[Chassis drawing] (one-time use)


[Material: Iron sheet × 500, plastic × 50]


With hard currency and pure water, Lin Yang quickly gathered the materials.


[The chassis is successfully produced and you have obtained an excellent car chassis. 】


[The replacement is successful, your car chassis has reached an excellent level. 】


[Car shell drawing] (one-time use)

[Material: Iron sheet × 400, plastic × 100]


[Seat drawing] (one-time use)

[Materials: Iron sheet × 300, plastic × 100, cloth × 80, leather × 50]


[Fuel tank drawing] (one-time use)

[Material: Iron sheet × 200, plastic × 100]


When all these were replaced, Lin Yang's dilapidated van underwent earth-shaking changes.

Especially the changes to the car shell, it is no longer the rusty appearance it once was.

The seat has also been transformed into a new comfortable seat with springs.

The most surprising thing is the fuel tank, which directly triggers the quality +3, and he has a perfect fuel tank.

【Fuel Tank】(Perfect)

[Description: The maximum capacity is 500 liters, anti-collision and explosion-proof. 】


Lin Yang deliberately got out of the car and took a look. He saw that the fuel tank under the chassis was close to the chassis and did not look very big.

However, the full volume of 500 liters made Lin Yang worried.

Because he didn't have that much fuel to add.

Explosion-proof and collision-proof are good attributes, at least you don’t have to worry about safety.

Pour the remaining 20 liters of high-quality gasoline into the fuel tank, and you don’t have to worry about battery life now.

When Lin Yang was about to move on, the prompt came again.


[It has been detected that the engine, gearbox, chassis, car shell, glass, fuel tank, and seats of this vehicle have all been successfully upgraded. You can use the car core to make the final upgrade to the vehicle. 】


"Car core? What is that?"

Lin Yang said doubtfully.


[Each car has a car core. The current car core is dilapidated. The next level is ordinary. Upgrade requirements: Devour a dilapidated car core. 】

Lin Yang understood everything instantly.

If you want to upgrade your car, you need to loot other people's vehicles to get car cores.

Lin Yang is not sure what the core of the car is, but he is certain that it is the most important thing.

"It seems that when you meet other people in the future, you must be careful and cautious. It is best not to have rash contact with anyone."

This is a survival game, and there is no control over killing each other.

Even if he commits murder, he will not be held accountable. Lin Yang is a civilized man and he has never even killed a chicken.

Indeed, he had killed poisonous snakes, marmots, wild wolves, wild cats, wild dogs, leopards, and bison.

However, I have never killed a chicken.

And just now Lin Yang got a piece of information.

That is, although all the components of his van have been upgraded to a superior level than ordinary ones.

However, because the car's core has not been upgraded, the range of his display system's resource box detection is only one hundred meters in radius.

Resource boxes outside this range are undetectable.

Once the car core is upgraded, the detection range will be greatly increased.

More resource boxes will surely be opened by then.

Knowing the detection range of the car core, Lin Yang drove directly along the edge of the road so that he could detect a wider range of wilderness resource boxes.

Lin Yang continued to drive, and twenty minutes later, he discovered a major situation.

There was a fork in the road ahead.

Slowly approaching the intersection, the prompt came.


[Tip: The branch road will go deep into the wilderness, with more resources along the way, but the risk is also greater. Players should choose carefully. 】

[Note: Keep going all the way and you will eventually converge on the main road, so there is no need to worry about getting lost. 】


Lin Yang started to think.

The reminder is very clear, there will be more resources on the branch road.

Lin Yang has been driving on the main road for a day and a half, and he has already figured out certain rules.

You will encounter a resource box about twenty or thirty kilometers away. As for the quality of the resource box, it depends on luck.

"I have the ultimate version of the Desert Eagle!"

"Except for the core of my car, everything else is excellent!"

"The car's top speed is 100 kilometers per hour, which is enough to get rid of most beasts."

"There is still enough fuel for more than 1,500 kilometers, so it should be enough!"

Lin Yang summarized his own advantages and instantly decided to drive along the branch road.

As he turned onto the spur road, the wild landscape he saw along the way became clearer.

The width of the branch road is not bad either, nearly 20 meters wide.

So Lin Yang can still drive happily.

After driving only a few hundred meters, the beep came.

This time it was an ordinary resource box, and Lin Yang harvested two pieces of bread.

After driving another kilometer, he encountered the second resource box, this one was an excellent level.

This time it was even better, Lin Yang harvested 20 liters of good quality fuel.

Without hesitation, I added it all into the fuel tank, and the total fuel reached 65 liters, which was enough to drive more than 2,000 kilometers.

The outstanding harvest cheered up Lin Yang.

As the saying goes, wealth and honor come with risk, and he hasn't encountered any risks yet.

In the future, he will encounter a resource box about every ten kilometers, which is much higher than the probability of one every twenty or thirty kilometers on the main road.

In order to save bullets, Lin Yang even cut a two-meter-long wooden spear with an iron sheet.

In this way, if he encounters a garbage beast, he can stab it to death with a spear.

If he encounters a difficult beast, he can kill it with one shot.

After using the Ultimate Desert Eagle many times, Lin Yang is more and more satisfied.

The power of this gun is really too great, and the shooting correction is simply outrageous.

With this gun reducing 90% of the weight and 90% of the recoil, Lin Yang uses it like a toy gun.

So within 50 meters, there is no need for shooting correction, and he can hit the target with every shot.

Within 20 meters, he can even hit whatever he points to!

Even if it is a running beast, it can be shot accurately with one shot under the effect of shooting correction.

The hot weather will come in another day, although Lin Yang thinks he has been well prepared.

However, it is necessary to have more supplies.

As the resource boxes were opened one by one, the supplies in Lin Yang's car increased.

He also got a lot of ordinary drawings, such as drawings for making shoes, hats, and jackets.

Anyway, it was a bit messy.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the sky had begun to change, and it would be dark in half an hour.

Lin Yang continued to move forward. He didn't care. He ate a lot and drank a lot, and there were more than a dozen kinds of fruits.

Moreover, after the car body was upgraded, it was now a two-centimeter thick steel plate, and ordinary beasts could not do anything about it.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

A purple light came out on the display screen, and Lin Yang instantly became alert.

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