"Since there is no need to continue checking, I will go home!"

After Garp heard this, he also planned to go home. Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about things here.

"You leave Smoker there and standby."

Warring States didn't say much. He knew the old guy Garp's character very well. Even if he wants him to come back now, it's impossible for him.

So he also acquiesced to Garp's return home. After all, Garp also wanted to go home this time. It was Garp who knew that these ingredients can quickly restore physical strength.

Apart from the need for a long-term supply of ingredients, the Navy has nothing else. As for other forces, no problems have been found. Naturally, I'm too lazy to take care of it.

But it's only a matter of time before the reaction comes, but for the Warring States Period, it's not a big problem. These things don't appear in the New World, but in the East China Sea.

Time is constantly changing in Qin Mo's study As time went by, after mastering almost the same skills, Qin Mo planned to start practicing. However, after he planned to start practicing, another problem arose. That is, he did not have the tools for forging, which made him blind and helpless. Under this situation, Qin Mo could only go to the surrounding islands to find out if there was anything like this. The virtual map could only determine what kind of island it was and whether there were towns or the like, no matter how detailed it was, it would not work.

After looking for a few islands , finally found a blacksmith shop in a larger town, but it would take time for Qin Mo to buy a complete set of things, so he could only temporarily rent the blacksmith shop here.

Qin Mo is just trying it out now, so there is no Nitro's bones were directly used, but the bones of some beasts that had been eaten before were used, and some metals were mixed in. Some of the materials in the captive world of delicious food are very special. They are obviously from living creatures, but the materials are similar to Metal is similar. The most typical example is the gold material on the Seven Beasts.

Therefore, many materials need to be smelted before further grinding.

During forging, Qin Mo beat the material because of his terrifying control over power. It was extremely accurate.

Moreover, Qin Mo also discovered a new use of the Demon King's hearing. After the Demon King's hearing was improved, Qin Mo could even judge the material and strength from the sound of the knock, and how much force was used and what was struck. Place.

And based on the sound of knocking, you can judge the current condition of the material, whether it can continue to be forged, or whether it has reached its limit.

The devil's hearing plays a very important role at this time.

As for the material, the material in Qin Mo's hands now is Baron Tiger's teeth and the metal in the blacksmith shop.

After repeated beatings, the knife in Qin Mo's hand gradually took shape. This knife actually looks like an ordinary kitchen knife.

Don't look at the very shape of Melk's kitchen knife in the original work. Strange, in fact, to put it bluntly, this is a matter of the grinder's habits.

The first generation of kitchen knives made by Melk were more like those used for combat, and they were very gorgeous and surprisingly large.

The most typical example is the knife used to cut air. It is more than ten meters long and has an extremely gorgeous shape. If you put it in other worlds and say it is an artifact, others will definitely believe it for the first time. As for the kitchen knife, except for people in the world of gourmet captives, no one would think that such a knife would be useful. It will be a kitchen knife.

In addition, the same is true for the universal medicine knife used by Yoda. It does not look like a kitchen knife at all.

The habits of the second generation Melk are different from those of the first generation, and they have completely changed to a more practical style. , the one Qin Mo is building now is modeled after an ordinary kitchen knife.

After all, it was just a trial, and Qin Mo didn't intend to make it too exaggerated.

The knife is initially built, but the next step is the most critical point of the Melk kitchen knife, which is grinding.

The source of the terrifying sharpness of the Melk kitchen knife is grinding. This grinding has a special technique. Simply put, when grinding, the special angle and strength will form a kind of tension between the kitchen knife and the whetstone. Strange balance.

When this balance is achieved, the collision between the kitchen knife and the whetstone produces a special glow.

The appearance of this light means that the grinding this time is very successful, and a good Melk kitchen knife requires hundreds of thousands, millions or even more grinding times.

This is just a better Melk kitchen knife. If it is a top-notch one, it will require a terrifying number of grinding times to complete.

This was the case when gold materials were used to make kitchen knives in the later period. Just grinding them took years as a unit. If it weren't for the mobile kitchen trick to speed up time, it would have been impossible to complete those gold kitchen utensils before the earth collapsed.

What Qin Mo has learned now is only the most basic grinding method. It's not that there are no more advanced ones in the inheritance, but Qin Mo hasn't learned it yet, and he can't use it now.

Because the demand for strength, whetstones and other materials is very high, Qin Mo has the strength, but learning also requires a lot of time, although learning in that space can save a lot of time.

But Qin Mo couldn't reach the sky directly.

Qin Mo learned this grinding method after trying it a few times while studying, all thanks to his control of power.

This also shows that he has a very good talent in this area. According to the second-generation Melk, it would take at least a year for ordinary people to learn such skills.

In the original work, Komatsu took a few days to succeed. As for the second-generation Melk, he succeeded immediately.

Starting to grind, Qin Mo's energy was completely concentrated on the knife in his hand. The next second, Qin Mo's hands turned into afterimages, and then a blue-white light bloomed.


Nami, who was watching on the sidelines, didn't feel anything before, but she was stunned after Qin Mo started grinding.

As Qin Mo started sharpening the knife, the blade of the knife burst into blue-white light when it came into contact with the whetstone, and the emitted The sound was also extremely clear.

At this time, she could no longer see the movements of Qin Mo's hands clearly because the speed was too fast, which made her unable to see clearly.

In fact, Qin Mo's mastery of grinding skills is still too weak, otherwise the sound would be lost. He couldn't keep up with the speed of sharpening the knife.

Moreover, Qin Mo had his eyes closed at this time, not because the light was too dazzling, but to concentrate and use the devil's hearing to judge the condition of the knife.

In the first and second generations Melk's level of judgment is completely independent of eyes, voice, and touch. It is a very special feeling.

But now Qin Mo is not good enough, so he can only rely on his strongest hearing to judge the condition of the knife..

Although Qin Mo sharpens his knives very quickly now, every time he grinds, he slightly adjusts the direction and position to ensure that he can meet the standards of the grinding method every time. To do this, he needs to be highly concentrated..

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