The outskirts of Jianghai City are surrounded by mountains, and there is only a large river in the south that directly connects to the Yangtze River, so it was named Jianghai City in modern times.

In the outskirts of the city, next to an old forest on the highway, a group of more than a dozen people were densely packed around the road.

"Professor Li, when will Xiao Min arrive?"

"'s been so long, why don't I give Xiao Min a call?"

"Screw you Jiang Fei! If you want Xiao Min's phone number, just tell her directly. Why do you have to beat around the bush?"

"I am concerned about our future junior sister at Jianghai University! Professor Jiang, don't listen to their nonsense!"

Professor Li smiled and nodded. Being with this group of young and lively college students made him feel a lot younger.

At this time, someone asked in confusion,"Professor Jiang, I remember today is not the weekend, how come Xiao Min and his classmates have time to come to the suburbs?"

"I don't know either. Xiao Min didn't say anything but said something important." Li An, who was originally in a good mood, frowned when he heard this."If I knew that this little girl was just playing around and didn't care about her studies, I would definitely let her mother scold her when I get home!"

"Don't! Professor Li, you don't have to do this! Children are naturally playful. Professor Li is the instructor of the environmental science subjects at Jianghai University. He is busy with academic work. For the sake of Xiaomin's future studies, Xiaomin should be handed over to me!"

"Screw you, you should leave it to me, a top student anyway.……"

Just as a group of people were talking and laughing, a car slowly drove over from the other end of the road.

Li An breathed a sigh of relief,"This little girl is finally here!"……"


"Goodbye, Master!"

"Welcome to visit us next time……"

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin got off the car and met up with Professor Li and his group.

"Xiaoyue is here too... It's been a long time since we last met."

"Hello Uncle Li"

""Okay little girl, just get straight to the point, or just go back to No. 3 Middle School."

Before Li Minmin could speak, Li An greeted her and spoke decisively.

He knew his precious daughter well, and he must not give her any chance to talk nonsense or be easily fooled.

Li Minmin's fair face was embarrassed,"Dad, this time it's really an important matter!"

"Okay, hurry up and tell me. I will take my students to the mountains to survey the environment later."

""Dad, do you think this bird is special?"

Ran Xiaoyue raised her palm, and a sparrow with a cute appearance and bright feathers on her palm attracted everyone's attention.

"Huh? What a beautiful little bird... What kind of bird is this? I have never seen such a beautiful bird before. Is it a rare and protected animal?"

"Open your eyes and look carefully! This is a sparrow! You are a student majoring in environmental protection!"

This group of college students are students majoring in environmental protection, and they quickly realized the species of this very handsome little bird in front of them.

"What then?"

Li An looked at his daughter in confusion. Although the bird was very beautiful, she wouldn't ask for leave to run to the outskirts of the city to look for him.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that sparrows are national protected animals. Don’t even think about raising this sparrow."

"How could it be!" Li Minmin pouted in dissatisfaction,"This sparrow is a monster!"


As soon as these words came out, the people gathered around them instantly became quiet, and a roar broke out a second later.

"Junior Sister Xiaomin is so humorous!"

"Yes... Although this sparrow is indeed the most beautiful one I have ever seen, how could it be a monster?"


Many college students laughed, thinking that Li Minmin was joking with them, but when they noticed that Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue's expressions did not change, they were stunned.

Could this sparrow really be a monster?

Then, Li Minmin immediately told the story of Ye Yang's hatching from a bird egg to his rapid growth.

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this, their faces full of disbelief.

"This must be true! How can a baby bird grow to this size in less than a week?"

"Are you kidding, Junior Sister Minmin?"

"Impossible, this is not scientific at all!"

"I know, Junior Sister Minmin must have made up an excuse to come to the suburbs to play with Professor Li!"

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin were very anxious. They finally mustered up the courage to bring the very different Little Phoenix here to find them, but they didn't expect that this group of people would not believe it!

"I believe it!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it was like a huge rock falling into the water, creating a huge wave. Everyone fell silent and looked at the person who said this. Their pupils trembled. They didn't expect that the person who said this was Professor Li, an animal expert!

""Dad! You are still the one with the sharp eyes! You trust me the most!"

Li Minmin shouted excitedly!

Ye Yang, who was lying motionless in Ran Xiaoyue's palm, turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man who was speaking with a pair of smart eyes.

"No one believed it, so why did this middle-aged man believe it?"

Li An looked away from Ye Yang and looked at his daughter Li Minmin.

"Don't think too much, girl. It's not that daddy trusts your character.……"

"But I learned that this very different situation does happen in animals.……"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him.

"Professor Li, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Yes, are there really monsters in this world?!"

Li An shook his head,"There are no monsters in this world.……"

Pause,"It's just that there are no monsters at the moment.……"

This made more students, including Li Minmin, Ran Xiaoyue, and Ye Yang, very confused. What exactly did this mean?

If these college students didn't know that Professor Li was a serious person and rarely joked, they would definitely think that what Professor Li said was nonsense!

Professor Li pondered for a few seconds, and then spoke to everyone,"Everyone knows that recently animals all over the world have undergone strange changes... According to research by relevant domestic departments, it is because there is an extra energy in the air."

"It is precisely because this energy is absorbed into the body of animals that they undergo strange changes and become stronger. We in Daxia country name the energy substance in the air as spiritual energy."

Professor Li looked at the beautiful sparrow lying quietly in Ran Xiaoyue's palm in front of him. He saw that the other party's pair of spiritual eyes were also looking at him, which was very interesting.

It was like facing a creature with wisdom like him.

"This beautiful sparrow looks so smart... Maybe it has absorbed the spiritual energy in the air, so it has changed."

"Don't worry, there's no danger. Our Dahei has also undergone strange changes.……"

""Woof woof woof!"

As soon as the voice fell, a swift black shadow quickly pounced here...

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