were a bit like Li Xiulin said, with a little intention of cultivating her to meet future needs. Now is the "future" of the time, and the adaptation effect is good. It should be more reliable than looking for a host temporarily during card formation.

But he didn't treat Qi Yu badly either. I didn't mention it in the past, just say that if this variety show is not popular, Qi Yu earns a salary and at the same time gets a C-host experience. If she becomes popular, she can rise to the next level and her value will skyrocket. In the future, whether she will continue to be a host or move towards film and television, her way out will be wider and wider. Even if she's a bit of a coffee now, who doesn't work on variety shows? What happened to Qi Yu's hard work? Anyway, Chu Yuanxi didn't think there was anything wrong.

Even "Ji Xia Xue Gong" even asked Qi Yu to come back to take the lead. It is actually a kind of inertia. On the one hand, acquaintances are reliable and easy to communicate. On the other hand, they seek the whole beginning and the end. Don't make the original efforts worthless.

He didn't have anything to lose heart on this point, Qi Yu's mother didn't understand, Qi Yu herself should understand. But if Qi Yu was really scumbag at the beginning, then I wouldn't understand.

Seeing Li Xiulin's small body that there seemed to be some special power bursting out, Chu Yuanxi even wanted to laugh. He found that he had walked between Qi Yu and Zhu Yan for a while, extinguishing fires at both ends, but he didn't say anything about the gains and losses. To be honest, it was really silly. Thinking about it now, what is really funny is that I was anxious at the beginning, for fear that even if it exploded, it would have a bad impact on the company, but it is not important to look back at it, because the company has developed well enough to withstand this risk.

Thinking this way may be a bit of utilitarian thinking, but if you calmly said to Zhu Yan and Qi Yu: "I respect you but don't love you, you are not the type I like." What would happen? The result is that if the other party is a smart person, then the follow-up development will not be any different, and Chu Yuanxi feels that she can save trouble and worry. If the other party is not a smart person, then it is true that the Pakistani people have to suffer some losses, and at most they are "very annoying", but the other party has lost too much and his career plummets.

So Chu Yuanxi really laughed out loud, and after two laughs, she said, "Aunt Li, you made a mistake. Pakistani Media hired Qi Yu to give her start-up money, just like other stars on the stage. I don’t pay a lot of money to open it. This is the door business. I give her the opportunity to expose and open money to her. She pays for her labor. There is no one who can be a cow or a horse for whom. If Qi Yu doesn’t want to do it, he will tell me directly, now She really wants to do it, otherwise I will find Shen Mengchen.

Do you recognize Shen Mengchen? superstar. She just filmed a TV series for me, and she also endorsed the game I developed. The partnership is very good, and I called her to come. He was the variety show host of Mango Channel ten years ago. Today, the Weibo label is still the host of Mango's contract, and the entertainment circle is much higher than Qi Yu. To put it mildly, Qi Yu's goal now seems to me to be the next Shen Mengchen. There is nothing else in my world, but there are too many people.

As for who you said deceived whose feelings, I never even held your girl's hand. I want to deceive, Qi Yu has a good sense of self-protection, and I haven't been deceived by me. You can rest assured that she is not as weak as you think, and no one can easily hurt her. "


The same thing as this demonstration, combined with the previous declaration of "Whoever I do will die", made Li Xiulin's face blue and red. The main reason is that he is hard and doesn't save a bit of face. It means that I have no mistakes at all, and now I am rich. Are people so arrogant?

She is not angry, but full life experience tells her two points! First, a baby girl must never marry such a person! Otherwise, you will be bullied to death in the future. Second, don't irritate him! Especially you can't irritate him at the point of scumbag, otherwise it will be your daughter.

But even so, Li Xiulin still trembled all over, staring at her small eyes: "Mr. Chu, my daughter has no credit for getting up in the dark for you, but she has toiled? You take her contribution for granted?"

Chu Yuanxi said that you really regarded yourself as a mother-in-law? The characteristic of mother-in-law is that she can wrong her son-in-law at will.

Then he found that he had to be polite enough, at least the superficial politeness must be maintained, so it was very painful. "Your words are very problematic. It seems like I'm not a human being. Qi Yu has worked very hard, but I am kind to your daughter to recreate it. It is only natural for her to work hard for me. If I change to a man, It should be for my liver-brain-paint-ground-

I think it’s a special day today. Let’s just take a day off. You can communicate with your girl. Maybe you don’t know where to hear the rumors and you have some deep misunderstandings. "

After speaking, Chu Yuanxi took the lead to leave, leaving Li Xiulin to feel the pride of capital. However, this holiday was not put in place in the end. The main reason was that Qi Yu cracked the wall against him and almost broke the wall.

However, Chu Yuanxi knew that what she said was actually a bit big, because as the screening of "Troubled Times" gradually reached its climax, even Li Zifeng's Weibo was soaring, striding wildly towards 15 million, Shen Mengchen was already quite popular now. In horizontal comparison, no less than Li Yitong, Ju Jingyi, and Chen Yuqi, their popularity is catching up with the first-line flowers. In this case, it is rather naive to talk about how harmonious the previous cooperative relationship is in the relatively naked entertainment circle. When a time period expires, it will leave others with nothing to say.

