“What do you mean by this, do you think I’m a bully?”

Viktor shook his head when he heard this, his mechanical eyes flashed red, and he stood directly in the doorway, like a wall.

“Wait until the shopkeeper makes a gun, you go again!”

Viktor’s voice was like a machine, in his opinion, Catherine was so anxious to go, she definitely wanted to release the pigeons!

If you get it done in minutes, you have to wait until a few weeks later.

This is obviously ill-intentioned!

“When is it time for the shopkeeper to make the gun! I have my own business! And it’s been here for weeks, you take care of my food? ”

Catherine rolled her eyes, really speechless, and was stopped by such a mentally retarded robot suspected of being Victor.

If you really wait here for a few weeks, where to stay? What to eat and drink?

And Picheng is still waiting for her to go back!

It is impossible to wait a few weeks for Li Fuxiang to build the gun.

“Eat? There is food here, I mean, Lilia can manage her sister’s food~”

Lilia walked out with a plate and put the dream magic food on the table, this was the last time she had dream magic food, and tomorrow, she would have to learn other magic food!

“Mr. Butler, it’s time to eat, can you go and call Brother Fu Shake?” I mean, Lilia is going to make another one for this sister! ”

Hearing that Viktor still didn’t move, if he went in and asked Li Fuxiang to eat, Catherine would definitely take the opportunity to run.

Come back a few weeks later, the yellow cauliflower is cold!

He also thought about changing to a Hex’s crystal core.

“No need, Lilia, the shopkeeper will come out by himself in a while, just make a gun, soon, it won’t take a few minutes.”

Viktor’s body blocked the gate and said in a muffled voice, while the third hand also greeted those mechs, if Catherine wanted to break in, he would never let it go!

“Wait, you said it would be out in a few minutes?”

Catherine frowned, very puzzled, but she heard, this mentally retarded robot said that the shopkeeper made a gun, a few minutes?

Is this?

It takes a lot of effort to make a special gun, and she is asking for the kind of gun that can be changed with different bullets…

Even a top Hextech master would take more than two weeks to build.

If nothing else, it took more than a week just to polish those parts.

For a few minutes, it’s simply impossible.

Just when Catherine was wondering, the door of the Creator’s laboratory opened, and Li Fulang walked out with a brand new sniper-rifle.

It was designed almost exactly to Catherine’s requirements, and a Hexmultiplier was added.

“Try it, basically existing Hex’s bullets can fit in, and if you want bullets with various characteristics, you can buy these things.”

Li Fulang picked up the gun, showed it to Catherine, and then pointed to a groove below.

“Corrosion potion, this thing is the energy core you used when you experimented just now, as well as the anger potion, the frost potion… These are five hundred gold coins a bottle. ”

Hearing that Catherine secretly smacked her tongue, it was a little expensive, but if it was the effect just now, she was willing to buy it!

But let’s look at the gun first!

Catherine hurriedly took the gun, carefully observed, and then took a few shooting positions herself, squatting for a while and turning sideways for a while, gradually bringing a smile on her face.

Roughly speaking, the performance of this gun is at least several times that of the previous one!

Even if you take a piece of Hex crystal in exchange, it is not enough!

Catherine was very satisfied.

Turning her head to thank her, she saw that Lilia was imitating her.

Lilia held her staff in her hand, as if holding a gun, and also made the movements that Catherine had designed, but because she was a deer, she was kneeling, which was very funny.


Lilia mimicked the sound of a gun, and then the light of the staff flickered, and a drowsy magic was activated, hitting Viktor in the doorway.

But Victor’s magic resistance is very high, and this sleepy magic has no effect at all.

“Oops, why is it useless, is it not accurate? I mean, how could Lilia’s magic be useless? ”

Lilia was a little frustrated, it seemed that getting the robot to sleep and dream was really a long task.

“Give it up, I haven’t slept in four or five years, let alone dreamed.”

Viktor was a little helpless, this little deer had secretly attacked him many times, but it was like tickling on this anti-void metal with shallow magic.

Not to mention the mechanical consciousness that affected him.

“Cluck, the little one is so cute.”

Catherine touched Lilia’s head, her eyes were full of pampering, and sure enough, no one could resist the lovely Lilia.

“By the way, shopkeeper, I’m very satisfied with this gun, if it is energy, I will sell three bottles of corruption potion, how?” When I get back, I’ll bring you a Hex’s crystal.” ”

Catherine was very curious that such a good gun could be built in just a few minutes.

It’s just a bit weird.

The best Hex’s craftsmen in Pi City couldn’t have been so fast!

Hearing this, Li Fu shook his head and nodded, the value of the Hex crystal is very high, and it is not bad to take out a piece.

Not to mention the fact that this gun was built in a few minutes.

It didn’t take much thought to him.

