
Chapter 513 Saving Effort

In terms of teaching methods, it seems that the truly top professional coaches all have a common approach.

First, you need to understand the team and observe and record it.

Then, in the second step, conduct a more detailed inspection of each member of the team, and put forward corresponding requirements for the team members to perform operations in the process, so as to obtain more information they need.

This is what Mohe did as a temporary guest coach not long ago.

An Xin, who is now a new official, seems to be no exception.

Therefore, for this kind of request, several members of the decisive victory-Battle are already quite familiar with it. When the girl made some instructions and arrangements for each of them, they were able to adapt immediately and get what the girl wanted. Show what you see as completely as possible, and strive to do better based on this.

As a coach, An Xin nodded from time to time, with a look of joy and satisfaction on his face.

As for the members of the decisive team who were under observation, they were also quite surprised and even shocked in their hearts.

Because they found that the various demonstrations that the girl in front of them asked them to do were almost exactly the same as the previous senior Mohe. This meant not only the similarity in ideas, but also reflected the acumen of observation as a coach. In terms of controlling various details, the girl's level and accomplishments seemed to be no less than that of the legendary senior of the previous generation in the national server.

However, they are not exactly the same.

Different from the original Mohe, Anxin also made some arrangements for the team members in other details that had not been requested by Mohe before. The team members have already felt the former's coaching level, so naturally they will not have any objections, even more Implement it carefully and complete it.

Of course, some private exchanges and discussions are inevitable.

During the break, Chen Ting couldn't help lowering his voice and asked several other teammates:

"Hey, what I was asked to do just now... I can understand most of them, but the last few times - I was asked to change the talent of Sword Girl's runes three times and play three times, and then I was asked to use the human machine I played five times and stopped after ten minutes each time. What does this mean?”

Of course, in the current team, he is the only one who is least familiar with An Xin.

But even a few other people, faced with questions like Chen Ting's, would find it difficult to give an answer.

Maybe someone who is the captain can, but at this moment, he was dragged out by the newly appointed Anda coach to buy drinks for everyone. He was not present, so naturally he could not give an answer.

But the other team members didn't care about this problem.

"What Baozi wants to do must make sense."

Tang Bingyao expressed her unconditional trust directly without any hesitation.

Zeng Rui and Li Shishi looked at each other and nodded:

"Yes, she should have her own considerations, maybe she is studying some new things - every coach will have his own ideas, and she will definitely explain it when there is a formal meeting to analyze it later."

"It was actually like this before,

Baozi came up with many novel tactics by himself, and then told us to try them. We didn't understand them at first, but when we got to the field, the results were really good. "

The last sentence was said by Li Shiyi.

As a member of the old decisive team in the past, he is also the only person in the current team besides Lin Feng who has seen the coaching style of the girl when she was the coach. He is naturally convincing enough to speak out at this time.

Chen Ting was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly realized:

"Wait a minute, you said that when you were in S1, your team's coach was girl An Xin?"

After joining the new decisive team, he had already learned about various deeds about that person and about the decisive team that year, but now he learned for the first time that their coach had actually been in the S1 season that year. In that decisive battle, he was already the most important sixth person besides the five main players.

Li Shi nodded in recognition, while Zeng Rui glanced at Chen Ting in surprise: "Didn't we tell you about this?"

"No, I told you, can I remember?"

Chen Ting shook his head fiercely:

"Then I have no problem!"

"Anyway, just do what our coach An says!"

Indeed, the authentic coach of the world runner-up team in the S1 season led the team from the era of European and American hegemony all the way to the finals, and a BO5 battle with SSK that year, almost evenly matched from beginning to end——

With such a qualification, no one would or would dare to question it at all.

"It's really good."

"To say that you, the captain, are competent and not watery, is the praise you deserve."

On the way to the convenience store to buy drinks, An Xin and Lin Feng chatted while walking:

"After a simple inspection like this, I, as a newly appointed coach, finally feel more confident."

"It's hard to make a fool of yourself without rice. If the cards in your hand are not good enough, it will always be difficult to move forward according to the ideal plan. But now, it seems that the team's foundation has been fully weakened."

The girl who said this paused for a moment, as if she thought of something:

"Listen to Tangtang, you have asked Senior Mohe for advice before, right?"

Lin Feng nodded:


"Senior No. 1 tricked me here and helped look after it for three days."

An Xin smiled: "Senior, he is really good at doing this...but no one else would be able to do it to this extent. It would be like using all the best manpower resources for you."

First, there were several old teammates from the NO team back then. No. 3 was left in the country without being able to go out to play even if they wanted to. They were given the role of training and guidance. Although No. 2 and No. 4 were abroad, they still had everything they could. At least I use it to help with teaching and guidance online.

Then Bullet was tricked into becoming Tang Bingyao's master.

Then, his old rival Mohe, who was almost second to him in seniority in the national server e-sports circle at that time, also lured him into being a guest coach for three days.

Hearing An Xin's comments, Lin Feng couldn't help but nod in agreement——

The senior's ability to fool people is really not that good compared to his e-sports strength.

"No wonder, when I gave you a detailed evaluation in the afternoon, I felt that everyone adapted quickly. It must be that Senior Mohe has already used his method on you."

An Xin nodded understandingly:

"It also saved me a lot of energy. "

Lin Feng looked over:

"Hey, don't just think about saving energy."

"You'll have to put more thought into it next."

An Xin glanced at Lin Feng angrily: "Why, I have just taken office and you are already thinking about how to exploit my hard work?"

Someone said confidently:

"It is a must!"

"Didn't you say what you said last night? It's not okay to go back on your word!"

The girl curled her lips and said, "Who said you're going to regret it? Just wait, I'll look at it for two more days. Once I've sorted out all my ideas, I'll officially start. Then don't complain about being tired one by one -"

Someone immediately slapped his chest and vowed: "Absolutely not! Just come over here!"

The girl pushed someone: "Stop bragging and hurry up and buy the drinks first."

"Oh, okay, how many bottles should I buy?"

"One box."

"One box!? How can I take it back with me?"

"Of course you are the one to carry it. Who said just now that you will never complain about being tired?"

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