Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 361: kill! (1)

   Chapter 361 Kill! (1)

   When Zhuge Ming and Lady Lin arrived, they saw the line between the sea and the sky, wearing red clothes flying, like a flame rising above the blue waves, almost burning through half the sky.

  Zhuge Ming couldn't help but think of the woman he saw in the ice coffin, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

   But he didn't have the time to care about the strangeness that seemed to ooze from his bones, because Shangguan was like falling into the sea.

   He performed light work and jumped into the sea.

   And Mrs. Lin behind him couldn't turn her eyes away from the moment she saw the "flame".

   She had seen how she looked when she was "sleeping", so beautiful that the entire underground palace seemed to be alive and fragrant. When she woke up, she only felt that the entire blue sea was shaking a hundred feet of waves for her.

Lady Lin didn't know whether she should be happy or distressed. She was fortunate to be able to see this amazing experience that could overwhelm the entire peaceful and prosperous world in her lifetime, but she was distressed because the master who brought her this amazingness suddenly pulled the bow and swayed the string and aimed at her. .

   A hundred meters away, she could feel the powerful murderous aura.

   Before she could figure out what was going on, the arrow pierced her heart!

   When Zhuge Ming swam ashore carrying the unconscious Shangguan Ruo, Lady Lin was already dead.

   She was nailed to the coconut tree by an arrow, the coconut fell to the ground, one of them hit the top of her head, and the blood and the brains of the white flowers flowed down her cheeks all over her clothes.

   Zhuge Ming's eyes trembled!

   raised his eyes and looked at the woman on the boat.

   At this moment, the woman also looked down.

But she was already wearing a red curtain at this time, and Zhuge Ming couldn't see her face clearly. He only felt that under the translucent veil, there must be a pair of eyes that didn't look like a living person, and his whole body was frozen. Living.

  The woman drew her bow and arrow, pointing in the direction of Zhuge Ming.

   Zhuge Ming frowned and squeezed the dagger in his hand.


  The arrow slid past his hair.


   A scream came from behind.

   He turned his head and saw that Nalan Yan, who was hiding on the side of the other ship, was shot in the right leg.

  Nalanyan had been hiding there for a long time, he was in a hurry to save Shangguan Ruo, but he couldn't notice it all for a while, but that woman...

   When Zhuge Ming looked at the woman in red again.

   The woman in red has already taken the third arrow.

  Na Lanyan was so frightened that she trembled all over. Before he put on the curtain, she could see his face clearly. If Shangguan screamed, was it more than her own scream? She called too! So it was discovered!

   But how is that possible?

   She has been dead for more than ten years, she was buried in the imperial mausoleum, she should have been turned into a skeleton or a pool of ashes—


  How can you stand in the sun so well?

   In the wind, there were several sounds.

   seems to be saying "what you owe me, it's time to pay me back".

  Nalanyan's pupils shrank, and her blood instantly solidified!

   But just as the arrow was about to leave the string, a hand covered with pustules grabbed her ankle and dragged her into the sea.


   In the air, Nalanyan's screams wafted.

   Zhuge Ming didn't plan to save Nalanyan. Nalanyan has done a lot of evil and should have this retribution long ago.

   I just don't know who that woman is, what kind of hatred does she have with Nalanyan and Lady Lin?

  If he remembered correctly, all the people who loaded the ship were under Lady Lin, but when they watched Lady Lin was shot to death in a tree, no one stepped forward to collect her body, and no one spoke out to take revenge for Lady Lin.

   He couldn't help but look at the mysterious woman in red again.

  The woman took the bow and arrow: "Go sail."

  Chu family, Yingxintang

  Chu Qianqian was making clothes for Xiaobao when suddenly, lost her mind, she pierced her finger.


   She instinctively took a deep breath.

  Shen shi hurriedly put down the half-rusted shoes, grabbed her fingers and said, "Oh, what happened? It's bleeding!"

  Chu Qianqian took the handkerchief and wiped the blood, then smiled lightly: "It's alright, don't worry."

   Shen sighed secretly and put away the clothes she made: "I'm tired after sewing for a long time, so I'll go out with my mother for a walk."

  Chu Qianqian and Shen shi went out of the room together.

   In late spring, the lily of the orchid blooms beautifully, filling the yard, all with white petals and a refreshing fragrance, reminiscent of the dreamlike ocean champs.

  Shen shi picked one flower and compared it to her daughter's temples, and she felt it was not good-looking and threw it aside: "His Royal Highness has been very busy recently, right?"

  Chu Qianqian said "um": "I'm quite busy."

  The emperor is not there, he has to sit in court, he has to send people to find the emperor and the queen, and he has to prevent the villains from making trouble. When he returns to the palace, he has to be a father to two children, which is really not free.

  Shen shi smiled gently: "Since you know that His Highness is busy, don't take it too seriously. When His Highness has been busy for a while, he will come to see you."

  Chu Qianqian looked at the red and swollen fingers and said, "I just made it by accident, I didn't think about him."

Shen shi nodded, but her face was obviously disbelieving. She took Chu Qianqian's hand and said, "Qianqian, I know that Your Highness treats you with sincerity, but... How can a man in this world have only one woman in his life? guilty of jealousy."

  Chu Qianqian pulled the corner of her lips: "I see, mother."

   Where do you know this?

   is clearly not listening.

But in the end, the other party was the Crown Princess, and Shen shi couldn't confuse her with her previous daughter, and she didn't dare to say too much, so she raised her hand and covered the sun on the roof and said, "It's too dazzling, do you want to? Wearing a curtain?"

  Chu Qianqian shook her head: "I don't think it's sunburned."

  In the tea shop, Zhuge Ye was talking with a staff member about the situation in the court, when the servant Sun opened the door and entered: "His Royal Highness! The emperor and the queen have news."

  Zhuge Ye stopped the pen he was scribbling at random, looked at the waiter Sun and said, "Where are the father and the queen? Can you be well?"

   Sun's inner servant said: "Well, well! The spies sent back news from Liangzhou that the emperor and the queen have set off for the capital. If they are fast, they will be there in a few days."

   But in fact, because of Shangguanruo's special circumstances, it took them almost a month to arrive.

Of course, this is something.

   A look of joy flashed across Zhuge Ye's brows, and he said, "Why did the royal father go to Liangzhou?"

   Liangzhou and the capital are separated by 800 miles. Zhuge Ye would never believe that they "disappeared" or "escaped" and entered Liangzhou by mistake.

   Sun's Servant said, "I don't know about this servant. It must be the emperor who wants to go to Liangzhou to do something important, right?"

   What is worthy of the father's personal involvement?

  Zhuge Ye touched his chin, and when he saw that the waiter Sun had something to say, he said, "What's the matter?"

   (end of this chapter)

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