Star Spirit is like this, every time in order to solve mortal things, they will choose a “container” to come, of course, there are many such containers, not just the only one.

Leona, the goddess of dawn, is the most suitable container chosen by the Flaming Sun Star Spirit for his descent.

“Sir, Trenier has returned, and he has escorted a foreign knight, according to him, it is a foreign enemy in the will of the gods.”

Suddenly, a Lakol priest dressed in a sun costume came in outside the door, and reported to the priests and Leona inside the temple of the equinox.

Just now, the Templar Serenil returned with a foreign enemy.

He had to hurry up and pray to Leona and the priests.

These priests in the Equinox Temple can be regarded as the core leaders of the entire Flaming Sun Sect, and they have all received more or less blessings from the gods and have strong strength.

And Leona can summon the Flaming Sun Star Spirit at any time, and she is an extremely terrifying guy.

However, the priest and Leona were not completely in agreement, and sometimes there were even huge conflicts between them.

“Brought back? Or a foreign knight? Are you sure it’s an external enemy in God’s will? ”

Leona’s eyes flickered, she thought that the Jiaoyue Sect that had been hiding in the shadows had begun to act, after all, the Jiaoyue Sect and the Blazing Sun Sect had always been mortal enemies.

If there are foreign enemies involved, it is most likely these guys from the Jiaoyue Sect.

Unexpectedly, he brought back a foreign knight?

Was it the Templar Serenil who brought back an external enemy in the will of the gods? Leona wondered about that.

“Call Thurnir in!”

The priests also had the same doubts, and it was logical that the most likely was that the Jiaoyue Sect was doing it, or that other small sects were seduced by the Jiaoyue Sect and began to do things.

I didn’t expect to capture a foreign knight!

A foreign knight, how can Ho De be sent by the gods to be careful.

The Flaming Sun Star Spirit actually did not feel the invasion of foreign enemies, but the day of the convergence of the two equinoxes was coming, and he had to descend in the Rune Land, so to speak, it was a preventive injection for the Flaming Sun Sect to make them vigilant.

Unexpectedly, he really accidentally stumbled and let the Templars find Mord Caesar and the Jewel Knight.

And… The current Thor is pretended by Mord Caesar.

“I’ve seen priests, I’ve seen goddesses!”

Mord Caesar walked in, holding the jeweled knight tied by a rope in his hand.

He had already sorted out all the memories of the Templar Warrior Senil, and he knew everything about the etiquette of these Flaming Sun Sects.

While saluting, Mord Caesar was also looking at the priests and Leona.

He could feel that these priests were all strong people close to demigods, and Leona had an incomparably terrifying power in her body, and I am afraid that she would be stronger than demigods when released.

That is the power close to the gods.

It is worthy of being the number one force of Giant God Peak… This kind of heritage is stronger than the Shadow Island he once ruled.

“This is the foreign enemy in the will of God? Trenier, are you sure? ”

The priests came up and walked around the Jewel Knight.

It seems that this knight seems to be a relatively righteous person, and at the same time his body is good, and there is no evil in his eyes, why is he an external enemy in the will of the gods?

The appearance of the Jewel Knight really looks good, he looks like a decent person, and now he is tied up without any embarrassment.

This divine will was originally blind, and it was given a preventive injection to the people of the Flaming Sun Sect to prevent any problems when the two equinoxes converged.

Naturally, there is no way to distinguish between them.

“Yes, this is the enemy of the gods, from Demacia, with bad intentions, and even took a map of the Giant God Peak! There are many taboo things that are recorded. ”

Mord Caesar took out the map drawn by Izerell and showed it to the priests.

Izerell is a famous explorer, and the map is of course extremely detailed, and even some forbidden places in the Giant God Peak are marked.

This kind of map can really be regarded as a taboo.

Moreover, the various annotations on it even include the cumbersome small sects at the foot of the Giant God Peak, and the relationships between various forces have been marked by Izerell.

“This… Sure enough, it’s a bad heart! ”

Many priests spoke up one after another, their eyes full of anger, and they showed no mercy to those who wanted to subvert the Flaming Sun Sect.

Unexpectedly, this knight looks like an honest guy, and there is indeed a villain behind his back!

It is the enemy of the gods!

It must be hung at the stake and let the blazing sun burn it to death!

No one doubted Mord Caesar’s identity, and they all dangled around Tariq, wanting to see what was so special about this enemy of the divine will.

Only Leona looked suspiciously at Mord Caesar, who pretended to be Cenier.

