Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 83 Zhang Qiu

Time can heal everything, and it can also cover everything.

The sensation caused by Kewen was gradually forgotten as time passed.

Of course, there are still some changes, at least Kewen has now become a well-known existence in the entire college.

At first, everyone was excited to have a word or two with Kewen, but gradually the storm passed, and they kept nodding friendly when they met Kewen head-on.

Even on the Slytherin side, most of the students dismissed the idea of ​​targeting Kewen.


Kewen stayed at the academy over the Easter break because he will be in third grade next year and will have to take three electives.

There are five elective courses in total, including divination and arithmetic divination, protection of magical creatures, Muggle studies, and ancient rune.

All third-year students must take three courses, two of which must be taken in divination.

In the future, you can drop an elective in the fourth grade, and the same can be done in the fifth grade.

Kewen basically had no understanding of these elective courses, so he needed to temporarily search for information and briefly understand all the elective courses.

After the vacation, Kewen finally chose the three courses of Ancient Rune, Arithmetic Divination, and Protection of Magical Creatures, and wrote the results into an application and handed it over to Professor McGonagall, so that the other party could arrange a third-grade class schedule for him.

Time flies by.

In the final exam results, Kewen won the first place in a row, with full marks in all subjects.

At the final dinner, Gryffindor was again in second place in House points, nearly twenty points behind Slytherin.

Although Kewen's house score this year was higher than last year, Gryffindor once again lost the Quidditch match, and secondly, the twins' night tour and classroom disturbances deducted points from the academy.

Of course, towards the end of the term, Snape relapsed, constantly looking for reasons to give Slytherin extra points and deduct points from other colleges.

With the end of the dinner, the next day, the students began to leave the academy and return home.

And Kewen also spent a fulfilling second year in this world.



The night is bright and the castle is mysterious.

The same sorting ceremony, the same opening dinner, the same principal's speech, and... the same change of 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' professor.

At the beginning of the dinner, Kewen's eyes turned to Ravenclaw from time to time, staring at the first-year female freshman named Zhang Qiu.

Kewen paid attention to him during the previous sorting ceremony. After all, he was the second Oriental in this college besides him.

The 'self-created golden finger' provided Kewen with relevant Zhang Qiu's memory information, which made Kewen vaguely have an idea.

"Hey Cowen." Wood said jokingly, "Which girl are you looking at? They're all fascinated."

Sitting next to him this year is Wood. He was beaten by the society at last year's "Academy Quidditch Cup" and was taught a few times by the Slytherins.

A year of competition made Wood become less flamboyant, but gradually became calm.

At this moment, the joke from Wood brought Kewen back to his senses, shook his head with a smile, and explained, "I'm looking at that Zhang Qiu, oh, you call her Qiu Zhang."

"It turned out to be her." Wood looked at Ravenclaw, then nodded understandingly, and continued to eat after satisfying his curiosity.

"That's right, Wood." Kewen habitually threw the finished lamb chops in his hands to the other students, and then asked Wood: "I also didn't pay much attention to the news this holiday, you had last semester's defense against the dark arts. 'Professor news? And this year's new Cooper Lance professor."

"I really have it." Wood was almost finished, put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, then picked up an apple and said, "Professor Christopher Hein passed away last semester.


"Death?" Kewen's eyes widened in surprise: "How could it be so serious?"

Wood shrugged, and said with some disdain and some contempt: "Didn't it spread all over last semester? Professor Heine's life style is not good, so he hooked up with a foreign witch during the vacation, and as a result, he stepped on a few boats and was arrested. Found out, and ended up accidentally killing him by that witch with a spell."

"Okay..." Kewen felt very speechless, and then asked: "What about this year's Professor Cooper Lance?"

Almost as soon as Kewen's voice fell, he saw Wood's energy instantly and introduced to Kewen with great interest: "Professor Lance is incredible!"

"Oh?" Kewen focused a little, and had expectations for this year's 'Defense Against the Dark Arts' professor.

"Professor Lance is the player's deputy manager of the 'Pudemere United'!" Wood said with longing: "That is the team I admire the most! I heard that it is also the first choice of Principal Dumbledore!"

"Ball, team?" Kewen was a little dumbfounded.

I originally thought that Professor Lance had something special in terms of strength and achievements this year. After a long time, he was actually a Quidditch manager?

The sense of anticipation that Kewen had just generated disappeared all of a sudden.

"Of course!" Wood did not find Cowen's disappointment, and still introduced excitedly: "Pudemere United, haven't you heard of Cowen? That's the oldest team in the 'Quidditch League'. Twenty-two UEFA Cups! Two European Cups!"

Next, Wood gushed to Cowen to start popular science, from the introduction of the 'Pudemere United' team song to the team uniform, from the current players to the past celebrities.

Even the various agents, team management members, etc., were introduced by Wood clearly, which shows Wood's admiration for this team.

Kewen has no interest in 'Quidditch', and listened to the left ear and the right ear the whole time...


A dull month of college life passed.

On this day, Kewen found an opportunity. On the way out of the library, he met Zhang Qiu who also left alone.


Kewen turned his head and greeted Zhang Qiu, who was one step behind him.

"Hey, hello senior." Although Zhang Qiu had an oriental face, he didn't have the subtlety of an oriental person. He held a book in his arms and responded with a smile: "I've heard of you, the most popular person in the academy."

Kewen has also become accustomed to the directness of Westerners in the past two years, so he accepted Zhang Qiu's evaluation with a smile, and then said: "I take the liberty to ask, which country in the East are you from?"

"My ancestral home is from Huaxia." Zhang Qiu replied with a smile, and observed Kewen curiously, trying to judge Kewen's ancestry from his appearance.

"What a coincidence! I'm from China too!" Kewen knew the other party's information for a long time, but in order to find the topic, he just assumed he didn't know.

"Really?" Zhang Qiu became obviously excited when he heard the words.

"Do you speak Mandarin?" Kewen suggested with a smile: "Let's speak in Mandarin."

Zhang Qiu nodded his head heavily, discarding English and replacing it with Mandarin: "That must be -- drop!"

The corners of Kewen's smiling mouth twitched immediately...

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