Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 43 Passive

The latest website: I heard from Kasha that Kewen is going to take people to expedition again. How can the Rogues who were included in the list still hold back?

You must know that Rogge, who had been brought out by Kewen over 200 years ago, has now gained an extraordinary level of strength. Any one of them can beat five sisters who have not been upgraded.

Therefore, the 300 Rogers who got the news of the expedition seemed extremely positive. Before dawn, they had already assembled in the barracks, and their weapons and equipment had already been prepared, waiting for Kewen to lead them out.

Kewen stepped into the barracks, and what he saw was the scene in front of him. Three hundred pairs of eager eyes stared at him in unison.

This made Kewen, who was already sensitive to sight, froze.

Reluctantly squeezed a smile to the Rogues, then Kewen hurriedly got into Kasha's tent.

Kasha laughed out loud when she saw Kewen, and pointed to the outside of the tent and said, "You see, they can't wait to set off, let's stop chatting, just take them away."

Kewen shook his head helplessly, and then said, "It may take several days for me to go out this time. Let me tell you first."

"No problem." Kasha responded: "However, it is best to return within a week, so that I can arrange for the personnel at the canyon checkpoint to switch defenses."

"It won't take that long." Kewen shook his head again.

"Anyway, I'll give them to you." Kasha stepped forward, then walked out with his arms around Kewen, and said at the same time, "Although it's unnecessary, I still have to remind you, I hope you can give them to them. All brought back in good condition."

"Don't worry." Kewen reassured.

Kasha smiled and nodded: "Well, I believe you."

After walking out of the tent, Kasha released Kewen's shoulders, but instead of making any declaration of departure, he continued to look at Kewen and whispered with emotion: "Kewen, you saved the entire camp, and It has brought new hope to everyone, and after this group of people has improved their strength and returned, we can plan to recover the monastery... Thank you."

Kewen didn't say anything, just raised his hand and patted Kasha's arm twice.

Afterwards, Kewen glanced at the three hundred pairs of urgent eyes and shouted loudly, "Rogers! Go!"


A thunderous drink resounded,

Everyone's faces showed excitement and anticipation.

The team set off under the leadership of Kewen, and did not leave the camp, but went directly to the 'teleportation station' area in the camp.

After Kewen stepped into the small station and instilled magic power into the small station under his feet, several options with signs appeared in his mind.

Kewen touched the option of 'Dark Forest' with consciousness, and the next moment, his body was quickly wrapped by magic elements, and then disappeared on the teleportation platform.

In a remote corner of the dark forest, Kewen's figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

After looking around and finding no monsters, he quickly walked out of the teleportation platform.

It didn't take long for a magic glow to appear, and each glow would send ten Rogues over. After more than three minutes, three hundred Rogues arrived.

Although all the Rogues experienced the feeling of teleportation on the first day when Deckard Cain established the 'Teleportation Station' for the camp, they still felt novel after the re-experience. Make a sound of admiration.

When everyone arrived, Kewen gave Flavi a wink, and the other party immediately began to plan the lineup, arrange the teams, and divide the responsibilities of each team.

A week ago, Kasha thanked Kewen for letting the Rogues learn new formations and tactics. After that, Kewen summed up some battle formation cooperation methods, wrote a book and gave it to Kasha.

Therefore, now Flavy no longer needs to use Kewen to teach her by words and deeds, and can already arrange the lineup according to the number of people.

After the lineup was adjusted, Flavi came to Kewen and asked humbly, "Sir, can I arrange this?"

Kewen smiled and nodded: "It's already perfect, the lineup can take into account all directions, and the division of labor is also very clear, so let's keep this lineup."

"Okay sir!" Flavy was affirmed and couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go." Kewen looked around to determine the direction, and then pointed to the front to the right: "There is a large tribe over there, and I didn't have time to clear it yesterday. Today, let's destroy that group of monsters first, and then go to the 'Black The Badlands' area."

"Yes!" Flavi responded with chest up.

The team set out, led by Kewen, and headed for the location of the monster tribe.

After traveling for less than half an hour and eliminating the scattered monsters, the team finally saw the tribe that Kewen mentioned.

It was a monster tribe that relied on the wreckage of the farm. The outer circle was surrounded by wooden fences and low stone walls. There were three types of monsters inside. The conventions were sinking demons, dark hunters, and zombies transformed from civilians.

There are two boss monsters, a dark hunter and a fallen wizard.

There are fourteen elite monsters, six 'Dark Hunter Guards', two fallen wizards, and six yellow-colored zombies.

The team stayed out of sight of the monster, and Flavey asked, "Sir, how to attack?"

