Roulette World

Vol 4 Chapter 2368: Loscher's Secret (Part 2)

"It's delicious, here you are."

Ya Tian handed the candy in her hand to a little girl looking at her.

The little girl was all dirty, crouching in front of a weathered and somewhat collapsed building, only the eyes were bright.

This place was in the Xia archipelago, once the pearl of the Pacific

It is just that this pearl has become dusty in the last days. The special geographical location and the humans living on it have made the islands a natural hunting ground for sea beasts from the first day of the last days.

It's just that human beings are the kings of the earth after all. They are still alive and strong in these islands. Even because of the extremely bad environment, they have created a lot of powerful people, which turned it into a cemetery for sea beasts.

Especially after the number of transmission devices reaches a certain level, many islands are connected, making it impossible for sea beasts to encircle the island.

It is a pity that the survivors here can resist the sea beasts, but they cannot resist the elite Yunding Mountain Navy.

When Genting's army led by Xiaopeng, the six major teams went hand in hand, and Shanglong cooperated with each other. Xia Dao was defeated without holding on for five days.

It is just now that as Genting's sphere of influence is getting wider and wider, in more cases, after defeating resistance, it is more to adopt a policy of Huairou instead of killing it all. The settlement will be appeased as soon as possible. After the situation is stabilized, there will be a special department to manage the occupied area.

Ya Tian and her sister Yani came here with the navy and participated in the attack on the city. In the regional battlefield, the combat effectiveness of the two was very powerful.

After the battle, because of the unstable conditions in the islands, small-scale revolts occurred from time to time. After the big troops had left, the twin sisters stayed here just in case.

With the improvement of the evolutionary level and the limited number of experiments done by Red Sister on Yani, she as a golden corpse is very similar to ordinary humans, and even has medium intelligence.

It sounds incredible, but it's actually not difficult to understand.

Although Yani was a golden corpse, she did not die completely when she became a puppet, so it is normal to save a little reason.

In addition, she can also be regarded as a kind of evolutionary life. After so long, it is actually below average to produce only moderate wisdom.

Although it is not very appropriate to compare zombies, many zombies are mutated after death. At a high level, almost all have advanced wisdom. Yani is really not a rare thing.

At the moment, she was standing behind her sister, quietly watching her sister hand over the candy produced in a Nono's wild game equipment to a little girl with at most four-star evolution.

When the end of the world came, the little girl was only two or three years old.

Perhaps it is because of this age that Ya Tian, ​​who has become a girl, remembers her original self.

A few meters behind them is the recently boring Yan Wangshu. She has now completed the enhancement plan, just waiting to pick up the day, coming here is purely distracted.


The little girl didn't take the candy, but she didn't know where to take a dagger and stabbed into Ya Tian's chest, just because her level was too low, Ya Tian's equipment and defense were too good, the damage was still Shared with Yanni, the golden corpse sister of the humanoid iron pillar, so this knife didn't even break the skin.

Yani's eyes were red, and she might be shot next second.

"Forget my sister." Ya Tian withdrew the candy and no longer looked at the little girl whose innocence had been replaced by hatred.

"Brother is right, compassionate and gentle, it is best to leave it to his own."

The twin sisters walked back together without taking a few steps. The gate of the void appeared above the head, and the light group split into the bodies of the two sisters, and then the two fell into a deep sleep.

Yan Wangshu was taken aback, immediately teleported and hugged the two sisters in her arms, briefly surveyed and put down the snack a little bit, their condition seemed not bad, but she still decided to send the twins back to Yunding by teleport, Let Liu Zhenghong take a look.

Holding Ya Tian Yani just took a step, Yan Wangshu stopped again, looked back at the little girl not far away, snorted, a sharp branch suddenly pierced from the little girl's feet, penetrated her Head.

One day later, Yan Wangshu, who knew the probable cause, roared in the Yunding Mountain Villa.

"Why not me!"


Survivor Fortress Five.

Star Eyes.

Loser led the two men to this meeting with a smile.

At this time, only two days have passed since Ye Zhongming killed two masters in the Tombs.

Robe Bai and Cheng Lijin also attended today, because Master Eye and Star Master personally invited them under the advice of Loscher, and they could not help but come.

When I saw Loser, the boredom and the hostility in the eyes of the two could not be resolved.

If it were not for him, good brothers should just sit here instead of Genting Manor outside. After that day, they had not sent them back information for two days, presumably digesting the energy of evolution.

Before two people predicted when Ye Zhongming could evolve into a master, and they were both beaten, but they were also really happy. If the two sides do not fail, now the Star Eye tribe is not only in the Dark City, around An area can be walked sideways, just the number of masters, it can already be comparable to some medium races.

Unfortunately, the brother was forced away.

"Two things, the first one, Ye Zhongming should be responsible for what he does, so I have already said that the Yindi clan, they will take revenge to find Ye Zhongming, we have taken out 5 million Yue Sui Jin expressed condolences, and it was regarded as an understanding."

After sitting down, Luo She opened the door and saw the first news.

It was just that the news said that it immediately caused great dissatisfaction with the robe white and gilt gold!

His brother is indeed very powerful. The peak combat strength within a Genting Manor may be six or even seven masters.

But it depends on who compares with it, who is the Yindi clan? It’s the clan of Qing'ao City. The masters in the clan are like clouds. If the star-eye clan and the Genting manor stand together, plus five or six masters in the clan, people can still be afraid of it. If it is just the Genting manor, it is very possible to directly Hands on.

But now, even blaming Ye Zhongming, this is too much responsibility, do you know the reason for this incident? Even if Ye Zhongming chooses such a fierce way, it is not appropriate, but he is still the bronze commander, is this too chilling?

Also, it is enough to shirk responsibility without protecting yourself, but even give the foreigner five million months of pension? Now, where is the money from the Xingyan tribe? This kind of approach is not enough to describe it, it is simply eating out!

"After that, I will also invite the Scata star to come over for business negotiation, and they have agreed." Loser didn't give the robe white and Cheng Jinfa the opportunity to work, and said another name.

Skata star, super clan, the backbone of the Lena star camp.

This is another provocation to Ye Zhongming!

Almost plainly said, you see, someone came to the secret city to do business again, you come to kill again.

Skata is not the Yin Di people, they have a peak master! The number of masters exceeds three digits.

"Second, let me introduce to you, these two... They are members of the Guards, and now I have become a master with my help, yes, from today, we have two more Star Eyes Great master."

"The reason why they can make such a quick breakthrough, in addition to their own efforts, also thanks to this... Potion, I plan to fully implement the use of this potion in the family, let us Star Eye family quickly powerful!"

A bottle of green potion was placed on the table by Loser.

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