Azr was still very satisfied with Nessus and nodded towards Nessus.

“Just do what you say.”

Looking at the divine chaotic power emanating from the Chaos Disk, Azir was very emotional in his heart.

It is not a pity that the once solar disk no longer exists.

The Chaos Disc in its place is more brilliant and magnificent than ever.

Azir sincerely thanked Li Fuwan, if it were not for him, I am afraid that Shureima wants to be glorious again, and it is really far away.

“I think it’s time to start the Ascension Ceremony again.”

Azr stared at the Chaos Disc and did not look back, but the words were said to Nessus.

Nessus was a little surprised to hear Azir’s words.

However, the surprise was quickly calmed.

Yes, Shurima, who has been silent for so long, is now again glorious, and it is time to welcome a new ascension again.

“Does Your Majesty have a candidate for the Ascension?”

Nessus asked, quickly searching in his mind for the right person to be an Ascension.

“Behold that, the radiance of the disc of chaos shines on the earth, shining on countless people of Shurima.”

Azr stood in the temple, looking at the Chaos Disc, and in the distance there were the people of Shurima who came to pilgrimage and bow to the Chaos Disc.

Nessus was also very touched in his heart, and the deep feelings for Shurema in his heart made him write and shed tears first.

Shurima’s recovery, he has waited too long.

“This is all thanks to Xiu Xin Pavilion, thank you Lord Li Fulang, and thank you.”

Azir turned his head and looked at Nessus with gratitude in his eyes.

Nessus originally agreed with Azir’s words in his heart, they wanted to thank Xiu Xin Pavilion and Li Fuwan.

But why thank him?

Seeing Nessus’s puzzlement, Azir explained.

“Thank you for never giving up on Shurema, and thank you for inviting Lord Li Fulang to reshape the sun disk and restore the glory of Shurima.”

Azir stepped forward and patted Nessus on the shoulder.

“You are the first ascension after the revival of Shureima, and you deserve it.”

Nessus’s heart was thrilled.

The former Nessus was also an Ascension, ascending with his younger brother Laketon.

He became a demigod who everyone admired.

At first, Nessus and Rekton were the most powerful courtiers around Emperor Azir, but when Azr ascended, they were betrayed by Zelas, the bronze brother of Azir.

Before Azir’s ascension ceremony, Zelas tried his best to transfer Nessus and Laketon away from Azir.

By the time the brothers inquired and rushed back to the solar disk, it was already too late.

The betrayal of the spicy son caused Shurema to suffer disaster.

The powerful empire that once stood majestically on the Rune Continent collapsed overnight, and the once magnificent was reduced to ruins.

The two used all their strength to finally defeat Zelas.

Although they have the strength of a demigod, they are only demigods after all.

It is impossible to completely kill Zelas, who has turned into a pure energy spirit body, and in the end, it can only seal Zelas.

Now that the solar disk has become a chaotic disk, it can soar again, and Nessus can successfully ascend from a demigod to a god.

After receiving Azir’s personal promise, the excitement in Nessus’s heart was difficult to quell.

The Ascension Ceremony is also in rapid preparation.

Zeras, who had been hiding in the shadows, saw all of this, and he soon learned that the Chaos Disc was preparing for the Ascension Ceremony, and his ambitions immediately floated.

Originally, I planned to hide it and wait for the opportunity to see what benefits I could do for myself.

He did not expect that the solar disk was actually reshaped, which shocked Zelas.

He could never have imagined that someone existed with such a powerful strength.

That is not a human being at all, only a god can do such a divine skill.

For some time after Li Fulai reshaped the sun’s disk, Zelas hid in the most hidden corner, shivering, for fear that the god would discover his tracks.

At that time, if he provokes the great god to be uncomfortable and destroys him by hand, then where can he cry?

But after all these days, the great god never appeared again after reshaping the sun’s disk, which made Zelas feel a lot relieved.

Now seeing that Azr is preparing for the Ascension Ceremony again, Zelas has an afterlife.

It is known that Zelas is a betrayer.

He betrayed Shurima and betrayed Azir, who regarded him as a brother.

But who knows the hardships of Zelas’s life?

Who wants to be born a slave, who wants to live and die in the hands of others?

He also once sincerely regarded Azr as his own brother, and helped him and assisted him with all his heart.

In order to help Azr ascend to the throne smoothly, how many things did Zelas do in the invisible place of Azir?

None of this is humane to outsiders.

Originally, Azr promised well, and when he ascended the throne and became emperor of Shurema, he would abolish slavery, so that Zelas would never be inferior again.

However, Azir became the emperor as he wished, and his power prevailed over the world, dominating the four directions.

With the assistance of Zelas, the Shurima Empire was unprecedentedly brilliant.

But the agreement to abolish slavery, which Zelas had been waiting for, never came.

He had also asked Azr several times openly and secretly, but the hypocritical man always prevaricated that it was not yet time.

This made Zelas disappointed, angry, and felt betrayed.

That’s why he didn’t hesitate to make Azr pay.

Because it was Azr who betrayed their agreement first!

Wait for Zelas to prepare everything and arrange everything, and wait for Azir to start when he holds the ascension ceremony.

Push Azir off the altar and replace it.

Unexpectedly, Azr announced the abolition of slavery at the last minute.

At that time, Zelas’s heart was extremely flustered and complicated.

But the situation at that time was already an arrow on the string and had to be fired.

So many years of power conspiracies have long made him ruthless to anyone and anything.

Immediately, he pushed Azir away, who was about to ascend, and he went up himself.

It’s just making people.

The ascension ritual that did not belong to him ultimately brought only the destruction of Shurima.

In the thousands of years since he was sealed, Zelas’s heart has become darker and more hungry for power.

He is just a broken energy spirit body, and if he wants to become stronger, he can only change the status quo with the help of external forces.

I originally thought that I would have to wait for a long time, but I didn’t expect that the Sun Disc could be so quickly after he escaped and could perform the Ascension Ceremony again.

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