“You… Your true identity is the Fifth Emperor of the Sea!

CP0 One’s voice suddenly rose to an end.

Even if there have been countless shocks before.

However, at this moment, Luo Xiu’s true identity should be understood.

After knowing that he was the fifth sea emperor of this sea, No. 1’s usually calm face still couldn’t help but be shocked and unbelievable.

“It’s the Five Emperors! How could it be you? That devilish Five Emperors are lurking in Mary Joa! What the hell do you want to do?”

CP0 No. 1 could no longer be calm, and involuntarily asked questions again and again.

“You have too many questions. ”

Luo Xiu opened his mouth indifferently.

The next second.

CP0’s pupil constricted.

Relying on the killer’s instinctive sense of death, he suddenly retreated, avoiding Luo Xiu’s ‘reverse robe slash’.


His right arm, which was as hard as steel, had been cut open.

Blood flowed for a long time.

“Perception is good, but…”

Luo Xiu’s wrist flipped.

The heart moves at will.

Intention to go with the sword.

Flying Sword Stream – Nine-Headed Dragon Flash!!

Tang Zhu (when the head is cut straight), the robe chop (cut diagonally from right to left), the reverse robe (cut diagonally from left to right), the left pheasant (left horizontal), the right pheasant (right cross), the left cut (cut from left oblique to the right up), the right cut (cut from right oblique to left up), the headwind (from the bottom up), the thrust (piercing the throat)——

With the speed of the Flying Sword, these nine swords are unleashed – impossible to defend and impossible to avoid.

Knowing this, No. 1 didn’t want to dodge.

The powerful armed color domineering wraps around the whole body.

crossed his hands to block, and the whole person shrunk into a ball as much as possible.

After three breaths.

Nine swords fell.

CP0-1’s body was in tatters.

His full-body armament defense is certainly strong.

But compared with Luo Xiu’s high-level armed color, the level is still a notch lower, and it is easily cut.

His body was scarred.

Solid muscles are cut open, and bones are visible deep in all wounds.

It was a heavy blow.

But he’s alive.

Luo Xiu, who tried his best, failed to hit his vital point.

“Life Returned!”

Covered in blood like a hellish ghost, Cp0 No. 1 used his last strength to stop drinking.

The nerves and muscles that had been cut were reunited at this moment, and the flow of blood also stopped.

One’s originally dim eyes burst out with the last light of return.

“Interesting, let’s end it with this trick. ”

Luo Xiu spoke calmly.

The demon knife and iron teeth are back in their sheaths.


With the roar of a beast, the final blow of CP0 No. 1 struck.


Luo Xiu’s hind foot rotated back slightly in an arc.

The waist is slightly sinking, and the momentum of drawing the knife – becomes.

At the same time as CP0 No. 1 threw a punch with all his might.

Luo Xiu’s knife is also out.

The strongest and fastest mystery of the Flying Sword Stream——

Sky, Xiang, Dragon, Flash!!

In the darkness, two figures staggered.

Luo Xiu slowly retracted his knife and walked without looking back.

Behind him, CP0-1’s body was weak to kneel – his head was separated!

The dark clouds in the night sky dissipated a little, allowing the watery moonlight to shine down.

“It’s been a great day!”

Luo Xiu raised his head, a harmless smile on his face.

“Come out, Rocks!”

Luo Xiu snorted softly.

The one-hour Full Resurrection Experience Card is activated.


It was as if an invisible lightning bolt struck between the heavens and the earth.

The next second.

The wind blows in the Salders Manor.

The invisible horror filled the air in an instant.

The golden light and shadow shone brightly, and finally turned into a tall humanoid figure.

“Destroy, destroy, smash – burn everything in this world! Lao Tzu is the overlord of the sea!”

Locks, the true resurrected overlord of the sea, once again issued his mad declaration to the world.


Just like at the beginning on the soul space.

A large, invisible hand slapped the back of his head, causing the arrogant sea overlord Locks to nearly fall to the ground.


Locks turned back in anger, his fists clenched and released.

I thought he would be completely free when he was outside.

Since then, the sea is wide and the fish jumps, and the sky is high and the birds fly.

He can even bully Luo Xiu, who bullied him in the soul space.

As a result, I didn’t think about it, and the situation still hasn’t changed.

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Even if he has come out, he is still restrained by Luo Xiu.

Obviously, when he was in the soul space, he could make a move if he wanted to.

However, now once he has any thoughts that are not good for Luo Xiu, his body will be completely frozen.

There was even an impulse in my heart.

I wanted to kneel down and confess my rudeness to Luo Xiu.

This feeling of being involuntary is… !

At this moment, Locks couldn’t help but be sad and indignant.

“Alright, Locks, do you think I’m a fool? stop struggling, even if I come out, I’m still the boss. ”

Luo Xiudao.


