Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1322: Street Fighting Begins

Looking at the instrument in hand, there are some very complex graphics, some are still moving.

Xiaoyu watched nervously, breathing lightly.

He was originally a member of the British city. A few days ago, after the establishment of the Yunding Mountain Co-ordination Laboratory, he was suddenly recruited.

After entering, Xiaoyu realized that he was recruited because of a postgraduate degree in mechanical manufacturing and automation before the end of the world.

As for how Genting knew it, it was because he once secretly went to Genting to register.

For the forces of the British city, entering Yunding Mountain Villa is their ultimate goal.

In particular, Genting has previously registered these people's professional expertise before the end of the world on a large scale, so almost everyone has entered the record of Genting.

However, not many people can be recruited because of this. After all, loyalty and reliability are the first factors for Genting to choose talents.

At the beginning of the level, many members of the British city were very excited and felt that there was a lot of hope for selection, but after a long time, very few were included in Genting. Most of them were fighting with Genting several times and have special Professionals or people who have knowledge or accomplishments in precision manufacturing or genetic biomedicine.

As a result, everyone was discouraged, not putting their hopes on their specialty careers before the end of the world, concentrating on the path of transformation, and Genting expanded its enrollment several times.

But who knows, Genting will suddenly find him and let him join, or enter the co-ordination laboratory just set up.

Who doesn't know, the people in the laboratory are the best-paid group in Genting.

Xiaoyu still remembers the scene when he left the team before.

Genting has regulations that all members who are admitted to Genting will receive a lot of compensation from the previous team. In addition, this situation is considered to be an acquaintance in Genting, and the captain of the team has not disagreed, and is willing to promote this kind of thing.

Now, the time to test him for the first time has come. When Xiaoyu received the task, he already gave himself countless times.

"Underground safety, twenty-five meters in front, there are a number of seven mutated lives. According to the energy-level reality, the evolution level is between four and five levels."

I manipulated the instrument a few times, combined the above data with my own knowledge, and quickly analyzed it to draw a conclusion. After that, the team leader next to the high speed is Xiaoyu's task.

Don't underestimate this task, this is one of the reasons why Genting dared to attack a third-tier city.

This instrument, called the evolutionary exploration machine, is the latest technological product of Genting. It is also the result of the cooperation between Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan. Machinery and biology have created this thing.

In simple terms, the evolutionary sighting machine is a combination of life detectors and combat effectiveness index tables, but compared to these two, the sighting machine is very profound and complicated whether it is theoretical or manufactured.

Some of the things involved, even Xiaoyu, who came from a graduate degree course, are a bit unclear. Although he participated in research and development, the core theory was still contributed by Le Dayuan and Liu Zhenghong.

However, the evolutionary search machine is not a mature product for the time being. It does not directly and clearly display the results that can be understood at a glance, but requires something that is not difficult for professionals but extremely difficult for others. Only by calculation can we reach the final conclusion.

This has something to do with the progress and time of the research and development. For the time being, the ability of Genting and the time requirements of this battle can only be done this step, and it will be slowly improved after time.

Since it is not a perfect device, it naturally has its unavoidable shortcomings. For example, some evolutionary lives with special abilities or types cannot be detected together. For example, the prediction of the evolutionary level is not so accurate. There can only be a rough estimate. Scope, for example, the evaluation value of the ability to evolve life is only a reference, and it is impossible to measure the level of life in combat in non-war status, etc.

The evolutionary search machine has many shortcomings, but as an auxiliary tool, it can give great help to humans.

In Xingzhou, because of the excellent floating ball in the sky, the situation in the open air is very clear. The head of each team has a tablet that shows the situation around them. But what is there in the building, such as the dark place, and how much, it needs to be detected by the evolutionary search machine.

With this thing, Ye Zhongming dared to dare to fight in the street.

In addition, the reasons for choosing street fighting are actually well understood.

Ye Zhongming and Yunding Mountain Villa plus the posthumous men and other teams, the number is only more than a hundred thousand, even with the help of weapons such as magic crystal cannons, can they launch a total attack on two million mutant lives at once?

Who wants to do this is really reckless.

Mutated life is not just zombies, there are other kinds of existence, they wander in the world in a way unimaginable by humans, ground, underground, heaven, water...

Moreover, these mutated lives are distributed in a third-tier city, among several urban areas.

Don’t forget, there are almost the same amount of mutant life in the surrounding suburbs and villages.

