Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1052: The city collapsed...

Potential is something that is unclear and unclear. Only when it breaks out will it know how terrible it is.

Originally, the dawn temple warriors who were already under attack, as well as the soldiers of the posthumous men, felt that this was the most terrible offensive and defensive.

The blood-stained city wall has flowed down the city stairs along the city ladder. Wherever it can be seen, all are stumps and almost no complete body.

Some people who have not yet died are wailing or moaning. Sometimes they will suddenly become hyperactive, and sometimes they will stop suddenly.

In the sky, the air forces of the two sides were in a melee battle. The posthumous people were in a clear disadvantage in this respect, but with the support of the city walls, they could temporarily support it. There were continuous human and monster corpses falling from the air. The blood and feathers, Or a part of the body formed a waterfall of life.

The flames are all over, which is the sequelae left by the skill. The explosions happen frequently. The brightness caused by these has exceeded the bright lights made by the monster fat on the top of the mountain.

Arrows and burning stones are constantly passing over the city walls, and the dark magic crystal energy is also raging, accompanied by countless broken skins and blood.

Of course, there are also shouting killing sounds, weapons collision sounds, energy collision sounds, fear crying, injured hissing, death crying...

Everything, rendering Wang Cheng's city walls into **** on earth.

Many people from the earth, many posthumous people, many warriors of the Dawning Temple were initially afraid or terrified. They did not think about escaping, but they found that when they turned around, they would have weapons behind. Take your life away.

So the battle became the only choice.

Only gradually, the fear and fear completely disappeared, and replaced by numbness after irritability and excitement.

Fighting became instinct at this moment.

So when the soldiers of the Temple of Dawn heard the trumpet of the Horn of Light and burst out an unprecedented fighting power, both sides were surprised at the potential eruption again.

The intensity of the battle instantly increased by one level.

Outside the city, all the dawn temple warriors who had not yet participated in the battle were dispatched. Even some warriors in the logistics camp outside the mountainside entered the siege sequence, and the temple really started the general attack.

Dedicated to one battle, this is the idea of ​​the temple at this moment.

Undoubtedly, this idea is extremely ridiculous in the eyes of the posthumous or Yunding Mountain Villa.

Indeed, the posthumous people are now in chaos because their kings and masters are entangled or even killed by some enemies, but Yunding and a larger number of warriors from the earth still maintain a good command system, they rely on The advantages in equipment and skills are not at all chaotic, and the results are remarkable.

Even a posthumous person doesn't really need any precise command now, it's just a word at a time... fight.

When the enemy appeared to fight back, he was beaten back and forth.

As long as the city walls are kept!

This is not wrong, even if there are more people in the Temple of Dawn, you must cross the city wall. Even if there is a big gap in the road of ice crystals, it is actually very small compared to the entire city wall. In a place, there are more than a dozen reserve teams who can continue to block there.

Life-consuming? Yes, it consumes lives, but it is also true that the Temple of Dawn cannot be attacked.

Many posthumous people saw the elite temples that were rushing outside like they were looking at the dead.


The wall at the gate suddenly collapsed.

There was originally the focus of both sides' offensive and defensive, and a lot of troops were hoarded.

"It's a worm!"

Soon, people thought of the reason. Those tools that had penetrated into the city wall were just the shock that they brought before, but they didn't have much effect. The posthumous people and even the ordinary soldiers of the Temple of Dawn thought that the effect of that thing was over.

No one thought that they had been playing a role, they had been the foundation of the wall of the destroyer, knowing to collapse here!

The posthumous people did not have any precautions, and there was a wide enough passage on the city wall to allow a 10,000 army and smooth passage.

Under the huge ruins are the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides.

Many people were stunned by the decay and fierceness of the Temple of Dawn, in order to confuse the dead, they even regarded their five-digit number as bait!

Who could have imagined that the focus of competition for so many fighters was a breakthrough, or a breakthrough point regardless of one's life or death.

The horror of the high walls of the Wangcheng, the damage caused after the collapse can be imagined, although not everyone will die, but most of them have lost their lives.

The soaring smoke from the sky seemed to console these soldiers who were sacrificed.

At the same time, the people who had just laughed at the Temple of Dawn in their hearts and found in horror that a passage to the royal city appeared.

As for those ruins, for the evolutionary forces, the roots are not an obstacle.

The warriors on the other walls of the city moved their eyes a little from here, and they saw a cavalry of five or six thousand people, and countless temple warriors behind them, which had rushed to the ruins.

They, after dozens of seconds, will really step into the king city!

Can't help it!

Many thoughts of the posthumous people have risen in this mind.

What can you rely on to be able to withstand the powerful temple of dawn? Perhaps it is the strong will of everyone to fight against the water, or the support of Ye Zhongming and Genting, but in the final analysis, it is because of this great city wall that has spent the hard work of countless generations of posthumous people!

But now, the city walls have collapsed.

So what else can stop the unmatched combatants? !

"My tribe, past, past! Block there!"

With a **** face, King Kun Kun didn't know where to appear, and he shouted standing far away from the city gate. He used special methods, and his voice was heard throughout the city.

"You can't let them rush in, absolutely not!"

Hong Xiang Wangzun, who was being seriously wounded and was dying, was raising his hand and pointing to moan there.

"All the firepower is concentrated there and smashes this cavalry!" Xia Lei's eyes were squinted. She knew that the time of life and death was about to come, pointing and shouting hoarsely there.

All the left-behind people in the vicinity, as well as the reserve teams in the city, even those responsible for the logistics, flocked into the gap frantically.

They know that they must be blocked there, even if they use their own lives!

Otherwise, everything is over.

At this time, a person jumped over the ruins and faced the Light Knights who had returned from the Thunder. The figure appeared thin in the smoke that had not dissipated.

But the eyes of the entire battlefield were attracted there.

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