Naval Headquarters, Marine Fodo.

Headquarters building, Marshal’s Office.

“Poofhahahaha, Sengoku, what’s the important thing about calling me over so early in the morning? Could it be that that little Devil Saldes from the Holy Land has come to make trouble?”

The legendary Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the hero Karp, pushed open the door of the marshal’s office with a big grin and shouted loudly.

With his arrival, the originally majestic marshal’s office suddenly ceased to be serious, and the atmosphere became cheerful.

“Karp, when is it now and early in the morning, don’t you have a little self-realization? Besides, how many times have I said that you have to knock on the door before entering, this is the most basic etiquette, don’t you understand?”

Sengoku rebuked with a black line on his forehead.

“Well, well, don’t be so serious, Warring States, what is the relationship between our brothers, don’t care about these details, don’t care. ”

Karp grinned.

“Then again, Sengoku, what the hell did you call me over?”

Karp asked.

“I called you here because I had something to do with you. ”

Sengoku shoves a document report in front of Karp.

“East Sea Shelds Town, 153rd Branch Colonel Axe Man Monka…”

Karp skimmed the paperwork briefly.

“A few days ago, news came from the East China Sea that the Three-Blade Pirate Hunter Roronoa Sauron and a boy in a straw hat had captured the 153rd branch of Shelds Town. ”

Sengoku spoke calmly.

“Kid in a straw hat!”

Karp’s eyes widened.

“What’s wrong?”

Sengoku asked.

“No… It’s nothing. ”

Karp tilted his head to whistle.

“Karp, your level of lying is too low, this straw hat kid can’t be your acquaintance. ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru, who was dealing with affairs on the other side, debunked.

“Poofha, it’s really worthy of a little crane, I can see through it at a glance, since that’s the case, I’ll tell you, this kid’s name is Luffy, it’s my grandson. ”

Karp stroked the back of his head and laughed.

“What are you talking about? This straw hat kid is your old boy’s grandson, Luffy!”

Sengoku’s eyes widened in amazement.

“I see, he’s Luffy. ”

Lieutenant General Crane nodded.

“Poofha, what’s the matter, Sengoku, be scared, my grandson casually captured a branch. ”

Karp spoke triumphantly.

In the next second, Karp seemed to react, and the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

“What, Luffy, this kid took advantage of my absence, not only sneaked out to sea, but also shot at the naval branch?”

Karp yelled in disbelief.

“You just reacted. ”

Sengoku rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.

“But this time I want you to do not arrest your naughty grandson, but to escort the 153rd branch colonel axe man Monka. ”

Sengoku continued.

“Well, what is this for?”

Karp was puzzled.

“Your grandson Luffy can be regarded as a mistake this time to help our navy except for a moth, those branches of the four seas are too remote, even we can’t have full jurisdiction, this time since we know, we naturally have to deal with it. ”

Sengoku explained succinctly.

“Isn’t the East China Sea your hometown, I’ll leave this matter to you, by the way, take care of your grandson, your Mengqi family has three generations of grandchildren, none of them have peace of mind, and this kid is not a peaceful lord at first glance. ”

Sengoku stared at Karp with resentment.


Karp scratched his head in embarrassment.

A moment later, Karp made a rare correction.

“Warring States, we have been friends for many years, if you have anything to say, let’s just say it, if it’s just this matter in the East China Sea, you can’t let me go in such a hurry. ”

Karp grinned and continued.

“On the way here, I heard some interesting rumors from the marines, I heard that the Draconians up there are causing trouble again? ”

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Karp is rarely shrewd.

Marshal Sengoku and the opposite lieutenant general Tsuru glanced at each other and nodded knowingly.

“You guessed it right, the news from Mary Joya this morning, there was a disgusting conflict between the Draco Salders and the Draco Charross, and the Draco Charross was almost beaten to death by the other party, and now he is still receiving first aid in the ICU, and even if he survives, he is doomed to be crippled. ”

Warring States Road.

“Isn’t it great that either of Saldes and Charross is not a good thing? ”

Karpuhun said unconcernedly.

“The point is not this, if there is no such two billion incident, our navy can naturally sit on the wall and watch Mary Joya’s Draco eat dog, but…”

The Great Staff Lieutenant General Crane frowned.

As a veteran of the Navy through several eras, Vice Admiral Tsuru’s instincts are particularly keen.

Her intuition told her that the recent events must be not simple.

With that ‘grass snake gray line’ worth two billion, Mary Joa’s fire may indirectly burn their naval headquarters.

Before the occurrence of an unknown malignant incident, it is the best choice to transfer the two parties out of the department in advance.

As for the rest.

Then leave it to the two of them to take a step at a time.

“Sister Tsuru, Mr. Sengoku, regarding your assignment this time, please forgive me for not accepting it, I want to stay in the headquarters. ”

A crisp, beautiful woman’s voice sounded outside the office door.

Dressed in a short pink skirt, Admiral Peach Rabbit Gion came heroically.

The eyes that looked at Tsuru and Sengoku were full of determination.

“Gion, even you… Don’t mess around, be obedient, it’s an order. ”

Lieutenant General Crane frowned slightly.

“Sister He, absolutely not this time, everything is because of me, how can I hide outside alone with peace of mind, and put all the responsibility on you, Sister He, I can’t do it. ”

Gion’s stubborn way.

“Poofhahahaha, Gion girl, this responsibility is good. ”

Karp gave a thumbs up.

“Mr. Karp smiled, I will trouble you this time, since I stayed, Mr. Karp, you can go back to the East China Sea and relax. ”

Gion spoke.

“Gion girl, who do you think the old man is? Whether it’s the Draconians or the Five Old Stars, even if I let the horse come, I, Karp, have never been afraid. ”

Karp’s domineering response.

“I said you two, give me a pause. ”

Sengoku glared.

“Saldes, an outlier among the Celestial Dragons, he has great ambitions and a shrewd mind, if it weren’t for some special reason, he would never have caused such a big trouble for himself for no reason, he must be planning something in secret. ”

Lieutenant General Crane folded his chin with his hands folded, and a glint of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

“Yesterday, Charles must have reported our transfer of flowers and trees, but the Salders, who has always been eager to report, didn’t react at all, which is the biggest anomaly, so Xiaohe and I concluded that that guy’s impulsive behavior this morning must have something to do with it…”

Sengoku took over the conversation and continued his analysis.

If Luo Xiu knew that his actions simply because he was unhappy attracted such an exaggerated brain analysis from the two major think tanks of the navy, it would inevitably be… Speechless.

After a full three minutes.

“Ahem, after all that, you should understand. ”

Sengoku cleared his throat.


Karp nodded.

“I don’t understand at all, poofhahahaha. ”

Karp laughed.

“You bastard. ”

The green tendons on Sengoku’s forehead began to beat again.

“I said Warring States and Xiaohe, could it be that you are thinking too much, this matter itself may not be so complicated and not necessarily. ”

Karp guessed.

“Anyway, let’s stand still and see what that Draco is going to do. ”

Gion suggested.

Marshal Warring States and General Staff Officer He Qi had no choice but to caress their foreheads.


So much lip and tongue in vain.

There was no one who was obedient.


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