If it is an external enemy of the gods and can be valued by the gods, it will definitely have extraordinary skills, how can it be caught by Seniel.

The nice thing that Cenier said was that the leader of the Templars was Rahorak, but he was actually a mortal with a stronger force.

This captured Tariq even has the power of the stars flowing on his body, other priests can’t see it, Leona can see it clearly, how can such a character be caught by Trenier…

It’s just weird.

Leona’s eyes narrowed slightly, feeling that something was wrong everywhere, a leader of the Templars, grabbing someone with the power of the stars, was a little unbelievable.

Moreover, this captured foreign enemy knight was not injured at all, but more like he came voluntarily.

“Beat this alien knight into the big guy, and burn it to death under the scorching sun tomorrow!”

Burning under the scorching sun is one of the most cruel punishments of the Flaming Sun Sect.

The scorching sun of Giant God Peak is different from other places, and above the plank road high above Giant God Peak, there is a place where the temperature is extremely terrifying, which can perfectly accept the hot energy of the scorching sun.

There, even the most powerful warriors have to be roasted alive.

This is the enemy of the will of the gods, and must be dealt with the highest punishment, otherwise they feel sorry for the gods’ will.


Mord Caesar replied, surprise flashed in his eyes, he didn’t expect to be so simple to mix with the Flaming Sun Sect.

Now what he has to do is quietly wait for the opportunity, wait for an opportunity to meet the gods, and then strike out in one fell swoop to kill the Flaming Sun Star Spirit.

Then the power of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit will belong to him, the underworld will also be completed, and he will also take the opportunity to become a god.

Mord Caesar’s heart was agitated, and his skull had the prohibition left by Li Fuwan! As long as the Star Spirit touched his skull, all his power would be devoured in an instant.


Mord Caesar pushed Tariq, and then prepared to escort Tariq to the prison along the route he remembered.

But before he could take a few steps, Leona stopped him.

“Wait a minute!”

Leona squinted, she had been staring at this Tsenier, she felt that Sernir was strange, but she really couldn’t say where it was weird.

But just when Mord Caesar pushed Tariq, she saw that it was a power that did not belong to the Giant God Peak!

There is an inexplicable force controlling Trenier!

This Trenier may have been manipulated by foreign enemies, although it was only for a moment, but Leona was sure that there must be something wrong with this!

“What’s wrong!?”

All the priests were shocked and looked at Leona suspiciously, could Leona’s kindness appear again?

As a goddess of the Flaming Sun Sect, the last thing she should have is the emotion of benevolence, which is Leona’s weakness in character.

Once because of Leona’s kindness, the Flaming Sun Sect did not destroy the Jiaoyue Sect in one fell swoop, and many members of the Jiaoyue Sect who should have been killed by the scorching sun escaped.

Everything is because of Leona’s momentary kindness, and now is Leona going to start this senseless mercy again?

All the priests are not good-looking, and the enemies who are given by the will of the gods to be caught must be roasted alive under the scorching sun, otherwise they are sorry for the divine power consumed by the will of the gods!

It is impossible to keep his hand because this knight is relatively good-looking and looks like a decent person.

These priests, recalling a series of troubles caused by Leona’s kindness, united in unison.

Mord Caesar’s heart was slightly shocked, he knew that he had been discovered, but he did not expect that just by pushing Tariq, he was seen by this goddess.

Fortunately, the current situation can continue.

Mord Caesar tried his best to converge his power, retracting all the power of the underworld into his skull, and only inhabited Trenier’s body with his own soul.

“Huh? Disappeared again? Am I reading it wrong? ”

Leona frowned tightly, and the strange power that controlled Trenier disappeared again.

What the hell is going on here?

She couldn’t have been mistaken!

But indeed, that strange force disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

“Leona! The two equinoxes are about to converge, the gods are coming, and now it is necessary to completely eliminate all possible enemies, not the kindness of women! ”

A priest mused, then waved his hand, signaled Mord Caesar to leave the place, and escorted Tariq to the prison.

Mord Caesar’s pupils shrank, and he quickly left here with Tariq, while waves surged in his heart.

He really wanted to give this priest a thumbs up!

Unexpectedly, he directly revealed such important information, and also helped him solve the crisis that may be exposed!

He decided to wait until the Yin Death Sun Star Spirit to give this priest’s soul a chance to assist him!

It can also be regarded as the end of benevolence and righteousness!

Mord Caesar’s eyes flickered, the two equinoxes were about to converge, the Flaming Sun Star Spirit was ready to come, he must seize this opportunity! _

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