Kewen squinted slightly, stared at the boss monsters and elite monsters in the tribe, thought for a moment and said, "I will cast spells first, then you organize a team to destroy all ordinary monsters, pay attention to the bosses and elite monsters, and leave them to me deal with."

"Okay sir." Although Flavey was a little puzzled, he still responded, and then turned to convey Kewen's instructions.

Kewen waited for a while, and when everyone understood the order, he took out the staff from his pocket.

The wand in the world of 'Harry Potter' was finally eliminated and replaced, and what Cowen pulled out of his pocket was the [Hladim's Battle Wand] from yesterday.

Holding the staff of his height in his hand, and feeling the magic power that began to surge in his body, Kewen couldn't help showing a look of enjoyment.

After a while, Kewen put away his emotions, and then Kewen raised his head and glanced at the thick dark clouds in the air, then withdrew his eyes and stared at the monster tribe in the distance.

Raising the staff and pointing it diagonally towards the sky, Kewen chanted the incantation silently in his heart.

The next moment, the dark clouds in the air suddenly churned up, like the wheels of a shredder, the dark clouds condensed into strands and spun in disorder.

The scene in the air attracted the attention of all Rogues, and they all looked up in shock.

However, the three girls, Flavi, Claudia, and Valeera, had already gained some immunity to the magic of Cowen. They quickly recovered, and then shouted to make the Rogues recover and prepare for battle.

The dark clouds swelled for about half a minute, and then a white expanse fell from the clouds, pressing towards the ground at a high speed.

It didn't take long before that piece of whiteness finally revealed its true body, which turned out to be large and small ice picks and enlarged versions of sharp ice flowers.

At this time, the monsters finally discovered the situation in the air, but before they could react, a large range of ice crystals had already covered the entire tribe.

The screams suddenly sounded in pieces, dense ice crystals fell from the sky, and the powerful potential energy caused those ice picks and ice flowers to easily break the body of the monster.

The ice and snow lasted for nearly a minute, and then no more ice cones fell, turning into large and dense snowflakes, accompanied by the howling of the cold wind, raging in the range of the monster tribe.

Another minute passed, and the blizzard finally began to dissipate, turning into a light snow fluttering down.

At this time, the situation in the monster tribe was very miserable. There were originally more than a thousand monsters, but now there are only less than two hundred.

The number of fallen demons is a little more, there are more than a hundred of them, holding their shields above their heads, squatting and shivering.

The Dark Hunter was left with a leader and four elite guards, and more than 20 of them fell to the ground struggling with ice picks.

The zombie monsters were completely wiped out, and even the six elite monsters could not survive the fall from the ice cone.

Seeing this, Kewen instructed Flavey beside him: "Lead the team to advance and raise the vigilance!"


Flavi responded with a shout, and then raised his hand to make a push gesture.

Kewen did not act with the team, but stared at the fallen wizards in the tribe, and then shook his staff gently.

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared, and after a moment, he had already crossed a distance of more than 100 meters, and appeared in the monster tribe out of thin air.

The teleportation magic I learned from Deckard Cain is very useful. This is real teleportation, not the "apparation" in the world of "Harry Potter", which also needs to travel through the void.

The distance between two points can be instantly shifted in place. As long as it is within the range of vision or perception, you can rely on 'teleport magic' to come and go, and even cross any obstacles.

At this time, Kewen suddenly teleported to the side of the 'Leader of the Fallen Demon Wizard', and his sudden appearance made the leader of the wizard and the two wizard guards suddenly stunned.

However, they quickly reacted, and immediately screamed "creeping" with a hideous expression, and raised their hands to prepare to cast spells.

How could Kewen let them do as they wished, turning his head to look at the other remaining monsters, while gently patting the staff in his hand on the ground.

Bang! galla-

A cloud of ice mist suddenly erupted from Kewen's feet and instantly covered an area of ​​20 meters in diameter. If viewed from a high altitude, the circularly expanding ice ring looked like a nova in the night sky.

At this time, Kewen had already checked the situation of other monsters, retracted his gaze, and looked at the three fallen demon wizards again.

At this moment, the three fallen demon wizards who were in the casting motion were all stiff there, their whole bodies were covered with a layer of ice, as if they had turned into ice sculptures.

Seeing this, Kewen put his hand into his pocket, quickly took out a pair of leather pants, and then hung the pants on the leader monster.

Then, he took out two more bows and arrows and hung them on the bodies of the two elite wizards.

Taking two steps back, Kewen gently swung his staff towards the three monsters.

In the next moment, a magical blade that seemed a bit illusory suddenly appeared, densely packed into a network, and instantly cut through the bodies of the three fallen wizards.