If you rush into Xingzhou in a shock, no, even if you let red hair lead those mutant lives out, it will immediately fall into a continuous battle, not only facing the enemies in Xingzhou, but also To face attacks from all directions, at that time, it was really a self-sufficient net.

So when Ye Zhongming set his sights on attacking the city before, the plan was street fighting.

The appearance of the evolutionary search machine undoubtedly gave him stronger confidence.

After being reminded by Xiaoyu, the captain of the team around him immediately waved his hand and whispered: "Take 2 groups, go!"

As soon as the voice fell, a team of 20 people rushed out, marching fast at the beginning of the concealment, and quickly entering the building of 25 meters. After ten seconds, some fighting life came , Followed by a large amount of smoke and dust floating out of the window, apparently there were walls collapsed inside.

After a while, the people who attacked the two groups ran out, one of them was carried by the person and returned to the team. Someone immediately took the wounded, checked the injury and said briefly: "Can save", and then there is a bottle The primary cure was poured into the mouth, and the body was square.

The wounded, the life-changing magic crystals and corpses are all handled by people and do not need them to be responsible.

Solved this obstacle on the way forward, the team continued to move forward, and a minute later, there were people with white bandages on their arms, who used stretchers to lift the injured soldiers out of the battlefield, and a few people entered the building. In the building, the magic crystals and materials are taken out at an astonishingly fast speed.

This kind of picture appeared in many places. Yunding Mountain Villa entered Xingzhou in a quiet and quiet way, and started the street battle of the special book of later generations.


"Boy, District 1 is progressing smoothly, and has reached the designated position, asking about the next move."

"Captain, the three districts encountered the seventh-level life left fog ghost, with many casualties. The copper pot leader is rushing past, but the progress is blocked."

"There is news from the float. A group of more than five thousand corpses should be aware of the battle and are moving from the unplanned area to the theater. Please indicate how to deal with it."

"Captain Guangyao, the eighth-level Golden Man moved, and stood on the top of the building above the lair, but did not move. What should I do?"

"There is noise in the underground, there is noise in the underground, and it is unknown that the life group is approaching."

In the temporary command post, Guangyao was surrounded by many liaison officers, who gathered the news on the battlefield to him, and then passed on his orders.

Guangyao listened calmly, then calmly commanded, and his body did not leave the sand table map in front of him for a moment.

Some small flags representing each other's strength were constantly moved by him, outlining the current situation in the city.

Street fighting, not street fighting in the traditional sense, is an improved street fighting with distinctive characteristics of this end-time.

For Guangyao to ensure the smooth implementation of the entire plan, it must accurately grasp the situation.

When he heard that the eighth-level Jinxia moved, Guangyao turned to look at the quiet Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming nodded and issued a command in his mind. Not far from the headquarters, the red hair leapt into the city by the undead fish dragon.

Genting's first top force moved!

This also means that the battle will continue, either victory or defeat.

There is no escape route.

"How long will the underground life group be in contact?"

Guangyao asked a liaison.

"According to the current speed of this group of life, contact our forward in three minutes!"

Guangyao nodded and looked at Ye Zhongming again.

"Boss, I'm asking for the War Rat Corps."


With Ye Zhongming's permission, Guangyao's face was slightly red, not nervous, but a little excited.

The first truly gene army completely controlled by Genting Mountain Villa is about to start their first battle!

The reason for this is because the War Rat Legion is different from other mutant life created by Liu Zhenghong. They have all the life characteristics that are completely independent, and they can reproduce and evolve freely.

Although this tactical legion has been baptized in the secret realm, although the number has been reduced to only one thousand, but they have combined the advantages of mutant mice, they have become extremely powerful, and their combat effectiveness has soared, even because they can move underground The characteristics should become the irreplaceable constant power of Genting at this moment.

With them, there is another huge group of mutant rats following underground, which is the second reason that Ye Zhongming dared to carry out street fighting.

Before leaving, Ye Zhongming called the Rat King and asked him to follow him. The Rat King did not dare to disobey and sent more than 200,000 men to follow.

Yes, there is such a special team at the foot of the army.

If we only talk about the number, Genting not only sent out more than 100,000 warriors, but also more than 200,000 mutant mice.

However, these mutant mice are not strong, and fighting on the ground is their natural disadvantage. If they are allowed to participate in ground fighting, they will have little effect, even because of their timid nature, they may also play a counterproductive role.

Underground is their battlefield.

To ensure that there are no worries at the feet, we can better allow ground troops to fight.

Two hundred thousand mutant rats, and the underground life of Xingzhou, officially started a contest.

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