People are staring at more than 16 million Weibo fans, thank you.

But anyway, this morning was more fulfilling, and Chu Yuanxi felt a special experience, comparable to a job interview.

When he returned to the company in the afternoon, he had planned to find Zhao Jie, but Yang Jiangang just ran over, because someone actually asked through his relationship whether to make an animation for "Wu Dao Faunjun"?

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi asked with a distrustful expression: "Usually, when I talk about ‘what about a friend of mine’, I always talk about myself, so you want to use it?"

"Really not! I rely on it!" Yang Jiangang immediately called out to hit Tianqu, "I want to make a serious animation, very precise, the kind that costs 100,000 yuan a minute."

"Then don't shoot, let your friends find other targets." Chu Yuanxi said that this person is sick, right? If you want to talk directly to the Pakistani Group to ask about business, you can also find Uncle Sheng, Yang Jiangang? Yang Jiangang himself does animation. What a big heart? As a result, Yang Jiangang really came to help ask?

Speaking of it, what Yang Jiangang does can also be classified into the general category of animation, so it is not too surprising to know some friends who do animation, but this thing is very unexpected, unless it is...

"Wait, isn't your friend a beautiful woman?"

"How did I know by you?"

Yang Jiangang was shocked immediately, but Chu Yuanxi's reasoning was not over yet! Just listen to him saying: "I think so, Lao Yang. People want to ask if the copyright development of "Wu Dao Wu Jun" is fake, and if you want to tease you 99% is true, you should be serious and seize the opportunity. I wish You are happy."

"Don't you? Do you know who it is? Just guess it?" Yang Jiangang was full of suspicion. This skeptical expression fully showed that his EQ was indeed too low, which made Chu Yuanxi shook his head sympathetically.

In fact, the IP of "Wu Dao Hun Jun" has been adjusted from the situation to a certain node in the IP operation trend of the original "Troubled Times", and completed the official account, Weibo, Douyin, Toutiao account and other self-media accounts. Diversion, completed the provocation of activity, the situation is still good.

But its lack of core content is a big problem. This IP must form a complete IP, and there is no shortage of other things, but it definitely requires complete text or comic content. But now only the game scripts given by Uncle Sheng, and some scattered short scripts used to shoot short videos, Lu Yu and Zhu Yan cooperated to shoot a lot of short videos of "Wu Dao faunjun" for preheating. But the content is short and scattered.

Then there is time accumulation. Because the mini-game IP plan is faster than the original way of intensive farming and meticulous work from the comic content in the original "Troubled Times", the speed of attracting fans is faster but the time is shorter. After three or four months, the total number of fans is still worse.

The good thing is that the number of people on the WeChat service account that distributes game packages has been increasing rapidly, indicating that the long-term retention of mini games will be very good, and players will pay attention only if they are willing to continue playing.

At this time, the best way to operate this IP is to quickly launch comics or texts. This is also what Uncle Sheng and Jiaotu are discussing recently. Whether to open comics or novels, the comics follow the national style of "A World in Trouble" The style is written by Jiao Tu himself, but the other big touches should be painted in a more Q-version style to suit the content rich in dramatic conflicts.

This is undoubtedly the direction for the Pakistani Group to concentrate all its combat efforts in the As for the announcement of the large-scale production of animation, it is nothing more than a propaganda for the moment in time. It is not urgent and has no practical meaning.

At that time, "Troubled Times" needed to be promoted, but it was completed with H5 fission. It was extremely powerful, not to mention the announcement of the animation production official, even if the animation has been made, it can't be compared.

"Why can't it be compared?" Yang Jiangang didn't understand. He is also an insider in the animation circle. He is very familiar with all kinds of data. He immediately pointed out: "Do you know that Ali just revealed that "Out of the Wind" is the first after taking over The next step is to change the animation. This is the king of traffic. The 5 billion upward traffic of "Douluo Dalu" has brought a sea of ​​paying users to Penguin Movies and TV. Don’t be too cool! You don’t know your content. Confidence?"

I saw Chu Yuanxi whisper: "Actually, the most important reason for not doing animation is that I am afraid of revealing stuff."

"Exposure? What kind of filling?"

"You, wait until the next milestone of peak visual effects next year. Whether you are active or passive, you will have to enter the IP port. In terms of IP and traffic, you must think more, learn more, the ins and outs, causes, results, etc., you have to Have their own judgment and cognition."

Chu Yuanxi stepped up to give some advice from Gaowu Jianling, Yang Jiangang could only listen, and then gave the answer: "The main IP of the Ba people, whether it’s "Troubled Times" or "Wu Dao Faunjun", or even "Animal Company." It’s all about planting seeds on private domain traffic and then blossoming on game traffic, understand? It’s different from mainstream animation. You think the popularity may not be different from mainstream animation, but the audience is different. The mainstream animation mainly focuses on junior high school students. Elementary school students, we are fans and gamers."



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