Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 16 Chapter 16: Psychologist

Kong Wenjie is the chief pediatrician of Minbei County Hospital, majoring in children's respiratory and rehabilitation and minoring in child psychology. He is the only psychiatrist in northern Fujian County.

With the development of the country's medical industry, the treatment of mental illness has also been included in the priority list.

In the past two years, Kong Wenjie has frequently participated in various psychological medicine trainings and seminars.

Psychological research in China is still in the development stage, and most people don't pay attention to or take it lightly. Psychiatrists have no specific concept in the eyes of ordinary people.

As a child psychiatrist, Kong Wenjie often has to take the initiative to visit patients to understand and treat them.

A few days ago, Kong Wenjie was very surprised when his sister started asking about cases related to school bullying.

Later, after learning that Shanhe was the reason for his sister's inquiry, Kong Wenjie agreed to Shanhe's request and treated him as a patient suffering from bullying.

So Kong Wenjie saw Shanhe.

At first glance, Kong Wenjie ruled out Shanhe's identity as a patient. How could a confident young man with a refreshing temperament and straight eyes be a psychopath?

"Hello, Dr. Kong, my name is Qiu Shanhe."

"Call me Aunt Kong. Are you here for your classmates?"

"Uh-huh, no, I want to ask you about the psychological experiences of bullied patients."

"What do you know about this?"

Shanhe thought for a moment and took out a magazine and an outline from his school bag.

"Aunt Kong, this is an article I published, and the other is a novel I conceived. Can you take a look first?"

Kong Wenjie looked at Shanhe with an affirmative look in great surprise.

Kong Wenjie was silent for a moment, then opened the magazine.

"Aunt Kong, the second line of the catalog is my work."

About ten minutes later, Kong Wenjie looked up at the mountains and rivers, then picked up the outline and started browsing.

"I heard from my sister that you are still in the second grade of junior high school, right?"


"If you really wrote these, you are probably a genius."

Kong Wenjie gave the outline, "Let's talk about my major. Several teenagers in the story all have symptoms of mental illness to varying degrees. This is not what happened in reality, is it?"

"Yes, I wrote it based on some cases and a small number of experiences."

Kong Wenjie said with a cold face: "From my professional point of view, their behavior does not conform to the logic of the development of mental illness. It is full of loopholes and makes no sense."

Shanhe's face was a little tangled.

"I know that the novel cannot be the same as the case. It contains many fictional elements. What you want to describe is not the formation and outbreak of their mental illness, so you don't have to take my words to heart."

"In addition, I have not treated similar patients, not even similar cases."

Shanhe shook his head in disappointment and prepared to stand up to say goodbye.

"However, my classmates in the city have similar cases and research materials, but the patient's condition and identity are the patient's privacy and cannot be told to others. This is the most basic professional ethics of a psychologist. So, I will contact her, Make an appointment for a face-to-face interview. You can ask her to give you some advice and provide you with information on your mental state after being bullied."

This turn of events made Shanhe overjoyed, "Thank you, Aunt Kong, thank you so much. I always thought that what I compiled was very reasonable. It seems that I should read more psychology books in the future."

Kong Wenjie's face softened a lot, "Putting aside my major, the story in the outline is very touching. I like your sentence the most: Later, I learned that there are also death, jungle, poverty, dignity and the ultimate in the world of teenagers. Die forever.”

"Ah!" Shanhe was a little stunned.

"Your Aunt Kong also loved reading novels when she was young. If you write this book, you have to give me a signed copy. It's so touching that a gangster was charged with rape and murder in order to protect an inexplicable relationship. "

"Aunt Kong, would you like some advice?" Shanhe scratched his head.

Kong Wenjie said without thinking: "Well, this Hu Xiaodie committed suicide too suddenly. After she was helpless, she should escape first. If she couldn't escape, she would despair. And Chen Nian, she was born in a single-parent family and was interested in stable men. It is easier to have a good impression, Xiaobei should be more silent and delicate."

"This Wei Lai basically conforms to the early symptoms of psychopathy, which is a personality disorder. His emotions are different from ordinary people and he is moody. For example, the death of Hu Xiaodie is a tragedy for normal people, but from the perspective of patients with personality disorder, this may be It’s a comedy, Wei Lai doesn’t feel guilty about Hu Xiaodie’s death, and even thinks he is helping her.”

"Several characters should have some plots of childhood psychological trauma, so that the tragedy will be more logical."

"The most regrettable thing is that no one realizes that they are mentally unhealthy. If they receive effective treatment and psychological counseling, this tragedy can be avoided."

Shanhe's face was filled with gratitude and he said: "Thank you so much, Aunt Kong. In fact, before I came here, my writing had reached a bottleneck. My knowledge was too narrow, and I was nervous and worried about writing. After listening to your suggestions, I suddenly felt a lot more cheerful. ."

"Aunt Kong, can you recommend some psychology books suitable for beginners?"

"Yes, Aunt Kong has them here. Domestic psychological research is developing very fast, but the general public still doesn't pay attention to mental illness, and they don't even know about it. If you have the opportunity, you can learn more about it. This is actually a particularly good subject. ." Kong Wenjie said earnestly to Shanhe.

