“Boss, our Baroque Workshop has a total of nine senior agents, one hundred intermediate agents, a total of two thousand hundreds of millions of elders and millions of elders, and now Mr5 and Miss Valentine’s Day, Mr3 and Miss Golden Week two groups of four have been defeated by the Straw Hats, and their lives are fine, but Mr3 is now being hunted down by Klockdahl’s order…”

Robin asked.

After a few minutes of running-in.

Robin has now fully embraced his new identity.

From a collaborator of Klockdahl to a member of the Five Emperors Luo Xiu’s gang.

No matter how big or small, report to Luo Xiu in detail on the current situation of the organization.

“Mr3’s hunt has been suspended, so let’s call all the high-ranking agents here to meet. ”

After thinking about it, Luo Xiu calmly ordered.

Defeating a Klockdahl alone is not enough to build a faction.

If you want to completely seize the Baroque workshop, you naturally want your subordinates to know about his existence.

“Yes, boss! I’ll do it. ”

Robin nodded.

It took less than ten minutes to get around.

Robin returns to the underground hall.

“Boss, the summoning order has been passed out, if it is counted overseas, it is expected to be in place the day after tomorrow. ”

Robin reported.


Luo Xiu nodded.

“By the way, Robin, where are the Straw Hats you talked about earlier?”

Luo Xiu asked.

“Straw Hats, boss, are you interested in them?”

Robin asked, surprised.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the Straw Hats are all newcomers in this sea.

And Luo Xiu is the Five Emperors standing at the top of the sea.

The two are one heaven and one earth, and the gap is as big as the difference between clouds and mud.

“I’ve had a little fate. ”

Luo Xiudao.


Robin didn’t ask any more.

“According to the last information I received, the Straw Hats who left the small garden went to the Drum Country, but their final destination will definitely be this Alabastan. ”

Robin said.

“So is there any sighting information about Fire Fist Ace?”

Luo Xiu then asked.

“The boss refers to the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates?”

Robin asked.


Luo Xiu nodded.

Anyway, Ace the kid is also Roger’s cheap son.

As for the reason why Roger kept the resurrection experience card, Luo Xiu also knew a little about it.

If he wants to see his son’s father, Luo Xiu can help naturally.

“Report to the boss, we have indeed received news that Fire Fist Ace haunted various places in the first half of the recent period, but the other party’s whereabouts are erratic and the transfer is disorderly, and we have not yet determined his purpose, but since the boss said it, I will definitely do my best to track it down.” ”

Robin said.

“Then please. ”

Luo Xiu nodded with satisfaction.

Then he got up again and walked slowly to Robin.


Feeling the manly aura close at hand, Robin couldn’t help but breathe.

“I already know about your situation, so it’s time to get you to know someone from my side. ”

Luo Xiu looked to the left-hand side.

Robin was stunned.

The gaze subconsciously followed.

It was only then that Robin noticed the man standing statue-like in front of the giant glass tank, watching the banana crocodile show.


Robin’s eyes widened again in shock.

It had been so long since she entered the door that she had not even noticed the presence of that man.

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Even if the shock brought by Luo Xiu was too strong, it would not be like this.

The only explanation is that the man’s strength is too strong.

Completely converge your own voice and existence.

“Are you done talking? ”

Ryoma turned to face Luo Xiu and Robin.

“Introduction, Ryoma, a great swordsman. ”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“Great Sword Hero – Ryoma?”

Hearing this unfamiliar name, which didn’t seem to be the first time I’d heard, Robin’s pretty face couldn’t help but show a little confusion.


Suddenly, Robin seemed to think of where he had seen the name.

That was in ancient books 400 years ago.

One man and one sword protect the country of gold, and the name of the samurai resounded all over the worldThe legendary dragon slaying samurai, whose name is Ryoma!!

“No, how could the dragon-slaying warrior of four hundred years ago still be alive! It must be accidental!

Robin’s face was full of absurdity and disbelief.

I couldn’t believe it when I killed her.

Four hundred years ago, the dragon-slaying samurai Ryoma would still appear in this era.

For Robin’s unbelievable heart, Luo Xiu and Ryoma both know it.

But I didn’t go out of my way to explain anything.

After all, we have been together for a long time in the future.

Robin will naturally understand.

“Your Excellency Ryoma, my name is Nicole Robin for the first time, please advise me in the future. ”

After suppressing the absurd thoughts in his heart and treating them as just namesake, Robin’s agitated emotions gradually calmed down.

“Alright, let’s go meet the others. ”

Luo Xiudao.


Robin was stunned.

“Can’t you?”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“No, no, no”

Robin hurriedly waved his hand crampedly.

Follow Luo Xiu to the cell of the pyramid casino.


The door opens.

The two girls in the cell, one big and one young, all turned around in unison.


Medusa is still as noble and glamorous as a princess.

“Luo… Lord Rosho.”

Princess Mononoke, who has always been arrogant and domineering, is still cramped in front of Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu nodded and led Robin into the cell.

A minute later.

Robin, who was familiar with Medusa and Perona, fell on the sand crocodile bound by the chains of the sea tower.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the always arrogant and conceited Klockdahl, as well as the state of loss that constantly blackened himself, Robin’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump wildly.

“I’m really sorry, Lord Luo Xiu, my negative ghost can’t make him succumb. ”

Perona said tremblingly.

“Don’t care. ”

Luo Xiu smiled and touched Perona’s little head.

Feeling the touch from Luo Xiu, Perona’s little face full of nervousness and anxiety suddenly appeared with a happy arc.

“Now let me do it myself. ”

Luo Xiudao.

If you want to make a conceited person like the sand crocodile subordinate, ordinary means will naturally not work.

Since he couldn’t get him to surrender voluntarily, then Luo Xiu could only do it himself.

A faint blue light emerged from Luo Xiu’s left hand.

Both hands – blue hands!

Ability – Memory Reading and Cognitive Modification!


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