The sound of shattering sounded one after another, and under the cutting of the light blade, the bodies of the three fallen wizards quickly shattered, turning into lumps of ice and falling to the ground.

Black fog emerged, one thick and two light.

A slightly thick black mist began to converge on the leather pants, and the other two dim black mists got into the two bows and arrows respectively.

At this time, the sound of arrows breaking through the air sounded intensively, and Kewen turned his head to look, but the team had already broken into the tribe, and the Rogues were attacking the remaining monsters.

Kewen glanced at the leader of the 'Dark Hunter' and found that Flavey had faithfully executed his orders, leading the team members to only wound but not kill the leader monster.

Seeing this, Kewen withdrew his gaze with confidence and turned to look at the three pieces of equipment that were being 'upgraded'.

It didn't take long for the black fog to disappear completely, and Kewen immediately stepped forward and picked up the three pieces of equipment.

At the same time, in such a short time, the Rogues have eliminated all the monsters, leaving only the leader of the dark hunter.

Kewen walked away quickly, and after pulling a distance from the team members, he instructed: "Clean up the battlefield and pay attention to those monsters that are suspended for suspended animation."


The Rogues responded with a shout, and their voices were full of excitement. Obviously, having experienced the legendary battle experience in person was indeed a very surprising feeling for them.

Kewen didn't pay attention to the Rogues anymore. He walked quickly to the crippled leader of the dark hunters, took out a leather jacket from his pocket, and put it on the other side.

Then raised the staff in his hand, instilling magic power into it.

The next moment, a magic blade suddenly extended from the bottom of the staff, which was stabbed downward by Kewen's hand.

The sharp blade easily got used to the monster's head, causing the opponent to shake conditioned reflexively, then struggled twice, and then made no sound.

The extraordinary power returned to heaven and earth, and the black mist emerged, but it was absorbed by the leather coat.

Not long after, Kewen once again got an 'upgraded' piece of equipment.

He slammed the staff to the ground, and then Kewen leaned over and sat down. On the ground behind him, a stone chair was quickly raised to support him in time.

Putting the leather jacket, leather pants, and two bows and arrows on his legs, Kewen picked up one bow and arrow first.

Letting go of the hand holding the staff, Kewen put his palm in the air to cover the bow and arrow again.

Concentrate on casting spells, whispering incantations.

Soon, a magical glow fell from the palm of the hand and got into the interior of the bow and arrow.

The next moment, the appraisal technique got the result, and in Kewen's mind, the magical properties of bows and arrows emerged.

Kewen kept moving and continued to cast the 'Appraisal Technique' on the other three pieces of equipment.

After all the appraisals were completed, he began to check the attributes of the four pieces of equipment.

The two bows and arrows have the same name.

【Rogue Archer's Combat Longbow】

Damage Strength: 42—156

+1 Bow Skill Level

+143% Enhanced Damage

+200% shooting accuracy

shoot magic arrows

Penetrating attack

+50% damage to demons

+125% damage to undead


The magic additional attributes of these two bows and arrows are very good, especially the attribute of "shooting magic arrows", which is simply a magical skill for the user.

Ordinary Rogge can shoot 'magic arrows', but due to lack of magic power and other reasons, they cannot continue to use skills.

These two bows and arrows make up for this. If you use them to shoot, the arrows will automatically absorb the magic elements scattered in the sky and the earth, and automatically turn the arrows into magic arrows.

Although the damage is weaker than the normal use of 'magic arrows', the key is that there is no consumption.

Therefore, any Rogge who gets these two bows and arrows will become a small mobile turret, and the lethality will increase in steps.

Kewen was very satisfied with the two bows and arrows, and immediately put them aside.

Then, he picked up the leather jacket again.

[Corwen Quinn's Dragonhide Soft Armor]

Defense Strength: 1900

Durability: 99

Slightly increase body agility

Greatly improves physical recovery

All elemental resistances increased by 30%

40% additional fire resistance

40% more cold resistance

cannot be frozen

Slow recovery of durability


The attributes of the equipment are not bad on the whole. Although it is already a very powerful piece of equipment, because Kewen's estimates are too high, there is still some gap between the results and the results he expected.

Smashing his lips twice, Kewen put away his leather jacket and checked his pants again.

It has almost the same attributes as the leather jacket, and the only thing that has changed is to improve the sensitivity of the legs.

With a slightly greedy look in his eyes, Kewen put away his pants as well, and then looked up in the crowd.

Raising his hand, Kewen raised his voice and greeted: "Claudia! Valeera!"

