Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 8 Logic Problems


After an injection of the anesthetic scopolamine, the patient enters a special state of sedation, which allows the patient to answer questions accurately without being aware of it.

But I've never heard of any Veritaserum potion that will make people answer questions in a conscious state, even if they think in their hearts, it's the real answer to the question. This is simply a modification of the will, which is terrible.

Xiao Kun instantly thought of a lot in his heart, but he was so shocked by it.

Without thinking about the way to break the game, the footsteps sounded again, and the man walked over with another test tube in his hand. Under Xiao Kun's complete inability to resist, he poured the liquid in the test tube onto Xiao Kun's chin, which was completely out of control.

The chin and tongue quickly regained the feeling, but Xiao Kun's heart became more and more heavy.

"So child, can you speak?" the man asked in a low voice meaningfully.


The heart couldn't help beating violently, obviously he didn't want to answer the other party's question at all, but his mouth seemed to be disconnected from the brain, and he answered involuntarily.

The man's expression became satisfied, and a smiling expression emerged. He casually placed the test tube on the stone table the child was lying on, and continued to ask, "Then child, tell me your name."


"Queen?" The man nodded slightly

"It's not queen, it's Kun..."

"queen?" The man repeated a sentence, but he was a little puzzled. He didn't understand the answer of the captive, how could it seem a little inexplicable

"Kun..." Xiao Kun continued to respond with a blank face, but he was helpless, and then subconsciously corrected it in Chinese Pinyin: "k-u-n—Kun."

"Oh..." The man looked suddenly enlightened.

"Coven queen, it's your full name." Thinking he got the answer, the man continued to smile and said, "It doesn't matter, I didn't want to know what your full name was, just wanted to To confirm your identity, after all, some surnames represent endless trouble."

Xiao Kun did not continue to respond when he heard the words. After all, the man's last two sentences did not contain a tone of doubt, which avoided Xiao Kun's subconscious reply.

Although he was not controlled by the Veritaserum to say anything, Xiao Kun's heart was full of depression, and he couldn't help but berate the world he lived in, why he became so casual in terms of names.

However, Xiao Kun has no choice. After all, the earth has entered the cosmic era, and the parent star no longer controls the population, resulting in an exaggerated explosion of the population base. In this way, multiple births and super births have become the norm.

With the increase of inheritance rights and other issues, it eventually developed into a family, and only the most incompetent descendant would inherit the surname of the father or mother, and then inherit the family property. Other descendants will take their own surnames and split up again, and only use the start-up funds to work alone.

In this way, it will gradually develop into a baby who only takes a first name or a nickname after being born, and only gets his own surname when he is an adult.

This kind of system that develops with the society should not be too arbitrary. And this is also the reason why Xiao Kun only introduced himself as 'Kun' when he introduced himself...

Not much gossip, the man spoke again, interrupting Xiao Kun's inner drama.

"Then Mr. Quinn." The man leaned over slightly, looked directly into the child's eyes with fiery eyes, and said in a slightly excited tone: "Answer me, how can I become young, how can I live forever!"

"do not know."

Xiao Kun's brain hadn't thought about the answer yet, but his mouth responded involuntarily.

At the next moment, the two men, one big and one small, were stunned involuntarily.


As if his faith had collapsed, the man stood up irritably, grabbed his hair with his right hand, and muttered to himself with some empty eyes: "Impossible! Impossible! Obviously everything I saw! It shows that he has become smaller! Although the bone age is ten years old,

But the clothes...wrong! Something must have gone wrong! "

Seeing the man chattering absentmindedly, Xiao Kun couldn't help showing a strange look, and after a little thought, he suddenly realized.

"Yes, he asked how to make him younger, I really don't know. I became smaller because of the Rubik's Cube, but including me, the Rubik's Cube has been used for the last time, and he can't use it any more, so There's no way to make him younger. So, I really don't know any way to make him younger. And immortality, I don't know either."

Thinking of this, Xiao Kun couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth and showed a slight smile. He was glad that he didn't seem to be in a desperate situation. He was glad that no matter how powerful the other party's Veritaserum was, the logic of the question would take advantage of it.

Then, next, you can only pray that there is a problem with the thinking logic of the other party, and you will not want to understand it.


At this moment, the man suddenly cursed loudly, then turned to look down at the child, his eyes were addictive, and he asked fiercely, "I'll ask again! How can I become young, how can I live forever!"

"I don't know." Xiao Kun suppressed his expression and eyes, and answered again "involuntarily".


The man cursed again, and then punched Xiao Kun in the face, making a muffled 'bang'.

Blinking, although there was some pain in the face, Xiao Kun's mind flashed some words such as 'master-level physique', 'body strength', 'too little strength', 'so weak' and so on...

The man didn't notice the child's inner drama. After punching, he retracted his fist, looked at his aching fist bones, took a deep breath, and asked again in a deep voice.

"What's wrong with your body! Why is it so powerful! Answer me!"

"Exercise, keep exercising." Xiao Kun answered very honestly, but his heart was already rolling with laughter. After all, the other party's question was too 'right'. I am afraid that the other party really got the secret.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" The man scolded three times in a row, and then started pacing back and forth beside the stone bed irritably, thinking about something.

After a while, the man stopped and faced Xiao Kun on the stone bed again, the wooden stick in his hand rested on Xiao Kun's chest, and said with a gloomy expression: "It's okay, I trust my judgment! You can't give me the answers I want, and I will personally explore everything I want in you!"

"emmmm..." Xiao Kun blinked, then squinted at the various specimen bottles on the wooden table by the wall, and said in a somewhat flattering tone, "Sir, I think we can discuss..."


Before Xiao Kun could finish speaking, a muffled sound suddenly came from above the ceiling.

The man was startled, looked up subconsciously, and then cursed: "Damn! Those goddamn hyenas!"

As soon as the words fell, the man immediately retracted the wooden stick that was on the child's chest. The next moment, he suddenly seemed to have been sucked into a black hole, turning into a pitch-black vortex and disappearing.

Xiao Kun tilted his head blankly and innocently: "Huh?"

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