Royal Beloved Black Wife

Chapter 307: eclipse, action (2)

   Chapter 307 Eclipse, Action (2)

  Chu Qianqian didn't dare to neglect, she hurriedly entered the house with the account book, opened it, and her face changed suddenly!

   "Sun's Servant! Sun's Servant" she called.

   Sun Nei staggered and fell into the room: "Cai... Cairen! What's your order?"

   "What about His Royal Highness?"

   "In the study!"

  Chu Qianqian took the note and went to the study.

The    note was sent by Ouyang Jin. It has been six days since Ouyang Jin got the antidote. If there is no more important event, Ouyang Jin will be cocked.

The note    said that Nalanyan made an appointment with the Princess Rong and Shangguanruo, and threatened Shangguanruo with a flamboyant painting.

   Thought that Nalanyan had drunk the queen and Mingyue and knocked them out in order to create the illusion that they were hanging out, so that the emperor would suspect, but she didn't expect that her real purpose was to paint their gorgeous paintings!

   What a crafty woman!

Although it was not stated in the note that Nalanyan threatened Shangguan Ruo, Zhuge Ye immediately sent his subordinates to seal up all the dowries under Shangguan Ruo's name. One cent by one cent!

   Then, Zhuge Ye took the little wolf cub to the tea shop.

  Nalanyan and others have already left. Zhuge Ye guessed where they were going to be related to the safe passage. Unfortunately, no one except Shangguanruo knew where the entrance was. Fortunately, the little wolf cub had an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and chased after Shangguanruo's scent all the way.




   "Hey hey hey! Look at it! Whose fireworks are you? It's so beautiful!"

   "Yeah! She's even more beautiful than when the emperor ascended the throne!"

   At the end of the fireworks, Shangguan Ruo sat slumped in a pile of ruins, his lonely back like a cloud that could disperse at any time.

  Zhuge Ye jumped out of the carriage and walked to her side step by step: "Queen Mother."

  Shangguan Ruo slowly turned around, raised his head, and looked at his dusty son, tears fell: "Ye'er... I made a mistake... I made a big mistake..."

  Zhuge Ye took off his robe and put it on her: "Don't think about it, go home with me."

   Shangguan Ruo pressed his forehead against his chest: "I...I let them go...what should I do...they run away...what should I do?"

  My father is going to kill me, what should I do?

  Kashiqing is about to break with the emperor, what should I do?

  Zhuge Ye hugged her tightly, took a deep breath, and said, "If you run away, run away, and I'll catch them back. You don't have to worry about your grandfather's side, I'll take care of it."

   Shangguan Ruo felt so guilty that he wanted to die: "But...but..."

   "I know, I know, I will destroy all the albums."

   Isn't Zhuge Ye angry? how is this possible? It took a lot of effort to drive Nian Siye and Nalan Yan to a dead end, and when he turned around, his mother opened a way for them to survive.

   Especially this way of life is the escape route specially made by the Maharaja for Shangguan Ruo, and it can only be used once in a lifetime.

   Five years of hard work, ruined in one fell swoop.

   He was distressed.

   I feel sorry for my grandfather's efforts.

   But what if it hurts again?

   Destruction is ruined, has it become a ruined thing and turned against his mother?

   If this is the case, let the relatives hurt the enemy faster.

  Year Fourth Master, Nalan Yan, you wait, you will pay the price in blood sooner or later!

  Zhuge Ye asked Shangguan Ruo to get on the carriage back to the palace, and he mobilized all the hands to search out all the manuscripts and copies of the album.

   As for the Princess Rong who witnessed the truth, if she hadn't helped Nalanyan coerce Shangguan Ruo, Zhuge Ye would have let her live, but now—

   "Clean up for Gu."


   Drunk to death due to excessive drinking in Menghonglou, this is indeed too clean to be clean.

   When Shangguan Ruo returned to Fengxi Palace, the emperor was waiting for her on the gloomy Taishi chair.

   "Where are your purchases?" the emperor asked coldly.

  If Shangguan was so frightened that he didn’t remember to tell the lie, he lowered his head and said in a trembling voice, “I…”

   "Did you buy it halfway through, or did you choose the right one?" The emperor said quietly, "What else do you do besides lying?"

   Shangguan Ruo bit his lips.

"I thought you've changed. It seems that I'm delusional. The son of a prostitute in a brothel is not worthy of your first daughter on the grassland. How can I expect you to kowtow to my mother?" After speaking, the emperor walked out of Fengxi Palace.

   Shangguan Ruo chased after him and hugged his arm: "Don't go!"

  The emperor brushed away her hand coldly: "Shangguanruo, if you want to go back to Kashiqing, I can send someone to **** you."

  Shangguanruo's body froze.

  If Shangguan didn't know how she got to Taiye Pond, she seemed to want to go back to Fengxi Palace, and she seemed to want to go to East Palace, but for some reason, her shoes and skirt got wet as she walked.

   "Niangniang! Niangniang! What are you doing?"

   Concubine Shu jumped into the water and dragged Shangguan Ruo, who was sinking a little, up.

   Shangguan lay on the grass like a dead man.

   Concubine Shu thought she was dizzy, and while pressing her chest, she said, "Niangniang! Wake up! Wake up!"

  Shangguan Ruo slowly opened her eyes, but what she saw was a face that she had hated for four years. Her nose was sore, and she looked elsewhere.

   Concubine Shu breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat and water from her face: "Miss, did you just commit suicide?"


she does not know.

   She just felt like she couldn't go anywhere.

   She is full of sins, hurting her son and husband, and even herself is no longer innocent.

   She has the courage to live?

  Shangguan Ruo closed his eyes in despair.

   The night at the end of March was exceptionally cold.

   Concubine Shu took off her spring clothes and put it on Shangguanruo's body. Then, she sat next to Shangguanruo: "Is your mother really going to commit suicide? My heart is more balanced."

   (end of this chapter)

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