In response, the two women trotted over. After standing in front of Kewen, Claudia rolled her eyes and asked with a longing look, "Sir, what do you want me to do?"

"For you." Kewen raised his hand and handed them two bows and arrows.

Claudia and Valeera looked at each other, and then quickly took the bow and arrow in surprise. As soon as they touched it, they knew the properties of the bow and arrow.

The two women's eyes widened in shock at the same time, and then became excited again.

"First, sir!" Valeera was so excited that her tongue was a little uneasy. Because of her excitement, her pretty face turned red, and she confirmed in disbelief, "This, is this for me!?"

"Of course." Kewen nodded to Valeera with a smile, then looked at Claudia with the same expression, and said softly, "I've been running around with me for so long, and I haven't given you anything yet, so today is a special day. 'Upgraded' these two bows."

"No no! This..." Claudia looked at a loss and shook her head quickly: "But this is too precious!"

"Okay." Kewen maintained a smile, raised his hands and pressed down, interrupting: "No need to say more, I will give it to you and put it away, go ahead, and then lead someone to clean the battlefield."

Claudia and Valeera hesitated for a while, but in the end they couldn't resist the love in their hearts, so the two quickly thanked Cowen sincerely and gratefully...

Soon after the battlefield was cleaned up, the team regrouped and hit the road again.

This time, Kewen led the team all the way to the 'black wasteland' area. He had already explored the terrain in the magpie form a few days ago, so he knew the clear route.

After eliminating scattered monsters along the way, after nearly two hours, the team crossed a canyon and finally entered the 'black wasteland' area.

Since the canyon was blocked by the mountain walls, the team's field of vision was limited. Therefore, the people in front of the team just walked out of the canyon mouth, and they ushered in a "warm" welcome ceremony.

There are two piles of monsters on both sides of the canyon. On the left are hundreds of blue-skinned fallen demons, including five wizards.

On the right are some corrupted Rogue archers, covered in khaki full-body metal armor, holding bows and arrows, and there are probably less than two hundred in number.

In the further range, there are some corrupted giant beasts, and scattered wandering zombies.

At this moment, all the monsters have been alerted by the team, and they are all screaming and charging towards the mouth of the canyon.

The attack on the right side of the mouth of the canyon was launched first. Nearly two hundred 'evil shooters' shot arrows one after another, and then a rain of arrows shrouded the team.

On the left, the blue-skinned demon raised the machete in his hand and charged towards the team with a 'jiliwala'.

The increase in strength made Kewen lose his sense of vigilance. He did not expect the team to encounter such a passive scene.

Before he could reflect on himself, he immediately raised his wand and shouted, "Everyone returns to the canyon!"

When the words fell, he didn't have time to turn his head to see if the Rogues obeyed the order to retreat. He immediately chanted the spell quickly: "Arcane Shock!"


With Kewen as the center, a layer of magical energy suddenly spread out in a semicircle, and at the same time oscillated violently.

The next moment, the dense arrows were intercepted by the continuously excited shock waves, causing the arrows to either bounce or break in the shock.

Taking advantage of this time, Kewen quickly turned his head and glanced at the team.

It was found that although the team had retreated into the canyon, but did not continue to retreat, he immediately shouted again: "Continue to retreat! Retreat all the way to the middle of the canyon! Execute the order!"

Flavey was still a little hesitant at first, but after hearing Kewen's words 'execute the order', she put away her thoughts and immediately shouted the command team to retreat.

At the mouth of the canyon, Kewen quickly glanced at the monsters on the left and right. After using the 'Arcane Concussion' magic to block a wave of arrows again, he suddenly interrupted the magic, and his body flashed, and the teleportation disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already within the canyon.

Without time to breathe, Kewen held the staff in both hands and slammed the staff onto the ground in front of him.

A barrier glowing with bluish light quickly rose and spread rapidly to the left and right and up.

It didn't take long for the barrier to fill the canyon space, like a huge glass, blocking the canyon.

At this time, many monsters had already rushed into the canyon, and the fastest charging fallen demons had even jumped before the barrier.

But they couldn't break the magic barrier immediately, they could only keep slashing with the machete in their hands, cutting the barrier into ripples.

Kewen glanced sharply at the monster behind the barrier, then raised his staff, and his figure teleported away again.

Every time he teleported 100 meters away, Kewen would re-arrange a layer of magical barriers and divide the sections of the canyon into intervals.

It was not until six barriers were laid that he teleported back to the team and merged with everyone.

"Sir! What do we need to do next!" Flavey asked in a solemn and solemn voice.

"Prepare to counterattack."

Kewen responded in a flat tone, then looked forward, and held the wand with both hands again...

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