"You have given me a lot of inspiration and given me so many pertinent suggestions. I don't know how to thank you." Shanhe stood up and bowed to Kong Wenjie.

"Haha, you're welcome. It's an honor for me to witness the birth of a novel. You can come often in the future. I will leave you a phone number later. I will contact my classmates as soon as possible."

After saying goodbye to Kong Wenjie, Shanhe rushed home eagerly. The inspiration pouring out of his mind made him want to pick up the pen immediately.

As the New Year approaches, the final exams for the second grade of junior high school are coming as scheduled.

Shanhe spent the first semester after his rebirth.

"Xiaohe, master will take you to the city tomorrow. I can't spare time here." Qiu Jiang said to his son who was leaning on the desk.


"After meeting Dr. Kong, your progress has accelerated so much." Qiu Jiang flipped through the manuscript written by Shan He.

"Aunt Kong gave me a lot of good advice, which filled in the gaps in the novel, and the picture in my mind became much smoother. Hi, there are so many things I don't understand. It's really great to meet Aunt Kong this time. Lucky."

Qiu Jiang said to Shanhe sincerely: "You are indeed lucky to have so many elders caring and helping you. Write well and don't let it down."

"I will!"

The next day, Yu Zhengchong took Shanhe to the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital and met Kong Wenjie's classmate Tang Ting.

Tang Ting poured hot tea for the two guests and surveyed the mountains and rivers.

Kong Wenjie's story seemed like a fantasy to Tang Ting.

The fourteen-year-old novel writer has already published nearly 100,000 words of articles in famous youth magazines across the country, and has even received widespread acclaim.

Tang Ting is extremely curious about mountains and rivers.

"Teacher Yu, please drink tea." After Tang Ting greeted Yu Zhengchong first, she said to Shanhe, "Shall I call you Xiaohe?"

"Doctor Tang, it's okay. The elders all call me that."

"Hehehe, he is such a clever boy, okay, I will be your elder." Tang Ting said with a hearty smile.

After reading the outline handed over by Shanhe, Tang Ting thought for a while.

"It's very good. The plot is moving, there are many characters, and it also reflects social reality."

"Dr. Tang, Aunt Kong gave me a lot of suggestions. This outline was revised based on Aunt Kong's suggestions. Aunt Kong said the original outline did not comply with pathological logic." Shanhe explained.

Tang Ting's face was gentle with a smile, "You can also call me Aunt Tang. Kong Wenjie and I were college classmates and roommates. We were both literature lovers when we were in college. She was probably happy to see Xunxin. After all, novels It’s not reality. Pathological logic doesn’t need to be too rigorous. Looking at your outline from a literature lover’s perspective, there’s nothing wrong with it, and it’s very good.”

"Dr. Tang, Xiaohe is young and has little experience. He came today just to understand the psychological process of the bullied. You don't need to reveal the patient's privacy. Let's talk about the life of the protagonist Chen Nian in the novel. Some actual situations of those who are bullied." Yu Zheng rushed to the side and said.

"Well, let me think about it~"

"Campus bullying is relatively common and cannot be avoided in any country. There are not many cases that actually cause serious mental illness. The development of psychology in our country is not yet mature, so there are even fewer such cases."

"Most of the patients I have are children with autism and dyslexia. Of course, they also suffer some bullying at school, but it's not that serious."

"I have several foreign cases and papers here. Please refer to them. They all have the shadow of Hu Xiaodie and Chen Nian more or less."

"The teenage years are an important stage for people to form a basic world view, and the surrounding environment has a decisive influence on children. Family is the most important, and Chen Nian's family is the biggest factor leading to the tragedy."

Shanhe kept recording Tang Ting's guesses about the outline of the plot, analysis of foreign cases, and introduction to the current status of domestic child psychology. He gained a lot.

His experiences as a teenager before his rebirth made him understand very well what happened to the teenager in the case. He had suffered from the unrecovered trauma for more than 20 years. He even felt that these six months were his own treatment process.

Yu Zhengchong also listened very carefully. These cases and the actual situation are shocking.

"Dr. Tang, can I make a copy of these materials? Xiaohe's father is a teacher. I have also been engaged in education. I am very ashamed. We don't know anything about the psychology of children and adolescents. I think we all need to study hard. "

"Okay, come with me." Tang Ting and Yu Zheng rushed out the door.

Tang Ting said to Yu Zhengchong seriously: "Teacher Yu, although Xiaohe is more mature than ordinary teenagers, he is still young after all. After being exposed to these negative things, he needs some psychological counseling. During this period, his family should spend more time with him. Let him exercise more, have more contact with peers, and stop sitting in the house writing."

"Okay, okay, thank you so much, we will definitely pay attention!"

The sunshine in winter is very warm. The avenue in front of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital is covered with withered and yellow leaves of sycamore trees. Walking in it, you can't feel the bleakness of winter.

On the sidewalk, a young man was talking excitedly to a kind old man beside him. The hustle and bustle of the passing traffic didn't bother them at all.

All of this is very harmonious and beautiful.

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