Pi City

After paying the gold coins in the Cultivation Pavilion, Catherine used the teleportation charm and returned to Pi City, preparing to go to Qinggang Shadow to apply for a Hex’s crystal.

“Ask for Mrs. Grey!”

Catherine came to the Philos family with her new gun and found Qinggang Shadow.

“Oh? Little one, a new gun, which master did you find to develop this? ”

Qinggangying smiled slightly, a little curious, it seemed that the gun in Catherine’s hand was not bad, at least it looked beautiful.

And the smile on Catherine’s face could not be hidden at all, like a child who got a beloved toy.

She knows Catherine very well, and this new gun must be very suitable for Catherine’s heart!

Guns that can satisfy Catherine are really rare.

“Mrs. Gray, I came to apply for a Hex crystal, I remember having this permission.”

Catherine smiled, she still had great respect for Qinggang Ying.

After all, Qinggang Shadow has been guarding Picheng behind the scenes for decades, and if it weren’t for Qinggang Ying, the order of Picheng would have collapsed long ago.

Under the torrent of wealth, more moths will surely breed.

“Well, okay, little one, aren’t you going to tell me which master made it? Do you want me to guess? ”

Qinggangying smiled gently, she had expectations and care for these children, especially Catherine Wei and other outstanding children.

So I usually talk more casually, and my relationship in private is also very good.

“Make sure you can’t guess. I also bought this! ”

Catherine took out the corruption potion and put it on the table in front of Qinggangying, then took a bottle of her own and put it in this sniper-rifle.

“What is it?”

Qinggangying smiled and picked up a bottle of corruption potion, and then opened it, and instantly the green aura rose, and a sour and corrosive taste swept towards Qinggangying.

Camille’s face changed drastically, and he quickly closed the bottle cap, his brows furrowed, and his eyes were full of doubt.

What is this!

Such a terrifying corrosiveness has surpassed any substance found in Picheng now!

This corrosiveness, I am afraid that it can corrode the Hex material, and if it touches the human body, it is even more terrifying.

“Wait, you just poured it into the gun? This gun can use this as an energy source ?! ”

Qinggang Shadow was shocked, if this is really the case, then this gun is really not made by the master of Picheng!

It’s just amazing.

“Quick, try, let me see the effect, just try this vase!”

Qinggangying urged excitedly, wanting to try the corrosion strength of this potion, if it was really strong enough, it could be regarded as discovering a new material!

The benefits of discovering a new material are simply unimaginable.

This vase is made of a high-grade material, which looks like a vase, but after being broken, it is all dark objects.


Catherine aimed the muzzle at the vase in front of her, and then pulled the trigger instantly.

The miserable green bullet hit the vase, but did not shatter it, leaving only a little green liquid on its surface.

Then the liquid quickly immersed into the vase, and the terrifying corrosive force prompted, bursts of smoke rose, and the vase instantly turned into smoke.

And the dark ware made of good materials inside is also completely corroded.

Nothing was left.

“It has such a powerful power! Catherine, where the hell did you buy this thing! ”

Qinggangying was a little excited, if this thing is used reasonably, many materials that were originally unmanageable can be handled!

If you can develop a corrosion cutter, it can completely process a large number of Hexes materials…

At that time, the wealth of Picheng can directly increase several times!

Where the hell did you buy this stuff!

Catherine blinked her eyes and replied, “This gun, I gave him a name, called Xiu Xin, how about it, not bad!” ”

“Cultivate the mind… Cultivate the mind”

“It’s Shushin Pavilion! You’ve gone to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion! This teleportation jade talisman is real! ”

Qinggang Ying muttered in his mouth, his eyes were full of essence, and he directly took out a jade talisman, sure enough!

Cultivation Pavilion!

This kind of thing can only be bought in the Shushin Pavilion!

It is the shop recommended to them by Shin and Hao!

Catherine smiled and nodded, smiling secretly in her heart, how shocked it would be if Qinggang Shadow knew that this gun had been created in only a few minutes.

On weekdays, Qinggang Shadow would hardly be so gaffe, but today it let Catherine see it so many times.

It’s kind of fun.

And at this moment, an elite of the Philos family walked in, put the Hex’s crystal on the table, and retreated.

“It’s the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, madam, I took the Hex’s crystal, go pay first!”

“I must go to the Cultivation Pavilion, and I see that there are still many unified wholesale combat machines at the door…”

“This is the opportunity for the development of Pi City, it is the opportunity to go to the entire Rune Continent, and the technology of Cultivation Pavilion is at least a hundred years ahead of Pi City!”

“By the way, this cultivation took less than three minutes to create…”

Catherine grabbed the Hex’s crystal that had just been delivered, then used the teleportation charm and disappeared in place, she had to hurry up and send this thing.

There was a person left in the hall, his face was stunned, and he shook his head after a long time, and the horror in his heart could not be quelled for a long time.

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