The world is in turmoil.

The sea is rough.

The monstrous changes caused by the Mary Joya incident are still fermenting.

It shocked and trembled countless people in the world.

At this moment.

On the cusp of the storm, the central figure of the world’s fishing boats, the Five Emperors Luo Xiu, is leisurely at the moment!!


Endless sea.

The Jumbo-class war carrier, the upgraded version of the Radiant Air Mother, is steadily advancing in the established direction.

Spacious deck.

Thirty-six ‘Happy Machines’ from the world of Tiga replaced the original old torpedo planes and lined up neatly.

The fuselage reflects the gilded brilliance in the sunlight, and it is very gorgeous.

Although Feiyan 1 has the ‘curse’ of a happy crash model, it was even hit by a yellow ape when it took off for the first time last night.

However, in terms of performance, the Feiyan fighter threw off the original old torpedo plane for more than 108,000 miles.

After all, it is a fighter dedicated to monsters, and in terms of firepower configuration, it is very outstanding.

Moreover, compared with firepower, the biggest advantage of Feiyan 1 is that it is lightweight.

The ultimate flight speed of Mach 5.5 can be matched by no one except for a very few capable people.

Cabin on the second deck.

Luo Xiu lay on the recliner leisurely, enjoying the warm sunshine, as always.

There is no consciousness to become the focus of the world.

Beside him, the brilliant beauty dressed in the swimsuit looked forward to it, and she was shyly peeling grapes and other fruits for Luo Xiu.

Since Guanghui himself has said everything, he will agree.

Luo Xiu naturally wouldn’t be polite to her.

It’s also fun to let the passive glow take the initiative once in a while, and look at its shy expression.

“Radiance, I’d like to drink orange juice next. ”

Luo Xiu spoke seriously.

“Yes, Commander, Radiance is going to prepare for you. ”

Brilliant and well-behaved.

When you have to get up and go back to the kitchen to get the utensils.

However, before she could get up, Luo Xiu’s large hand slid across her waist.

Jiao screamed.

The brilliance fell into Luo Xiu’s arms, and the ‘Yourong’ in front of him gradually changed shape.

“Aren’t you going to drink juice, Commander, what are you pulling me for?”

Guanghui asked puzzled, his eyes shy and dodgy.

“Yes, it’s juice, but I don’t want to drink the juice from the machine, it’s still the same as before. ”

Luo Xiu smiled and brought a peeled small orange to Guanghui’s mouth.

“Oops~The commander bullies again~”

Guanghui was shy and wanted to escape, but he couldn’t.



Three minutes later.

Place the almost breathless glow in a comfortable chair.

Luo Xiu straightened up, picked up a handkerchief and wiped the crystal at the corner of his mouth.

Look in the direction of the nullus.

In the distance, you can see many ships parked in the sea ahead.

The red dot on the fifth check-in location posted by the system is also pointing forward.

“The Nine Snake Pirates! The Nine Snake Fighting Nation of the Daughter Country! And the Pirate Empress Boyahan Cook! The other four emperors all have great careers and divide up the new world, only I, the five emperors, am alone, a little sad? How can I establish my own sphere of influence!”

Luo Xiu rubbed his chin with his right hand in thought.

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While thinking about it, the red dot mark in Luo Xiu’s mind that represented the next check-in location was closer.

“Let’s finish the check-in first. ”

Luo Xiu thought to himself.

Approaching at full speed with an aircraft carrier.



The Great Voyage to the Pearl Islands.

It is one of the rare and rich island groups in the Great Shipping Route.

The archipelago has a very developed commercial sector.

As the origin of various rare items and luxury ornaments that are famous all over the world, it is favored by the nobles of countless countries.

If such a developed commercial archipelago empire is left unchecked, I am afraid that within three or two days, it will be looted by murderous pirates and become a scorched black wasteland.

The Pearl Islands have been closely related to the world government and navy before the era of pirates, even going back hundreds of years.

It’s the equivalent of spending money to buy protection.

For this reason, the Navy will even set up a G3 branch of the famous hero Karp.

Shock all parties.

Under normal circumstances, the pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage will not take the initiative to plunder unless they are very confident in their own strength.

After all, this is the territory of the hero Karp.

It’s just that there are exceptions to everything.

A pirate ship carried by two huge poisonous snakes swaggered and sailed into the sea protected by the Navy’s G3 branch without any scruples.

The pirate ship is called the Perfume Snake!

The shape adopts the type of oriental ancient cruise ship, and the whole body is in a bright red tone.

At the top of the mast is a symbol of nine snakes surrounding the skull, representing its origin.

The Nine Snake Pirates led by the world’s No. 1 beautiful pirate empress, Boya Han Cook.

“The pirate ship, it’s a pirate ship, that’s the Nine Snake Pirates. ”

“The people of the Nine Snake Pirates are here, everyone hurry up and get ready. ”

“A bunch of fools, hurry up and prepare the goods, this time Young Master Ben will be the first to win the favor of the empress. ”


The arrival of the Nine Snake Pirates was soon noticed by the major merchant ships on the nearby routes.

Suddenly, the whole sea area was lively.

It’s just the opposite of the panic behavior of ordinary merchant ships when they encounter pirates.

After learning that it was the ship of the Nine Snakes, the people of these merchant ships became more and more excited.

Instead of fleeing immediately, all the merchant ships immediately turned their heads and swarmed in the direction of the Perfume Snake.

“One Piece Empress, Boya Han Cook, this Pearl Islands has an agreement with our navy and is protected by the navy, although you are the king of the Seven Martial Seas and have the legal permission to plunder, but please give us a face. ”

The navy, which had been staring at this sea area, naturally couldn’t ignore the appearance of the Nine Snake Pirates.

A small patrol ship was dispatched as soon as possible to negotiate.

“It’s too much of an eyesore, gentian, blast it off. ”

On the perfume snake pirate ship, the Pirate Empress Boyahan Cook waved her hand with an arrogant and indifferent expression.


The Nine Snake Warrior grinned with a pill on his head and a lady’s cigarette in his mouth.

Raising the rocket launcher in his hand, he shot at the small patrol ship.

With a roar, the small patrol ship of the Navy was blown apart, and the flames were surging.

Fortunately, the sailors above jumped into the sea one step ahead of time, which saved their lives.

“Bastard, how dare you do it!”

The rear admiral who received the news couldn’t help but be furious.

“Especially Major General Russ”

At that moment, the marine’s anxious and frightened shouts resumed.

“What’s wrong again???”


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