Locks snorted unhappily and forcibly banished the bad thoughts from his mind.

Thinking of the thought of obedience, this is finally freed from bondage.

“The task I gave you, understand, can you do it?”

Luo Xiu asked.

“Who do you think I am? Lao Tzu is the overlord of the sea! Wait and see, tonight Lao Tzu wants this Mary Joya to tremble under the power of Uncle Ben!”

Locks said confidently.

Without waiting for Luo Xiu to ask anything, he laughed wildly and jumped up, speeding towards the south of Mary Joa.

“Forget it, let him make a fuss, I’m going to do my thing next. ”

Luo Xiu closed his eyes.

Open it again after a few moments.

The pupils that had been pitch black had turned into the color of the sea.


It’s like the heartbeat of the earth.

The ground on which Salders Manor was located shook violently.

A huge dark blue magic array suddenly appeared.

Followed by.

All over Mary Joy.

The blue giant magic array shone one after another.

These are all the Maryjoya Heights where Luo Xiu had stayed for a long time a few days ago, leaving behind the power of the Water Demon Bazaar.

“Come on the water, come on the water, come on the water!”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s eyes twitched, and he whispered this indecent water-summoning spell.

After three sounds.

The water summoning arrays scattered throughout the Holy Land were extremely radiant.


Endless waters rushed out and rushed in all directions.

This moment.

Water Flood Mary Joy!!


Time goes back a few minutes ago.

The Basilica of the Marijoya Center.

“The Five Old Stars… Five old stars, the investigation report is out! That’s all the information we’ve unearthed!”

A senior member of a government intelligence department scurried to the scene with a stack of documents in his hand.

“Let’s go down. ”

The blonde middle-aged star took the report and waved back.

What followed was a quiet silence that could not be hidden.

About five minutes later.

The five world’s highest authorities unanimously put down their reports.

The expression on his face was shocked and frightened at the same time.

“Ten days ago, during the day of the ‘fire’ caused by the Salders imps, there was an unidentified combat collision that caused tremors in several mangrove areas. ”

Bald birthmark old star Jov said.

“This level of battle is not at all caused by ordinary pirates, only legends, if one of the parties is the Hades King Reilly, who has witnessed information several times, then the other should be the mysterious overlord who died with the Saldes guards in the ‘fire’ incident!”

The old warrior star paused and continued.

“It’s just that how could a powerhouse of that level die with the miscellaneous fish guards of Saldes! Sure enough, there is a huge problem with the anomaly mentioned in Report No. 1. ”

Then there’s the naval hero Karp and the alternate Admiral Momoto Gion. ”

Blonde Old Star Road.

“According to the report, they left Mary Joya with two young girls that day, one of them was a civilian who Char Rose had taken captive from Chambord, and the other white-haired girl was the woman next to the mysterious overlord Se Jianhao?

“According to eyewitness intelligence in the navy, the white-haired girl is familiar with Momoto Gion and even calls her sister, but as far as we know, Momoto is a war orphan and has never had a sister. ”

The curly-haired aristocratic old star wore high and folded his hands against his chin.

“The only problem is the kidnapping of Peach Rabbit Gion not long ago, and the report mentioned a white-haired girl, and the man who defeated Peach Rabbit and extorted two billion from the Navy, the man who met with Whitebeard, is very likely to be… Five Emperors !!”

When the last five emperors fell.

The white jade hall fell into a deathly silence for a moment.

When all the clues and information are connected.

A complete context map slowly emerged, and from this pointed, a shocking conclusion was drawn.

Half a day.

“What if… If that mysterious and powerful overlord is a sword hero, that Five Emperors didn’t die at all!

The blonde star’s mouth opened wide and he couldn’t say any more.

“The truth is that the Five Emperors quietly slaughtered everyone, including Salders, and then used what method to completely disguise themselves as Sardes, even the bloodline…”

The eyes of the bald birthmark veteran Jof’s eyes widened with horror.

“The fifth Sea Emperor infiltrated Mary Joya as a Draco, this is really the worst state of affairs!”

The samurai veteran star was stunned.

“Really guessed by Ferdinand, that Saldes… There’s really something wrong with his identity!”

The curly-haired aristocratic star looked at Ferdinand, the old star in the dark blue suit.

“Now is not the time to say anything, this is the biggest first-level event in the eight hundred years since Mary Joya was built, inform the full combat strength of the Holy Land now, immediately surround the Saldes Manor, and be sure to capture the Five Emperors before they make a move!!

Ferdinand, the veteran star in the dark blue suit, waved his hand and ordered.

Boom Boom!

Just as his words fell, a violent roar like an earthquake suddenly exploded one after another.

The world’s holy place, Maryjoy, is in unprecedented ‘turmoil’ at this moment!!


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