In a flash, the Christmas holidays are coming again.

Cowen isn't planning to go back to the wand shop this Christmas.

there are many reasons.

One is that I failed to get the relevant alchemy guidance from the professors.

When mentioned to the twins once, the twins suggested that Cowen visit their house over the Christmas break because their father, Arthur Weasley, knew a lot about alchemy.

Second, Ollivander plans to go to France this year to spend Christmas and New Years with his son.

After a while, two weeks of vacation time was not enough, so Cowen declined Ollivander's invitation to go abroad.

The third point has to do with Penello.

The two have known each other for a year and a half. After living in the academy, Penello is now more mature, and no longer regards Kewen as the only 'best friend' as before.

Penello made many friends in school, so his feelings were shared, and now he only regards Cowen as his best friend.

Several friends of Penello decided to stay at school for Christmas this year, so Penello also chose to stay in school for Christmas to experience the Christmas atmosphere of the college.

Therefore, Cowen did not get a Christmas invitation from Penello's family this year.

After three reasons, Cowen simply agreed to the twins' invitation to spend Christmas at their Weasleys' house, and by the way, asked their father to teach alchemy.


Through the communal fireplace in Hogsmeade, the five Cowan and Weasley brothers returned directly to their home.

This was the first time that Cowen used the 'Floo Powder Fireplace'. After a while, Cowen was spit out by the Weasley's fireplace.

Fortunately, Kewen's reflex nerves are very strong, and he rotated his body in mid-air and successfully landed on both feet.

Unlike the twins, after being 'vomited' by the fireplace, they reeled several times on the ground.

"Your child is welcome."

As soon as Cowen stood firm, Mrs. Weasley and two little boys, a man and a woman, who had been waiting for him, warmly welcomed him.

Mrs. Weasley was a squat witch with long, unkempt hair, and a thick sweater and skirt with knitted lace. She looked like a flower-loving woman, for she was covered in woolen flowers all over her clothes.

Ron looked younger than Kewen's memory data, with messy red hair covering his ears and freckles all over his face, and the clothes on his body were slack and ill-fitting.

Ginny was much better, with a baby fat face, long smooth red hair, and neat clothes.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley." Cowan said hello politely, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, please let me..."

As he said that, Kewen took out his wand and cast a 'clean up' on himself.

"Beautiful silent spell!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

"Thank you." Cowen thanked politely.

"Corwen." Charlie, the second son of the Weasley family, introduced with a smile: "This is my brother Ron, who is nine years old this year, and this is our little sister Ginny, who is eight years old this year."

"Hello. I'm Cowen Quinn." Cowen greeted the two little guys with a smile.

Ron and Ginny seemed a little afraid of life. Ron was okay, he just stuttered and introduced himself by name, while Ginny Weasley simply hid behind his mother, just stuck out half of his face and looked at Cowen .

"Mom." George asked, looking around. "Where's Dad?"

"And Bill?" Fred asked, "Why didn't you see them."

"Your dad won't be back for a while because of something at the Ministry of Magic." Mrs. Weasley replied, "Bill went for an interview and won't be back today."

After the response, Mrs. Weasley turned her attention to Kewen and greeted warmly: "Come on child,

I'm ready for lunch, come and try my cooking. "

After speaking, Mrs. Weasley changed her face instantly, her enthusiastic expression disappeared, and urged the other children of her own family: "You guys don't stand stupidly! Come and wash your hands and eat quickly!"

"Good mother."

Except for the older Charlie, Percy and the twins looked a little honest and went to the sink obediently.

"Come with me this way, child." Mrs. Weasley changed her face again, her face filled with enthusiasm again, raised her hand around Kewen's shoulder, and walked towards the dining table.

The Weasleys were called the 'The Burrow' by them. Maybe this was an optimistic self-deprecation. After all, the house looked very rudimentary and outdated.

However, even if all kinds of household appliances are scattered and crowded everywhere, the whole house can give people a warm feeling of home.

Kewen briefly glanced at the environment on the first floor, skimming his eyes from the various automatically-running magic household items.

Just looking at it briefly, he couldn't help but raise a feeling of anticipation in his heart.

Because there are many alchemy items in the whole room, it can be seen that Mr. Arthur Weasley is indeed quite successful in alchemy.

This made Cowan even more looking forward to meeting Mr. Arthur Weasley.

Of course, the lunch prepared by Mrs. Weasley was not as rich as the one in the college. After all, the Weasley family in Cowen's memory was always quite poor.

However, although the lunch is only some British home-cooked food, it does not have any dark dishes, and the taste can be regarded as medium-to-high.

After lunch, the twins led Kewen upstairs to see where he lived these days.

Mrs. Weasley's room for Cowen was on the second floor. Because there was really no free room at home, Cowen and Percy could only sleep in the same room.

This room should have the best environment in their house, with the window facing the garden outside.

But it was winter, and the garden was bare with only some snow, and some ugly little goblins were making holes in the garden.

"Don't worry about them?" Curwen asked George, pointing to the little goblins in the garden. "Why not use some spell to banish them forever?"

"We'd have no fun then," George replied with a grin.

"That's right." Fred on the side also explained with a smile: "We have been practicing magic spells with those little goblins."

"So it is." Kewen was stunned.

"Okay, come with us."

George greeted Cowen, walked out the door, and said, "Follow us upstairs."

"Yes!" Fred also greeted: "Let you see our 'lab'."

Kewen did not refuse, and followed suit.

As Kewen expected, the so-called laboratory of the twins was their bedroom on the third floor.

In addition to the two very narrow single beds, the entire bedroom was filled with all kinds of messy things, which was almost impossible to move.

But there are many things that Kewen has never seen before, and he immediately asked the twins one by one with great interest...

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